What about your cancer journey has made you laugh?



  • marines911
    marines911 Member Posts: 68
    My wife had a blood transfusion last week, but when the nurse had mentioned to her that she needed one, becuase of the anemia my wife made a face and said "EWWW!!!" I said to her, it's not like he asked you to wear someone else's underwear. We all got a good laugh and the nurse mentioned that my wife must be a handful.

  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967

    My wife had a blood transfusion last week, but when the nurse had mentioned to her that she needed one, becuase of the anemia my wife made a face and said "EWWW!!!" I said to her, it's not like he asked you to wear someone else's underwear. We all got a good laugh and the nurse mentioned that my wife must be a handful.


    I've got a blood transfusion story too...
    The day Moopy was finally diagnosed (11/17/08) was a long one. We met with the surgeon and made the decision on a mastectomy; we scheduled the surgery; we made arrangements for a second-opinion oncologist in St. Louis. Since surgery was only six days off Moopy decided to get the pre-admittance stuff out of the way too.

    So there she is sitting there with the admittance clerk, reading this and signing that, when the clerk puts one more form in her face. "What's this," Moopy asked. "In case you start bleeding during surgery, this gives them permission..."

    Moopy didn't let the clerk finish. "If I start bleeding during surgery, I want them to make it stop AT ONCE!"

    The clerk and I busted out laughing. Apparently, some religious denominations will not allow blood transfusions, even in case of bleeding... that's what the form was all about. Moopy still wasn't too impressed. She was still asking me hours afterward "What kind of stupid question was THAT?"
  • marines911
    marines911 Member Posts: 68
    Aortus said:

    I've got a blood transfusion story too...
    The day Moopy was finally diagnosed (11/17/08) was a long one. We met with the surgeon and made the decision on a mastectomy; we scheduled the surgery; we made arrangements for a second-opinion oncologist in St. Louis. Since surgery was only six days off Moopy decided to get the pre-admittance stuff out of the way too.

    So there she is sitting there with the admittance clerk, reading this and signing that, when the clerk puts one more form in her face. "What's this," Moopy asked. "In case you start bleeding during surgery, this gives them permission..."

    Moopy didn't let the clerk finish. "If I start bleeding during surgery, I want them to make it stop AT ONCE!"

    The clerk and I busted out laughing. Apparently, some religious denominations will not allow blood transfusions, even in case of bleeding... that's what the form was all about. Moopy still wasn't too impressed. She was still asking me hours afterward "What kind of stupid question was THAT?"

    That was a good one. I will tell that one to my wife.
  • BethInAz
    BethInAz Member Posts: 203 Member
    Traci, you're a riot!
    What a wonderful post. My funniest moment was after surgery when my boobs in my bra were lying at the foot of the bed and I was under the covers (keeping my bald head warm). My husband entered the bedroom and said, "Oh No! They took my wife and left the boobs! I wanted them to take the boobs and leave my wife!" I thought, what a blessing to have such a great husband/caregiver as to bring humor into the mix and brighten my life.
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Hi Traci
    You all have so many funny stories. For me, all I can think of is how my appearance has transformed from a pretty decent looking gal to Drew Carey with my new growth of weird hair. Now I'm Opie Taylor. Slowly but surely its getting better. I know its not funny going through losing your hair, but it will come back. I was in WalMart last weekend with my hair gelled up and spiked and the cashier says "I wish I could get my hair to do that" and I laughed and said no you don't! I explained it was just growing back from chemo. She was kind of embarrassed.
  • marines911
    marines911 Member Posts: 68
    BethInAz said:

    Traci, you're a riot!
    What a wonderful post. My funniest moment was after surgery when my boobs in my bra were lying at the foot of the bed and I was under the covers (keeping my bald head warm). My husband entered the bedroom and said, "Oh No! They took my wife and left the boobs! I wanted them to take the boobs and leave my wife!" I thought, what a blessing to have such a great husband/caregiver as to bring humor into the mix and brighten my life.

