Ascites for the 1st time ever. I gained 5 lbs. of fluid weight in 3 days. :(

lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
I guess each of us has something that frightens us, and for me it has always been ascites. I too vividly remember Linda Dorian and Nancy and the ascites they had so bad at the end. I guess I associate sudden weight loss and ascites with the 'end of days', so to have ascites for the 1st time myself.....

I gained 5 pounds since Friday and my belly-button ( aq deep 'inny' normally) is almost flush with my tummy and I can't see my ribcage at all even when I lay down. I feel like if this ascites continues to build up that I will burst through my skin.

I had a very dissatisfying day, coming away with no answers or plans after a full day at the hospital. On Friday they thought I had a blocked bile duct causing my yellow eyes. But today they are pretty sure it is not entirely blocked, as my bilirubin actually improved .1% (not much, but not worse) and if I had a complete blockage, my bilrubin would be climbing at least 1 full point each day. Instead they now think a lymph nodes or a dying tumor within my liver may be pressing on the bile duct causing the jaundice. I saw a gastoenterologist(sp?) today and he is having my 10/03 CT/PET scan reviewed by 2 of his colleagues and I'm having an ultasound and doppler Wednesday morning to look at my abdomen and liver. The Interventional Radiologist that did my radioembolism is being brought into my 'team' again, as he may be able to do something to shrink or remove the tumor resting on the bile duct, if that turns out to be what it is. All I know is that I can't get chemo until I get my platelets up and that the damage done by bile backing up is super-serious. My oncologist wants to see me again before the week is out, once I get that Untrasound. I sure hope they come up with a plan for me.


  • TiggersDoBounce
    TiggersDoBounce Member Posts: 408
    Sending good thoughts...

    So sorry this new complication has arisen....Are you in pain with the Ascites?? I hope not...who needs physical pain along with the mental kind of waiting??

    Sending prayers your way....

    I just came out of a 5 day stay at the Hospital with Acute Pancreatitis due to an impacted Gall Bladder and a stone which traveled into the duct leading into my Pancreas. Gall Bladder is now out...but it was not fun!

    Hang in girlfriend and please keep us posted!

  • antcat
    antcat Member Posts: 270
    I'm so sorry
    I am so sorry to hear what you're going through. In reading your posts, I find you to be very strong and sometimes I wish I could be like that. I didn't have a good CT scan recently and my tumors show some growth. I haven't been able to start chemo yet, as I am having a problem with a port and need to see the surgeon. But, I am welcoming the little break I am having from chemo, my platelets have gone up as well as my wbc. I know it's not good to wait to long, but it's kind of out of my control for now.

    Good luck with all your tests and keep us posted.
  • bots
    bots Member Posts: 53
    Oh, Linda, I have prayers, positive thoughts, crossed fingers, toes, and eyes and whatever else I can think of for you and well as lots of hugs and love.
  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member

    Sending good thoughts...

    So sorry this new complication has arisen....Are you in pain with the Ascites?? I hope not...who needs physical pain along with the mental kind of waiting??

    Sending prayers your way....

    I just came out of a 5 day stay at the Hospital with Acute Pancreatitis due to an impacted Gall Bladder and a stone which traveled into the duct leading into my Pancreas. Gall Bladder is now out...but it was not fun!

    Hang in girlfriend and please keep us posted!


    Thanks, Laurie. It's more extreme discomfort than pain.
    The only pain I have is if I try and get in regular jeans or slacks intead of stretchy pants and I don't seem to have a bra I can stand. Even without a bra on, I feel like I have a tight band around the bra line and that hurts.

    I forgot to add that with the Doppler Wednesday, they will also be looking to see if I might have a blood vessel blockage in or near my liver from the radioembolism that would present with similar symptoms as the blocked bile duct.

    That pancreatis sounds grim! I understand that it can be extremely painful. Glad that's behind you now. ((((Laurie))))
  • LaundryQueen
    LaundryQueen Member Posts: 676

    Sending good thoughts...

    So sorry this new complication has arisen....Are you in pain with the Ascites?? I hope not...who needs physical pain along with the mental kind of waiting??

    Sending prayers your way....

    I just came out of a 5 day stay at the Hospital with Acute Pancreatitis due to an impacted Gall Bladder and a stone which traveled into the duct leading into my Pancreas. Gall Bladder is now out...but it was not fun!

    Hang in girlfriend and please keep us posted!


    Five pounds of fluid is
    Five pounds of fluid is about equal to 2.5 liters. I hope you can get the fluid drained after your ultrasound. The liver is amazing & has the ability to repair itself.

    Let's hope your team finds a diagnosis so you can get the proper treatment tomorrow. Meanwhile, you might be sleeping in a recliner tonight.

  • MK_4Dani
    MK_4Dani Member Posts: 314
    Praying for you.
    I do hope they can get you some relief very soon. Remembering my ascities being so uncomfortable: like carring a bowling bowl in your gut. Praying hard for you my friend.
  • MK_4Dani said:

    Praying for you.
    I do hope they can get you some relief very soon. Remembering my ascities being so uncomfortable: like carring a bowling bowl in your gut. Praying hard for you my friend.

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • Cindy Bear
    Cindy Bear Member Posts: 569 Member
    You are always so strong , so stoic. I can't imagine how frustrating this must be for you and your family. I hope and pray that they come up with some answers and a plan for you by end of week. Did they give any advice or suggestions, is there anything you can do to reduce the ascites and be more comfortable? Keeping you in my thoughts and hoping for some good news soon.
  • jbeans888
    jbeans888 Member Posts: 313

    You are always so strong , so stoic. I can't imagine how frustrating this must be for you and your family. I hope and pray that they come up with some answers and a plan for you by end of week. Did they give any advice or suggestions, is there anything you can do to reduce the ascites and be more comfortable? Keeping you in my thoughts and hoping for some good news soon.

