coloring hair after regrowth
Has anyone had experience coloring hair after it grew back? I'm not sure I want to do it but I colored it before and when I take off my wig, if I don't find a way to make the transition gradual, It may feel like announcing my chemo. to everyone -- even people I would not like to tell. My nurse said 6 months but that is…
jeancmici from nancy
Hi jean, I tried to send you an email but would not work today. I am 62 years old, and never took any hormone drugs and have 3 children...So we really can't blame the cancer on any one thing. I have thought because I did not nurse my children and took pills to dry up my milk that maybe that had something to do with it. I…
Courage for Cancer
I'm working on an exciting new fundraising project which has a goal of raising $2 million this year to fund women's cancer research. It's a training and fundraising program that culminates in walking or running in the Rock 'N Roll Half Marathon in Virginia Beach, Virginia on Labor Day Weekend. If you or someone you know…
Den Mother!!
Howdy there gang!! How is everyone doing? Sue, I know what you mean about the chest pain, my mastectomy arm is swollen and I get sharp ,heavy pains in my chest, i guess I will have to suck it up and go to the Dr. Ugh. The reason I am writing is that I have been on this site now since August and come to think of you all as…
I have developed a condition called costchondritis, which is inflamation of the cartilage of the breastbone and ribs,, as a result, I imagine,, of the trauma with the mastectomy..has anyone else had this? It feels like an elephant is sitting on your chest, and then there is a lot of pain...I am being treated with…
Early Morning to you all !!!
Hi everyone, Woke up early and cant sleep. Proable took too long of a nap yeasterday. A little about my self:I live in Maine, I am 38, married for 14 years, no children, a dog named Sara which is half Delmation and half Lab. She is more spoiled then most kids...lol (laugh out lound.) She has the head of a Delmation and the…
My wish
Someone sent me the following as a b'day card, and I want to share it with you because it is also my wish for you: I wish for you...Comfort on difficult days, Smiles when sadness intrudes, Rainbows to follow the clouds, Laughter to kiss your lips, Sunsets to warm your heart, Gentle hugs when spirits sag, Friendships to…
early morning...
hey...we are about in the same spots in our treatment. my hair is starting to grow back, too. i have about 1.5 inches of hair. it used to be blonde and now it is very black. the funny thing is that my eyebrows are still blonde. it is a quite interesting look. my boss says that God only made a few perfect heads and on the…
Taxol and Taste buds
Hi everyone, A question to those of you who have taken Taxol. How long did it take your taste buds or your good taste to return? I thought it would be awhile, but a friend just told me that her taste is still not the same as before Taxol. She still avoids sweet products ( coke and sugar in her tea, cookies etc.)She is a 7…
A few years ago I would have made some gloomy remark about another birthday(56), but when I woke up this morning, all I could say was 'thank you Jesus". Last year I wasn't sure I would have another b'day, but the Lord has been merciful; and I feel so much better. This is the best birthday I have ever had!! The best present…
worried sick about Catherine
Hi all, jsut a quick illegibly spelled note to ask if anyone has heard from Catherine? She dissappeared so fast, and I am worried sick about her. Let me know if anyone hears anything.This is the bitchy part of this whole net thing, I think I am going to start collecting home address and phone numbers for times likehis.…
Another update on nieces
Hi everyone, we do have some good news today. They took all the tubes out on my great niece today. We are thankful for that. She had surgery on her face yesterday. they did work on her cheekbone & her nose. The surgery went well. Our niece(her mother) was more responsive today but now she has pneumonia. She still has no…
can't do this anymore
wanted to thank you all for your kind words of encouragement..but I just can't do this any longer. My nerves are totally shot and I hate the fact I'm sick all the time. My mood is terrible and I have pushed away the love of my life......and have lost him, which is totally my own fault. But I have decided I can't let him be…
thank you
i just wanted to thank everyone that has been helping blondie (and me) during the time of need. i appreciate all that everyone here as done for her. we are still trying to work things out, and i am still pulling for her.
Good Morning!!
Hi Everyone, I usually have my treatment at 9:50 AM but the computer went on the blink again. So I cant go till 2:00 PM. If I could not make that I would have to wait till Mon. and that is out cause I want this to get over as soon as possible. I have spent the morning cleaning up and I made a box cake for my husband. I…
Vacation time!
