My husband has multiple lesions on his liver

Mellow Mel
Mellow Mel Member Posts: 11
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hello. My name is Melody, and my husband LaMont, who is 26, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon Cancer in Feb of 2009. He has gone through chemo, radiation, a few surgeries, over the past year and a half, as well as partcipating in a clinical study. We have certainly had our share of ups and downs throughout all of this, but the news we received last Mon. is very upsetting. Mont's oncologist told us that he felt none of the chemo drugs was working for him anymore. The cancer did spread a little, but his liver is taking more of beating than anything else. So, his onc-doc referred us to a surgeon who, at first, put two surgical options on the table. The first was called radioembolization. The surgeon felt this procedure was not a good option for Mont. The second is called Trans Arterial Chemo Emobilisation ( TACE). This is a more targeted therapy, where they would inject tiny beads of the chemo drug, ironetecan, directly into the vein connected into his liver. Now, according to this surgeon, this procedure will intensify the risk of liver failure. So, of course when Mont and I heard that, that scared the hell out of us. Then my husband said something, that I cannot remember now, that prompted the doctor to give another alternative. He then said, maybe he could inject small amounts of the ironetecan beads, that way it could possibly not affect the liver as much. Okay, so here is the deal. Has anyone on here ever had the TACE procedure done? And if so, has any of you had major complications? Any info you guys could share would so help. We really would like to hear from people who have been through something like this. Time is really of the essence,so, we just want to make the right decision.


  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    Hello Melody
    Welcome to this board. I am sorry you need to be here, but it is a good place. I haven't had experience with TACE but others who are more knowledgeable will chime in.
  • Mellow Mel
    Mellow Mel Member Posts: 11
    AnneCan said:

    Hello Melody
    Welcome to this board. I am sorry you need to be here, but it is a good place. I haven't had experience with TACE but others who are more knowledgeable will chime in.

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  • geotina
    geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member
    Hello Mel:
    Welcome to the board.

    There is a member whose sign in name is tabur (I think his name is Al). Anyway, his wife Pam just had the TACE procedure a few months ago. If you go to the search box, put in the word TACE, scroll down and you will see his postings. Or, you could put in his sign in name and see what comes up. She had one lobe of the liver done and a short time later the other lobe. If you send him a personal message hopefully he will see it and communicate with you about the procedure and how his wife is doing. Go to your CSN home sign in page and in the middle you will see the communications part, and you can send him an e-mail/personal message.

    The other beads procedure I heard about and a few have had is Theraspheres/Sir-Spheres. This, also, is the injection of beads but I think they are radioactive beads.

    Best of luck and come back with any questions you may have. I'm sure others will be on to respond.

    Take care - Tina
  • Mellow Mel
    Mellow Mel Member Posts: 11
    geotina said:

    Hello Mel:
    Welcome to the board.

    There is a member whose sign in name is tabur (I think his name is Al). Anyway, his wife Pam just had the TACE procedure a few months ago. If you go to the search box, put in the word TACE, scroll down and you will see his postings. Or, you could put in his sign in name and see what comes up. She had one lobe of the liver done and a short time later the other lobe. If you send him a personal message hopefully he will see it and communicate with you about the procedure and how his wife is doing. Go to your CSN home sign in page and in the middle you will see the communications part, and you can send him an e-mail/personal message.

    The other beads procedure I heard about and a few have had is Theraspheres/Sir-Spheres. This, also, is the injection of beads but I think they are radioactive beads.

    Best of luck and come back with any questions you may have. I'm sure others will be on to respond.

    Take care - Tina

    Very Helpful :)
    Thanks, Tina! I will definately try to get in touch with him.
  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    So sorry that your young husband is dealing with this disease. I don't have any information on TACE but wanted to welcome you to the board. I know others who have more information will write.

  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member

    So sorry that your young husband is dealing with this disease. I don't have any information on TACE but wanted to welcome you to the board. I know others who have more information will write.


    I am a 64 year old stage 4 patient .....I was diagnosed with colon cancer 6 years ago and have gone through mets to the liver twice....still surviving....

    fist Melody just wanted to say Welcome to this forum. It breaks my heart to see patients as young as your husband with this disease. i cannot help you with these procedures....i have only done chemo and liver surgery to remove mets. Don't ever give up you guys and welcome and

    here's a big hug for both

  • Mellow Mel
    Mellow Mel Member Posts: 11

    So sorry that your young husband is dealing with this disease. I don't have any information on TACE but wanted to welcome you to the board. I know others who have more information will write.


    Thank you Kathleen and Maggie
    Thank you both for the encouragement! God bless!
  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member
    to the best place nobody wants to be. I am so sorry to hear of your young husband is dealing with this beast, it just SUCKS! At least his youth will be on his side in the fight! I don't have any experience with TACE, I had microwave ablation done to a lesion in my liver 4 1/2 years into my fight. I am sure somebody will come on to help, just wanted to welcome you and tell you I am so sorry to hear you guys are fighting this beast. I am so glad to see you are researching your husband's options and being proactive; you have to be your own best advocate to be sure you are getting the best possible care. Stay strong!
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Welcome to the board. I'm sorry that you husband has not responded to treatment. Not sure what either of those procedures are but there are a lot of people on this board that has gone through most of what is offered out there. Good luck and keep us posted. Hope whatever treatment he decides it works for him.