    I am so sad to

    I am so sad to hear this is happening. It sounds scary and frustrating. I also believe you that you have always been strong so keep it up. You have come to far. Keep us updated. I will keep you in my prayers.
  • Bluebird Bush
    Bluebird Bush Member Posts: 28
    Linda, I am so sorry you are having this trouble and sorry that you didn't get some kind of relief today. Thank you for sharing with us and please keep us posted. I pray for relief for you. Genie
  • Tethys41
    Tethys41 Member Posts: 1,382 Member
    Ascites Sucks
    I'm very sorry to hear about what you are going through. Have any of the doctors indicated why they think the ascites cropped up just now? I know we have heard some scarey things about ascites on this board, but it isn't always as dire as it seems. I never had ascites until after surgery. A couple of weeks after surgery, it started developing fast and furious. I was getting paracentisis every three days for quite awhile. Over the course of two months, I had 80 liters of ascites drained. It finally stopped when they put me on TPN after my albumen dropped to 1.0. In hindsight, I think much of the ascites was due to a low albumen level. Hoping your situation is easily and quickly corrected. My prayers are with you
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    jbeans888 said:

    I am so sad to

    I am so sad to hear this is happening. It sounds scary and frustrating. I also believe you that you have always been strong so keep it up. You have come to far. Keep us updated. I will keep you in my prayers.

    Checking on you
    Dear Linda-
    Just moseyed over to this board to see how you're doing. It sounds like you're having a really tough time. I'm so sorry to hear it and hope the fluid can be relieved. Your posts are so full of positivity in such dire circumstances. Thank you for being who you are.

    Sending hugs and prayers to you.

    And a warm hello and best wishes to the women on this board.

  • clamryn
    clamryn Member Posts: 508
    Linda I am so mad
    Linda I am just so mad right now. I know I shouldn't be and God will probably be angry at me but don't we have a right sometimes to be mad at things. This shouldn't be happening. I am going to pray all night for you. I wish I could say something that would make you feel better. I just want to hit something.

    Go away ascities and get out of Linda's body. Get out and stay out.

    Sending hugs, prayers, tears, peace, and above all healing.

  • AnneBehymer
    AnneBehymer Member Posts: 738 Member
    You are in my prays tonight
    You are in my prays tonight and the rest of the week I hope everything works out.

  • srwruns
    srwruns Member Posts: 343
    I am so sorry to hear about
    I am so sorry to hear about this. I hope that you get deserved relief soon.
  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    I had ascites when


    I had ascites when I was diagnosed. It was, in fact, what was causing the pain that sent me to the doctor in the first place. I thought it was my gallbladder, because the pain was right under my sternum. Before my surgery, they drained 2+ liters of fluid from my abdomen. By the time they opened me up, it had all come back, plus more.

    I had no ascites until this past week, when my latest CT scan showed a "small amount" of ascites in my abdomen. Like you, I am a bit freaked out and would like to see if my gyn/onc will consider taking a sample and testing it for malignancy.

    I sure hope they get to the bottom of this, and soon. Ascites is not a sign that the end is near. At least I hope not!

  • Robkel7
    Robkel7 Member Posts: 68
    Dear Linda....
    I am praying for you today. I know exactly what you mean about the discomfort as after surgery, the same thing happened to me. You are in my thoughts.

  • carolyn45
    carolyn45 Member Posts: 100
    Miracle girl
    You have come through SO much! Surely you will find answers and get through this, too. You've been hit almost non-stop these last months, so you must be horribly tired of one thing, then the next. I'm sending you my love and many prayers that this resolves quickly and painlessly. You are an inspiration to all of us. BIG hugs, Carolyn
  • norma2
    norma2 Member Posts: 479
    I am hoping and praying this is just one of those bumps in the road for you. Not trying to give medical advice, that would be foolish, I sell lumber for a living. No doctor here. Just had a thought though that since you have had so much thrown at your liver with the radiation there, perhaps this is just a side effect of that treatment. At any rate sounds like you have a top notch medical team and I bet they will get to the bottom of this latest symptom soon.

    With prayers and caring, Norma
  • Mercedes20870
    Mercedes20870 Member Posts: 24
    Hi Linda,
    I'm sorry you are

    Hi Linda,

    I'm sorry you are having this ascites in your belly, I'm dealing myself with the same situation, but it is the second time, the first time was the symptom to discover my cancer, so not always it is the end of the days, in my experience was the beginning of the journey, I know it is very painful, I'm at the hospital waiting to see my doctor, I know I will get in treatment very soon, it is the thrid time, once a year until now, always hoping to be the last, so the fluid on me started couple weeks ago, but I ask them if they can drained, and they send me to radiology last Thursday for a Paracentesis, they took almost 2 Lt fluid, and I'm feeling a little better, but they also prescribed to me Percocet for the pain, because it is very painful, and that pill help me a lot, so I'm wondering if you can ask to your doctor do the same to you, in that way you would have some comfort until your platelets get normal.

    I am having a hard time dealing with my situation as well, and I'm tired of think and of everything, so I do think much in circles, try to don't think either, you are being protected by the love of God and your love ones, you are going to get well, it will take more effort from you but you will, life so many times put us in painful situations, impossible situations, but still even in those moments there is a lot of blessing at the same time, I hope they can take out the fluid to give you relief.

    I will have you on my prayers, please keep us updating ...

    We all are being the instrument of God to help to our love's ones to live there lifes better, and inspiring them, cancer in the family touch everybody, and bring us so much love too.

    God bless you,
