test results back :(
Ok, heres the deal, i went 2 the doc this morning. he said that he doesnt know the stage and wont know that until i have a complete hysterectomy. he thinks its stage 1 grade 3 and its endometrial adenocarcinoma which he said is the "friendliest" lol i asked a lot of questions and my mom and aunt were there. he got mad tho…
cataracts and chemo
Has anyone had an acceleration of the growth of cataracts after chemo treatments? I finished chemo in February and cataracts have really grown fast. I talked with someone else who had the same reaction and I wonder if it is a common reaction. Thanks
Bleeding has stopped
My wife is 50 years old and has had a range from spotting to very heavy mensus vitually every day for almost years. She had an ultra sound, pap, blood tests done by GP about 3 months ago. He indicated most likely a fibroid. Other symptoms include painful and frequent urination, pain and bleeding after sex, pelvic pain, gas…
Pain after Hysterectomy
Hello, I wanted to get some advise on some pain that I am having. I usually call me doctor when I have concerns, but I don't want to be that patient to call for every pain. I had a radical hysterectomy on May 14th from Adenocarcinoma (endo-cervical cancer). Stage 1B. I also had a vertical incision from my belly button…
Knots in Veins from Hysterectomy
Hello, I had a radical hysterectomy on May 14 for cervical cancer. My left arm has 4 knots in my veins from the IV. At first I thought my veins were irritated from the IV, but its been a while now and I'm getting concerned. Has anyone had this problem too? How long does it take to go away? And should I be concerned about…
are these symptoms of EC?
My wife is 50 years old and has had a range from spotting to very heavy mensus vitually every day for over 1 1/2 years. She had std. and trans vag ultra sound, pap, blood tests done by GP about 1 month ago. He indicated most likely a fibroid. US showed mass in fundus 7.7 X 4.3 CM. Endometrial wall has thickened to 16mm, 2…
Worried - more update
Hi All, Well, saw my new surgeon/onc yesterday, and he said that the cancer is low grade (YES!) and that he forsees no problem with the surgery. He is sending me to a vascular surgeon to put in a filter in the Vena Cava, because I am high risk for blood clots (I still have one from the last time). So I see this new doctor…
June 18th is when I had my first LEEP procedure. Unfortunately the sample tissues came back as cancer. However I am thankful it just the begining and from what I know can be treated. My question is. . . If you have had a LEEP how long does it take for you to stop discharging? I know recovering takes time but goodness! Does…
7 months post-op
I'm 7 months post-op after having had a radical hysterectomy for stage 1b cervical cancer. So far, I've been feeling great & check-ups so far have been normal. At the end of the month, I'm to have a chest x-ray to be certain no cancer cells have migrated to my lungs ( IF there are any cancer cells still hanging around !! )…
Fran Drescher's New Website
Fran Drescher has developed a new organization called "The Cancer Schmancer Movement" to advocate finding means for early detection of gynecologic cancers. I was diagnosed with 1B Uterine and 1C Ovarian cancers almost five years ago, and have learned how very important early detection is, and how very hard it is to get!…
A Cancer Journal
Greetings from Vancouver... I'm a member of the colorectal discussion group and haven't posted here before. I've recently started a weblog where I'm sharing reflections, resources, and insights from my 3 year journey with metastatic colon cancer and recurrences. Todays post is on "Spontaneous Remission". Previous posts…
Should I be worried - Update
Well, I guess I needed to be worried; biopsy came back really fast. It's endometrial adenocarcinoma, which is one of the high risk cancers associated with my mutant gene. It's back to surgery I go, but the good news is that there is no chemo. Wheeeee! I see the onc surgeon on Monday, and I guess things will go quickly…
Nodule in lung
During tests for another problem, they found a nodule on my lung. 3 years ago I had Stage 1C Grade 2 adenocarcinoma with no problems since that time until now. They want me to just wait 3 months and "see if it grows". This is driving me crazy! Does anyone know if there is something more they can do besides watch and wait?
