Bit of advice
I have one of my best friends who is now dealing with her father's cancer. I am just wondering what is the best way to offer her some support.
Swine Flu Confusion
Does anyone know what the heck is going on with this new flu shot? I heard that it really isn't that different from the reg flu shot in its componants but strange things keep coming up. For instance. Yesterday I asked my GP about the reg vaccine for me and the piggy one and she said that some practises (including hers)…
I blurted out the other day that I don't feel like my old self. I haven't felt like my old self since I had surgery. I am tired of dealing everyday with bathroom issues. people say that cancer has shown them what's important in life. It has left me with bitter feelings, I just want my pre surgery body back.
F*** cancer (aka anger and frustration)
Hi, folks. I'm a 28-year-old cancer survivor. Diagnosed with astrocytoma in 1987 and in remission officially since 1993. Being cancer-free doesn't mean much given my current physical state, however. I know I'm not alone in feeling anger and resentment towards illness. I started a blog, now termed my "venting blog" where…
My Mom was Just Diagnosed with Stomach Cancer
My mom just found out last Thursday that she has stomach cancer. She has not found out the severity yet or any of the other circumstances surrounding her situation, but she is staying incredibly positive. She has her first appointment with the oncologist tomorrow and she meets with a surgeon on Wednesday. My mom has always…
blue roses
where are you michelle
My co-worker ws recently told she had cancer in the lymph nodes
At first she was told she had a spot one her lungs but that turned out to be nothing. Now they found something in her right breast and they have put some sort of stint to start treatment this week Tuesday Sept15,2009. I need to gather as much information I can so I can give her support threw this trying time. On Nov.2nd of…
different views
I attend a wonderful cancer support group. However I have a different outlook when it comes to cancer is a gift. I do not view it that way. Any others who don't see it that way either?
Similar Site in Canada
I just found out about this site called Caring Voices that is like this site in many ways. It apparently has been online for about a year but its not well populated yet which is sad. Anywho just thought I would let you know about it. it's www.caringvoices. ca They do postings like this site does and have chatrooms for…
divorced and having insurance problems
I am a ten year survuvor. About 3 years ago i got divorced. I went on my ex-husbands cobro plan. i just remarried last Friday. Now I am finding out that his insurance plan wont cover me. My cobra is also running out. Between the 2 of us we have 4 young kids which puts me working full time out of the question. Has anyone…
7 keys to surviving cancer
SURVIVING CANCER The dreaded curse of cancer can sometimes come on a person so quickly and unexpectedly that many times they will find themselves like a tiny fly that’s been trapped inside a gigantic spider web. The more the unfortunate individual tries to break free from this sticky snare the more they’ll discover that…
posted a long time ago now posting again
just to let everyone know my mother lost her battle with cancer August 31st, 2009 at 10:10 am it hurts and yes i know she isnt suffering anymore but that doesnt heal the whole i have in my heart and the emptiness i have she was hanging on for october to get here to see her first grandbaby andd dint make it :( she tried…
Divorce help: spousal support?
Hi. I just recently completed chemotherapy (hooray). In January I was diagnosed with lymphoma. Stage 4. In March my husband (of 8 years) moved out, after I discovered his affair. Shocking. He's living with her now and we're in the middle of a long divorce. Does anyone have advice on spousal support/alimony relating to…
O.K. I done it!
After years of abuse I finally got my own apartment..........In a foreign country.........I am english, I arrived here 6 years ago to be with a canadian...........I loved him sooooooooooo much///////not any more...............he chased that person away..........\anyway..........I'm going to make it alone..........Thanks…
Jobs for cancer survivors
I had back to back bouts of cancer which took me out of the workplace for the better part of three years. Now that I am fine, I can't find a job, and of course, i can't mention my cancer experience. Anyone know of any resources or websites I can go to. Anyone know of job opening in the broadcast field? Thanks...
