I really, really, no REALLY hate to have to post this, but that's what we're here for, isn't it??? :



  • GayleMc
    GayleMc Member Posts: 311 Member

    Hi. It's always something isn't it. I can tell from your posts that you are a very strong, brave woman and it's obvious the other ladies on this board love and admire you.. hang tough, I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers .

    I don't know what to say
    I don't know what to say except please add my prayers for all going through testing and waiting for results. Not an easy time. Warmest thoughts.
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    new2me said:

    I am lifting you up in my prayers. so terribly sorry you have to go through this. I too pray it is just a False Alarm.

    God be with you

    My friend Chen
    My friend Chen--you are strong and will survive because you are getting things taken looked at immediately instead of waiting. You are taking the bull by the horns so to speak and that is what warriors do.

    I will be thinking of you on Friday and sending positive vibes.

    Love you Chen,
  • kya911
    kya911 Member Posts: 157
    GayleMc said:

    I don't know what to say
    I don't know what to say except please add my prayers for all going through testing and waiting for results. Not an easy time. Warmest thoughts.

    Chen and Pinkflutterby
    My thoughts & prayers are with you.
    I so hate that beast!
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    I an NOT going to be SAD...
    I an NOT going to be SAD... I am NOT going to get ANGRY... I am NOT going to CRY... I am NOT going to be SORRY... (now if you believe any of that I have some ocean side property here in Missouri).... Okay... so here's the deal.. instead of waisting any of that energy on the above items I am going to say.... I will be a rock... a private cheering section... a fan club... a bending ear with a drip dry lapel.. I will make you laugh... hold your hand (virtually and in spirit of course)... I will only allow positive thoughts to cross my mind... I (and I'm sure we) will be here for what ever it is you need us to be ... for you!

    I had my annual eye exam today and my eyes are so dilated that I had my husband read me your post and am now typing praying that I'm not making any typo's because I can't see one word of it. So I do hope my message has made it across!

    We love you!



    PS... I agree with Joe... I want a "I HATE this Button"...
  • BunnyJane
    BunnyJane Member Posts: 213
    taleena said:

    I an NOT going to be SAD...
    I an NOT going to be SAD... I am NOT going to get ANGRY... I am NOT going to CRY... I am NOT going to be SORRY... (now if you believe any of that I have some ocean side property here in Missouri).... Okay... so here's the deal.. instead of waisting any of that energy on the above items I am going to say.... I will be a rock... a private cheering section... a fan club... a bending ear with a drip dry lapel.. I will make you laugh... hold your hand (virtually and in spirit of course)... I will only allow positive thoughts to cross my mind... I (and I'm sure we) will be here for what ever it is you need us to be ... for you!

    I had my annual eye exam today and my eyes are so dilated that I had my husband read me your post and am now typing praying that I'm not making any typo's because I can't see one word of it. So I do hope my message has made it across!

    We love you!



    PS... I agree with Joe... I want a "I HATE this Button"...

    Sending healing hugs
    Sending healing hugs to you tonight!

  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Oh Chen my dear friend My
    Oh Chen my dear friend My heart is so saddened to hear this news. You are in my prayers. I will be waiting for news on Monday. We are all with you sweetheart. Biggest Hugs Take care Kay
  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    My Dear Chenheart,

    GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR for you! But, as has been said above, we'll not worry until we know there is something to worry about. I'm glad they're getting you in. Praying for the best results possible.

    We love you.

    Hope & Healing,
  • kt1127
    kt1127 Member Posts: 51
    chenheart said:

    It never occurred to me that
    It never occurred to me that you ( or anyone else) would forget me. I liken it to when I do the Relay For Life laps and I visualize all of you here, and I chant your names as I go around. And just in case I don't remembe to say everyone's name, I do a couple of laps simply chanting "CSN, CSN,CSN"...it is just as powerful.
    I know I am part of a group, if I am mentioned by name or not!
    Thanks, Victoria! Love you!


    I am so sorry that you are
    I am so sorry that you are going through this again. You are so right to be proactive and get to the doctor right away. I am fairly new here and the support and prayers are so important. Good luck to you. I will be doing my first relay for life and I too will be chanting CSN
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Oh Chen, I am so sorry to
    Oh Chen, I am so sorry to hear this. I am praying, praying, praying that this is nothing. Expletive deleted--I hate, hate, hate the beast! I love you and am sending you a huge cyberhug. Please keep us posted.
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    We are there for you
    We are there for you Chenheart. We love and support you. I will send a smokestack of prayers for you and the others who are in the mist of a battle. But... the news isn't for certain. I will pray this lump you felt is nothing serious. Hugs to you.
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member