    My brother-in-law asked me if I knew that part of the breast reconstruciton was getting the nipples tattooed on. I thought he was kidding and I asked my wife if that is true, can you ask for the Eagle Globe and Anchor on each? She thought that was pretty funny.
  • Betsy13
    Betsy13 Member Posts: 185
    last day of radiation
    I had a lovely 2 inch circle outlined on my boob in blue marker for my last 5 boosts. It was my last day and I had had enough. My rad. tech. was the best and she pulled me through some really rough times. So...in her honor...I filled in the blue marker with a purple smiley face. You could hear her laugh so loud the 2 other techs ran in to see what was so funny. Yep, when it's either laugh or cry, choose laughter!
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967

    My brother-in-law asked me if I knew that part of the breast reconstruciton was getting the nipples tattooed on. I thought he was kidding and I asked my wife if that is true, can you ask for the Eagle Globe and Anchor on each? She thought that was pretty funny.

    Tats, bwahahaha!
    Moopy and I were seeing her oncologist in St. Louis when Moopy (she was genuinely curious) happened to ask her what she knew about tattooing nipples. The oncologist got a very serious look on her face and said "Nobody's tattooing MY nipples!"
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    Betsy13 said:

    last day of radiation
    I had a lovely 2 inch circle outlined on my boob in blue marker for my last 5 boosts. It was my last day and I had had enough. My rad. tech. was the best and she pulled me through some really rough times. So...in her honor...I filled in the blue marker with a purple smiley face. You could hear her laugh so loud the 2 other techs ran in to see what was so funny. Yep, when it's either laugh or cry, choose laughter!

    Thank you...
    for almost making lose it. I laughed so hard at your story that one of the dogs came in to my study to check on me.
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    Betsy13 said:

    last day of radiation
    I had a lovely 2 inch circle outlined on my boob in blue marker for my last 5 boosts. It was my last day and I had had enough. My rad. tech. was the best and she pulled me through some really rough times. So...in her honor...I filled in the blue marker with a purple smiley face. You could hear her laugh so loud the 2 other techs ran in to see what was so funny. Yep, when it's either laugh or cry, choose laughter!

    Thank you...
    Guess I *did* lose it, after all... sorry for the double post.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    my little story
    I have a bit of a funny story. This last time that I had to have chemo I was not too happy about it (who is right). Well, I went in had the chemo and came home. The next day I felt pretty gross. I was laying on the couch feeling ill when my then 2 1/2 year old grand son Ian (he turns 6 tomorrow) realized I was ill. He immediately put his Mr. Potato Head glasses on, got his stickers and started to decorate my face with stickers. He said they were medicine to make me better. He was right, by the time he was done I felt GREAT! The little guy showed his love the only way he knew how. It was what I needed.

    Hugs to all,

  • jackiejhm
    jackiejhm Member Posts: 169
    The other day, I was at the hospital for my second look tests (N>E>D by the way) and this cute lady sitting next to me started to chit chat. It took only a couple of Q and A for us both to find out we were in similar circumstances-bc sisters. Anyway, we were asking each other about hair, treatments,energy levels, weight gain etc etc etc and SHE said" Well, Doll, have you lost track of how many people have seen you topless in the last 18 months???" Oh my gosh, we started giggling, then belly laughing and then it started all over. Crying, we were! Such a precious moment. Love to my sisters!
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    jackiejhm said:

    The other day, I was at the hospital for my second look tests (N>E>D by the way) and this cute lady sitting next to me started to chit chat. It took only a couple of Q and A for us both to find out we were in similar circumstances-bc sisters. Anyway, we were asking each other about hair, treatments,energy levels, weight gain etc etc etc and SHE said" Well, Doll, have you lost track of how many people have seen you topless in the last 18 months???" Oh my gosh, we started giggling, then belly laughing and then it started all over. Crying, we were! Such a precious moment. Love to my sisters!

    LOST track? I KEPT track!
    My girlfriend and I kept a running tally of how many different medical professionals saw my breasts through all this -- we counted every doctor, nurse, and tech. By the end of rads, the total was 29.

    Our running joke was that everyone in the West San Fernando Valley has seen my breasts, except for the guy who sells coffee from the cart in front of the hospital. I keep threatening to flash him one day, just to give him a thrill....

    :-) Traci
  • MGNS
    MGNS Member Posts: 197 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    LOST track? I KEPT track!
    My girlfriend and I kept a running tally of how many different medical professionals saw my breasts through all this -- we counted every doctor, nurse, and tech. By the end of rads, the total was 29.

    Our running joke was that everyone in the West San Fernando Valley has seen my breasts, except for the guy who sells coffee from the cart in front of the hospital. I keep threatening to flash him one day, just to give him a thrill....

