ROLL CALL 2013---CLOSED AS OF 01/12/2014. New list to be posted



  • olybee
    olybee Member Posts: 85
    Roll Call

    I've been a stranger, and I can say in my case, this is a good thing.  My husband has had a great summer - no issues since his mini stroke in March 2013.  So anyway, I'm just checking in, and Bob & Kathy are doing well.  I hope to be checking in a little more just to see how folks are.  I was so happy to read posts from so many familiar folks, though - it is a wonderful thing!


    HAWVET Member Posts: 318
    olybee said:

    Roll Call

    I've been a stranger, and I can say in my case, this is a good thing.  My husband has had a great summer - no issues since his mini stroke in March 2013.  So anyway, I'm just checking in, and Bob & Kathy are doing well.  I hope to be checking in a little more just to see how folks are.  I was so happy to read posts from so many familiar folks, though - it is a wonderful thing!


    Although I have not been

    Although I have not been visiting as often, am committed to updating this roll call in January 2014.  A brief update.  During this absence, my health has further declined.  Am probably the oldest person in this forum so that also contributed to the decline.  Moreso, it was the due to NPC and the radiation therapy in 1998.  

    My dry mouth condition has worsened so am relying more on the liquid/soft food diet.  I am just fortunate to have complete medical coverage due to my career in the Army followed with a few more years with the postal service.  The VA does give me up to 3 cases of Boost each month plus all prescriptions at no cost.  I say this so veterans with disabilities can go to the VA for assistance.

    If you have not checked in during year 2013, please do so.  This is a voluntarily enrollment program.  Appreciate all of you checking in and hope you will continue to do so when the updated list is published sometime in January. 

    Aloha and at this time of the year, Mele Kalikimaka to all of you.



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    HAWVET said:

    Although I have not been

    Although I have not been visiting as often, am committed to updating this roll call in January 2014.  A brief update.  During this absence, my health has further declined.  Am probably the oldest person in this forum so that also contributed to the decline.  Moreso, it was the due to NPC and the radiation therapy in 1998.  

    My dry mouth condition has worsened so am relying more on the liquid/soft food diet.  I am just fortunate to have complete medical coverage due to my career in the Army followed with a few more years with the postal service.  The VA does give me up to 3 cases of Boost each month plus all prescriptions at no cost.  I say this so veterans with disabilities can go to the VA for assistance.

    If you have not checked in during year 2013, please do so.  This is a voluntarily enrollment program.  Appreciate all of you checking in and hope you will continue to do so when the updated list is published sometime in January. 

    Aloha and at this time of the year, Mele Kalikimaka to all of you.



    Aloha & Merry Christmas

    To you also bruddah....

    You've been on the island so long now that you are probably considered a local...


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Johnny

    Sorry to hear the dry mouth continues to get worse. After I lost the ability to swallow my saliva glands started to work again. That is bad for me because I can’t swallow it and I am always having to spit it out. Other than that I am doing well; God has been so good to me through it all.

    PS: I lost a lot of friends this year to cancer, my boss his wife is at MDA Houston, they are only giving her 3 to 6 months.

    God Bless

    Tim Hondo

    HAWVET Member Posts: 318
    Hondo said:

    Hi Johnny

    Sorry to hear the dry mouth continues to get worse. After I lost the ability to swallow my saliva glands started to work again. That is bad for me because I can’t swallow it and I am always having to spit it out. Other than that I am doing well; God has been so good to me through it all.

    PS: I lost a lot of friends this year to cancer, my boss his wife is at MDA Houston, they are only giving her 3 to 6 months.

    God Bless

    Tim Hondo

    Happy Holidays

    John, had a chuckle when you mentioned that I would probably be considered a local. I was borned/raised in the islands and was away only during that 30 years with the Army. I know you do like fishing, but that was not my like J . When growing up, I remember spending many nights with my close friends at the beach doing shore line fishing. Guess who was the first one to hit the rack?

