Treatment decisions for Stage III melanoma
My 21 year old daughter was diagnosed with melanoma of her ear in 9/08. In 12/09, she had a radical neck dissection with positive lymph nodes in her neck. We have been to 3 oncologists and I have done alot of research online. Her treatment options are Interferon along with possbily radiation to the neck for local control…
Gauze Packing For An Open Wound
My husband, Bob, just spent 5 days in the hospital again last week due to a leg infection. He is stage 3c. Since his surgery on July 22nd to take out the melanoma tumor and all surrounding lymph nodes (18 that tested negated), the drain tube for lymphatic fluid in his leg was moved and replaced 3 times. His doctor tried to…
cancer treatment center of america
anyone have experience with these hospitals
cancer treatment center of america
anyone have experience with these hospitals
New BCC diagnois
I had a questionable nodule biopsed on my chest and came back BCC..today had another scrapped also..awaiting results. Scheduled for mohs in 2 days. I know they say this type is very curable but I cant help being petrified. I know they say it rarely spreads, but how do you not worry. I cant believe this, am still in shock.…
New treatment & Hope for Patients with advanced melanoma
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38854884/ns/health-cancer BOSTON — An experimental targeted cancer drug shrank advanced melanoma tumors in 81 percent of patients with the deadly and hard-to-treat cancer, doctors said Wednesday. The findings were part of an early phase study used to determine the best dose of the experimental…
New diagnosis....how fast to move
I lost my brother to melanoma in 2007 2 years after diagnosis. It was in his fingertip and the dermatologist diagnosed granuloma without doing a biopsy and sent him to a hand surgeon who treated it with silver nitrate for 6 weeks! Anyway, now I have another relative who had a biopsy of a spot on her shin that she had to…
Did anyone has an experience with IAT CLINIC? I am desperate for a cure.............. Thank you in advance.......
Malignant Melanoma in Lung
My brother was just diagnosed with Malignant Melanoma in his lung. The only other things I know are that they found the source of the cancer (it was on top of his head) and that there are little spots on his brain. From my understanding, he will have radiation therapy to hopefully remove the spotting on his brain, but the…
No Health Insurance
Hi everyone! Well here it goes..... I decided to go to a dermatologist after my cousin, age 44, died of melanoma on April 16th of this year. I saw her boys in the funeral receiving line and I didn't want that to be my 3 boys, so I made an appointment to have my body checked BC I am fair skinned with lots of freckles. They…
still trying to survive...
My husband died of Melanoma Cancer on his face. A dream marriage of 28 years and can't believe it is all gone. Getting promoted soon and I need my job to keep my mind busy...
im feeling very selfish.
im new on this site and i came on it to try talk to people who lost there mums as a child but after reading so may of peoples problems and fears im starting to feel like i dont have a problem compaired to everyone elce so i should just deal with what happend to me.
i lost my mum at the age of six.
i am now 31 and my mum died at the age of 32 when i was only six years old, this is the first time iv realy wanted to share my exspirence with people who have lost loved ones, in life so far iv not meet anyone who lost ther mun as a chiled and would like to hear how other people cope or how it has effected them in there…
melanoma spreading to other lymphnodes
So I'm 20 yrs old and have a wonderful husband and beautiful baby. I was diagnoised in Jan. 2010 with Stage 3c melanoma the cancer was found on my leg,and in my lymphnodes in my right groin. I had all lymphnodes removed in my right groin and after fighting infections finally managed to heal properly. I am on Interferon…
Skin cancer my secondary cancer now/husband deserted me
So I started by getting thyroid cancer, then during my treatment or at the end of it my husband cheated on me. In the midst of this news I got skin cancer. I am deeply depressed now, he says this to me "you would be sick whether you were with me or not" I wish I hadn't lived almost, I will have a lifetime of treatments,…
Dr. sent slides for "special staining"??????
Okay..... I am still worried about my melanoma!! My dermatologist removed my melanoma and biopsied another mole at the same time... It has been about 10 days. I got a call from the nurse and she said that the doctor sent my slides out for "special staining" What does that mean??? It doesn't sound good to me! Anybody have…
Melanoma drug cuts death risk in major trial
Experimental treatment raises hopes of reversing advanced cases Progress in cancer treatment usually creeps forward. While more people are living longer with more kinds of cancer than ever, the better treatments are often incremental improvements. But every five or 10 years a new medication arrives that totally shifts the…
Interferon recall ?
