Do you want to know something sisters in pink?



  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    Group hug!
    I think we got a good one going here! Hugs!

    Move over, please, I want in!!
    Sending ((((hugs)))) right back at you all!! Sue, thanks for echoing my thoughts, you do it so well! Love you all.
  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    Wolfi said:

    Just what I needed today

    Thanks for the very nice post. It is just what I needed to read today (even though it made me cry). I feel the same way about this group. Whenever I am feeling down or am in pain I know I can come here and feel better because you guys "get it". I will admit that the news the past few weeks (Moopy and Heidi) has made me sad and angry that these great people are now gone but there are many wonderful things about this board.

    I love the jokes posted and frequently read them to my husband and daughter. I like all of the NED postings because they remind me that there IS a good side to cancer - getting rid of it.

    I am very lucky to have found all of you and feel honored to call you my cyber friends. I can deal with the deaths, stage 4 posts, and complaints of pain and sickness due to rads and chemo because I know that there are an equal number of "good" posts from everyone. Weddings, clean scans, people becoming more healthy, and all the other happy posts of new grandchildren and people finding their true friends keep me going and get me through the bad times.

    Hugs to you all,


    Ritzy, Just when I was
    Ritzy, Just when I was wondering if I ever wanted to get back on the board because of all the latest devasting news about Moopy and Heidi, I came on this morning and read your beautiful comforting words and felt your hug. That hug is going around this board and is pulling us all together with its love. Everyone is so appreciated and there is so much support. Thank you so much for posting your thoughts here and expressing what we all feel. And I'm still messmerized by your tail!
  • EllenaMaria
    EllenaMaria Member Posts: 69
    Sunrae said:

    Ritzy, Just when I was
    Ritzy, Just when I was wondering if I ever wanted to get back on the board because of all the latest devasting news about Moopy and Heidi, I came on this morning and read your beautiful comforting words and felt your hug. That hug is going around this board and is pulling us all together with its love. Everyone is so appreciated and there is so much support. Thank you so much for posting your thoughts here and expressing what we all feel. And I'm still messmerized by your tail!

    Like Wolfi said, some of us
    Like Wolfi said, some of us are here because it is hard to talk to others who just don't "get it". Of course I hope no one I know ever understands this, I don't want any more "sisters". But for those of us who are bonded by this beast it is nice to know we are not alone. Whenever I hear a friend say they are having an ultra sound after a mammo I get so worried. I don't want to extend the membership to anyone. But they take comfort in knowing they can come to me now. Which is kinda why I think I got this, to be there for others.

    Getting it is so important.
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    Thanks Ritzy!
    A BIIIG hug right back atcha!

    You put it beautifully, this board has been my life line.
    That's the long and short of it.

    And I don't know where I would be without you all.

  • weazer
    weazer Member Posts: 440

    Like Wolfi said, some of us
    Like Wolfi said, some of us are here because it is hard to talk to others who just don't "get it". Of course I hope no one I know ever understands this, I don't want any more "sisters". But for those of us who are bonded by this beast it is nice to know we are not alone. Whenever I hear a friend say they are having an ultra sound after a mammo I get so worried. I don't want to extend the membership to anyone. But they take comfort in knowing they can come to me now. Which is kinda why I think I got this, to be there for others.

    Getting it is so important.

    Thanks Ritzy
    I feel the same way, I love all my sisters in pink!
    I start my day looking at the posts!
    All of you are very much a part of my life, and I'm very thankfull too have such good friends.
    We all share a common bond and draw strength from one another.
    I can't imagine not having all of you! (very Alone)
    Love all of you...Many hugs Karie
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    Wolfi said:

    Just what I needed today

    Thanks for the very nice post. It is just what I needed to read today (even though it made me cry). I feel the same way about this group. Whenever I am feeling down or am in pain I know I can come here and feel better because you guys "get it". I will admit that the news the past few weeks (Moopy and Heidi) has made me sad and angry that these great people are now gone but there are many wonderful things about this board.

    I love the jokes posted and frequently read them to my husband and daughter. I like all of the NED postings because they remind me that there IS a good side to cancer - getting rid of it.

    I am very lucky to have found all of you and feel honored to call you my cyber friends. I can deal with the deaths, stage 4 posts, and complaints of pain and sickness due to rads and chemo because I know that there are an equal number of "good" posts from everyone. Weddings, clean scans, people becoming more healthy, and all the other happy posts of new grandchildren and people finding their true friends keep me going and get me through the bad times.

    Hugs to you all,


    Sending all of you a big
    Sending all of you a big hug! This is a really great post Ritzy and I know, I for one, needed it.

