Roll call for Endometrial Adenocarcinoma any stage



  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    edited July 2016 #102
    Hi Wendy,

    Hi Wendy,

    I have the same question as Becca. What are your doctors recommending?

    Not sure where you are reading about a 2% cure rate for chemo. There are loads of studies showing a large reduction in recurrence rates when chemo is used in addition to the surgery. I am stage 1A grade 3 and I did go the chemo / brachy therapy route. I'm glad I did! I am 6 months out from my treatments and feeling really good. I still have a bit of neuropothy left in my feet but it is getting better every day. I can now push myself to do some pretty intense exercise and I feel like I'm about 90% back to normal. For me, just like Soup52, it was well worth it!  And, I would do it again if needed.

    Only you can make a decision that works for you. I hope you find the information needed to be comfortable in whatever that decision will be.

    Love and Hugs,



  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    wendybru said:

    new member, roll call

    Hi, Wendy here.  Stage IIIa, grade 2, total hystie May 9, 2016, trying to decide next steps.  Really do not want chemo/radiation.  Pelvic wash negative for cancer, recent scan clean, ca-125 is 26, no other test out there that I know of. Am scouring websites, is very informative and inspiring.  I'm considering doing nothing, has anyone out there tried that?  I keep reading chemo only has a 2% cure rate, is that possible? Has anyone seen Peg Harvey's utube video?  She cured stage IV through diet and mind/body.  This is a great resource, thanks to all of you.

    Hi Wendy!  I had Stage II,

    Hi Wendy!  I had Stage II, Grade 3 UPSC.  The cancer had only spread a bit into my cervix so I was Stage II instead of I but my doctor recommended chemo because of being a Grade 3 cancer.  I made it through three chemos but had a really bad reaction to the third one - may have had a slight stroke.  I have weakness in my left side, severe neuropathy in both my feet, continuing stomach issues and memory loss.  I'm glad I made it through the three chemos but if I knew then what I know now, I don't know if I would have had them.  The quality of my life is severely affected although it does seem to be getting better.....slowly.  

    Each of us has to make that decision for themselves.  My oncologist told me I had a 50/50 chance to be cured with just surgery but it jumped to 80% with chemo.  I'm hoping those three chemos did the trick because I won't have it again.  He also did NOT recommend radiation for me.



  • Beachrose
    Beachrose Member Posts: 10
    Good news!

    Yesterday had my oncologist appointment and the dreaded CT scan. It was a very a long day since it is a 2.5 hour drive to my cancer center and the day started with a 9:30 AM appointment, followed by the CT scan and then a 3:30 PM appointment with my oncologist. Definitely was practicing Kim's breathing technique to reduce "scanxiety" and it was good that I was able to get the results on the same day. So no new issues and the two things they were watching have not changed.  Blood work looked good also, so my doctor is now recommending three month follow ups and not scheduling any future CT scans unless the blood work does not look good or symptoms appear. In her words she said that a reoccurrence could happen next week, in 10 years, or never so just live your life and enjoy each day. At the end of December I will have reached my one year anniversary! So grateful and thankful!!


  • brissance
    brissance Member Posts: 192
    edited August 2016 #105
    Beachrose said:

    Good news!

    Yesterday had my oncologist appointment and the dreaded CT scan. It was a very a long day since it is a 2.5 hour drive to my cancer center and the day started with a 9:30 AM appointment, followed by the CT scan and then a 3:30 PM appointment with my oncologist. Definitely was practicing Kim's breathing technique to reduce "scanxiety" and it was good that I was able to get the results on the same day. So no new issues and the two things they were watching have not changed.  Blood work looked good also, so my doctor is now recommending three month follow ups and not scheduling any future CT scans unless the blood work does not look good or symptoms appear. In her words she said that a reoccurrence could happen next week, in 10 years, or never so just live your life and enjoy each day. At the end of December I will have reached my one year anniversary! So grateful and thankful!!



    Beach, Congrats on basically no news.  It is hard not to have a definite answer...  like just listening to the clock tick...  BUT when you think about it, that is normal for everyone.  No one knows if they will get cancer, or it will be next week, 10 years or never.  They are and we were in the same position before cancer but didn't know it.  We are simply more aware.  So with my awkward attempt at wisdom, poorly as it is written, I am trying to convince you (well actually convince myself) that we can and should just sit back and enjoy.  One year is awesome and I pray your healthy and boring "nothing" to report, continues forever.

  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,176 Member
    Beachrose said:

    Good news!