abnormal cells
I was just informed that my pap test came back with "abnormal cells", this is the second test, and frankly I'm scared to death. I have another Dr. appointment in 2 weeks but I am going crazy worrying. Does anyone know what this means? Has this happened to anyone else? Does this mean I have cancer? HELP! I really need some…
I just thought of a comeback for the one That God never gives us more than we can handle. I've caught myself saying this a few times. Won't anymore though. If God never gives us more than we can handle why are people commiting suicide. I've had people comment My you're so thin {I've always been small} I tell them want to…
tears and fears / he is terminal -- i am caretaker
we have decided to not simply try to ignore this but openly discuss things . he want's to be part of helping me plan for when he's gone . been doing alot of crying --- yet know we need to or go nutts i have an excellent support system in place and now hospice is here to our rescue ... it still hurts beyond belief . he has…
At my wits end! :(
MALT Non-Hodgkins stage IV Survivor. Diagnosed in early 2005, had 7 months of "CHOP" chemo treatments, that growth went into remission at end of the chemo, cancer came back 3 months later in back, had 12 radiation treatments, treatment was successful. Then went through over 2 yrs of rituxan treatments. Just had my "1st" 6…
New at being sick and terminal...
How the heck do I wrap my head around this besides denial? Please help me decide....If I allow myself to be admitted to the hospital this Thursday for treatment...am I checking in to check out, so to speak? I'm so scared. I'm not ready to die yet. I don't want to die-I don't know what happens after someone dies, so that…
Lost My Mom to Cervical Cancer One Month Ago
I lost my mother one month from this coming Thursday to cervical cancer. My Mother was 63 years old she would have been 64 next week. I am a 33 year old married woman with no children. Since losing my Mother I feel like I am 5 years old. I cry and think about my Mother at least 30 times in a given minute. I call her cell…
40 with 2yr and lost
My husband was diagnosed with cancer Apr 08, right after our son turned 1. He put up a couragous battle. We took many trips to TX when we felt nothing more could be done at home. He passed at home on 6/23/09 at 42yrs old. I am now struggling terribly with the loss. My son is 2 and a half and constantly asks for his Daddy.…
Prayer of Thanks
My thanks and faith to God and St. Jude NOVENA TO ST. JUDE - EXAMPLE 1 [back to list of Novenas] / How to Pray a Novena Before beginning this Novena, first read it over and absorb what you will be saying. Then gather your thoughts and choose the specific words that you will be using to ask for your special request or…
I feel like giving up
I am feeling more sick than ever from the treatment and now am deciding whether I want to continue on with it. I feel so stressed because I know if I stop I may not have much longer. But is it worth it if I feel so sick and weak all the time? I think it's hitting me harder than ever that I may not be here much longer. The…
Help! My husband is only 38 and we have 2 very young kids.
My husband of 10 years was diagnosed Sept 2008 with nasopharyngeal cancer. Our babies were just 2 years old and 6 months old at the time. The doctors said it had metastasized to his throat. He went 5 months of chemo/radiation, lost 40 lbs and all his hair. It was terrible for us but we were hopeful. The kids, especially…
I'm heated!
I know this is very superficial... My close friends are all very angry at me right now. I've told them that I'm barely coping and have too much on my plate. they're angry because I'm not answering my phone and I'm not coming over to 'hang out' and I'm just staying to myself. I've told most about the phone problems I'm…
Hello, i have been diagnosed with CIN3 AND VIN3 caused by hpv and on both sides of the outer labia. I have had a LEETZ for CIN3 and a wide excision for VIN3 on the right side, i am to commence aldara for the left side. I am in my 20's. i have read it is rare to develop at a young age. Treatment seems promising for CIN3…
3 surgeries in 6 weeks - when it rains it pours
Hi my dear compadres, I am writing because I have had three surgeries in 6 weeks, and I need help understanding my emotions - one surgery for a D & C, one for my ear (the only one I really planned) and recently one for breast cancer (I had the surgery yesterday). I am a very upbeat person and very warm and postive but…
How to deal with the pain and hurtfullness from your loved ones
My husband has been diagnosed for the 2nd time with brain cancer. they removed his tumor and is a total different man. He is so angry towards me. Doesnt acknowledge that i am around him. Isw very hateful towards me.. Does anyone have any answers for me on how to deal with this.
The Department of Health and Human Services wants to hear from you today!
If you have questions or concerns about what you may have heard concerning health insurance reform, this is your opportunity to find out and pose your own questions! Love and Courage! Rick Webcast Today @ 1:00 PM EDT on HealthReform.Gov From: U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services (subscriptions@hhs.gov) Sent: Fri 8/07/09…