Just wanted to let you all know that I will be away for the next week getting a well needed vacation! I hope everybody has a great and healthy week. Have a Happy Easter or Happy Passover! Will talk to you all next weekend! Hugs!! Cathy
I am new to this group. I was dx with Breast Cancer Aug. of 2000. I have been on a roller coaster ride ever sence. I have gone through Chemo, plus Texol and now have to endure 33 treatments of Radition which I am about half way through. I try to keep a positive but sometimes its hard. My doctor told me that he would never…
Update on my nieces
Good morning everyone, first I want to thank you for your prayers for our nieces. I really appreciate it. I talked to my sister-in-law this morning. They did surgery on our great niece yesterday evening to work on her arm & cheekbone again. They will have to go in again tomorrow. Our niece is not doing so well. They are…
Prayer request
Good morning everyone, I wanted to ask for you all to add our niece & great-niece to your prayer list. They were involved in a car accident on Saturday in Colorado Springs. They are both in intensive care. Our niece has severe spinal injuries. At this time she has very little movement in her arms & no movement at all in…
preparing for 2nd treatment......what now
I go for my next chemo treatment tomorrow, can someone please tell me when I should expect the hair loss to begin...I just want to be prepared. I've already picked up my wig, but I don't want to be caught off guard. I gotta tell you that I'm not handling this too well...have been pretty sick so far...does it get any…
Preparing 5yr old for mom's death ??
Can anyone recommend good reference books etc. on how to prepare a 5 yr old boy for his young mothers death from breast cancer, and how the remaining caregivers can continue to best support this child after. Especially addressing the abandonment and grieving issues of the child.
Next Treatment
Good Morning to You All!! I should be in bed instead of doing this, but I am also trying to down a lot of fluid. Anyway, I go in for my third dose of A/C this AM. My white blood count was up to 4.8 yesterday.....YEA!!! I always get a bit anxious before the treatments, so that is why I am being dumb and am up late. Oh well,…
what now?
i have finished all my treatments. i am now on arimidex. what comes now? how will i find out if the cancer treatment works? what kind of tests can i expect and who does them? what treatments can i expect in the years to come? if anyone else is on arimidex, what side effects do you experience? one last question...will my…
MD Anderson visit
Hi everyone, I loved the doctor today. He was very positive and would not plan any course of action until further testing was done to see exactly what we are dealing with. However my insurance would not approve the needed tests. I have to go back to my PCP and she has to have all the tests done and then send the results to…
Just Diagnosed
Hi everyone. I was just diagnosed 2 weeks ago and will see a doctor at MD Anderson Wednesday. I have stage 3 and everything I am reading and my one encounter with a doctor has given me very little hope. I am generally a very positive person and I hate being this way and being so afraid. I am looking for support and…
Going bye bye again
Hey there ladies. I am heading in tomorrow morning for Taxol # eight. So I will be off line for awhile until my head floats back onto my shoulders again!! I wish you all well. I will be checking my home email, so if anyone hears anything from Catherine, please let me know.Have a great week and lets kick some butt!! Hugs…
Hi Everyone: We all know the first thought we have when we hear our diagnosis of cancer--is of death. I have a quote, and I do not know where it came from--but it helps me, and maybe it will help someone else: "My life is but a weaving between my Lord and me, I cannot choose the colors....He worketh steadily...The dark…
getting information
Hello to All, Just wanted to say that the best search engine is www.google.com Just type in your question - I got tons of info after my diagnosis. Or you can just state: "Information about adriamycin" for example. Sometimes I think the hardest part of this is the lack of understanding from those not 'in the same boat' -…
Encouragement (Kick in the Pants) Needed!
Hi, Ladies!!! I am just feeling a bit more blue today. We just took our oldest daughter back to college (120 miles away) after having her home for 2 weeks on spring break. I didn't think that I would ever miss her this much!!! At least I have the other children and now back to the regular "rat race"! To boot, everyone has…
feeling like a lean-to
before I had my mastectomy my sister and i howled with laughter about reports of difficulty with balance, and leaning...I am not laughing now! I'll just be walking around and then realize that the leaning tower of pisa and i have a lot in common. ...so then i change my stance and it looks like I am a tree suffering form a…