First let me say hello to all, and also say I wish I had known about this site while I was taking my treatments. I was wondering if anyone had any more information on the interferon recall ??? I have tried every avenue I can think of to get some info, with no results. All they have told me is.... they don't know what the…
Hi new to this site. I'm on the breast cancer site, but had a BCC removed from my R neck. The buggar sat right on my cartoid. Surgeon said all marins clear. This is the second time it was removed. The first one the primary Dr. removed it. So he/ they never consulted me. Jump ahead one year, breast cancer, and he ( surgeon…
Recurrant Stage IV Melanoma
Hello, My dad, 50, is currently battling another round of Melanoma. 6 years ago my dad found a nasty mole on his back that the dermatologist biopsied and it came back melanoma. They removed the orignal melanoma and also removed the lympth nodes from under his right arm, which a few came back cancerous. He then underwent…
Morpheaform BCC
Recently was treated for two basal cell carcinomas, and now I see a very small white dot on my nose. I am afraid that this is what is called a morpheaform bcc, which I've read is extremely aggressive. I am really scared. Has anyone here ever been treated for this variety of bcc? What were the results? Thank You.
BCC Without Melanoma?
I just had two BCCs treated. Now I'm reading all these posts from people who had BCC, and then went on to develop melanoma. My heart goes out to you guys, but it would be really nice to hear from some people who did not have this happen. I am really scared. Thanks
Infliltrative/aggressive basal cell carcinoma
Waiting for biopsy results for a subtype of basal cell carcinoma called morpheaform. This is said to be the most aggressive type of bcc. Has anyone ever experienced this? What was the outcome?
So Scared- Please Help
Just last month, I had two basal cell carcinomas removed from my face. the scarring wasn't bad, but then I noticed a white dot on my nose, and when I presented it to my dermatological surgeion, she said it could be nothing, but a biopsy was in order to determine what's going on. I've read that morpheaform bcc is the most…
Constant Fear of New Cancers
Hi Everyone. I'm new to this board. I had Mohs surgery to remove two BCCs on my face about a month ago. The spots had appeared years apart (one over a decade ago, the other five years ago) but I had them diagnosed at the same time. I was really scared to have the surgery, because I had let the problem go so long and…
Any suggestions?
Hello everyone, In the last few months I have been diagnosed with melanoma, I have had two surgeries and now I'm cancer free which is excellent , but now I'm getting ready to start high dose interferon for 4 weeks and after that I've got 5 weeks of on sight radiation and then 11 months of low dose interferon. I'm scared to…
Mohs Surgery Issues
I was scheduled to have Mohs surgery the day after tomorrow on my nose for a very small squamous cell carcinoma. Unfortunately, I came down sick yesterday with what appears to be a sinus infection with fever, cold chills, yellow mucous etc. The earliest appointment I can get with my regular doctor to treat the infection is…
Melanoma - My World Turned Upside Down!
This should have been my fourth year cancer free. Four years ago I was watching a mole change on the center of my chest. Went to dermatologist who did a biopsy and he confirmed Melanoma. Surgeon did a wider incision and it came back with clear margins. At that time he also did a lymph node dissection on my left and right…
What should I expect after a complete removal of lymph nodes under-arm?
Had Melanoma removed in January, had Sentinel Node Biopsy in Feb, that was positive. In March had the rest of my lymph nodes removed. I have chosen not to have any further drugs as I didn't have much cancer in my sentinel lymph nodes and none anywhere else but here's the thing...... I am the incredible lumpy woman. I had a…
Side effects coming off of B-Raf Trial drug
My husband Was not successful with the B-Raaf trial drug and was dismissed from the studay 2 wees ago. Since then he has been very ill on multiple, but not neccessarily successive days. He has a burning stomach, dry-heaves diarrhea, vomiting (which is usually a mustard color liquid ; the same color as the pills he took.) a…