Diet cures cancer

buzz99 Member Posts: 404
I know some people are well-meaning but it really burns me up when I am told that this or that supplement will cure cancer. Or someone saying, "I have a friend who had pancreatic cancer and he drank this supplement and voila, 2 or 3 years later he is alive and doing well." All the radiation and chemo Buzz had did not cure him so how can food be a cure for cancer? Just venting. Karen


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Vent Away.....
    If I were to believe in the story that they became healed.... It wouldn't be that I believed the diet healed them. I would be inclined to believe there was some Devine Intervention that took place.

    Karen, as my buddy Kent always reminds us, and I truely wish for you and Buzz...Believe.

    Thoughts and Prayers for you and Buzz,
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    Hi Karen,

    I try to see the good in people, but anyone that knows your situation would have to be uncaring, insensitive or just plain dumb to suggest that to you. The statement implies we all did something wrong by seeking the most modern treatments, which we most certainly did not.

    I am with all your other God fearing friends (here) and truly pray for you and buzz during this most difficult time.


  • Sam999
    Sam999 Member Posts: 319 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    Hi Karen,

    I try to see the good in people, but anyone that knows your situation would have to be uncaring, insensitive or just plain dumb to suggest that to you. The statement implies we all did something wrong by seeking the most modern treatments, which we most certainly did not.

    I am with all your other God fearing friends (here) and truly pray for you and buzz during this most difficult time.



    Even more annoying to me is
    Even more annoying to me is people who think they do not have the C is becuase they eat so healthy or have less stress! They do not understand that there is no reason or rhyme to this disease, it can hit ANYONE!

    I have learned just to ignore them!
  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    Sam999 said:

    Even more annoying to me is
    Even more annoying to me is people who think they do not have the C is becuase they eat so healthy or have less stress! They do not understand that there is no reason or rhyme to this disease, it can hit ANYONE!

    I have learned just to ignore them!

    My Reply
    To a comment like that I would say "booga booga booga, I have my own witch doctor."

    Sorry, I just had to say that.

  • tuffenuff
    tuffenuff Member Posts: 277
    i would love to truly
    i would love to truly believe in all of the alternative therapies. before i started treatment, i went to some great lengths to obtain what i needed for one alternative in particular. i didn't have the courage to try it alone but made my docs aware of my plans. i wanted to make sure if i did it in conjunction with my treatments i wouldn't be really screwing something up. they all said it couldn't hurt but of course they did not proactively encourage me. so i'm sort of doing it because i already spent the money but my plan is to maybe really kick it up a notch after treatments is over in august. hopefully it will help me through healing and perhaps keep a recurrence from popping up. its worth a shot...
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    tuffenuff said:

    i would love to truly
    i would love to truly believe in all of the alternative therapies. before i started treatment, i went to some great lengths to obtain what i needed for one alternative in particular. i didn't have the courage to try it alone but made my docs aware of my plans. i wanted to make sure if i did it in conjunction with my treatments i wouldn't be really screwing something up. they all said it couldn't hurt but of course they did not proactively encourage me. so i'm sort of doing it because i already spent the money but my plan is to maybe really kick it up a notch after treatments is over in august. hopefully it will help me through healing and perhaps keep a recurrence from popping up. its worth a shot...

    I'm with you Karen ....
    ....the only belief I have is the good Lord is in control (now that is not to push my belief's on anybody) and we certainly live in a diseased world.

    I am praying nightly for you and buzz.


  • Jan Trinks
    Jan Trinks Member Posts: 477
    I'm with you

    Jan (Basketcase)
  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    cure alls....
    Hey guys,
    I get this all the time from well meaning...idiots. Let it run off your back, as water rolling off a ducks. Like really...if their cures worked none of us would be here. I'm sorry if this has caused you undo stress, not right or fair ! Warmest regards, Katie
  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    You become tough
    No one in my extended family or friends, quite understand what having one's epiglottis removed means...they're always making suggestions of what I should eat..well, guess what a ribeye, chicken & noodles, pork chops, etc etc sound like heaven, but I can't swallow them..I've explained for almost 8 months and quite frankly if they can't listen or do some research, I give...I just let it go in one ear and out the other, the numb one :)