cin III and repeat LEEP
I just had my first cervical biopsy. My pap was normal, but I am HPV+, and there were lesions on my cervix. The path report came back showing severe dysplasia, CIN III. I then had a LEEP procedure. My LEEP result shows they got most of the severe cervical dysplasia (CIN III) but the margins of the endocervical tissue were…
stage1 one 1-yr post op- whats next
Hi, I had cin1&2 then cin3 and had a few biopsies, leeps, 1 cone biopsy, then a laproscopic hyst as I progressed to stage 1, which my dr. described as almost benign. A second opinion dr. also said I did not need a radical hyst so I felt lucky. I've been reading so many different opinions on follow up care that I'm…
cesium implants
I had cervical cancer 27 years ago and had cesium implants placed in my stomach. The implants are now leaking into my stomach causing horrendous pain. The doctors can not offer me any more pain relief than what I am on and dont seem to be able to offer any alternative treatment for me. Is there any one else that has had…
Re: Just found out
I have recently been diagnosed with uterine cancer. My 1st appointment is tommorrow. I have set up two appointments with two different onc doctors. The next visit is next Wednesday. Any advice? I do not know anyone who has had this type of cancer
CSN Discussion Boards Changes on May 16, 2007
Dear CSN Members: On May 16, 2007, you will see some changes on the CSN discussion boards. To assist you in connecting with as many members as possible, who may have had similar experiences as yours, we will be reorganizing our discussion boards and merging this "Uterine Cancer" discussion board with the new "Gynecological…
Have a checkup, get a discount on yarn?
I just got an e-newsletter from a yarn store in Michigan. The owners, both of whose lives have been touched by cancer, read that women have started slacking off on their annual checkups. To encourage their customers to get those checkups, they're issuing a card that, when validated on the back by a medical professional,…
one year
I was diagnosed with St 1a in december 2005, hysterectomy followed by 6 months of chemotherapy. F/u has been mri/ ct scans x2, labs, chest xray...all have been clear....i need to hear from someone who has been clear and what to expect in the next yrs to come...my gyn/onc. was associated with MD anderson/houston and i…
Am I missing something?
I've had pap smear/pelvic exam, pelvic and transvaginal ultrasounds, a colonoscopy, CT scan, CA-125. My CA-125 is only slightly elevated (35), the ultrasounds were inconclusive (turns out my uterus and ovaries sit so high up, nearly in my rib cage, that they couldn't see them), colonoscopy was clear, CT scan showed nothing…
Ever since my radical hysterectomy a year ago, I've experienced swelling in the lower abd/pelvic region. It gets especially bad after I've been active (walking, jogging). Any suggestions on what I can do about this?
CSN Discussion Boards Changes on May 16, 2007
Dear CSN Members: On May 16, 2007, you will see some changes on the CSN discussion boards. To assist you in connecting with as many members as possible, who may have had similar experiences as yours, we will be reorganizing our discussion boards and merging this "Vulvar Cancer" discussion board with the new "Gynecological…
CSN Discussion Boards Changes on May 16, 2007
Dear CSN Members: On May 16, 2007, you will see some changes on the CSN discussion boards. To assist you in connecting with as many members as possible, who may have had similar experiences as yours, we will be reorganizing our discussion boards and merging this "Vaginal Cancer" discussion board with the new "Gynecological…
CSN Discussion Boards Changes on May 16, 2007
Dear CSN Members: On May 16, 2007, you will see some changes on the CSN discussion boards. To assist you in connecting with as many members as possible, who may have had similar experiences as yours, we will be reorganizing our discussion boards and merging this "Cervical Cancer" discussion board with the new…
Breakytherapy-Uterine Cancer
I was diagnosed in October, IIIA and have had chemo and beam radiation. Breakytherapy or HDR is pending. Has anyone had this HDR? Can you tell me about it? It really scares me. Mary
I have posted on this site before but never on the Cervical Cancer Board. Short history - my mother and grandmother both had ovarian cancer. My sister had a hysterectomy at 43 for "pre-cancerous changes on her ovary". I am 43 and get followed regularly with trans-vaginal ultrasound and CA-125. In November I had a…
Vaginal Cancer
In Oct 2004 I was diagnosed with a walnut size tumor on the vaginal wall. I had surgery to remove it and two lymph nodes in Jan 2005. Although my tumor was inside the vaginal wall, my onocologist called it vulvar cancer. (See my postings on this site, under vulvar cancer). I refused radiation. I took an alternative called…
Other possibilities?
I'm 51 years old, and the end of menopause was 2 years ago. Two weeks ago (3/7) I experienced light, pink discharge. It was constant, not spotting. I called the gyn to make an appt., and was scheduled for 4/16. On 3/15, the discharge became very heavy and was the consistency of egg whites. Still pink. The following day it…
recurrance: clinical trials questions
Does anyone have any insight on whether to begin a clinical trial for uterine cancer spread to lung and upper lymph node(s) when the spread is still 2 cm or smaller; or, wait until it produces symptoms (pain)? I realize whichever way it is done is palliative care and there is no cure. Chemo now or chemo later? Which would…