Osteosarcoma Endoprosthesis - Experiences?
My son is 11 years old and recently diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in his left tibia. He has gone through the initial chemo treatments and now looking at limb salvage. Have decided against allograft bone transplant due to close proximity of tumor. Looking at endoprosthesis and wondering if anyone out there can share their…
Does anyone know where I can find information about health and life insurance for bone cancer survivors? I had bone cancer when I was 18 and now I'm worried about not being able to have coverage. I am looking at getting married soon but I need to know if I can find anyone that will cover bone cancer without having to pay…
Can your insurance be cancelled
In Louisiana, can your employer cancel your group insurance when you become unable to work due to terminal Bone Cancer?
I am writing to you on behalf of my brother (21 years old) who has been said to have a diagnosis of chondrosarcoma in July 2005. since then several surgeries have been performed including the replacement of his left knee joint with a prothesis. Unforetunately, after the first surgery they found a relapse in the soft…
cancer treatment centers of america
anyone have experience with these hospitals
How do I become a bone marrow donor ?
Can anybody tell me how or who I would contact to become a bone marrow donor for "anybody" who is a match to me?
rife machines
Has any one had good success with them. what model and make?
Essential thrombocythemia and early stage of myelofibrosis
Hello. My name is Gracie. I'm a regular visitor in the breast cancer discussion boards. However now my husband has cancer too. I'm posting in bone cancer, rather than in the rare cancer forum, in hopes of getting more responses to my questions. His diagnosis reads thus: "The differential diagnosis mainly includes essential…
Bone Marrow Cancer
Is Bone Marrow Cancer Lukemia? Could someone explain?
Limb salvage, lower femur
Hi. I was diagnosed with a giant cell tumour in my left femur 3 years ago, fortunately with no recurrence. The tumour was aggressive, undiagnosed for 6 months, but luckily benign, so no chemo needed. I need to know about recovery from a part femur replacement, and this is the only site where I have found people having this…
I just found out last week that I have osteosarcoma in my right knee I have already started having alot of tests ran and doctors appt. everyday. I go monday to set up my first chemo treatment and to get my pickline put in. I could really use someone to talk to right now who understands I am 24 and it is my understanding…
Help with Diagnosis
I am looking for some help. My mom injured herself at work in November of 09, work sent her to the hospital, when the Doctor saw her X-Rays he said "I don't want to alarm you but this looks like bone cancer". Her regular Doctor sent her in for a CT Scan, Bone Scan and Skeletal Survey. She got a copy of her medical report…
Chemo makes water taste gross
I am on Adramyacin, Cysplatin, and Methotrexate for osteosarcoma, it makes all water taste really gross, any tricks to make it taste better so I drink more?
Well, she has four spots on her bones, two ribs (7 & 10), one on the neck and one on hip bone. The dr says all outside doesn't appear to have made it to marrow. After all the tech talk and med speak the dr. said to simplify the discussion on a scale of 1 - 10 (1 best & 10 worst) she is a 4. Prescribed Aromasin (exemestane…
in need of someone to talk to
My grandma was just diagnosed with bone cancer she just got done doing chemo for colon cancer and they found the bone cancer she also has a spot on her lung and has to have biospy on her lung im trying to find a chat room so i can talk to other people who have fammily members going through cancer really need someone to…
New here and new to cancer
I am a 33 yr old female, I started having horrible lower back/hip/tailbone pain in Jan of this year, was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis Arthritis in March and went to the Mayo clinic in May for a second opinion. They have found a lesion on my pelvis, I am going for a bone biopsy June 3rd. I am just trying to get all…
Need some advice
Hi Everyone Normally I'm on the Head & Neck discussion board but........my boyfriend's cancer spread to his bones, lungs and skin. My question is.....he has chemo every Thursday, by the weekend he is in extreme pain, is this normal? He's fine by Monday thru Friday. The extreme pain doesn't hit until Saturday. This is his…
Low Grade Cartlidge Cancer on Shoulder
Wondering if anyone has had this.
Has anyone taken Zometa and had problems with it?
calcaneal tumor with cortical destruction
Hello, I have not been diagnosed with cancer but I am here because I need help. I have been having pain in my foot for about six months and I finally went to the doc. He discovered a tumor in my calcaneus that is breaking the bone. He said that he doesn't think it is cancer but is not willing to do a biopsy. Meanwhile, I…
pain after femur replacement
would someone please contact me about the amout of pain you have ,if you have had any kind of cancer and femur problems i.e removal or replacement. this would be appreciated contact me any time randlhagan@gmail.com
Osteosarcoma Chemo and Limb Sparing Questions
Last week, someone very close to me was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in her left knee. I've done quite a bit of research on treatment and surgeries available, but everything I've read as only led to me having more questions. All that I know for sure about her treatment, is that she's in for at least six months of…
Bone Biopsy
My mom has been diagnosed with bone cancer but they have not yet done a bone biopsy. They are basing this on the "characteristics" of the spots that showed up on her bone scan. In 1980 she had breast cancer, had a masectomy and it didn't come back, so we thought. In 2000 she had a bone scan and they saw two spots on her…
Worried about lump in my knee
I'm a 28 year old male who had became worried about a bony lump behind my knee, just above my calf muscle on my left leg. The lump seems solid and attached to a leg bone. It isn't painful to touch nor does it cause any discomfort really, but is quite deep in the muscle/fat around my calf. I had noticed this lump a while…
Multi Myeloma
My brother who lives in India, he is suffering of Body pains severally and recently with lot of tests in India his test came Positive for Multi Myeloma. Now he is under treatment and I would like to know is there any cure for this type of Cancer? Is Bone Marrow Transplant cure this type of disease ? can the patient be…
cancer all over
Hi I am Zeeka17, about seven months ago I was diagnosed with breast and mestastisised cancer throughout my body.skull, spine hips and pelvis and small met in my lung. I was terrified, I was a health freak. vegetarian didn't drink smoke, or even agree to an aspro.I didn't know where to turn, I thought I was going to die…
New MEmber: Young Adult Periosteal Chondroblastic Osteosarcoma
Hello - I'm a new member. I received biospy results yesterday: Periosteal Chondroblasitc Osteosarcoma in my mandible. I've yet to have a bone scan, and all I know for certain is that more surgery & radiation is in my future. I'm only 28 and quite terrified - any advice?
Hello, My aunt was recently hostpitalized because of extremely low blood count, and for a while a number of doctors were unable to find out what was wrong. After four weeks of testa and what not, she was diagnosed with myelofibrosis. Her doctor wanted to start her on thalidomide. We went to see four other doctors because…
cat scan guided biopsy
Friday I had the cat scan guided biopsy to test bone from the sacrum and the metastisis on the L3, L4 & L5 vertabraes. Does anyone know why they didn't test directly into the area of the affected vertabraes? I was very surprised when I came to and noticed the bandage was to the left of the vertabraes about 3" into the…
from -0- to mestasticed in 5 months
Can someone give me some insight on how a Lumbar MRI that showed -0- in June of 09 came back after a second one was taken in Nov. 09 with a large size metastisis of the L4 & L5 Vertabrae & Sacrum only 5 months later? Seems impossible that something could grow that fast. Please...I am racking my brain trying for this to…