Hey soul sisters

meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I hope that everyone is healing after the deaths of Heidi and Moopy, They will never be forgotten. I am just posting to let you know that I am doing well, I have a doctor appointment and dontcha know it, they are calling for an snow/ice storm in the East and of course everyone goes crazy at the mention of snow. So, hopefully i will be able to get my treatment. This has been a sad week with the passing of Moopy, i still cannot believe it, especially since it comes so close to Heidis passing. I also lost a close friend on the boards in October and I think of her every day. But there are still a few of us who are stage 4 and are still hanging in there so if you are new coming here we have lots of info for you, do not despair. My doctor does have me down for chemo tomorrow but i am not sure of what drugs but i will post tomorrow. I went to the mall on Saturday, i think my insurance should pay for Retail Therapy, hahahaha. It works!!! Take care and if you live in the East, be safe in the ice. They are also calling for more snow this weekend.


  • cookie97
    cookie97 Member Posts: 200
    Gotta love it!!! That is just too funny. I hope the storms don't throw things off schedule and they are able to do your treatment.
    It has been a sad week, but I am so glad that your spirits are up and you continue to plug on. It's definately a scary time for those of us stage VI gals, however with attitudes like yours could keep us around for a long time.
    We aren't having any snow where I live just a lot of rain and if you have experienced Florida rain then you know umbrellas are pretty useless. Well I arrived at my parking garage for work this morning and it was sideways rain! I thought crap I just shampooed and drip dried this wig i'm so not going to get it wwet. Luckily I had a hat in the car; threw the hair in the bag and off I went. Boy I have to tell you I never felt so privileged in my life; got to work dry hair and eveyone else looked like drowned rats! Yeah Me!!!

    Keep up those good thoughts Meena and let us know what treatment they have spun the wheel for.

    Peace and Love,
  • ladybug22
    ladybug22 Member Posts: 646
    take care of your self and please let us know how u are doing love and hugs
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Dear Meena...
    You continue to amaze & inspire! Thank you.

    So glad you enjoyed a session of Retail Therapy! Agree - it does work! Especially when scoring a great bargain or sale. :-)

    Best wishes to you, always. And especially for tomorrow. You, too - travel safely. With hopes your treatment will occur on schedule, and that - most importantly - it continues to be effective.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    Soul Sisters....I love that! That is exactly how I feel about all of you too.
    I'm happy to hear that you are doing well and praying the storm will not stop you from receiving your treatment. Out shopping-You are amazing!! I second that Insurance companies should pay for RT! Send them the bill & see what happens! :-)
    It has been rather difficult(to say the least)with all the Sisters we have lost in the past few months.
    Leslie, Trish, Debbie, Heidi, and Lisa...RIP You will Never be Forgotten
    Bless your heart & Thank You for posting this and reminding us all that there is HOPE, and also sharing your STRENGTH & COURAGE with all of us "Rookie Warriors".
    Take Care of You
    ♥ Cat
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    Cat64 said:

    Soul Sisters....I love that! That is exactly how I feel about all of you too.
    I'm happy to hear that you are doing well and praying the storm will not stop you from receiving your treatment. Out shopping-You are amazing!! I second that Insurance companies should pay for RT! Send them the bill & see what happens! :-)
    It has been rather difficult(to say the least)with all the Sisters we have lost in the past few months.
    Leslie, Trish, Debbie, Heidi, and Lisa...RIP You will Never be Forgotten
    Bless your heart & Thank You for posting this and reminding us all that there is HOPE, and also sharing your STRENGTH & COURAGE with all of us "Rookie Warriors".
    Take Care of You
    ♥ Cat

    Thank you everyone. I was
    Thank you everyone. I was just reading about the rain in Florida! crazy weather.
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    meena1 said:

    Thank you everyone. I was
    Thank you everyone. I was just reading about the rain in Florida! crazy weather.

    So nice to hear you sounding so positive, Meena
    I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling positive and doing something fun for yourself, Meena. You didn't tell us what you bought? Maybe something that's not fit to describe in polite company...? :-o

    Edie, I love your story about putting your "hair" in a bag and being the only one looking dry and fabulous when you arrived at work -- got to work the positive when we can, don't we?

    (Neither of you probably wants to know that it's currently sunny and 90 degrees here in the San Fernando Valley....)

  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967

    Dear Meena...
    You continue to amaze & inspire! Thank you.

    So glad you enjoyed a session of Retail Therapy! Agree - it does work! Especially when scoring a great bargain or sale. :-)

    Best wishes to you, always. And especially for tomorrow. You, too - travel safely. With hopes your treatment will occur on schedule, and that - most importantly - it continues to be effective.

    Kind regards, Susan

    Speaking of retail therapy
    Now that I am a one driver family, it has occurred to me that I only need one vehicle. I can't decide which one to get rid of, so maybe I'll trade 'em both in on something completely different. Who says men can't master the intricacies of Retail Therapy?

