I'm sooooo hungry!! (ranting here)
heck I'm gonna starve! doing the broth and water but my body is SCREAMING for food. I don't know how those poor people in Africa do it. I feel guilty. Being hungry sucks! and the test is tomorrow at 4pm. I'm so cranky right now I almost want to hit something. I told my honey he should just stay in a hotel tonight :)…
test- FDA Approval of Vit C
just experimenting to see if an archived thread can be carried forward.. nanuk 01-15-2007 11:44 PM EST Vit C for stage IV approved by FDA [reply] http://www.cancercompass.com/cancer-news/1,11998,00.htm?c=1003:5:1:2 eitter 01-16-2007 12:25 AM EST Re: Vit C for stage IV approved by FDA [reply] This is AWESOME news! Can't…
Vit C for stage IV approved by FDA
Grateful for Support-Friends Rock
I just wanted to say how much this board has meant to me over the past couple of months. (My husband age 36 dx stage IV w/ liver mets & nodes Oct. 06) I don't post often, but I read everyday. The knowledge and support of the people on this board amazes me constantly. I feel very blessed that we are getting good support…
I'm back from the docs
OK so we went to Georgetown Med center. Got lost INSIDE the area (construction) and was 10 minutes late. My husband swearing all the time and me having to pee (too much coffee). The Doc was very nice and alarmed that my old doc said, "If it was colon cancer we would have seen it on the CT scan" He scheduled a colonscopy &…
Additional Medical Distinctions
Hi to all of y'all!!!! I hope everyone is having a good New Year!!!! Given a recent thread about the differences between alternative and complimentary medicines, I thought it important to list a few more: Medical Distinction We've all heard about people having guts or balls. But do you really know the difference between…
Patient/Caregiver Seminars
Conversations about Colorectal Cancer: Finding HOPE (Healing. Options. Peer Support. Education.) in your Community presented by the Colon Cancer Alliance are free one day seminars intended for colorectal cancer survivors and caregivers. These seminars will offer information about the latest treatment advances and give…
ARTICLE - Cancer Deaths on Decline
Came across this article on Channel 4 (DC Area) News website and thought everyone here would find it interesting Number Of Annual Cancer Deaths Keeps Falling POSTED: 10:11 am EST January 17, 2007 Email This Story | Print This Story ATLANTA -- Cancer deaths in the U.S. have dropped for a second straight year. After a…
Alright kiddies, here it is..... COLON PALOOZA 5 LOCATION: Hilton Hotel (downtown Nashville) 121 4th Avenue South Nashville, Tennessee RATES: Rates are $ 159 per night for one or two people per room. Those cramming 3 in a room, the rate is $ 169 per night. Daring enough for 4 in a room? The rate is $ 179 per night. (Video…
Prayers Needed!!
Found out yesterday (15 Jan 07) that the couple we met going through chemotherapy, that she was told by her on Onc Doc that she only has a few weeks. The nicest couple I have every met. Always has a smile, got us back to church, never complained and was on chemo for almost two years. She is Stage IV rectal cancer with…
Others with liver metastasis
I am looking for others who have dealt with liver mets and what treatment you have had and do you have any suggestions for some just diagnosed with liver mets from anal cancer. We are in Chicago. Thinking of going for 2nd opinion at Sloan-Kettering. Any other suggestions. Told that it is inoperable, but he has been on…
Stage IV - are we sending misinformation
Hi all - It's a long story and this is second hand, but a very good friend of mine met someone who has recently diagnosed CRC - Stage IV. This person has never posted on our board, but has lurked and read. My friend told me that her friend (the lurker) told her that there are "several" Stage IV patients on this board who…
Colonoscopy Results
Had my very first colonoscopy Friday, 12 January and the surgeon indicated everything looked normal and wants to do the reverse surgery soon. Have to admit that the prep, TriLyte, wasn't that bad. Mixed it with the lemon-lime flavored packet and used a nose clip each time I drank. The nose clip really helped.
Atrial Fibrillation caused by chemo?
