Here is what could be an interesting topic. What do you believe happens to "us" after we die?



  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member

    I was watching the movie 'A

    I was watching the movie 'A Taste of Cherry' with my daughter. It is about a man who is driving around Tehran trying to find someone who will bury him after he commits suicide. He picks up a man who had been studying in a seminary and the man told him it is a sin to kill oneself. My daughter asked me 'what is sin?'

    Hondo, I am very curious to know how you as a Christian define sin.

    And what also defines suicide? If one refuses treatment is that suicide?

    Hi Mariam
    As a Christian I have to use the Bible definition of what sin is as defined In 1 John 3:4 Sin is the transgression of the law, I find only one law in the Bible, Gods law. So to me as a Christian Sin is the transgression of the Gods law. Please understand that the law can’t save you by keeping it, it is only a teacher to show what Sin is. Revelations 14:12 tells me that here is the patience of the saints, here are they that keep the commandments of God, so Gods commandments are his Laws and they tell me what sin is.

    On Suicide, again I can only define it from the Bible. Exodus 20:13 Thou shalt not kill correctly understood Thou shalt not murder. Murder is the intent to cause bodily harm to someone or to ones self. Not all suicides are murder; people kill them self’s for all kinds of reason, like depression no intent to murder there just a feeling of hopelessness, despair, desperation.

    I don’t believe suicide is refusing to take treatment because from the day of our birth we start dying that is part of live. I have refusing treatment when my cancer came back a third time, but I am not sitting here waiting to die I am doing every thing I can to help my bodies immune system stay strong and help fight the cancer. So if I die I don’t die because I refused chemo treatment I die because I have cancer, hope this helps.

    Take care and keep posting
  • Vulgarism
    Vulgarism Member Posts: 47
    We begin to rot, harsh as it
    We begin to rot, harsh as it may sound. That's about the extent of my own belief.
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Vulgarism said:

    We begin to rot, harsh as it
    We begin to rot, harsh as it may sound. That's about the extent of my own belief.

    So you believe your spirit or energy just dies along with your body, lights out, shows over, dead as a doornail, no afterlife or anything?

    PS: you only rot if you're buried. I'm going for cremation. Being buried takes up too much space too. We need the land so we can build more shopping malls.
  • Vulgarism said:

    We begin to rot, harsh as it
    We begin to rot, harsh as it may sound. That's about the extent of my own belief.

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    unknown said:

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    there us something after this life, I don't think it is anything even remotely similar to anything we have experienced here in our lives on earth. I don't think time would exist like it does here. I think that it could get into different levels of consciousness perhaps or plains of being. I think many people think it's just like life was on earth but we are doing something that makes us happy. Maybe I'll be able to play any guitar I want and I would be a virtuoso at it too. Or maybe it's eating fried chicken for eternity? Or maybe that's Hell instead.
  • Vulgarism
    Vulgarism Member Posts: 47
    PhillieG said:

    So you believe your spirit or energy just dies along with your body, lights out, shows over, dead as a doornail, no afterlife or anything?

    PS: you only rot if you're buried. I'm going for cremation. Being buried takes up too much space too. We need the land so we can build more shopping malls.

    Agreed. I would rather be
    Agreed. I would rather be cremated to not be any further a waste on the earth than most already are.

    But! No, I don't believe in afterlife, and so forth. Just, caput. :)
  • coloCan
    coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
    PhillieG said:

    there us something after this life, I don't think it is anything even remotely similar to anything we have experienced here in our lives on earth. I don't think time would exist like it does here. I think that it could get into different levels of consciousness perhaps or plains of being. I think many people think it's just like life was on earth but we are doing something that makes us happy. Maybe I'll be able to play any guitar I want and I would be a virtuoso at it too. Or maybe it's eating fried chicken for eternity? Or maybe that's Hell instead.

    Don't think anything special happens to us when we die;
    we won't even remember we were alive. All those monuments to themselves built by the powerful since social stratification began millenia ago hasn't changed over the centuries.....its all an attempt at immortality. If we are remembered by the living after we die, so be it, we still won't know about it, in my view . We are not much different than any other living organism, including a cancer cell-all living matter strives to stay alive!!!!Its instinct. What differentiates people from all other life forms is our supposed ability to learn, our ability to communicate, our ability to transform, for better or worse, our environment and that of all other life forms.......Also our ability to create things, to find cures for diseases and every now and then help a fellow human.....steve
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Vulgarism said:

    Agreed. I would rather be
    Agreed. I would rather be cremated to not be any further a waste on the earth than most already are.