    Yesterday had my oncologist appointment and the dreaded CT scan. It was a very a long day since it is a 2.5 hour drive to my cancer center and the day started with a 9:30 AM appointment, followed by the CT scan and then a 3:30 PM appointment with my oncologist. Definitely was practicing Kim's breathing technique to reduce "scanxiety" and it was good that I was able to get the results on the same day. So no new issues and the two things they were watching have not changed.  Blood work looked good also, so my doctor is now recommending three month follow ups and not scheduling any future CT scans unless the blood work does not look good or symptoms appear. In her words she said that a reoccurrence could happen next week, in 10 years, or never so just live your life and enjoy each day. At the end of December I will have reached my one year anniversary! So grateful and thankful!!



    It's so good for those of us currently undergoing treatment to hear how things are going for those past it. So many good people here to learn and draw strength and hope from!  Thank you and congratulations.

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    Congrats and how awesome that

    Congrats and how awesome that you got the results the same day! I had to wait 2 weeks. 

  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    Beachrose said:

    Good news!

    Yesterday had my oncologist appointment and the dreaded CT scan. It was a very a long day since it is a 2.5 hour drive to my cancer center and the day started with a 9:30 AM appointment, followed by the CT scan and then a 3:30 PM appointment with my oncologist. Definitely was practicing Kim's breathing technique to reduce "scanxiety" and it was good that I was able to get the results on the same day. So no new issues and the two things they were watching have not changed.  Blood work looked good also, so my doctor is now recommending three month follow ups and not scheduling any future CT scans unless the blood work does not look good or symptoms appear. In her words she said that a reoccurrence could happen next week, in 10 years, or never so just live your life and enjoy each day. At the end of December I will have reached my one year anniversary! So grateful and thankful!!


    Good News!

    Beach, congrats on those results! I agree with the doctor - go live your long, happy life and don't ever look back! Kim


  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    edited August 2016 #109

    Congratulations on your good news!  And yes, wonderful that you could get your results so soon.  We all know the waiting is the hardest part.  (Hmmm.... I should write a song.)

  • loulou12
    loulou12 Member Posts: 17 Member

    New here my name is Cindy. I am a young 75 year old although right now I don’t feel that way because I am extremely drained and very depressed. I was diagnosed recently with Adenocarcinoma endometrium lining of the uterus grade one according to the tissue biopsy ultrasound indicated no masses in my uterus. I have never had an Anesthesia. . I have never had anesthesia or major surgery in my life.

    I will see an oncologist gyn in a few days. I actually feel more afraid of the anesthesia than the surgery. I’m terrified I’m afraid I will wake up and I know that’s horrible to even say but I have such a fear. I have been on 1 mg of estradiol for many many years without progesterone, my doctor self at such a low-dose I did not need progesterone. Now I am 10 mg a day in Provera since May 2023. I have had no vaginal bleeding for 30 days now but I know that there’s still cancer on the lining of my uterus, and even though it’s slow growing , I’m afraid to not do anything and to see if the hormone therapy will eradicate anything but it’s such a gamble. I don’t know how to get a grip on this fear I have of anesthesia. Maybe someone could help me with this. Bless all of you as well .

  • Momschooling
    Momschooling Member Posts: 112 Member

    Anesthesia is really the easiest part; they will probably give you something to relax right before they put you under. The next thing you'll be aware of is waking up in recovery :)

  • loulou12
    loulou12 Member Posts: 17 Member

    I am also "supposed to go on our yearly vacations" which have been planned for over a year. July 16th Montana and August 30 Vegas. I don't think Montana will happen. Robotic surgery for a hysterectomy is supposed to be less invasive (God knows how :( and better healing time. I am wondering how long in reality is usually takes to get back to "normal" where you can enjoy your activities and life again? I have been dealing with this since May 1st because the first tissue bio came back as nothing wrong. Thank God my GYN did another recently and that is when it came back as GRADE 1....Adenocarcinoma Endometrium . I have had so many scares in my life and they always thank God turned out to worry about nothing. BUT this, I am a nervous wreck and wish I wasn't like this. The thought to going under is so terrifying to me. I read that some go on Hormone therapy when low grade, however I will always wonder if it is spreading or not????

  • Momschooling
    Momschooling Member Posts: 112 Member

    Hormonal treatment is usually for those young women wanting to have children, it's still a risk even then. Surgery really is different depending on the person. It's better to not rush healing, just allow yourself to heal properly. The initial healing is about 6 to 8 weeks (depends on type of surgery), then afterwards you can start getting back into normal activities cautiously. Have you checked out the hystersisters website?