    :-) Traci

    I dare you to do it! LOL! It
    I dare you to do it! LOL! It will make his day!
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    MGNS said:

    I dare you to do it! LOL! It
    I dare you to do it! LOL! It will make his day!

    You sound just like my friends
    I was meeting some friends for dinner after one of my follow-up appointments at the hospital a month or so ago -- they were visiting a friend who was in the hospital, so suggested that we all just meet in front of the hospital.

    And they said, "When we get there, we expect to see you with a free cup of coffee in your hand, and a blushing coffee-cart guy!"

    :-) Traci
  • jackiejhm
    jackiejhm Member Posts: 169
    TraciInLA said:

    You sound just like my friends
    I was meeting some friends for dinner after one of my follow-up appointments at the hospital a month or so ago -- they were visiting a friend who was in the hospital, so suggested that we all just meet in front of the hospital.

    And they said, "When we get there, we expect to see you with a free cup of coffee in your hand, and a blushing coffee-cart guy!"

    :-) Traci

    TracilnLA- you are my hero!!!!xoxoxo
  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    I guess the funniest thing I
    I guess the funniest thing I keeping hearing is from people who have not seen me in a while. I always hear "Oh, you cut your hair." I have to explain to them, no this is all I have after being bald for 4 months.



    Just had to add this. My husbands mother(86) asked my earlier this week if my breasts were about the same has before I had my lumpectomy. I had to explain to her, no not really. The left one used to be a lot bigger than the right and since the lump was removed form the left, that now they are both about the same. Which is sorta a good thing but then I had to tell her that I kinda feel like a chameleon becauese one points in one direction and the other points in another direction. She just said "OH" and did not ask me any more questions.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    I guess the funniest thing I
    I guess the funniest thing I keeping hearing is from people who have not seen me in a while. I always hear "Oh, you cut your hair." I have to explain to them, no this is all I have after being bald for 4 months.



    Just had to add this. My husbands mother(86) asked my earlier this week if my breasts were about the same has before I had my lumpectomy. I had to explain to her, no not really. The left one used to be a lot bigger than the right and since the lump was removed form the left, that now they are both about the same. Which is sorta a good thing but then I had to tell her that I kinda feel like a chameleon becauese one points in one direction and the other points in another direction. She just said "OH" and did not ask me any more questions.

    sometimes people ask you
    sometimes people ask you questions and arent ready for the answers they are going to get. something about getting cancer makes you much more open LOL.
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175 Member
    I love this thread!
    These are awesome stories...i laughed my butt off reading some of these!

    I have alot of stories through out my bc journey...but the one i cant forget is when i had my expanders in and i went for one of my fills. My PS was injecting the saline and when she was doing this i could actually see my boob rising...and i told her i feel like a blow up doll and she was laughing so hard she scared me cuz the needle was still in my boob and anyone who has expanders knows those needles are not little. I learned to never, ever make your doc laugh to hard during a procedure.

    Another one is when i was going in for my lumpectomy and they gave me a big blue gown to put on...i thought the gown felt a little odd but i didnt know why. After awhile the nurse asked me if i was cold and i said yes...i thought she was bringin me a nice warm toasty blanket...Nope...she plugs my gown in and i blow up like a giant blue berry...it scared the holy &*&* out of me...until she explained...after her and my family had their laugh that it was a warming gown....never have i heard of such a thing!
  • geobarb22
    geobarb22 Member Posts: 17
    jo jo said:

    I love this thread!
    These are awesome stories...i laughed my butt off reading some of these!

    I have alot of stories through out my bc journey...but the one i cant forget is when i had my expanders in and i went for one of my fills. My PS was injecting the saline and when she was doing this i could actually see my boob rising...and i told her i feel like a blow up doll and she was laughing so hard she scared me cuz the needle was still in my boob and anyone who has expanders knows those needles are not little. I learned to never, ever make your doc laugh to hard during a procedure.

    Another one is when i was going in for my lumpectomy and they gave me a big blue gown to put on...i thought the gown felt a little odd but i didnt know why. After awhile the nurse asked me if i was cold and i said yes...i thought she was bringin me a nice warm toasty blanket...Nope...she plugs my gown in and i blow up like a giant blue berry...it scared the holy &*&* out of me...until she explained...after her and my family had their laugh that it was a warming gown....never have i heard of such a thing!

    My friends called me Yul Brenner for awhile. For those of you old enough to know who Yul is, it will be funny!


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