    I wish you a miracle, and peace
  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    You become tough
    No one in my extended family or friends, quite understand what having one's epiglottis removed means...they're always making suggestions of what I should eat..well, guess what a ribeye, chicken & noodles, pork chops, etc etc sound like heaven, but I can't swallow them..I've explained for almost 8 months and quite frankly if they can't listen or do some research, I give...I just let it go in one ear and out the other, the numb one :)

    I wish you a miracle, and peace
  • Tonsil Dad
    Tonsil Dad Member Posts: 488
    Grandmax4 said:

    You become tough
    No one in my extended family or friends, quite understand what having one's epiglottis removed means...they're always making suggestions of what I should eat..well, guess what a ribeye, chicken & noodles, pork chops, etc etc sound like heaven, but I can't swallow them..I've explained for almost 8 months and quite frankly if they can't listen or do some research, I give...I just let it go in one ear and out the other, the numb one :)

    I wish you a miracle, and peace

    I Agree.
    I agree with most of the comments on here about the hocus pocus cure all's,
    in all the other posts I have done about taking alternative products I have never
    once said that they cure the "C" I said take them for my immune system to be at
    optimal level while I myself battle this horrible diesese. I also pray and have faith
    that God will see me through this. Many people on here supplement with alternative
    products and when asked what I take, I contacted them personally then they did the
    research on there own.
    I wouldn't be that cold hearted to tell someone that I could cure them and give
    them false hopes, but food and other things you put into your body DO have an
    overall impact of your well being.
    Just having my say.

    God bless
    Tonsil dad,

  • Sam999
    Sam999 Member Posts: 319 Member

    I Agree.
    I agree with most of the comments on here about the hocus pocus cure all's,
    in all the other posts I have done about taking alternative products I have never
    once said that they cure the "C" I said take them for my immune system to be at
    optimal level while I myself battle this horrible diesese. I also pray and have faith
    that God will see me through this. Many people on here supplement with alternative
    products and when asked what I take, I contacted them personally then they did the
    research on there own.
    I wouldn't be that cold hearted to tell someone that I could cure them and give
    them false hopes, but food and other things you put into your body DO have an
    overall impact of your well being.
    Just having my say.

    God bless
    Tonsil dad,


    I absolutely believe in


    I absolutely believe in alternative medicines a lot too. i research and over all have always eaten healthy and follow alternative medicines.

    What i mean is people just assume that our diet is bad e.g. Eat french fries and soda everyday. What they do not understand is that this can happen to someone who is following comptely healthy diet and leading a healthy lifestyle.

    E.g. I got tongue cancer : have never smoked, am non-alcohilic, vegetarian, hpv negative, excersice regularly...but i still got it. The only canned food i eat is chick peas as they are so healthy and easy to use out of cans. One of our friends who never uses canned food hinted that i got this becuase our family uses canned food! It was really ignorant comment on their part but really hurt me.

  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    Sam999 said:

    I absolutely believe in


    I absolutely believe in alternative medicines a lot too. i research and over all have always eaten healthy and follow alternative medicines.

    What i mean is people just assume that our diet is bad e.g. Eat french fries and soda everyday. What they do not understand is that this can happen to someone who is following comptely healthy diet and leading a healthy lifestyle.

    E.g. I got tongue cancer : have never smoked, am non-alcohilic, vegetarian, hpv negative, excersice regularly...but i still got it. The only canned food i eat is chick peas as they are so healthy and easy to use out of cans. One of our friends who never uses canned food hinted that i got this becuase our family uses canned food! It was really ignorant comment on their part but really hurt me.


    on lazy mentation
    I have matured to the point of (usually) ignoring people like this. Their losely connected logic spouts out these things about chick peas because they know you cannot prove a negative. A stupid, but unrebuttable argument. I have decided to apply for a government grant to look into the postulate that canned chickpeas cause cancer. My proposal is that we randomize people into two groups. the first group would eat the canned chickpeas. The other would eat the can without the chickpeas.
  • ooo
    ooo Member Posts: 105
    Hi Karen and Buzz,
    There is

    Hi Karen and Buzz,

    There is a TED talk about how some foods may prevent the formation of blood vessels in a tumor and slow down progression.

