Please tell me about your MOHS outcome
I was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma on the tip of my nose last week. Oncology Dermatologist is doing MOHS procedure soon. There will be reconstruction, stitches and a scar. I was told if I did not like the scar they could do a scar revision. I understand most BCC are removed by Dermatologists, but how about BCC on…
Lump shrunk after punch biopsy
Hello, had a punch biopsy done (very small and didn’t take even half of the lump). after almost a week the lump appears to have completely vanished.. has this happened to any of you? What was the outcome? I am being tested for BCC. The lump was skin colour and hard/immovable. It didn’t bleed easily or anything like that.…
Squamous cell carcinoma treatment
Multiple Cases of BCC, Starting in 20s
Hi! I would like help understanding why this happens. In the past 10 years, I've had four cases of BCC and at least one diagnosis of precancerous cells. (I'm attempting to get copies of all my lab reports.) I'm not yet 35. I also have an autoimmune didorder and am prone to skin tags, rashes, and facial acne. Is it all…
MOHs on the tip of nose
Just diagnosed with carcinoma on my nose tip. Diagnosis is actually Infiltrative Carcinoma, extending to deep and lateral margins. It says pattern is concerning for a microsystic adnexal carcinoma. Scheduled for MOHs in September. Had surgery 4 years ago for stage II nodular melanoma. Just wondering what to expect with the…
Basal cell or squamous cell (hopefully neither at all)
Hi!! Hoping anyone who has had either of these can answer some questions. I’ve had a “cyst” on my scalp for over a year now that does not act or look like a cyst. I have not been able to get into a dermatologist yet. It was bleeding profusely (from appx 7:30 am - 3:30 pm) so I finally went to an urgent care to at least…
Possible skin cancer?
I've had this mole for about four years now. It's right on my back where I don't see it often enough to know what it really looked like when I first got it..but it's become tender, and the color looks different on one side, as well as the shape. I'm only 23, but I did live in the philippines, hawaii, and california when I…
Basal Cell Carcinoma - Newly Diagnosed
I am new to this site. Recently I was diagosed with Basal Cell Carcinoma (bcc) on my nose. On Oct. 17th I am scheduled for my initial consult with a MOHS surgeon. I know how MOHS surgery works from research that I have done on my own as well as material that the doctor mailed me. This will be covered by my insurance...at…
Waiting on Pathology - Nervous!
Hello everyone, yesterday I had two moles removed. One is close to my ear and resembles a squamous cell carcinoma the second one looks mean and angry. It's located on my abdomen. When the dermatologist looked at it he said it was definitely cause for concern and needed to come off. I now wait 2 weeks to get the pathology…
Skin cancer?
My doctor tells me that these are keloids but they keep popping up and won’t go away. Anyone have any ideas on what it could be? Not sure if I should leave this alone or not...
squamous cell carcinoma
I have had the hardest time to get diagnosed. since december i have felt unwell. ive been to doctors. ive been to dermatologist. the doctors only do cbc blood test and quick physical exam and ask a few questions and say im fine or they dont know and send me home. the first dermatologist i saw was private and i showed him a…
squamous cell carcinoma
I have been diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma and go in for surgery tomorrow to have it removed from my hand. Does anyone know if there may be any connection to Agent Orange? I am an Army combat veteran (Vietnam) and the the jungles where we operated was sprayed heavily with the chemical...
I'm mew and post to rare cancers but despratly need support for my vulvar cancer/melanoma
Somebody PLEAE help me. I went through this 4 years ago and had NO support, thinking I was the only one and could not find anyone out there like me, now I'm doing it again, is there anyone out there that can help?? I have my second surgery on the 15th of Febuary
healing ? after edc procedure
I had the edc procedure done a little over 3 weeks ago to remove a bcc. Since then the tan scab where the bcc was has fallen off and the skin looks almost normal, but around the healed part is a red ring about the size of a quarter. Nothing hurts, I have no fever, and no oozing occurred during the healing process. Why the…
Possible Basal Cell Carcinoma??