    But then, I did study extensively with one of the all-time masters...
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Aortus said:

    Speaking of retail therapy
    Now that I am a one driver family, it has occurred to me that I only need one vehicle. I can't decide which one to get rid of, so maybe I'll trade 'em both in on something completely different. Who says men can't master the intricacies of Retail Therapy?

    But then, I did study extensively with one of the all-time masters...

    Aortus, I think you deserve to trade them both in for something big, manly, maybe bright red, with a b*tchin' stereo system -- something that will make all the other Latin-speaking men on your block viridis with envy....

  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Meena... it is so good to
    Meena... it is so good to hear from you. Your energy and fighting spirit come through in your blogs. Bear Hugs to you.
  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    You go Sistah! So glad I
    You go Sistah! So glad I don't live out east! Y'all are really getting hit hard this year. Glad to see your spirits are up.
  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    You go Sistah!
    You go Sistah! So glad I don't live out east! Y'all are really getting hit hard this year. Glad to see your spirits are up.
  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    You go Sistah!
    You go Sistah! So glad I don't live out east! Y'all are really getting hit hard this year. Glad to see your spirits are up.
  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808

    You go Sistah!
    You go Sistah! So glad I don't live out east! Y'all are really getting hit hard this year. Glad to see your spirits are up.

    Meena, thanks for posting.
    Meena, thanks for posting. You make me hopeful again. I've always used "retail therapy" when I get down, works every time. Of course my husband probably wishes I would find a hobby or something less expensive.
    Joe, so great to see you here. You know we're always here for you. How about a neat spiffy little Sky if you can find one. That's my husband's dream car, doesn't matter what color to him. Of course, there's always the Hummer if you really want a big one. Just don't forget us and keep posting. Love you.
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    You go girl! I love the thought of insurance paying for retail therapy :-) We are all still here rooting for you and we will continue to keep you in our thoughts. Glad to hear you're doing a bit better. As for info, you've all been so wonderful in sharing.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    You go girl! I love the thought of insurance paying for retail therapy :-) We are all still here rooting for you and we will continue to keep you in our thoughts. Glad to hear you're doing a bit better. As for info, you've all been so wonderful in sharing.
    {{hugs}} Char

    Meena .. I must admit that I was so happy to hear the
    positive tones in your most recent posts here on our site. So wonderful to hear the strength in your voice, and spirits. Please keep them up, and continue on with the retail therapy .. someone's gotta keep our economy on an uphill mode. I'll be requesting information from the national shoppers hotline .. checking into grants that will enable many of us to continue with 'retail therapy' without paying for any of it out of our personal pockets.

    As it's been stated above by so many .. we are here for you, 24/7 -- rooting and prayer for the best possible outcome, Meena. You are a strong, and victorious WARRIOR - who means a great deal, to so many of us. Keep up the faith!

    Love, Courage, Strength and Peace,

    Vicki Sam
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    A long time believer in retail therapy and
    I've got the bills to prove it! Actually, I had a couple of dr appts today in the big city - no, not that one, but the one closest to me with a mall, an hour away. Anyway it occured to me how long it's been since I'd been to the mall.

    I watched Miss America on saturday, sponsored by DSW. Gosh! I need a new pair of shoes!

    Meena, you are an inspiration in so many ways.

    Big bearhugs,

  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877 Member
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    sbmly53 said:

    A long time believer in retail therapy and
    I've got the bills to prove it! Actually, I had a couple of dr appts today in the big city - no, not that one, but the one closest to me with a mall, an hour away. Anyway it occured to me how long it's been since I'd been to the mall.

    I watched Miss America on saturday, sponsored by DSW. Gosh! I need a new pair of shoes!

    Meena, you are an inspiration in so many ways.

    Big bearhugs,


    Kari, i got a Keurig for
    Kari, i got a Keurig for Christmas and i love it!!! We are going through a lot of coffee but it tastes so good and it is so easy. I fell in love with the Holiday Blend, but i cannot find it now, going to google it. Everyone seems to benefit from retail therapy, lol. Usually, i walk around the house in flannel shirt with pj pants. Hopefully, i will not become one of those hoarders.
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Aortus said:

    Speaking of retail therapy
    Now that I am a one driver family, it has occurred to me that I only need one vehicle. I can't decide which one to get rid of, so maybe I'll trade 'em both in on something completely different. Who says men can't master the intricacies of Retail Therapy?

    But then, I did study extensively with one of the all-time masters...

    Ahhh, dear Joe...
    Retail Therapy... Brought back some good memories. :-)

    If I recall correctly, you scored a darned good deal on a new refrigerator a while back.

    Love, Susan xo

    P.S.: Back in about May of '09 - a bunch of us crazies went a little nuts here on the Board, regarding Retail Therapy. If you're interested - it's all fun stuff - just type those 2 words into the search bar.
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    You hit the nail on the head
    I love the term soul sisters, how fitting.

    Bella Luna, I also like Muscle girls =)

    Meena, you are bad influence on this board, look what you have
    started. I got inspired and went for a little therapy myself. You'll
    be known as the woman who single handedly gave the economy
    a boost.

    It's good to hear from you.
