Is anyone else scared? After Elizabeth Edwards passing, I feel very anxious about a recurrence, and

DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I always have the thought of a recurrence in the back of mind, but, I don't allow it to hang around long.

But, after Elizabeth Edwards passed away yesterday, I found myself so upset. And, it wasn't only for her, but, it was because it put the fear in me again.

My sweet husband called me yesterday from work to see how I was, as he had just heard about Elizabeth. I tried to sound strong, but, he knew it had hit me hard. So, in a short time, he was home, holding me and reassuring me that I was healthy now and that the beast would never come back. I love him so much, and, his strong arms around me helped, but, the thoughts were and are still there.

Did this affect anyone else like this? Stir up the fear again?

Thanks, Diane


  • tgf
    tgf Member Posts: 950 Member
    Yes ... Elizabeth's death did stir up feelings in me ... but I must admit that ... it makes me feel even more determined than ever to live life to the fullest and value every minute. Elizabeth lived her life with such class ... and such grace ... if I could live the rest of my life with that grace and serenity ... I will die a fulfilled woman. Maybe it's because I'm almost 67 that I feel this way ... and perhaps if I was in my 30's I would feel terrified and stressed about the future. But ... at my age ... seeing Elizabeth go with so much peace and acceptance ... is actually very comforting. I hope I can do the same when my time comes. She was quite an amazing woman.

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Maybe....deep down....
    But, as you know, my fav expression is "It is what it is!"

    I have had to say "goodbye" this year to 9 (!) of my fellow colon cancer warriors. I just accept the fact that it was their time, and I still have work left to do before I go on...

    As far as reoccurance...well, with the new MRI for we 'high risk' breast patients, I hope that if I should face the beast again, it will be early enough to vanquish it, once again!

    I think my perspective is a bit different, since I have had cancer's not a shock anymore, just makes me sad...

    I put in my prayers every night that there will be an end to this torture, and cancer will be a thing of the past...

    Until then, I love deeply, laugh loudly and's my form of 'an apple a day'!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • waffle8
    waffle8 Member Posts: 234
    If it helps at all you are not alone...I had the same thoughts myself..Just when you think it is fading the thoughts of the beast sneak up on you...I feel really bad for Elizabeth E. but women and families are facing this every day just not in the public eye..
    Is it correct that she had a reoccurance after 3 years? I wish we knew more details...
    Sending you lots of pink support....
  • tgf
    tgf Member Posts: 950 Member
    double post ... sorry
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    It was indeed "odd" but no,
    It was indeed "odd" but no, I am not overly frightened...probably because I am already going through it! The reason it is odd? Elizabeth and I are the exact same age, both BC, both recurrance with liver mets. The coincidences in that slapped me in the face, I admit!

    That having been said, tomorrow I am headed to beautiful Palm Springs to hear my Reggie sing, and on Saturday he and I will be in equally beautiful Lake Tahoe at a Leon Russell concert. Today is all we have...I still make, and will hopefully be able to keep future plans for as long as I am able. And, Elizabeth, as far as I can tell, was a wonderful role model for doing just that.

  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    tgf said:

    Yes ... Elizabeth's death did stir up feelings in me ... but I must admit that ... it makes me feel even more determined than ever to live life to the fullest and value every minute. Elizabeth lived her life with such class ... and such grace ... if I could live the rest of my life with that grace and serenity ... I will die a fulfilled woman. Maybe it's because I'm almost 67 that I feel this way ... and perhaps if I was in my 30's I would feel terrified and stressed about the future. But ... at my age ... seeing Elizabeth go with so much peace and acceptance ... is actually very comforting. I hope I can do the same when my time comes. She was quite an amazing woman.


    You have such a great
    You have such a great attitude Teena and thank you for what you wrote. I am in my 30's, and, that is why it has scared me again so much. I still have so much life ahead of me, and, I just hate that I ever even got this darn disease. I have read on the internet that since I am so young, my chance of a recurrence is strong, but, I know that I shouldn't believe everything I read on the world wide web. I am just scared again.

