Waiting for surgery making me crazy!!!
Hello everyone.... 32 year old/ stage III rectal cancer. Diagnosed September 18. Started 5FU and radiation on October 23/finished December 1st. Surgeon wanted to give me plenty of time to heal. I am seeing him this week to set a surgery date. He is shooting for end of January beginning of February. Does 8 weeks seem like a…
What is better than "Paris in the Springtime"? What is better than the Rockettes @ Christmas? What was better than finding the prize in the box of cereal before your sibling did when you were younger? (even though you cheated by setting your alarm earlier than he did but nobody ever found out and your therapist is sworn to…
newbie here
Hi I'm Sally and Im 32 yrs old and live in Fl. I started chemo at the end of Sept. I just wanted to say hello and that i'm very happy to have found this place.. Sally
Saw my oncologists this morning and got the results from my CT scans. "No evidence of metastatic disease" in the lungs, abdomen or pelvis. The two spots in my liver remain unchanged and they still suspect both to be fatty cysts. They'll do another scan in July (along with colonoscopy). My bloodwork was all normal. The CEA…
Colostomy Fear
Dear Friends: I just got back from a check-up and the PET scan showed that my rectum lit up. (The rectum was the site of my primary tumor, which we thought resolved completely using chemo only.) I go back to MDAnderson in late January for another CAT scan & flex sigmoidoscopy. And my CEA is less than 1. Now I'm frantic…
This may just be me being vain.. But whats the best way to deal wth the hairloss thing. My hair is thining really bad. And is causing me to get depressed. Would it just be better/easier to just crew cut it and have it be done with. Or just keep watching it come out 30 strands everytime I touch or brush it? I would be…
The Beast Claimed Secret Santa
Kansas City's Secret Santa made the national news in November when he revealed his identity. He was a millionaire who gave $1.3 million over 25 years or so to needy individuals selected at random. Tonight he died of esophageal cancer. He looked so healthy on TV right before Christmas. I had followed his story over the…
Thank you
Thank you all...See, I'm already feeling better. You are all a balm to my anxious mind. I really appreciate all you've done for me. Ying, I have read Andrew Weil's book, but it was a long time ago. Long before I was diagnosed. I will have to pull it out again. Mary
unbelievable and so sad
i work for the visiting nurses and our agency does iv cases. whenever i see orders for 5fu i take a closer look at the details. today we got oders for 5fu for a patient referred to us by chop (children's hospital of philadelphia). the patient is a 15 year old CHILD who's being treated for a recurrence of colon cancer. he…
Something is brewing...
Hmmm.....I can't place my finger on it, but something is brewing.... Something is in the making.... Something bigger than big is getting planned.... Details to follow.... Hmmmmmmmmm.....stay tuned.......(wink!) Stacy P.S. Ever notice how beer makes one write strange postings on Cancer Survivor Web Sites???
Thank you, my family
Thank you all for your warm thoughts and prayers. I am keeping busy, getting things settled, and replaying the fond memories of my daughter. When she was 'on', she was the kindest, most gentle person. I was not going to have any memorial, but then I realized I am not the only one who should be allowed to let go of their…
Palooza Newza!
Happy 2007 everyone!!! With the new year slowly beginning to unfold, and an influx of "newbies" on the site, I feel the need to discuss something very important to everyone. It's a little event we call COLON PALOOZAS! Our colon cancer survivors and caregivers have grown into a closely-knit group of folks who decided many…
e-mail problem?
Has anyone experienced problem with your E-mails today? I have one message waiting and can not go there.
Bad naseau with any eating - what is this??
Mark over the past three weeks is becoming naseus after eating anything and everything. This, of course, makes him not want to eat. He literally is forcing himself and he's lost more weight, something he can't afford to lose. He though in the beginning he had the stomach flu - several of his friends had it. Now it's been…
I am scheduled to have my first colonoscopy on Friday, 12 January 07 with the surgeon who performed my surgery to remove the cancer tumor. He is not a GI Doc. I say my GI Doc yesterday and discussed many issues with him regarding my case including my first colonoscopy. One main question was the prep my surgeon recommeded,…
Hi and Happy New Year! Been reading here off and on but hubby has been struggling with chemo etc. Am wondering, my husband's cea level is checked monthly and it was decreasing steadily however it has stalled out for the last month or so. Is it normal to have this while still on chemo esp. since it had been declining…
Ahoy, SemiColons! - Sorry for being AWOL - I got out of Dodge for the holiday and didn't have connectivity. WOW - a bunch of new faces. Very cool. Anyway, from my house to your's I want to wish each of you a new year that is filled with good health, much joy, copious love, great prosperity, and profound peace. - SpongeBob…
Surgery Date Moved
Hi All, Well as you know, my mom had quit taking her Avastin treatments 3 weeks ago in order to have the surgery that will remove her left adrenal gland, which in turn, if all goes well, will make my mom NED!!! So, imagine my surprise when we went to see her onc and do routine blood work, and they say we are doing another…
bone mets...
