
Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
Do you ever feel like giving up? Sometimes I know that I do when the side effects just keep coming and it seems like there is no hope in site. Today I realize something that I guess I had forgotten and that is how much I love my Caregiver Wife. For some reason I was just thinking about the past and ever turn I made my Caregiver was always there for me. When I would fall she was there holding on and when I could not go further she was the one pushing me. Through all my ups and downs like a ship in a stormy sea, she never stopped watching and taking care of me. Some days the pain and depression makes me feel like giving-up but now I know why I can’t, I just need to realize how lucky of a guy I truly am.

Thank you my Lord for giving me a loving Caregiver Wife and friend.


  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member
    Hondo I am with you, with the add on that I believe the closest caregiver has it hard than the patient. The patient takes care of self focus do to pain and future.
    God Bless All Caregivers!

  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member
    fisrpotpe said:

    Hondo I am with you, with the add on that I believe the closest caregiver has it hard than the patient. The patient takes care of self focus do to pain and future.
    God Bless All Caregivers!


    Oh ya, I believe there should be a National Caregivers Day!
  • rarph123
    rarph123 Member Posts: 64
    You have said all the words that keep me going,you have no idea how many times I have thought of wandering off into the woods and you of all people that you give others hope would give up--you have others besides your wife who care--some of us, if not all look forward to your post of hope.Wife and I always read your inputs, so as you say to us, "Its not time,God will let you know" You are not alone, you have your great wife,friend, and caregiver, and you have all of us who care for you and best of all you have God that cares and he shares our pain everyday.
  • rarph123
    rarph123 Member Posts: 64
    You have said all the words that keep me going,you have no idea how many times I have thought of wandering off into the woods and you of all people that you give others hope would give up--you have others besides your wife who care--some of us, if not all look forward to your post of hope.Wife and I always read your inputs, so as you say to us, "Its not time,God will let you know" You are not alone, you have your great wife,friend, and caregiver, and you have all of us who care for you and best of all you have God that cares and he shares our pain everyday.
  • rarph123
    rarph123 Member Posts: 64
    You have said all the words that keep me going,you have no idea how many times I have thought of wandering off into the woods and you of all people that you give others hope would give up--you have others besides your wife who care--some of us, if not all look forward to your post of hope.Wife and I always read your inputs, so as you say to us, "Its not time,God will let you know" You are not alone, you have your great wife,friend, and caregiver, and you have all of us who care for you and best of all you have God that cares and he shares our pain everyday.
  • Fire34
    Fire34 Member Posts: 365
    rarph123 said:

    You have said all the words that keep me going,you have no idea how many times I have thought of wandering off into the woods and you of all people that you give others hope would give up--you have others besides your wife who care--some of us, if not all look forward to your post of hope.Wife and I always read your inputs, so as you say to us, "Its not time,God will let you know" You are not alone, you have your great wife,friend, and caregiver, and you have all of us who care for you and best of all you have God that cares and he shares our pain everyday.

    Felt Like Quitting
    You can say that again about caregivers, I dont know what I would have done without her, still trying to figure out how to make it up to her. My third week was the worst we were lucky she was able to spend the night by my side at the hospital or I would have walked out. Exactly, God Bless ALL caregivers
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    The thought of giving up has never been a factor or thought.

    I know that some have had it much worse than I, but I can't even imagine going there.

    Thoughtsand Prayers,
  • Jan Trinks
    Jan Trinks Member Posts: 477
    You're A Special Guy!

    That is so great, thoughtful and everything else to share that with us and I know your wife is truly touched and appreciative. Charlie was always so positive and upbeat even at the end. If he was depressed he never showed it. I know he did that for me because I was such a basketcase besides the fact he was that type of person anyway. But I want to also let you know what you have meant to me. When I first joined this site, you were one of the first ones to respond to my posts. And you will never know how much I appreciated and still do all your prayers, your encouragements and your posts. That is why I stay active with this website because this is one of the main reasons I'm able to go on. Besides that I want to know how everybody is doing and I pray everyday for all my "csn" buds. I will never get over losing Charlie. He was my one and only, my life, and the love of my life and he always will be. I miss him so much, but I do go on and try and do what I know he would want me to do. When we found out the cancer had returned and how bad it was; I told him I'd be a basketcase without him and some days I am; but he kept telling me I'd be alright; I told him, "Oh, I'd manage; I'd have to I wouldn't have a choice. But it is hard without him; but I do know he's still with me and now has become my guardian angel until we're reunited again. So I pray your depression gets better and the side effects greatly subside or leave for good. Just wanted you to know how much your prayers, concern, compassion, and posts mean to me. I truly would not have made it without this website and people like you, Skiffin, Sweetblood, Homer and Connie, Debbie, Glenna M, Pumakitty and a host of others, also Jim from Delaware (we never have heard anything else about him have we?) have meant and still mean to me. You and those I just mentioned are the ones that immediately come to mind that I feel have been with me and still are since I joined this wonderful website. Take care and God Bless. Prayers continue for you and your wonderful caregiver wife!