I just noticed in the mirror when I got home from work a bad looking place on my neck. It looks like a raised, shiny bump or irritated hair follicle. I live in TN and sweat a lot. I probably noticed it first a month or so ago thinking it was the same thing, only smaller and never looked like any concern. It only looked bad…
Has anyone had any experience with PDT - Photodynamic Therapy
A friend recently told me about an AARP article that talked about the promising use of Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) on treating melanomas. Does anyone have any experience with this intervention? It looks like I'll be having surgery for an in situ melanoma on my upper arm (I was just diagnosed and although I haven't met with…
EC survivor now have infiltrating basal cell on temple
Hi, I was just told that I have an infiltrating basal cell in my hairline by my temple. My derm has told me that it could be a lot bigger than the dime sized lesion on the surface. So strange. I went to the derm with my hubby for his f/u for precancerous lesions and we asked the dr to look at a scab on my temple. He…
I was diagnosed with melanoa in October 2017. I had surgery on my chest above mostly my right breast but a little above my left. It was a very large scar and to remove it he went all the way down to the muscle on my chest. Ever since then I have had pain in my underarms and on the sides of my breast. It gets so bad that my…
? about type of bcc surgery done
Today on my back I had the electrodessication and curettage procedure. Being it took about 5 minutes to do can someone tell me if this procedure is any good compared to others? Thanks
Newly diagnosed, confused and scared
I am 66 years old and just received a diagnosis of melanoma in situ. I was pretty shocked. I only went to a dermatologist because a friend of mine told me that her son-in-law had recently died of melanoma. She strongly urged me to get a “base line” body scan because I’ve never had one. Little did I ever suspect that the…
Advice needed if possible
Hi there. im new to this form and am really just looking for some advice. i have had a sunspot (I think) on my cheek for 2 years now. It started off small and has grown and darlen over the last 2 yeara. It is now raised and itchy. Can a sun spot be cancerous? Im not sure how to attach a pictUre for you to see. Any advice…
newbie here and just diagnosed with bcc
The bcc is on my back and I don't know how long it has been there. About a month ago I scratched an itch on my back and something bled. I assumed it was an irritation from my bra. I looked in the mirror and saw a red flat mark. I decided to see my dr. who biopsied it. It came back pre cancerous bcc. I have a dermatologist…
Any advice please????????
Hi all. I was wondering if there's anyone that may have an idea as to what I have By looking at my below photo. Two yrs ago I went to dermatologist as I had a mole which was a tiny bit sore. I had never noticed it on my chest before. The dermatologist said it was nothing to worry about and it looked like an Haemangioma. My…
early radiation
I received radiation when I was a child for a skin condition. It was a blue light that smelled. Did anyone else have a similar treatment?
pet Scan report
My last pet scan report says the following. Can anyone tell me what this means. There is a mildly enlarged right inguinal lymph node, which measures approximately 1.1 cm in the short axis, which is unchanged from the prior exam. This demonstrates an SUV max of 5.5 on image 250, which is new and may be reactive. The left…
...that one day we will have a pink heart shape pill that cures all cancers and our biggest complaint will be that it comes only in 6 different flavors. Please, join me in this dream and until then god bless us with nothing but happy hopeful days. Laz
Sarcoidosis and Melanoma
Sarcoidosis is auto-immune disease, it is not cancer. It can affect any part of your body, mine is in my lungs. It was discovered during the time I was diagnosed with Stage lll melanoma, from a Pet Scan. Most people that have this, don't know it until they have testing for something else. Which was what happened to me.…
Really worried after melanoma
Hello, I was recently diagnosed with melanoma and basal cell carcinoma in July and both were removed in September. Well since my diagnosis I’ve had 3 incidental findings of a tumor on my upper femur, a tumor in my left kidney and opacities in both lungs. The kidney tumor has gone from a sub centimeter tumor to a 1.5 cm…
New to the discussion board
I am new to the chat forum and to the cancer support site.I had my second biopsy done on my scalp today. The dermatologist did a shave for the first biopsy which came back dyplastic Nevi and pathology requested a deeper biopsy. I had the second biopsy today and I am waiting on results. I have swollen nodes in my groin for…
Melanoma Spread To Spleen
Anybody out there had melanoma spread to there spleen? A mass on the inside and outside of my spleen was found. Orgianl site was in the hair line of my scalp. Deep. Cellur rare Blue Nevus melanoma diagnosed. M R I found the new mass in abdomen. If spleen is taken out I fear I won't be able to fight infection etc. Had…