    "Can we eat to starve cancer?" by William Li from the Angiogenesis Foundation

    I haven't read their papers, but they seem to be legitimate scientists. When standard medicine falls short (and only then) it might be something worth trying.

    Best of luck to you and Buzz.
  • RayTodd
    RayTodd Member Posts: 187
    My comment
    deep breath hehehehehehehe
  • robinleigh
    robinleigh Member Posts: 297
    exactly my thoughts
    Just got that whole shpiel Wednesday about sugar feeding cancer...blah, blah, blah. Smile and ignore! Anybody been told about The Gerson Therapy. Maybe would be a great diet BEFORE cancer but now we're all just trying to get the calories in however we can. People have no idea what a struggle it is to just eat after head and neck cancer and then they want to recommend RAW foods. Yeah, right!
  • Tonsil Dad
    Tonsil Dad Member Posts: 488

    exactly my thoughts
    Just got that whole shpiel Wednesday about sugar feeding cancer...blah, blah, blah. Smile and ignore! Anybody been told about The Gerson Therapy. Maybe would be a great diet BEFORE cancer but now we're all just trying to get the calories in however we can. People have no idea what a struggle it is to just eat after head and neck cancer and then they want to recommend RAW foods. Yeah, right!

    But sugar does feed cancer, it is known FACT. Cancer cells needs energy to survive and
    they get this through the glucose in the body. Researchers at Johns Hopkins are trying
    to develop a "sugar coated" drug to fool cancer cells and to self distruct. Why do you
    think that when you have a PET scan they inject you with GLUCOSE, because the cancer
    cells go to the glucose and thats what lights up on the scan if there is activity.
    Eating moderate amounts of sugar does not CAUSE cancer but it is a contributing factor
    to other diseases in the body. Aspartame is one of the most toxic things people put
    in there bodys on a daily basis, learn to read labels.
    We all would drive ourselves crazy if we listened to all the 'do's & don't 's' we are all
    on here because of one contributing factor... 'C'.... and I for one will do what I have
    to do to rid myself of this nasty disease.
    And one last note, do some research on pesticides, hormones, and additives that are
    in our everyday foods and drinks and tell me that they don't cause problems with our
    health......And no I am not a vegan or vegiterian or an activist, I am the same as everyone
    on here a "SURVIVOR".

    God bless
    Tonsil dad,

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    But sugar does feed cancer, it is known FACT. Cancer cells needs energy to survive and
    they get this through the glucose in the body. Researchers at Johns Hopkins are trying
    to develop a "sugar coated" drug to fool cancer cells and to self distruct. Why do you
    think that when you have a PET scan they inject you with GLUCOSE, because the cancer
    cells go to the glucose and thats what lights up on the scan if there is activity.
    Eating moderate amounts of sugar does not CAUSE cancer but it is a contributing factor
    to other diseases in the body. Aspartame is one of the most toxic things people put
    in there bodys on a daily basis, learn to read labels.
    We all would drive ourselves crazy if we listened to all the 'do's & don't 's' we are all
    on here because of one contributing factor... 'C'.... and I for one will do what I have
    to do to rid myself of this nasty disease.
    And one last note, do some research on pesticides, hormones, and additives that are
    in our everyday foods and drinks and tell me that they don't cause problems with our
    health......And no I am not a vegan or vegiterian or an activist, I am the same as everyone
    on here a "SURVIVOR".

    God bless
    Tonsil dad,


    Hate to disagree with you on Sugar Feeding Cancer....but I do, at least in the thought that it feeds cancer cells anymore than it does all of our cells.

    Actually there is a lot of information out there to debunk that statement, "Sugar Feeds Cancer".

    Caring4Cancer - Sugar

    The concept that sugar feeds cancer is not useful. Sugar feeds every cell in our bodies. Our bodies need glucose, or simple sugar, for energy. Even if you cut every bit of sugar out of your diet, your body will make sugar from other sources, such as protein and fat.