  • tanker sgv
    tanker sgv Member Posts: 124 Member
    I just joined yesterday. I
    I just joined yesterday. I just wish I had found it elier. The best thing you can do is research every thing. If you find something you think doesn't apply read it anyways. The more you educate yourself the better you can advacate for the patient. Best of luck and Google government websites and Med journals for some good info on procedures and outcomes.
  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    Beautiful photo!

    Beautiful photo!
  • snommintj
    snommintj Member Posts: 601
    AnneCan said:

    Beautiful photo!

    Beautiful photo!

    Get a second opinion
    There are tons of non surgical options. Find a good interventional radiologist and see what they can offer. I just had stereo tactic radio surgery on my liver. That was following two previous resections, 2 RFAs, and a bland embolization. So if your only getting two options find some new doctors.
  • Lori-S
    Lori-S Member Posts: 1,277 Member
    Hi Melody
    Welcome to the board! I'm sorry to hear that LaMont is having so much trouble. Sounds like you have been throgh the mill. I don't have liver experience (that sounds funny) but I did want to give you guys a big HUG with the welcome.
  • vchildbeloved
    vchildbeloved Member Posts: 133
    Lori-S said:

    Hi Melody
    Welcome to the board! I'm sorry to hear that LaMont is having so much trouble. Sounds like you have been throgh the mill. I don't have liver experience (that sounds funny) but I did want to give you guys a big HUG with the welcome.

    Hi Melody, sorry to hear
    Hi Melody, sorry to hear about your husband. What a beautiful couple you guys make. Don't have an answer to your question, just hoping and praying the best for LaMont.
  • annad723
    annad723 Member Posts: 44
    Hello Melody
    Hi Melody and welcome to the board. I am also a Stage IV colon cancer patient with mets to the liver. Both lobes, and many spots. I was diagonosed in Dec. 08 and still fighting this horrible disease. I am currently doing a clinical trial with Xeloda and maybe or maybe not a drug called perifosine.

    I too was told about the two procedures you mentioned. I saw doctors at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa. I opted for the clinical trial first as I too got very frightened on putting more trauma on my liver. I am having a CAT scan next week and we'll go from there. I am not expecting it to be good news as my CEA number which had gone down to 2 is now up to 10.

    I can't comment on what to do, and I will probably be facing that decision too. I will watch anxiously to see what you guys decide to do. What a horror. I thought I was young at 48, but I guess not.

    Try to stay strong and please, please leave a post and let us know what happens. I will keep you and your husband in my prayers-------------Anna
  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Hi Melody
    I have no experince with the situation you describe, but want to say you have come to a good place with lots of folks anxious to share what they know and offer emotional support.

    Please stay in touch and let us know how things are going for you both.

    Marie who loves kitties
  • JoyceSteele
    JoyceSteele Member Posts: 145
    Thinking of you
    Melody you and LaMont will be in my prayers. I am sorry for all you have to go through. Have no experience personally with TACE, just have read about it.

    Please keep us posted when you can. Hugs, Joyce
  • bruins1971
    bruins1971 Member Posts: 227
    God Bless
    Melody I am so sorry to hear that your husband has been running into walls. With that said what can you do? Fight like Hell and never ever give up. As others have said there is always options out there. I am not sure if you and your husband are religious people but I will say a pray for him. Doctors are only that doctors they work with the information that they can see and from stats of people that come before us. Only God can truly heal you and I ask The Lord to put his hands upon your husband and begin his healing process. I am 38 and was diagnosed with stage 4 this past March. I have been through Hell in the last 9 months with colon surgery, Liver surgery and so far 9 rounds of chemo with only 3 more to go. The biggest thing that has helped me is been my walk with the Lord. I hope one day this terrible disease will be a thing of the past but until that day we must always fight and never give up.
  • tabur
    tabur Member Posts: 71 Member
    Melody and LaMont
    Sorry I didn't see this sooner but I don't get to the board as often as I'd like. I too welcome you but sure wish you didn't have to be here.

    Thank you Tina for sending her my way.

    I replied to your PM concerning Pam's experience with the TACE treatments. She has had 3 since June and the result has been no growth of the tumors in her liver. She has two large and diffuse tumors in the right lobe and it took 3 treatments to hit it all. The doc will only treat so much at a time so as not to jepordize liver function.

    In Pam's case, TACE is being used to buy time for a clinical trial starting in Jan or Feb. However, first she needs more tests in January, PET/CT/MRI.

    One thing I forgot to mention in my PM to you is her CEA level. Just before her first TACE treatment it was just over 100, last week it was 28. Hey, we take whatever good news we can get :)

    I wish you two all the best and please keep us posted.

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Hi M&M (Mel and Mont)
    I have not had the same treatments you mentioned but I did have many liver mets that initially made me inoperable (I'm stage IV colon cancer, still in treatment for the past 6+ years but my liver has been clear since Dec 05). I went on Avastin and that shrunk the mets so they were operable, then I did HAI (pump therapy) where they place a hockey puck sized pump under you skin and a catheter delivers chemo to the liver after the surgery. I got that and systemic chemo and it did the trick. For the past few years I've been dealing with lung mets and the past 2-3 years they have been minor.

    I hope you get that second opinion and all. I went to Sloan K in the city.
    Best of luck
    gotta run...