    She was an amazing woman and I you are right, she did live her life with grace and dignity.

    I just hope I can get this past this feeling again. I hate it.

    Thank you!
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    KathiM said:

    Maybe....deep down....
    But, as you know, my fav expression is "It is what it is!"

    I have had to say "goodbye" this year to 9 (!) of my fellow colon cancer warriors. I just accept the fact that it was their time, and I still have work left to do before I go on...

    As far as reoccurance...well, with the new MRI for we 'high risk' breast patients, I hope that if I should face the beast again, it will be early enough to vanquish it, once again!

    I think my perspective is a bit different, since I have had cancer's not a shock anymore, just makes me sad...

    I put in my prayers every night that there will be an end to this torture, and cancer will be a thing of the past...

    Until then, I love deeply, laugh loudly and's my form of 'an apple a day'!

    Hugs, Kathi

    I love your fav expression
    I love your fav expression KathiM. And, I am so sorry that you have lost so many this year to the beast. It just is not right that any of us should still suffer with this horrid disease.

    Thank you!
  • pinkflutterby
    pinkflutterby Member Posts: 615 Member
    chenheart said:

    It was indeed "odd" but no,
    It was indeed "odd" but no, I am not overly frightened...probably because I am already going through it! The reason it is odd? Elizabeth and I are the exact same age, both BC, both recurrance with liver mets. The coincidences in that slapped me in the face, I admit!

    That having been said, tomorrow I am headed to beautiful Palm Springs to hear my Reggie sing, and on Saturday he and I will be in equally beautiful Lake Tahoe at a Leon Russell concert. Today is all we have...I still make, and will hopefully be able to keep future plans for as long as I am able. And, Elizabeth, as far as I can tell, was a wonderful role model for doing just that.


    to me...
    To me its like a slap back to reality. Scares me but I try to stay optomistic and positive!
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    waffle8 said:

    If it helps at all you are not alone...I had the same thoughts myself..Just when you think it is fading the thoughts of the beast sneak up on you...I feel really bad for Elizabeth E. but women and families are facing this every day just not in the public eye..
    Is it correct that she had a reoccurance after 3 years? I wish we knew more details...
    Sending you lots of pink support....

    Thanks Waffle. It does help
    Thanks Waffle. It does help to know that I am not alone in feeling this way. But, there again, I wish no one had to go through this, being diagnosed, going through all of the treatments and tests that we do, then losing our sisters in pink. And then getting so anxious and upset when we have to have our checkups. I just dread those!

    I am not sure that her recurrence came 3 years after her original diagnosis. I just haven't been able to read too much about her yet. I think they said she had been fighting cancer since 2004 though.

    Thanks for your pink support Waffle8! I can sure use it today.

    Hugs, Diane
  • new2me
    new2me Member Posts: 177 Member
    Yes, yes yes
    I feel alittle depressed today. Almost at the verg of tears. I didn't connect it to Elizabeths passing until I just read your post. Then realized - what was going on with me. All last night I kept thinking about a reaccourance on me and a panic feeling came over me - like an oppression. so hard for me to find the words. But the thought that this will hang over me the rest of my life is weighing on my right now. I want OUT !! I want to go back in time to where I was me... that never worried about cancer, pain or death.
    Yes, I'm scared but I also know that this feeling will not last.
    Thank you for listening to my whine. Noone else understand except you guys. :)

    Much love,

  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    chenheart said:

    It was indeed "odd" but no,
    It was indeed "odd" but no, I am not overly frightened...probably because I am already going through it! The reason it is odd? Elizabeth and I are the exact same age, both BC, both recurrance with liver mets. The coincidences in that slapped me in the face, I admit!

    That having been said, tomorrow I am headed to beautiful Palm Springs to hear my Reggie sing, and on Saturday he and I will be in equally beautiful Lake Tahoe at a Leon Russell concert. Today is all we have...I still make, and will hopefully be able to keep future plans for as long as I am able. And, Elizabeth, as far as I can tell, was a wonderful role model for doing just that.