    So cancer cells need sugar to grow, just like healthy cells. It helps to remember that there is nothing particular about sugar that “feeds” cancer cells any more than sugar feeds all cells in our body.</>

    Health MSN - Does Sugar Feed Cancer

    Cancer Myth Busting - Does Sugar Feed Cancer

    Cancer Myth #1: "“I heard cancer feeds on sugar. Should I avoid eating all sugar?”"

    "No. Almost every new patient will ask me about this. A theory prevalent on the Internet holds that sugar will influence blood sugar levels, feed cancer and cause it to spread. The truth is you can't really control blood sugar by what you eat. The body's complex system processes what we eat and manages to keep blood sugar levels stable. You could starve yourself for weeks and yet your blood sugar will remain stable. The exception to this, of course, is people with diabetes who don't have proper insulin-regulating systems. But if you apply the theory that sugar can affect your insulin levels and feed cancer, diabetics with cancer would all be dying of their cancer."

  • Tonsil Dad
    Tonsil Dad Member Posts: 488
    Skiffin16 said:

    Hate to disagree with you on Sugar Feeding Cancer....but I do, at least in the thought that it feeds cancer cells anymore than it does all of our cells.

    Actually there is a lot of information out there to debunk that statement, "Sugar Feeds Cancer".

    Caring4Cancer - Sugar

    The concept that sugar feeds cancer is not useful. Sugar feeds every cell in our bodies. Our bodies need glucose, or simple sugar, for energy. Even if you cut every bit of sugar out of your diet, your body will make sugar from other sources, such as protein and fat.

    So cancer cells need sugar to grow, just like healthy cells. It helps to remember that there is nothing particular about sugar that “feeds” cancer cells any more than sugar feeds all cells in our body.</>

    Health MSN - Does Sugar Feed Cancer

    Cancer Myth Busting - Does Sugar Feed Cancer

    Cancer Myth #1: "“I heard cancer feeds on sugar. Should I avoid eating all sugar?”"

    "No. Almost every new patient will ask me about this. A theory prevalent on the Internet holds that sugar will influence blood sugar levels, feed cancer and cause it to spread. The truth is you can't really control blood sugar by what you eat. The body's complex system processes what we eat and manages to keep blood sugar levels stable. You could starve yourself for weeks and yet your blood sugar will remain stable. The exception to this, of course, is people with diabetes who don't have proper insulin-regulating systems. But if you apply the theory that sugar can affect your insulin levels and feed cancer, diabetics with cancer would all be dying of their cancer."


    Hi John, I respect your disagreement.
    You have your web-sites that are run by medical advisers , doctors
    and medical centers and I have my atlernative sites. I research and read
    many disturbing things about cancer and I want to know all about it
    wether its conventional or alternative and yes there are many, many
    misconceptions about cancer and sugar. One tells you this and the other
    tells you that. It seems its the medical industry says No and alternative
    say Yes, it depends how deep you want to dig in each industry to see who's
    pulling the wool over our eyes.

    I enjoy your posts, and coments to people on here (and me).

    Respectfully my friend.

    God bless
    Tonsil dad,

  • KareGiver
    KareGiver Member Posts: 301 Member

    Hi John, I respect your disagreement.
    You have your web-sites that are run by medical advisers , doctors
    and medical centers and I have my atlernative sites. I research and read
    many disturbing things about cancer and I want to know all about it
    wether its conventional or alternative and yes there are many, many
    misconceptions about cancer and sugar. One tells you this and the other
    tells you that. It seems its the medical industry says No and alternative
    say Yes, it depends how deep you want to dig in each industry to see who's
    pulling the wool over our eyes.

    I enjoy your posts, and coments to people on here (and me).

    Respectfully my friend.

    God bless
    Tonsil dad,


    Just today
    Received information about diet and cancer from a very dear friend. Since my husband's mets, have received info from various people about second opinions, foods, etc. Doing what we can to accept "the love" graciously. Not always easy...