    The support and encouragement from all of you sisters in pink is priceless!

    Love to you all,

  • KayNYC
    KayNYC Member Posts: 495 Member
    You have echoed my thoughts
    Dear Ritzy,
    I love what you wrote and it echoed my sentiments exactly especially after the recent losses to our CSN family.Sending a great big hug back to you and the offer of a shoulder whenever you need one.
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member

    Thank you for putting into positive terms...
    my grunts and kvetching.

    I am puzzled by that word
    I am puzzled by that word too. What is it? LOL
  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877 Member
    That was a great hug Sue,
    That was a great hug Sue, Thank You.
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    linpsu said:

    so true
    What a beautiful message, Ritzy, and oh, so true! This site is so very important to me. I feel it is the only place where I can come and be surrounded by others who are going through what I am. No mundane question or concern of mine is ever too insignificant that it isn't considered important to a sister who is going through the same thing. No doctors or family members can ever understand what it is we deal with on a daily basis, not only the physical issues, but more importantly, the emotional ones. My heart is so full of the love and support that I feel when I am here. Hugs to all, Linda

    This is the ONE place Linda
    This is the ONE place Linda where everyone "gets it". It has always been my safe place as I know others feel the same way.

    So, thank you CSN for allowing us to have this wonderful site to gather.

    Sue :)
  • ladybug22
    ladybug22 Member Posts: 646
    Thank you for the great posting.One for all and all for sisters in we love and hugs to you all.
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member

    Like Wolfi said, some of us
    Like Wolfi said, some of us are here because it is hard to talk to others who just don't "get it". Of course I hope no one I know ever understands this, I don't want any more "sisters". But for those of us who are bonded by this beast it is nice to know we are not alone. Whenever I hear a friend say they are having an ultra sound after a mammo I get so worried. I don't want to extend the membership to anyone. But they take comfort in knowing they can come to me now. Which is kinda why I think I got this, to be there for others.

    Getting it is so important.

    You wrote how I feel Ritzy!
    You wrote how I feel Ritzy! Thank you for your wonderful words. I always enjoy reading what you write on here.

    And, I love your picture, as others do too. That tail swings as fast as I dance. hehe
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I feel the same way. I'm so glad I found this site. I've been helped so much through my journey.
  • Grandma X 6
    Grandma X 6 Member Posts: 135
    cahjah75 said:

    I feel the same way. I'm so glad I found this site. I've been helped so much through my journey.

    No one could have said it any better!
    Oh Boy this is a wonderful site I found it by accident one day .It is the best accident I have ever had. It has been a tough week for all of us, but we have to all try to keep it together and keep fighting, that is want all of our Pink Sisters we have lost would want for all of us. Ritz your post was so great, we all Love You as Sister should. We have a great bond together that even Cancer can not break. We all feel your hug and I send it back to you and everyone of you. We are lucky to have each other. Best Wishes to everyone. Cindy
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    Kat11 said:

    We do have a bond that know
    We do have a bond that know one can break. Hugs

    .double post
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    Kat11 said:

    We do have a bond that know
    We do have a bond that know one can break. Hugs

    I am still feeling your hug
    I am still feeling your hug today! LOL

    Hugs, Megan
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    Kat11 said:

    We do have a bond that know
    We do have a bond that know one can break. Hugs

    triple post sorry
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    aysemari said:

    Thanks Ritzy!
    A BIIIG hug right back atcha!

    You put it beautifully, this board has been my life line.
    That's the long and short of it.

    And I don't know where I would be without you all.


    We are all lucky to have the
    We are all lucky to have the close bond, even though I wish none of us ever had to come here.

    Thanks Ritzy for writing how we all feel.

    At times, I can only send a hug or say good luck, but, I hope that it helps my pink sister, even if it is a short message.

    Hugs to all of you too,

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    ladybug22 said:

    Thank you for the great posting.One for all and all for sisters in we love and hugs to you all.

    That was a fantastic hug
    That was a fantastic hug Ritzy and written just like I have felt. We take the good, the bad and the ugly and hold hands together thru it all. Bonded, sisters, friends forever.

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    Sunrae said:

    Ritzy, Just when I was
    Ritzy, Just when I was wondering if I ever wanted to get back on the board because of all the latest devasting news about Moopy and Heidi, I came on this morning and read your beautiful comforting words and felt your hug. That hug is going around this board and is pulling us all together with its love. Everyone is so appreciated and there is so much support. Thank you so much for posting your thoughts here and expressing what we all feel. And I'm still messmerized by your tail!

    How have you been doing
    How have you been doing Sunrae? I haven't seen an update lately. I pray you are doing better and feeling well.