    Jan (Basketcase)
  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Don't give up
    I know that you know how God supplies wht you need when you need it, but you are human and we all have our moments. Just know that you would leave s big gap in many peoples lives if you gave up, especially your wife. Praying you are feeling better and thanking God for giving you the perfect mate. You are blessed to have your wife and she is blessed to have you.

  • Kimba1505
    Kimba1505 Member Posts: 557

    You're A Special Guy!

    That is so great, thoughtful and everything else to share that with us and I know your wife is truly touched and appreciative. Charlie was always so positive and upbeat even at the end. If he was depressed he never showed it. I know he did that for me because I was such a basketcase besides the fact he was that type of person anyway. But I want to also let you know what you have meant to me. When I first joined this site, you were one of the first ones to respond to my posts. And you will never know how much I appreciated and still do all your prayers, your encouragements and your posts. That is why I stay active with this website because this is one of the main reasons I'm able to go on. Besides that I want to know how everybody is doing and I pray everyday for all my "csn" buds. I will never get over losing Charlie. He was my one and only, my life, and the love of my life and he always will be. I miss him so much, but I do go on and try and do what I know he would want me to do. When we found out the cancer had returned and how bad it was; I told him I'd be a basketcase without him and some days I am; but he kept telling me I'd be alright; I told him, "Oh, I'd manage; I'd have to I wouldn't have a choice. But it is hard without him; but I do know he's still with me and now has become my guardian angel until we're reunited again. So I pray your depression gets better and the side effects greatly subside or leave for good. Just wanted you to know how much your prayers, concern, compassion, and posts mean to me. I truly would not have made it without this website and people like you, Skiffin, Sweetblood, Homer and Connie, Debbie, Glenna M, Pumakitty and a host of others, also Jim from Delaware (we never have heard anything else about him have we?) have meant and still mean to me. You and those I just mentioned are the ones that immediately come to mind that I feel have been with me and still are since I joined this wonderful website. Take care and God Bless. Prayers continue for you and your wonderful caregiver wife!

    Jan (Basketcase)

    Tears in my Eyes.
    Hondo, as I read your post the tears came up in my eyes. It speaks the the reality that those you love and those who love you fight this fight too. You are a part of your wife, a physical and emotional part of her. Of course she will push and pull, she is fighting for the whole, which is now both of you.
    Tissue in hand now,
  • Puggle
    Puggle Member Posts: 88 Member
    The human spirit...
    The human spirit is a powerful, amazing thing. We can bounce back from a terrible incident and decide to go on and we can live without things we never thought we could live without and still laugh or find happiness. Your wonderful wife is there to help your spirit along when needed! You are lucky to have such a wonderful wife and friend.
  • mixleader
    mixleader Member Posts: 267 Member
    Giving Up?
    Hi, Hondo. Have I ever thought of giving up? Well, let's say I at least considered the possibility. However, like you, I have an incredible wife/caregiver who would sacrifice anything to help me with my struggle. Add to that many dedicated family members and friends and giving up seems distant. So, "Failure is not an option" and keep on going, Hondo. You are much too important a mentor here to give up. Hang in there and beat this thing.

  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    mixleader said:

    Giving Up?
    Hi, Hondo. Have I ever thought of giving up? Well, let's say I at least considered the possibility. However, like you, I have an incredible wife/caregiver who would sacrifice anything to help me with my struggle. Add to that many dedicated family members and friends and giving up seems distant. So, "Failure is not an option" and keep on going, Hondo. You are much too important a mentor here to give up. Hang in there and beat this thing.


    Giving up...
    As a single man who is somewhat a loner, I wish I knew what a Caregiver is! Other than the Lord, and co-workers who drove me to and from in the worst of days, my Caregiver was me...Yes, Tim- consider yourself blessed by having a loving wife to help you thru this long journey you have lived.

    Giving up is a topic of current note to me- my Cousin, who started chemo about a year ago, then rads w/chemo, and then a few months later an 8-hour Op in Peoria that took his voice box and more, was told last week the C still exists in his throat! More tests this week, followed by a big Dr visit on Friday to get his future told to him. He's always told of stomach pain and trouble swallowing, but for the life of me I don't know if his esophagus was ever treated, or a stomach search for C was ever done. That major Op was only around 4-months ago, dealt only with his windpipe, and included the removal of many lymphs in his neck- which all came back negative for C, and he still has C! How can that be in 2011?...And what does he do? Give up? To go thru so much already in just the past year, and for the C to still be so much of a problem that he was just told he might only have 4-months left, not to mention what those 4-months will be like for him...