    Tim, I would consider my problems to be minimum as compared to what you have been faced with. I am just happy to be here more than 15 years after completion of treatment.  My problem is compounded with a COPD problem I had probably in my final year in the Army.  That too has gotten worse.

    Like you, I have lost many close friends due to cancer. The most recent was a close friend who left us less than six months after being diagnosed.

    But, back to the good things.  I thank the Lord that we three, plus the others on the forum are still around.   Enjoy the holidays.

    HAWVET Member Posts: 318
    Hondo said:

    Hi Johnny

    Sorry to hear the dry mouth continues to get worse. After I lost the ability to swallow my saliva glands started to work again. That is bad for me because I can’t swallow it and I am always having to spit it out. Other than that I am doing well; God has been so good to me through it all.

    PS: I lost a lot of friends this year to cancer, my boss his wife is at MDA Houston, they are only giving her 3 to 6 months.

    God Bless

    Tim Hondo

    Duplicate post

    Duplicate post

  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    HAWVET said:

    Happy Holidays

    John, had a chuckle when you mentioned that I would probably be considered a local. I was borned/raised in the islands and was away only during that 30 years with the Army. I know you do like fishing, but that was not my like J . When growing up, I remember spending many nights with my close friends at the beach doing shore line fishing. Guess who was the first one to hit the rack?

    Tim, I would consider my problems to be minimum as compared to what you have been faced with. I am just happy to be here more than 15 years after completion of treatment.  My problem is compounded with a COPD problem I had probably in my final year in the Army.  That too has gotten worse.

    Like you, I have lost many close friends due to cancer. The most recent was a close friend who left us less than six months after being diagnosed.

    But, back to the good things.  I thank the Lord that we three, plus the others on the forum are still around.   Enjoy the holidays.


    Jim and I live in Ormond Beach Florida. Results of last PET scan show cancer now in bones of chest and left jaw. Increased pain meds. Jim still fishing and catching! Appointment with oncologist on  Jan 12, 2014 to review PET more in depth.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member

    BarefootBob (Robert Eckhart) passed away January 7, 2013

  • kevinr51
    kevinr51 Member Posts: 14 Member
    checking in

    Kevin,  Waterford, MI diagnosed 9/2013 stage IV right tonsil 2 lymph nodes undergoing 35 RADS 8 weeks Chem ( carboplatin & taxol)

  • dunedintech
    dunedintech Member Posts: 90

    Hello - enrolling. Diagnosed Jan 7 2013. SCC front left of tongue. Partial glossectomy plus modified neck dissection (27 lymph nodes removed) showed one node infected. 

    6 weeks of radio plus 3 x Cisplatins. NED as from April 9 2013. 

    No PEG but lost 23kgs during treatment so significantly trimmer these days! Back running, gyming, pilating and settling into abi normal life. 

    Seasons greetings to all. 






  • j4mie
    j4mie Member Posts: 218

    For Pat Wink Diagnosed August 2013. Stage IV, left tonsil, one lymph node involved. Complete tonsilectomy and neck dissection (29 nodes removed) Sept. 6th 2013. Margins were clear. Completed 30 rads on Nov. 20th 2013. Going to see Med Oncologist on 12/19. hoping to hear NED.


  • robswife87
    robswife87 Member Posts: 209

    Checking in and still fighting

    Diagnosed ENB dura breach , chemo, radiation, surgery 2001

    Reoccurance and radical neck dissection , tomotherapy 2005

    ENB reoccurance , cheek, eye , surgery, vision damaged. 

    ENB reoccurance,  optic nerve, left eye, sinus, surgery currently under going  Protron Beam Therapy at HUPTI in Hampton Virginia.

    Enrolling and update

    Rob, caregiver Sandy, Dx: March 8, 2013, SCC Left Tonsil, 4 Lymph nodes, 2 on other side. T2-3,N2b,M0 HPV+. Currently undergoing treatment.

    Weekly Taxol and Carbo, 35 rads

    We are at week 6 and it is rough. Tongue lesions making it impossible to eat. Has feeding tube and continues to swallow water all day. 

