
tvnews4cure Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello All, I'm a television reporter... my mother is a recent survivor of breast cancer. In May during rateings I'll be putting together several peices, in her honor, to help fight this disease. Any suggestions? Thanks!


  • tiger
    tiger Member Posts: 277
    Hi, I think it is great what you are going to do. My suggestions would be to do stories from different standpoints. Such as recurrent breast cancer,symptoms,treatments, emotions. Patients with metastatic cancer,outlooks,emotions, ages etc. There is such a wide range of breast cancer,treatments and prognosis.The most important thing is to reach out to the public, and educate them that this is really not the death sentence that everyone thinks it is, even for someone in my shoes, you can read my story on my web page. Maybe get a local salon to do makeovers on patients undergoing chemo. My home email is if you would like to chat personally, I am full of suggestions, and hope!! Tiger.
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  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398 Member
    You might want to remind women to listen to their bodies. All to often long after the cancer is gone we are left in pain due to side effects from the medications and treatments for the disease. We must insist on improving our quality of life so that we too may life in harmoney. We do not need to suffer in silence.
  • blackbandana
    blackbandana Member Posts: 64
    Hi, I would like for you to inform the public that you DO NOT need to have a lump to have Breast Cancer and that the only way to really be sure your ok from year to year is to have a mamogram