    Tim, we, here are the lucky ones. True, I was much luckier than you in that my C came over 5-years after your's, and treatment had progressed over those years to deal me a hand more patient-friendly than was dealt to you; however, we are all the beneficiaries of H&N not being the killer it was 30 and more years-ago, let alone long ago. If there is Hope, and by the Grace of God, I don't think any of us should give up. Reckon that's core to our testimony, and your voice, still, is louder than anyone else's, here, in our family.

    God bless you

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Never giving up
    Thank you all for comments I forgot the other part and that is the family here on CSN. Believe it or not but somehow this bad thing cancer has brought a lot of people together from many different part of the world and made us all one. I am so grateful to be a part of this family of friends who I can draw strength from in times of need. And so glad that God has blessed me with a Woman like my Wife who is there for me and helps to keep pushing me forward and never giving up.

    Thank you all
  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member
    fisrpotpe said:

    Oh ya, I believe there should be a National Caregivers Day!

    start of list
    this is a start of a list of caregivers, mother, father, daughter, son, wife, friend, best friend, co-workers, support groups, nurses, small group friends, church friends, mother in laws, father in laws, girl friend, boy friend, cousins, niece, nephew, grand son, grand daughter, neighbor.....
    looking for additions please feel free to share others caregivers

    i have another, my doc. that diagnosed me with cancer, was treated twice for cancer and now can not practice, he is a very good caregiver.
  • luv2cut1
    luv2cut1 Member Posts: 288
    Please don't give up
    Hondo, you are such a blessing to everyone here. I know it is hard sometimes, but as you know there are a lot of people here that will do anything to help you through. Thank your wife for all of us here, for being there for you. As a wife/caregiver it means so much to know that even in the bad times, we make a difference.

    You have helped all of us so much. Thank you. Know we are thinking of and praying for you always.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    luv2cut1 said:

    Please don't give up
    Hondo, you are such a blessing to everyone here. I know it is hard sometimes, but as you know there are a lot of people here that will do anything to help you through. Thank your wife for all of us here, for being there for you. As a wife/caregiver it means so much to know that even in the bad times, we make a difference.

    You have helped all of us so much. Thank you. Know we are thinking of and praying for you always.


    Hi Myka
    Thank you and everyone here for your prayers for in pray is where we get the strength to keep going forward.

  • pattyanny
    pattyanny Member Posts: 544
    Hondo said:

    Hi Myka
    Thank you and everyone here for your prayers for in pray is where we get the strength to keep going forward.


    Giving up
    Yes Hondo, For the last 3 weeks,I have been thinking of giving up. Sometimes the pain of depression, the side effects, and the responsibility of being a single parent is just too much. I do not see a "light at the end of this tunnel." I am grateful to be alive, but am I really living? The only thing that has kept me functioning is prayers. As far a caregiver, I envy those who have that support, love and understanding. Being a caregiver is a huge task, and they are truly angels! I have "virtual" support with other survivors, and my sister who lives out of state who will give me a boot in the ars, or encouraging words as needed. I know many have it so much worse then I, but if it was not for my children, I would have thrown in the towel. I pray for strength, and hang on to the little hope I have, that things will get better. I feel so useless.
    Hondo, you matter! You are the back-bone of this site, along with many others, who are always there giving important info, love, encouragement, hope to all newbies, and veteran survivors. I don't think anyone could fill your shoes! My prayers are with you, and know you have made a difference in my life, along with hundreds (thousands?) of others.
    God bless you and your special wife. May God comfort you during this dark time.
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    fisrpotpe said:

    start of list
    this is a start of a list of caregivers, mother, father, daughter, son, wife, friend, best friend, co-workers, support groups, nurses, small group friends, church friends, mother in laws, father in laws, girl friend, boy friend, cousins, niece, nephew, grand son, grand daughter, neighbor.....
    looking for additions please feel free to share others caregivers

    i have another, my doc. that diagnosed me with cancer, was treated twice for cancer and now can not practice, he is a very good caregiver.

    My Chocolate Labs
    Believe it or not, my two choclate labs, Kali and Jasmine.

    I was allowed to work from home for my treatment and recovery, all of 2009 through Labor Day..nine months.

    My two chocolate candy stripers were with me everyday. Giving me hugs, kisses, always with me...checking on me and keeping me company.

    They were some of the best medicine and therapy I could have ever asked for.

    Kali & Jazzy

    Of course my wife was outstanding and did the unimaginable.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    My Chocolate Labs
    Believe it or not, my two choclate labs, Kali and Jasmine.

    I was allowed to work from home for my treatment and recovery, all of 2009 through Labor Day..nine months.

    My two chocolate candy stripers were with me everyday. Giving me hugs, kisses, always with me...checking on me and keeping me company.

    They were some of the best medicine and therapy I could have ever asked for.

    Kali & Jazzy

    Of course my wife was outstanding and did the unimaginable.


    The best of friends
    John I know what you mean, my Pit was there and sometimes she would lay there on the side of me after treatment, some how it made me feel a lot better; don’t know if it was the warmth from her body or what.
    Little Pit
