Good Morning!!
Hi Everyone, I usually have my treatment at 9:50 AM but the computer went on the blink again. So I cant go till 2:00 PM. If I could not make that I would have to wait till Mon. and that is out cause I want this to get over as soon as possible. I have spent the morning cleaning up and I made a box cake for my husband. I…
Vacation time!
Just wanted to let you all know that I will be away for the next week getting a well needed vacation! I hope everybody has a great and healthy week. Have a Happy Easter or Happy Passover! Will talk to you all next weekend! Hugs!! Cathy
I am new to this group. I was dx with Breast Cancer Aug. of 2000. I have been on a roller coaster ride ever sence. I have gone through Chemo, plus Texol and now have to endure 33 treatments of Radition which I am about half way through. I try to keep a positive but sometimes its hard. My doctor told me that he would never…
Update on my nieces
Good morning everyone, first I want to thank you for your prayers for our nieces. I really appreciate it. I talked to my sister-in-law this morning. They did surgery on our great niece yesterday evening to work on her arm & cheekbone again. They will have to go in again tomorrow. Our niece is not doing so well. They are…
Prayer request
Good morning everyone, I wanted to ask for you all to add our niece & great-niece to your prayer list. They were involved in a car accident on Saturday in Colorado Springs. They are both in intensive care. Our niece has severe spinal injuries. At this time she has very little movement in her arms & no movement at all in…
preparing for 2nd treatment......what now
I go for my next chemo treatment tomorrow, can someone please tell me when I should expect the hair loss to begin...I just want to be prepared. I've already picked up my wig, but I don't want to be caught off guard. I gotta tell you that I'm not handling this too well...have been pretty sick so far...does it get any…
Preparing 5yr old for mom's death ??
Can anyone recommend good reference books etc. on how to prepare a 5 yr old boy for his young mothers death from breast cancer, and how the remaining caregivers can continue to best support this child after. Especially addressing the abandonment and grieving issues of the child.
Next Treatment
Good Morning to You All!! I should be in bed instead of doing this, but I am also trying to down a lot of fluid. Anyway, I go in for my third dose of A/C this AM. My white blood count was up to 4.8 yesterday.....YEA!!! I always get a bit anxious before the treatments, so that is why I am being dumb and am up late. Oh well,…
what now?
i have finished all my treatments. i am now on arimidex. what comes now? how will i find out if the cancer treatment works? what kind of tests can i expect and who does them? what treatments can i expect in the years to come? if anyone else is on arimidex, what side effects do you experience? one last question...will my…
MD Anderson visit
Hi everyone, I loved the doctor today. He was very positive and would not plan any course of action until further testing was done to see exactly what we are dealing with. However my insurance would not approve the needed tests. I have to go back to my PCP and she has to have all the tests done and then send the results to…
Just Diagnosed
Hi everyone. I was just diagnosed 2 weeks ago and will see a doctor at MD Anderson Wednesday. I have stage 3 and everything I am reading and my one encounter with a doctor has given me very little hope. I am generally a very positive person and I hate being this way and being so afraid. I am looking for support and…
Going bye bye again
Hey there ladies. I am heading in tomorrow morning for Taxol # eight. So I will be off line for awhile until my head floats back onto my shoulders again!! I wish you all well. I will be checking my home email, so if anyone hears anything from Catherine, please let me know.Have a great week and lets kick some butt!! Hugs…
Hi Everyone: We all know the first thought we have when we hear our diagnosis of cancer--is of death. I have a quote, and I do not know where it came from--but it helps me, and maybe it will help someone else: "My life is but a weaving between my Lord and me, I cannot choose the colors....He worketh steadily...The dark…
getting information
Hello to All, Just wanted to say that the best search engine is www.google.com Just type in your question - I got tons of info after my diagnosis. Or you can just state: "Information about adriamycin" for example. Sometimes I think the hardest part of this is the lack of understanding from those not 'in the same boat' -…
Encouragement (Kick in the Pants) Needed!