Hello all, I had posted before and ask you guys about liver spot, and I got a lot of response. Thank you. The liver spot was in June when they Ct Scan me, and they said they can't do a biopsy because it was too small. So, I had the "wait and see". They waited 7 months for another CT scan, which I had it this Jan 3rd. The…
Can't tell anyone else
I coughed up my first blood today. SCAREY! I don't want to worry my hubby and friends, so will keep this to myself until I see onc on Wed. I restart chemo next week. Have some things lined up to help with the diarrhea I usually get...naturopathic supplements and accupuncture. Just hate seeing this very tangible sign of…
One other thing (my mom)
UGH!!! I can't talk to her about ANYTHING medical. She freaks out at the first hint of something being wrong. She freaks out, stays depressed in her bedroom for days and plans funerals every time anyone even hints cancer to her! She is the only one left in her family. They all died young. So I understand where it is coming…
Friday Giggles
Hi Guys: Here are some giggles to help brighten your day a little :) Cheers, Ying =========================================== Male & Female Interpretations THINGY (thing-ee) n. female: Any part under a car's hood. male: The strap fastener on a woman's bra. VULNERABLE (vul-ne-ra-bel) adj. female: Fully opening up one's self…
More rotten news and hospital fiascos
Yesterday was a long day. First, an emotional trip to the attorney to finalize Mark's will. That was tough... I met him later at the doctor. He may finally have an answer to why he's been so nauseas and having abdominal pains. Another new oncologist - third one in two months. With one touch to Mark's stomach he announced…
My Daughter
I, unfortuately, have had another loss. Sunday last, I received a call from my mom (I was still in Holland), to say that my younger daughter (she was in a mental health facility) died unexpectedly. We are having an autopsy done, etc, to rule out medical malpractice. So, another angel is "walking with God". In a way, this…
what next? HELP!!!!!
Hi everyone, I am now in remission and will be done with chemo in another month. I have stage IV rectal cancer, diagnosed 3/04. I am really struggling with what to do next. When I was diagnosed with cancer I was in the process of separating from my husband, working on a masters degree in marriage and family therapy and…
Thank God for this board!
My sister called me today and said a chest Xray showed some "spots" on her lungs. She is a smoker and one of my other sisters (a non-smoker) died of lung cancer. But other than some abdominal pain, my sister has no symptoms. They've done a colonoscopy, barium, ultrasounds, lots and lots of tests and found no cause for her…
Wonderful Info on Cancer Survivorship
Hi Guys, I just saw this on cnn.com, a section on Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Lance Armstrong join force to spread awareness on cancer prevention, detection, survivorhood, etc. There are also lot of wonderful survivor videos. It's very uplifting. And it's great to see CNN helping to spread the knowledge. Please visit…
Stage IV Colon cancer...hope?
New to this board...hello! My husband's aunt of which he is very close to was diagnosed with Colon cancer stage IV last night. She had been having bloody stools and abdominal pain for 2 months and was ignored by doctors. They finally ran some tests and found a mass the size of a lemon on her colon. When the surgeon went in…
Lance Armstrong - Fighting for Us
Hi All: With 1 out of 2 Americans affected by cancer, you would think that research funding should be increased, not decreased? See this article below, I copied this in from CNN's web site. You can join the fight by contacting your elected representatives. Now that there are new shariffs in charge in Congress, I am hopeful…
My Dad
I haven't posted in a while because me Dad has had some pretty serious set backs recently. I had previously posted that we found out the night before Thanksgiving that my Dad's cancer had metastasized to the brain. We were scheduled for stereotactic radiosurgery on December 21st. Him and I went to the hospital on December…