OK, now what?
My colon cancer has recurred at the site where the colon was sewn together. My abdomen is full of tumor which is inoperable. I am told that I "may" have nine months. Went to the University of Virginia - they will treat with Oxaliplatin as a first line therapy. They said I may have a year with treatment. Georgetown…
magic bullets
View Tomcat replys---thank you. Any ideas anyone/
any magic bullets or home remedies
I was operated 8 yrs ago for colon cancer. It was diagnosed in early stage. Had a resection. One foot of colon was removed 14mm from anus. No chemo was involved. I still have frequent stool syndrome (this is what I call it) going anywhere from two or three times a day up to twelve. A lot of times I'm OK other times I'm…
Lombardi At Georgetown Univ
Any feedback from anyone about successes at the Lombardi Cancer Center in Washington, DC? I am headed over there soon for recurrent, Stage IV colon cancer. I don't know if there is much hope but I am willing to try most anything.
Colon Cancer Survivor
Just three short years ago, I heard the words no one wants to hear: "You have cancer." For me, it was colon cancer - the same disease that claimed my mothers's life 30 years earlier. I knew a little about the disese, but science had come a long way since my mother's illness. I underwent surgery, and was preparing for my…
My friend documented his color cancer experience.
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that my friend had colon cancer at the age of 27. He documented it on his website: www.helpalex.net/cancer. Visit it if you get a chance.
Chemo with irinotecan(CPT-11/camptosar) and 5-fu/leucv
Any long-term feedback on this treatment? I was just diagnosed with recurrent colon cancer and was told that I have nine months if I don't opt for any further treatment. I thought that this regimen sounded promising. I am going to Georgetown University to try to get as advanced treatment as possible. I just want some…
rectal, chemo,radiation need help Please reply DONT
DONT, Do you have an email address? I would like to talk to you on a more personal level. I have some more questions. I am very concerned about the radiation treatments. Please respond thanks
rectal, chemo,radiation need help
I was diagnosed with rectal cancer in august of 2002, I underwent surgery on sept 4, 2002 and was lucky that i had enough colon to resection the colon. I had a very low resection, about 2 inches from the anus. My surgey was successful in that the small tumor plus surrounding good tissue was removed. My cancer did not…
Villous Adenoma
Hi...I've just been diagnosed with a villous adenoma in my colon. It's benign and that's good. I have an appointment with a surgeon next week to see about the possibility of having a laporoscopic prodedure to remove it. Has anyone had any similar surgery? I really don't know what to expect and, quite frankly, am rather…
I was diagnosed 11/11/02 with rectal cancer and had a low anterior resection on 12/6/02 with a temporary illeostomy. I will be having the illeostomy reversed within the next couple of weeks. I have been experiencing a weird feeling in the rectum with the passage of some mucous and blood clots. I also get a stomachache…
Stage IV colon cancer
I have Stage IV colon cancer with liver metastis. I had a colon resection in Nov. of 2001. I have been in chemotherapy since Jan. 2002 and still going. has anyone had metastis to the liver that was not operable. If so I would like to hear from them
Liver treatment via pump or catheter
Has anyone experienced treatment to liver with the use of a catheter or a pump implant? I would like to know the pros and cons of each as I need to make a desision within the next four weeks.
New memeber
Hello All, I am a new member and was delighted to find this discussion group. I have read all of your messages and have taken encouragement from them as well as enlightenment. I was diagnosed in January 2002 and I am just four weeks out of treatment for stage 2 anal cancer. I too had the terrible burns from the radiation…
DMXAA and SU11248
one is an antiangiogenic agent the other a targeted therapy. Get your butts in a trial! Happy Holidays and God Bless
Colon Metastases
I was recently informed that a node in my long, which was discovered in a CT Scan when I was first diagnosed, has now doubled in size and an additional tumor has been found in my abdomen. I was told by my pulmonologist that because of my age, 39, and my otherwise good health that they would aggressively fight this cancer.…
Colen Cancer met. to liver
I was diagnosed in October 2001 and have been undergoing chemo with Cpt-11/FU5/and another drug that accompanies FU5. I don't seem to get straight answers from my doctor especially when I has what my survival rate is. He claims he's not god so he can answer that question. I had a CT-Scan in April which showed that there…
What is the outlook?
I have a friend who is 26 yrs old and just completed 6 months of chemo (3 drug regimen) for stage III colon cancer (5/8 lymph nodes positive). What is his expected outlook? Can someone at this stage live a healthy, long life or is this stage pretty advanced? Please advise. Any comments would be helpful. Shane
Colon Cancer lll... What treatments have been successful
One month ago I drove my father for his first Colonoscopy at 65 (years young), He had symptoms, but we just thought it may be a polyp... But while I was waiting for him I was at the beach and The GI called me on my cell phone to BLUNTLY let me know my father has colon cancer! I fainted! I rushed to the hospital which was…
chemo, radiation, colorectal cancer need help part II
My sister on her first message meant to type she has a 70% chance of the cancer not coming back. What does she do? or has anyone experience this.
In January of this year, I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. I was devastated! I have gone through six weeks of radiation and chemotherapy,I had surgery in which they got it all but I also had to have an ileostomy done. This a permanent thing that I have to live with the rest of my life! I have my moments about dealing…
Colon Cancer+ Leukaemia
I have Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (diagnosed in March 2001) and then Dukes 3 Cancer of Colon(diagnosed in June 2001). There is apparently a connection between these two conditions in that the leukaemia sufferers have a higher than average chance of developing colon or lung cancer in later life.I say this for info. as it…
tagamet rules!
decreases mortality from %41 to %7 when given starting two days before colon ca surgery. decreases mortality in advanced disease. it is an old acid blocker ulcer drug supplanted by newer, "better" meds.
colon polyps
i need some questions answered. can someone help me?
My mother who is 77 was recently diagnosed with colon cancer and it has spread to her liver.They are not going to do surgery at this time(she also has cardiovascular disease).She had her first session of chemo yesterday- CAMPTOSAR, LEUCOVORIN AND 5FU.They will consider surgery if the tumor begins to bleed. I would…
19 years old when diagnosed with cc
I am 21 yrs old and in remission with colon cancer. When I was 3 months pregnant, my son, put pressure on the polyp and caused severe bleeding. Thats when they found the cancer. I chose to wait until my son was born and then have the surgery. (the doctors tried to do the surgery when I was 6mnths pregnant but couldn't)Went…
rectal surgery
I had a low anterior resection following chemo and rediation. I had no colostomy. I have problems with flatus and frequent stools but I am thankful I had the surgery. I only wish that it had been sooner! So far, no signs of the big C returning. I believe surgery is the way to go. For anyone who has doubts, find a surgeon…
Cramping from 3 drug chemo treatment.
Hi. My roommate is currently going through chemo for stage III colon cancer and has been taking his second phase of treatment very hard. He's on the new 3 drug regimen and has been experiencing extreme cramping. Any suggestions to help alleviate this? He's called his doctor and they said to take Tylenol. Also, is anyone…
Colon cancer and problems
I had colon cancer operated on and radiation and I'm going through a bad time Depression and feel usefulness none I don't want to do anything I can't sleep but I'm always tired when they found out about the cancer I had just gone through four bypasses and came along good but this I can't seem to get over I feel that i…
15 month survivor of Stage III 1 lymph pos