Hi all, Had to take Carl (age 36 dx stage IV 10/06) to the ER yesterday because he was in Afib. He has had this 2 times prior and had to be shocked back to normal. This time was no different. The last time this happened was about 5 years ago. He has been taking medication to prevent it from happening and yet it still did.…
HEAD COUNT, please
Alrighty semi colons (there is a drumroll sound here).... I need to nail down a head count of those who are either teetering or definitely coming to COLON PALOOZA 5 in NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. It will be held Wednesday, September 12, 2007 to Sunday, September 16, 2007. More details to follow, but at this time, I really need…
update (I'm done with military docs)
OK here's what happened. (long) Last night me and my husband were looking online at the military hospitals that treat cancer and there are 2 in my area. Lombardi & Johns Hopkins are the best though so we thought maybe they would just refer you to them after they diagnose. WRONG! With my health insurance (tricare prime)they…
attn Musiclover
Hi: I was reading the posts after I sent you an email..was Mark able to go on the trial?? Everyones suggestions on your posts were great: perhaps I can add 1) acupuncture for pain (in addition to as many non drowsy pain meds as he can handle) 2) boost/ensure to gain weight (even just sips as Mark can handle) 3) read the…
First let me begin by saying that I had a wonderful time Sat . at our mini Palooza . It was great to get a chance to meet everyone .Jerseysue Thanks so much for coming out here and making this all happen . A big thanks to your Sister for picking me up . Sue, Suzanne , Kerry , Kay and Jana I had a wonderful time and made my…
How long to heal from Liver resection
Hi all, I was wondering how long it took to completely heal from liver resection. Mine was done almost exactly a year ago. My scars are still a little sensitive and I have always felt some weird dull pains in the liver area. Anyone else experience this? I'm actually getting seeing Oncologist today for check-up and I will…
to do or not to do? colostomy
Hi to everyone on the board. I have responded to several post on the board in the past but now I need some advice. For those of you who don't know me, I'm a stage 4 with liver mets survivor. I was dx in Nov 03, had colon resection in Dec 03 and first liver resection in Jan 04. Here's my problem (I wonder if I should even…
I am Stage IV with mets to the liver hoping for a liver resection (need slight shrinkage). It was decided that I would not have radiation due to the fact that since the disease had spread, and radiation only targets one area, that it would not be adviceable to do radiation on me. Of course, since I am no longer the proud…
Spongebob, (thank you :)
I posted a long message to you but I replied on my other message 3 pages back! I thought once you posted a message it bumped it to the top, oops! Please read (and anyone else) thanks Lucky
Dilaudid vs morphine 4 bad pain
any one out there use dilaudid? i'm here with mark and he's suffering from back pain. the tylenol is not working. he's very concerned about becoming addicted to drugs. he's compromised - has no appetite. morphine in the past made him nauseus and he quickly became dependant, actually went through withdrawls after just a few…
Mark can't eat - Doctors putting him on chemo anyway. Need input.
Mark's trial is starting Tuesday. Last Wednesday the doc said he had to gain weight or he'd be off the trial. He's been feeling like crap for days with constant back pain and nausea. Still he's been making an effort to eat. Thursday he had both a CT scan AND a PET scan. That is a lot of radioactive fluid to consume not to…
I'm new and scared
Hi everyone, I'm 37. Call me Lucky. Wish we could be meeting under better circumstances but oh well. I am on the long road to just getting diagnosed! I am beyond frustrated at this point. It all started in 2001 and I still do not have a reason for the lower left sided pain and weight loss. They did a ct scan and I have a…
I've posted this before, but there are so many newbies on here that I thought I'd run it by again. It was one of the things that really helped me and continues to. jams ATTITUDE There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs on her head. "Well," she said, "I think…
Frantic - need support/advice
My dad was diagnosed in 5/02 with stage IV colon cancer. We have had severl surgeries and ablations. Until Sept. 06, his cea level never went above 17. Out of no where, it went from 3.9 to 55.1 in one month. Pet scan showed multiple spots (not very sure about this - conflicting opinion between onc and radilogist if all…
Help for blockages
Hi everyone! It has been a couple of years since I've visited this site, and I've missed it! I first posted when my mom was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer in 2003. You were all so helpful and encouraging, and I can't thank you enough. I'm here again for more advice from the experts. My mother is doing well except for…
Genetic testing anyone????
My oncologist is suggesting genetic testing due to my age (32). I met with a genetic counselor and he also agrees. Colon and reproductive cancers seem to be hitting the females on my father's side. Those of you who had the testing, was it worth it???? Do you feel better knowing the results??? I am unable to have children…
hello semi's
well finally i am starting to feel myself. surgery was 9 1/2 hrs, rough recovery. pain was bad couldn't use morphine drip. came home xmas day a blessing. still can't lay on sides so i lay on my back. i am sorry i have not been posting but i did read some. happy new year to all. let's keep slaying the dragon. this is our…