Hi, Ladies!!! I am just feeling a bit more blue today. We just took our oldest daughter back to college (120 miles away) after having her home for 2 weeks on spring break. I didn't think that I would ever miss her this much!!! At least I have the other children and now back to the regular "rat race"! To boot, everyone has…
feeling like a lean-to
before I had my mastectomy my sister and i howled with laughter about reports of difficulty with balance, and leaning...I am not laughing now! I'll just be walking around and then realize that the leaning tower of pisa and i have a lot in common. ...so then i change my stance and it looks like I am a tree suffering form a…
new to breast cancer.........
last saturday i had a mastectomy....i'm a large breasted woman so this was a drastic change to me......not to mention the "c" word now being in my vocabulary....I begin taking my first chemo treatment tomorrow...tonite I pick up my wig. This is all so new to me...and I have to admit i'm petrified. I have a boyfriend out of…
Feeling a little down and out
I am 40 years old and had a radical mascectomy along with reconstruction on November 2, 2000. I went through the surgery like a trooper and also my first few chemo treatments. Adriamycin was a bear! Of course, I lost all of my hair. That really didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. It started to grow back, but…
i proposed........
took a giant leap today...proposed to my boyfriend......first treatment made me crazy...anyone else get panic attacks?? it was awful...just awful
Need a Good Dose of Support
Hi all: Just have a quick minute but where else would I go when I'm feeling so low. Just lost my mom on Wednesday eve. Made it down there just in time (She lives about an hour from me). Left work early to beat the traffic. (God was watching me that day) Really feel bad cause I haven't called her that often, didn't make it…
Prayers for another little one
Hi ladies, hope you are all doing well. I would like you to do another small favour for me. I found out tonight that the five year old son of a former co-worker is in the hospital again. He has had leukemia since he was two and had gone into remission, but now it is back ,and kicking him hard. He is such a handsome little…
Chemo Angels
Hi ladies!!! I read a response to a post today asking about Chemo Angels. Well, as it happened, I was just looking at another Discussion Board and found a post from the lady who started Chemo Angels. Soooooo, here is the place to e-mail/write for more information Larua Armstrong Founder and Director Chemo Angels…
Hi Everyone: Have any of you suffered neuropathy as a side effect of your chemo? My hands and feet started tingling and feeling kinda numb from early on in treatment. Today I found out that my blurred vision and impaired ability to sweat is also caused by neuropathy! Chemo just keeps on giving off these terrible side…
Update on Employer problems
Hey all! Just wanted to check in for a moment. I have made a formal complaint at work, he has been interviewed by the "brass" and I was interviewed last Thursday. They asked alot of questions, mostly meant to verify the statements that he made in his meeting with them. Apparently, he told a few more fibs. The next step?…
Gods hand?
Hi all, I am going to share an experience with you that I have not even told my husband about yet, and I would like your feedback. Monday I was having alot of bad pain in my right side, almost to the point of going to the hospital, but stubborn as I am, I just ignored it as best as possible. That night Dave and I crawled…
I would also like to ask everyone to remember my friend's daughter. She is no child--30 years old; but what has happened to her is unbelievable. Three years ago she was diagnosed with MS, and yesterday she found out she has cervical cancer that has moved beyond the cervix in a couple of places. My heart breaks for her. I…
so sad,no more cards
Hi all, just a short note to let you know that the little girl with leukemia who was turning nine on April 1, did not make it.Her father asked that no cards be sent. Her name was Raini Rainique. Lets pray for her, and ask God to keep her by his side. Hugs Tiger
Vinnie's mom
Hello Vinnie. Oh, how I do feel for you. My mom died on March 8. It was sudden, very quick, but I had to make decisions before she died that my brothers were not capable to do. I made the decision to take her home with me to live for eight years before she got so sick she had to go to a nursing home. It always bothered me…
Gonna be a Redhead!
Hi everyone. Have finished my latest course of radiation (my fifth). As it was high on my neck I have lost half my hair!! Now I feel truly a sister with those who have had chemo. BUT as it was radiation it will not grow back ever. I was devastated. Then my daughter & her best friend (both outrageous redheads) suggested I…
Bummed Out!!!
Hi to all!!! Just need to vent my disappointment. I was to have my third dose of A/C tomorrow morning, but my blood counts today were too low for them to proceed. My white count did not show enough "mature" cells to be able to withstand the treatment. I should be back to normal by next week, so I will have the third A/C on…