    But! No, I don't believe in afterlife, and so forth. Just, caput. :)

    I'm guessing you are referring to the living, not the dead ;-)

    So you think that that's that, no more thoughts...nothing at all?
    It's hard for me to imagine but that's me. I don't buy the whole heaven/hell stuff myself. One of most basic laws of science is the Law of the Conservation of Energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another. That's how I think we are dealt with when the show is over.
    Just a possibility I feel.
  • Vulgarism
    Vulgarism Member Posts: 47
    PhillieG said:

    I'm guessing you are referring to the living, not the dead ;-)

    So you think that that's that, no more thoughts...nothing at all?
    It's hard for me to imagine but that's me. I don't buy the whole heaven/hell stuff myself. One of most basic laws of science is the Law of the Conservation of Energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another. That's how I think we are dealt with when the show is over.
    Just a possibility I feel.

    Perhaps it's a general
    Perhaps it's a general apathy I have toward the concept of another life, rebirth or what have you. I figure, if it happens, great, and if not, that's great too.
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    PhillieG said:

    there us something after this life, I don't think it is anything even remotely similar to anything we have experienced here in our lives on earth. I don't think time would exist like it does here. I think that it could get into different levels of consciousness perhaps or plains of being. I think many people think it's just like life was on earth but we are doing something that makes us happy. Maybe I'll be able to play any guitar I want and I would be a virtuoso at it too. Or maybe it's eating fried chicken for eternity? Or maybe that's Hell instead.

    Hell and fried Chicken Well all I can say that will be the place to cook it I guess,
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Vulgarism said:

    We begin to rot, harsh as it
    We begin to rot, harsh as it may sound. That's about the extent of my own belief.

    Hi Vulgarism
    You are correct even the Bible said from dust thou art, and unto dust shall thou return or Rot.
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Hondo said:

    Hell and fried Chicken Well all I can say that will be the place to cook it I guess,

    or at least keep it warm
  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    PhillieG said:

    I'm guessing you are referring to the living, not the dead ;-)

    So you think that that's that, no more thoughts...nothing at all?
    It's hard for me to imagine but that's me. I don't buy the whole heaven/hell stuff myself. One of most basic laws of science is the Law of the Conservation of Energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another. That's how I think we are dealt with when the show is over.
    Just a possibility I feel.

    I am with you on that one

    I am with you on that one Phil, Law of Conservation of Energy. Haven't bought into heaven/hell either.

    I did romanticise about rotting in the ground, putting back into the earth what I had taken out (or at least some of it). But at this point in life would prefer to be cremated after being pumped up on chemo and soon to have radiation because I am sure I would be more of pollutant if I were to rot int he ground.
  • Vulgarism
    Vulgarism Member Posts: 47
    Hondo said:

    Hi Vulgarism
    You are correct even the Bible said from dust thou art, and unto dust shall thou return or Rot.

    Can't say I'm familiar, so
    Can't say I'm familiar, so I'll take your word for it. :)
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Hondo said:

    Hi Vulgarism
    You are correct even the Bible said from dust thou art, and unto dust shall thou return or Rot.

    I am no expert on the bible at all but your comment made me curious about what it says in the bible Hondo. I didn't think there was and "or rot" at the end of Genesis 3:19. Just reading many parts of Genesis 3 makes me realize why I believe what I do but there are so many things that people believe or do not believe. No one will know the true answer in our lifetime. But the laws of nature have to go with rot!
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    PhillieG said:

    I am no expert on the bible at all but your comment made me curious about what it says in the bible Hondo. I didn't think there was and "or rot" at the end of Genesis 3:19. Just reading many parts of Genesis 3 makes me realize why I believe what I do but there are so many things that people believe or do not believe. No one will know the true answer in our lifetime. But the laws of nature have to go with rot!

    Hi Phil,
    I am glad to see you have a Bible, there are a lot of things I too don’t believe but I have books on the subject for study purpose.

    Correct the word Rot is not there but the meaning of returning to dust implies in order to get back to dust you would have to rot, decay or decompose.

    Here is another mystery in the Bible, when you are talking about Death are you talking about the first death or the second death?

    According to the Bible there is a vast difference between the two, Revelation 20:6. You would be surprised that a lot of Christians don’t know the different either and many have never heard about it.
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Hondo said:

    Hi Phil,
    I am glad to see you have a Bible, there are a lot of things I too don’t believe but I have books on the subject for study purpose.

    Correct the word Rot is not there but the meaning of returning to dust implies in order to get back to dust you would have to rot, decay or decompose.

    Here is another mystery in the Bible, when you are talking about Death are you talking about the first death or the second death?

    According to the Bible there is a vast difference between the two, Revelation 20:6. You would be surprised that a lot of Christians don’t know the different either and many have never heard about it.