    I absolutely agree with Chen
    I absolutely agree with Chen and the rest of the gals. It is important to cherish every moment we have with as much gusto our bodies will allow. My mom always said "when It's your time, It's your time". My mom died at the age of 40 from open heart surgery. My mom's death had me frightened from age 40 to 45. I'll be 68 next month and yes I do think about recurrence, but I will not let any of it interfere with enjoying every day I have.

    My husband broke the news to me yesterday and we both cried. I said to him, this is one of the realities of BC. We fight this beast with all our might but when it's our time, it's our time. I cried for myself because the reality hit home. I also cried for her and her orphaned children. She was certainly a role model for us pink sisters. She kept on living and moving on till her maker called her home.

    Dianne this is a time of reflection for all us gals, but whatever happens you know we will do everything we can to survive.
  • candacemc
    candacemc Member Posts: 21
    new2me said:

    Yes, yes yes
    I feel alittle depressed today. Almost at the verg of tears. I didn't connect it to Elizabeths passing until I just read your post. Then realized - what was going on with me. All last night I kept thinking about a reaccourance on me and a panic feeling came over me - like an oppression. so hard for me to find the words. But the thought that this will hang over me the rest of my life is weighing on my right now. I want OUT !! I want to go back in time to where I was me... that never worried about cancer, pain or death.
    Yes, I'm scared but I also know that this feeling will not last.
    Thank you for listening to my whine. Noone else understand except you guys. :)

    Much love,


    Oh Kelly...
    I'm feeling the exact same thing. If I could run from it, I'd be on a plane right now! I stayed up all night last night after watching the Elizabeth interview, scared to death! It seems like most of the pink sisters on here, that have had experience with this (long term), have the strength I so seek. Their encouraging words, patience and love seem to give me the courage to face another day. I hope you find this to be true for yourself, as well.
  • new2me
    new2me Member Posts: 177 Member
    candacemc said:

    Oh Kelly...
    I'm feeling the exact same thing. If I could run from it, I'd be on a plane right now! I stayed up all night last night after watching the Elizabeth interview, scared to death! It seems like most of the pink sisters on here, that have had experience with this (long term), have the strength I so seek. Their encouraging words, patience and love seem to give me the courage to face another day. I hope you find this to be true for yourself, as well.

    Candacemc - I was doing great until yesterday.
    Yes, it always encourages me when I hear pink sisters talk with such wisdom. And I know our emotions will be like a rollercoaster especially when we hear about a death from breast cancer. I just needed to cry. But I think i scared my husband. Now, he's all worried and wants us to take off work to be together.
    Talking about it here really help me to understand my own emotions and work through them.
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    No, I guess I say that
    No, I guess I say that because I have had a recurrence this year (original dx in 6/09 and recurrence in 7/10). I can tell you that being told those 3 words a second time really wasn't as devastating as hearing them the first time. I believe the fact that I am more knowledgeable helped me accept it. Plus, I fought and won the first time and I planned on fighting and winning this time, and the next (if there is one). I don't spend a lot of time worrying about it because that will not change anything. Who knows how long each and every one of us has left on this earth, what's important is what we do with our lives. I truly believe that! In addition, I have ALL of YOU to provide support and knowledge and that's priceless!!
  • candacemc
    candacemc Member Posts: 21
    new2me said:

    Candacemc - I was doing great until yesterday.
    Yes, it always encourages me when I hear pink sisters talk with such wisdom. And I know our emotions will be like a rollercoaster especially when we hear about a death from breast cancer. I just needed to cry. But I think i scared my husband. Now, he's all worried and wants us to take off work to be together.
    Talking about it here really help me to understand my own emotions and work through them.