    We are there for you
    We are there for you Chenheart. We love and support you. I will send a smokestack of prayers for you and the others who are in the mist of a battle. But... the news isn't for certain. I will pray this lump you felt is nothing serious. Hugs to you.

    hate this ...ill press that button
    praying the door you go through does hold a prize of this only being a cyst. i will be praying for you as always dear Chen.. and am sending my love..and best wishes hun.
    love you.
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member

    We are there for you
    We are there for you Chenheart. We love and support you. I will send a smokestack of prayers for you and the others who are in the mist of a battle. But... the news isn't for certain. I will pray this lump you felt is nothing serious. Hugs to you.

    hate this ...ill press that button
    praying the door you go through does hold a prize of this only being a cyst. i will be praying for you as always dear Chen.. and am sending my love..and best wishes hun.
    love you.
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Hugs and sending you some good vibes...this stinking disease, to put ot in plain English, sucks big time!
    Hoping you find some small comfort, knowing how many truly care..
    Peace be with you,
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    Chen and Libby
    While I want to say please stay positive I know your mind still wanders
    to those dark and scary places. So keep us close to brighten those moments
    for you.

    What I really want to do is curl up in a ball in a total state of denial. It
    really hurts me to see my sisters suffer and to feel helpless

    BUT I HAVE to stay strong as do YOU, and never forget this beast is ruthless.
    No moments of weakness, not even ONE.

    I am sending you all the good vibes I can summon and
    hugs to comfort you.

  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    •♥•♥•♥•♥ BIG HUGS ♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•
    Oh Claudia I just seen this, don't know how I missed it! Hang in there girl we are here for you! Don't ever worry about posting when you are in need, I would hate to think I could not be there for you because I was unaware! Prayers, positive thoughts, tremendous hugs and a ton of love coming your way so brace yourself!


  • lizzie17
    lizzie17 Member Posts: 548
    we are with you
    We are with you in spirit, prayer, and thoughts. I am so thankful that you are being aggressive and not letting time pass. Hugs to you!!
  • shelbyhome
    shelbyhome Member Posts: 145
    I want a rewind button


    I want a rewind button to go back to the day before we were told of this word CANCER

    It seems like it is everywhere you go and is in almost every conversation these days

    You are such an amazing women so caring, you have given me so many words of wisdom and now you need them and I can't seem to put them on paper but as you said you know how we all feel, just know that I have my arms around you as tight as I can get them and pray that this is just nothing but a little benign cyst.

    Hugs and love to you
  • shelbyhome
    shelbyhome Member Posts: 145

    same here.....
    I didnt want

    same here.....

    I didnt want to post bad news but since you broke the ice when I was off Xeloda in November a lump grew back in my breast and on my liver and my markers went from 20 to 43. Can't have another pet scan until March because of insurance rules grrrrr so we have to wait until then to see what shows up and if its worse my onc will once again change up my treatments. The breast lump is about the size of a grape :(


    On a good note..... my onc has a new to her PA who has done oncology pa for several years and she said I was remarkable the way I have responded to all the treatments !!!!

    Love & hugs!!! Libby

    We all take the bad


    We all take the bad with the good!

    Insurance always has something to do with us at some point huh?

    I will put you at the top of our prayer list.

    Hugs are with you

  • Marsha Mulvey
    Marsha Mulvey Member Posts: 597 Member
    RE said:

    •♥•♥•♥•♥ BIG HUGS ♥•♥•♥•♥•♥•
    Oh Claudia I just seen this, don't know how I missed it! Hang in there girl we are here for you! Don't ever worry about posting when you are in need, I would hate to think I could not be there for you because I was unaware! Prayers, positive thoughts, tremendous hugs and a ton of love coming your way so brace yourself!



    United we stand in hoping and praying for the best possible results for you. Is Reggie singing somewhere this weekend to keep you smiling? I hope so! You will remain in my thoughts and prayers.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member

    I want a rewind button


    I want a rewind button to go back to the day before we were told of this word CANCER

    It seems like it is everywhere you go and is in almost every conversation these days

    You are such an amazing women so caring, you have given me so many words of wisdom and now you need them and I can't seem to put them on paper but as you said you know how we all feel, just know that I have my arms around you as tight as I can get them and pray that this is just nothing but a little benign cyst.

    Hugs and love to you

    Big hug
    Dera Claudia,
    From my own experience I know the horror of discovering a lump under armpit. I know what is followed if this lump related to... But on the other hand, 5 months ago my oncologist discovered a small enlarged lymph node that was confirmed to be little fat. Let's wish for the fat, hoping for good PET scan and give support to each other.
    New Flower