No Health Insurance

goingtobeatmelanoma Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Skin Cancer #1
Hi everyone! Well here it goes..... I decided to go to a dermatologist after my cousin, age 44, died of melanoma on April 16th of this year. I saw her boys in the funeral receiving line and I didn't want that to be my 3 boys, so I made an appointment to have my body checked BC I am fair skinned with lots of freckles. They shaved and biopsied 2 "suspicious" moles from my chest.

I received my pathlogy reports 5 days later and thank GOD I went when I did,the bigger mole they removed from my chest is stage 1b melanoma and I have to have surgery, blood work, chest x-rays,and full body skin exams every 3 months. Here's the kicker, I have NO insurance and I do not qualify for ANYTHING through the state. I'm a stay @ home mom and can't even get disability.

Can anyone give me a link or help me with this insrance issue?? I am now a pre-existing condition and have been turned down for serveral policies I could have bought into!! I can't put this off, but I can't afford the treatment, pathlogy bill was already $270.00 and $100.00 for my visit already. If anyone knows anything about insurance I'd appreciate if you could guide me in the right direction.
Thank you!!


  • Mannie
    Mannie Member Posts: 52
    This might be able to help you
    I don't know how much this will be able to help you but any little bit is always worth a shot. This website has links to organizations that can possibly help you pay based on what types of diseases a person has and in what areas of the country a person is living in. Good luck!

    I don't have skin cancer, I don't even have a single mole on my body. I have brain cancer but I noticed quarter size dark spot on my wrist today and that's the only reason I even checked out this forum, God works in mysterious ways.

    Take care,

  • rehanshrestha
    rehanshrestha Member Posts: 1
    In this case, surely, you have to go undergo some medical treatments. Alon with this, another away to get rid of from your problem is that we can prefer Eastern ancient methodology of treatment. These methods were gathered by saints and gurus(religious) in ancient times after their long meditation and research. Its completely scientific way of treatment and quite popular method in East. There is no need of use of various unnecessary medicines. Just we have to follow is the rules of proper diet, meditation, yoga and exercise. I recommend you to search about 'Baba Ramdev' in search engines. Baba Ramdev is expert on it and he is recognized all over the world. Wish you all the best for your good health and hope you will find the soluton.
  • washoegal
    washoegal Member Posts: 45
    Financial Help
    Try A wonderful woman married to s survivor has compiled this list. Hope it helps!