    Thank you for this group, they get me through everyday.




    6 months out of treatment and NED

  • PJ47
    PJ47 Member Posts: 376
    j4mie said:


    For Pat Wink Diagnosed August 2013. Stage IV, left tonsil, one lymph node involved. Complete tonsilectomy and neck dissection (29 nodes removed) Sept. 6th 2013. Margins were clear. Completed 30 rads on Nov. 20th 2013. Going to see Med Oncologist on 12/19. hoping to hear NED.



    Today, Dec.18 2013.  Wilmington NC.  Diagnosed Aug 1, 2013.  BOT SCC, one contralateral lymph node positive.  Stage III T1N1M0, HPV 16 +.  Non smoker Non drinker of alcohol, health and exercise nut.  Had TORS surgery to BOT and neck dissection (22 nodes) Sept 6th 2013 at Vanderbilt.   Margins clear no perineural or vascular invasion.  The one lymph node had slight extracapsular extension, therefore radiation/chemo was recommended as the standard of care. Declined chemo.   Still in Radiation treatment til day after Christmas with TOMO/IMRT rad. tx.  Treatment delayed due to complications after 2 feeding tube surgeries and hyper sensitivity to the radiation.  


  • lornal
    lornal Member Posts: 428
    Still Here - Updated

    Lorna - STL MO - stage 4 tonsil in 2007 - treatment ended 12/2007.   Lost hearing from chemo, can't swallow from radiation damage and getting PEG next week.  Vocal cords not working and restricted airways, due to radiation damage.

    Proud to report I'm STILL HERE to complain about all of it!

    December 16 had a biopsy during esophagus dilation.  13th dilation this year - but first time w/ suspicious growth.

    Found out December 19 that it was positive for squamous cell carcinoma


  • wrhbounds
    wrhbounds Member Posts: 39
    Still Here
    2-99 stage 3

    Still Here

    2-99 stage 3 SSC

    11-08 fibula flap 

    12-13 tube free eating soft foods

    2-14= 15 years 

  • luv4lacrosse
    luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member

    I may now be living in a warmer climate, but the battle is not easier. You have tried to kill me 3 times since 6-2010. Me 3, you ****, ZERO.

    Kiss my white **** cancer!!


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member


    I may now be living in a warmer climate, but the battle is not easier. You have tried to kill me 3 times since 6-2010. Me 3, you ****, ZERO.

    Kiss my white **** cancer!!



    I'll leave that to the cancer ~lol~

    Congrats! keep kickin' white ****!



  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member


    I may now be living in a warmer climate, but the battle is not easier. You have tried to kill me 3 times since 6-2010. Me 3, you ****, ZERO.

    Kiss my white **** cancer!!


    mike, i know that's right! 

    mike, i know that's right!  keep kick'n butt!!!!!  Merry Christmas and Happy, Healthy New Year.

    God bless you,


  • metro22
    metro22 Member Posts: 16


    Hello - enrolling. Diagnosed Jan  2013. SCC  stage 4 right   tonsil and hypopharynx. Active lymph nodes on both sides of neck. Sugery for all at Mayo in Phoenix. Then 39 Rads no chemo.   had 15 teeth pulled before rads - ones more likely to have problesm in years ahead. Finished treetmetn end of July. Taste buds came back by mid October. Not same as before but livable. Rad oncologist was good at shielding saliva glands so they are maybe 85%  or so as good as normal.

  • Redbanker
    Redbanker Member Posts: 36
    Checking In

     Things have been good since our last check-in.  Nick is 2.5 years out from the end of treatment and 3 years from the point he noticed that darn lump in his neck during the 2010 Christmas blizzard.  He just had a CT on the 27th so, of course, pins and needles until we get the word, but his previous one just before the two year anniversary was fine.  His thyroid is probably failing though his doctor is not ready to respond with medication.  Ear buzzing is just part of the new new, but not debilitating.  Taste is probably hovering at 98.5% and there's nothing that he won't eat--except for the stuff he never liked to begin with.  In summary, grateful for every day.