    Hi Hondo
    I'm not sure if we have a bible, I do have the internet so that was how I found the passage. They sure do have many interpretations of what was written back then. I did attend catholic school for 8 years and did retain some of it too.

    Personally I think that Science and God can co-exist but not Science and Religion. I do not believe that the bible is the word of God, I think it was most likely man's attempt to understand and explain the world around him along with some wishful thinking thrown in regarding what happens after our physical death. I tend to be more of a science minded guy so I tend to go with the theory that matter or energy can not be created nor destroyed, it only changes form. Of course that does not mean that I may be totally wrong but that is what I believe and also what makes sense to me. The dust to dust passage makes sense to me but this does not. I mean I understand what they are saying but I do not believe in it. I have heard this before. I've retained a lot it seems...
    The nuns had a knack with getting kids to learn things.
    Revelation 20:6.
    King James Bible
    Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

    My question, what happens after a thousand years or is that not to be taken literally like everything being created in 6 days?

    With your last comment, I am NOT surprised at all if many Christians have not heard of it. Many Christians do not act like Christians either. Same goes for the rest of mankind. We certainly are not always "kind".
  • lcarper2
    lcarper2 Member Posts: 635 Member
    PhillieG said:

    Hi Hondo
    I'm not sure if we have a bible, I do have the internet so that was how I found the passage. They sure do have many interpretations of what was written back then. I did attend catholic school for 8 years and did retain some of it too.

    Personally I think that Science and God can co-exist but not Science and Religion. I do not believe that the bible is the word of God, I think it was most likely man's attempt to understand and explain the world around him along with some wishful thinking thrown in regarding what happens after our physical death. I tend to be more of a science minded guy so I tend to go with the theory that matter or energy can not be created nor destroyed, it only changes form. Of course that does not mean that I may be totally wrong but that is what I believe and also what makes sense to me. The dust to dust passage makes sense to me but this does not. I mean I understand what they are saying but I do not believe in it. I have heard this before. I've retained a lot it seems...
    The nuns had a knack with getting kids to learn things.
    Revelation 20:6.
    King James Bible
    Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

    My question, what happens after a thousand years or is that not to be taken literally like everything being created in 6 days?

    With your last comment, I am NOT surprised at all if many Christians have not heard of it. Many Christians do not act like Christians either. Same goes for the rest of mankind. We certainly are not always "kind".

    I feel
    that we were all created by the same God and how we deal with that is up to us. I know that in my life I have had things happen to me that could not be explained any other way but that God took control. Believe me when I say it was God cause I am not smart enough to have done some of this stuff on my own.I to believe in spirits and have had them come to me personaly and the bible talke about them and there are good and bad spirits and I have delt with both kinds and that is another thread by it's self. I do believe that when I die I will go to heaven and stand at the thrown and be judged for what I have done here on earth and hope you aren't behind me cause it may take awhile Phil, but we all will be there and have to explain to God. I just got NED from cc and 2 weeks later find out I have a cancerous tumor on my liver bile duct and here we go again.I have made it this far by the grace of God and I will beat this next one the same way. There is no place we can look up how long we will live and I can't find a bar code any where on me that has an experation date...
  • lcarper2
    lcarper2 Member Posts: 635 Member
    lcarper2 said:

    I feel
    that we were all created by the same God and how we deal with that is up to us. I know that in my life I have had things happen to me that could not be explained any other way but that God took control. Believe me when I say it was God cause I am not smart enough to have done some of this stuff on my own.I to believe in spirits and have had them come to me personaly and the bible talke about them and there are good and bad spirits and I have delt with both kinds and that is another thread by it's self. I do believe that when I die I will go to heaven and stand at the thrown and be judged for what I have done here on earth and hope you aren't behind me cause it may take awhile Phil, but we all will be there and have to explain to God. I just got NED from cc and 2 weeks later find out I have a cancerous tumor on my liver bile duct and here we go again.I have made it this far by the grace of God and I will beat this next one the same way. There is no place we can look up how long we will live and I can't find a bar code any where on me that has an experation date...

    Genesis 3 -19
    does not mention rot but if you read numbers 5 -21 to 27 it explains rot and it is nothing to do with the death we talked about earlier it refers to finding out if a woman has been unfaithful to her husband .
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    lcarper2 said:

    Genesis 3 -19
    does not mention rot but if you read numbers 5 -21 to 27 it explains rot and it is nothing to do with the death we talked about earlier it refers to finding out if a woman has been unfaithful to her husband .

    Hi Louann

    You are correct the word rot is not found in Genesis 3:19 just the indirect meaning of returning back to dust from being a living creature.

    Take care