    I was not doing great until yesterday, it just made me worse. jeesh. I have upcoming appts. with a therapist and am joining a group in January. I don't have the supportive husband, in fact, as I read all these stories of husbands holding you, hugging you, telling you everything is going to be ok... it breaks my heart. I've never heard any of those things from mine. I can't even talk about it because I'm leaving for Houston in a bit and don't want to cry the entire drive...
  • new2me
    new2me Member Posts: 177 Member
    candacemc said:

    I was not doing great until yesterday, it just made me worse. jeesh. I have upcoming appts. with a therapist and am joining a group in January. I don't have the supportive husband, in fact, as I read all these stories of husbands holding you, hugging you, telling you everything is going to be ok... it breaks my heart. I've never heard any of those things from mine. I can't even talk about it because I'm leaving for Houston in a bit and don't want to cry the entire drive...

    Have a safe trip to Houston - I hope you are going for pleasure reason. Dwell on happy thoughts and have a wonderful time. It was great talking with you :)

    Love, Kelly
  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    MyTurnNow said:

    No, I guess I say that
    No, I guess I say that because I have had a recurrence this year (original dx in 6/09 and recurrence in 7/10). I can tell you that being told those 3 words a second time really wasn't as devastating as hearing them the first time. I believe the fact that I am more knowledgeable helped me accept it. Plus, I fought and won the first time and I planned on fighting and winning this time, and the next (if there is one). I don't spend a lot of time worrying about it because that will not change anything. Who knows how long each and every one of us has left on this earth, what's important is what we do with our lives. I truly believe that! In addition, I have ALL of YOU to provide support and knowledge and that's priceless!!

    No situation is exactly the same.
    What made me most concerned for Elizabeth's survival was that her personal life was so tragic. She handled it well on the outside, but the stress must have been unbearable at times. We all know what stress does to our immune systems. I said to my husband that her husband's bad choices could have shortened her life. I know someone who lived 14 years after a Stage 4 diagnosis and that was more than 10 years ago when they had fewer options. None of us is a statistic so I will do my best not to worry about what I can't control. It isn't always easy.

  • joannstar
    joannstar Member Posts: 403 Member
    Yes...and sad
    I found myself crying about Elizabeth Edwards death this morning as I was trying to put on some eyeliner.
    I hadn't thought much about reoccurance (my dx is Stage 1B IDC High grade Triple Negative) until I started reading this discussion board and hearing about Elizabeth Edwards really brought it home.
    I don't want to be scared about it...I want to put the possibility into a compartment and lock it and throw away the key. I just go married for the first time (I'm 58) on 2/14/10 and I feel that I have way too much to live for!
    Maybe the best way to deal with the possibility is to live well and thoroughly enjoy every minute.
    Hoping for our mutual recoveries!
  • ruthielaine
    ruthielaine Member Posts: 59
    Absolutely - feel the same
    Absolutely - feel the same way - I've been doing so well lately with not dwelling on bc and actually living my life, looking for a new job, painting the house etc as if I never even had cancer and then all of a sudden this just whacked me over the head. I feel so very bad for her and her family and I hope she's in a better place. I feel extremely anxious and worried and have been searching the internet for as much info as I can find but details aren't readily available. Bottom line is we can't drive ourselves crazy with details because everyone's bc is totally unique and just as there are those like Elizabeth who have seen the worst of this disease, there are just as many that are surviving and thriving. Now I need to have that talk with myself that says just take one day at a time and after all, I could get run over by a bus tomorrow so I won't let this beast win by taking one more day away from me by drowning in my own worry.
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    new2me said:

    Yes, yes yes
    I feel alittle depressed today. Almost at the verg of tears. I didn't connect it to Elizabeths passing until I just read your post. Then realized - what was going on with me. All last night I kept thinking about a reaccourance on me and a panic feeling came over me - like an oppression. so hard for me to find the words. But the thought that this will hang over me the rest of my life is weighing on my right now. I want OUT !! I want to go back in time to where I was me... that never worried about cancer, pain or death.
    Yes, I'm scared but I also know that this feeling will not last.
    Thank you for listening to my whine. Noone else understand except you guys. :)

    Much love,


    You aren't whining Kelly,
    You aren't whining Kelly, you are just expressing your fears and feelings just like I did. I turned to this board, as, I knew that everyone here would understand how I was feeling.

    Like you, I know this feeling won't last, or, I pray it doesn't.

    Hugs, Diane