What about your cancer journey has made you laugh?

TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
The new Showtime series premiering this month, The Big C, is getting a lot of press, and most every article I read focuses on the improbability of mixing cancer with comedy.

Every time I see that, I shake my head and think -- clearly, YOU've never been through cancer treatment! So much about treatment and recovery and survivorship is so crazy or absurd, "you might as well laugh as to cry," as my grandfather used to say.

So, share some laughter with us: What about your cancer journey has been so crazy or absurd or funny or unbelievable that you just had to laugh?



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  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    I KNOW, I know
    When a friend, who knew of my Lumpectomy in an effort to help, asked me
    to go to a dinner party with her. I got the text the next day, since I was so
    out of it. It was my first surgery ever.

    And when a little girl at a super market asked whether I am a boy or a girl?
    I asked her, what do you think and she said, you sound like a girl but you
    have hair like a boy.

  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    I think it's my
    Marty Feldman boobs! (Sung to the tune of Bette Davis Eyes) You know his eyes... My boobs remind me of them, kinda uneven and in opposite directions. Makes me chuckle several times a week.

  • waffle8
    waffle8 Member Posts: 234
    I am laughing because of the chemo brain I can't remember my funny stories......Traci I love your pic.You are a pink princess...Was it a special occasion?
  • aysemari said:

    I KNOW, I know
    When a friend, who knew of my Lumpectomy in an effort to help, asked me
    to go to a dinner party with her. I got the text the next day, since I was so
    out of it. It was my first surgery ever.

    And when a little girl at a super market asked whether I am a boy or a girl?
    I asked her, what do you think and she said, you sound like a girl but you
    have hair like a boy.


    Attitude, attitude, attitude
    Much like location, location, location is everything in real estate, I believe a positive attitude is essential to get through this situation. I tend to seek the irreverent side of most situations, anyway. However, as a single parent, this broadsided me, yes...pun intended.

    When I was diagnosed I informed my principal that as the '09-'10 teacher of the year, I felt compelled to drop out of the swimsuit portion of the competition. Mom always said the best humor was at one's own expense. I have a number of friends that have already had their lives touched by cancer, but I knew too that they would be extremely upset with me if I did not tell them or keep them abreast, again pun intended, of what I was going through. I have tried to keep my email updates light, thematic, and brief. In the last email regarding my radiation status I compared myself to being on a rotisserie.

    When my surgeon was removing the Frankenstein like staples across where my right breast use to be he remarked I was taking it very well. I told him I was unaware that I had any other option.

    I chuckled silently to myself as I received my very first back massage before radiation. At home when My daughter rubs my back she's not content until she's burped me, I didn't dare do that to the young man administering the massage though.

    I pretty much laugh daily about the absurdity of it all.
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    sbmly53 said:

    I think it's my
    Marty Feldman boobs! (Sung to the tune of Bette Davis Eyes) You know his eyes... My boobs remind me of them, kinda uneven and in opposite directions. Makes me chuckle several times a week.


    My niece is 6 yo. My
    My niece is 6 yo. My sister told her that I have to take medicine that would make my hair fall out. Last week, we were on the beach and I had a straw hat on. and i could see her trying to peek under the hat, and then she would hug me and try and move the hat, she was just determined to see what was going on under that hat! it still makes me laugh when I think of her big blue eyes looking at me.
  • MNLynn
    MNLynn Member Posts: 224
    After my single mastectomy,
    After my single mastectomy, I was watching a "Hooters" commercial with my husband. I asked him if he thought I could get a job there now, and mentioned checking our their OTHER restaurant, "Hooter" for me!

    and . . .

    I've always had small boobs, so after my surgery, I mentioned to my husband and daughter that my weight stayed the same after the mastectomy . . . so I told them it's just like real estate - it's all about location, location, location . . .

    sending smiles . . .

    ♥ Lynn ♥
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Anytime some guy looks at my chest too long
    It's not like I wear revealing clothes but every now and then some guy will look "there" a little too long and I think "Boy, if he only knew that he was really checking out my abdominal belly fat...HA"

    I had the DIEP reconstruction procedure.

    That always tickles me.

    Great thread Traci!
  • survives
    survives Member Posts: 254 Member
    sea60 said:

    Anytime some guy looks at my chest too long
    It's not like I wear revealing clothes but every now and then some guy will look "there" a little too long and I think "Boy, if he only knew that he was really checking out my abdominal belly fat...HA"

    I had the DIEP reconstruction procedure.

    That always tickles me.

    Great thread Traci!

    Sometimes I like to throw out some dark humor
    That usually gets their attention, and people really don't know how to react to me!! I LOVE it!

    This was sweet, in a hilariously funny kind of way. My daughters were just determined that they were going to help after my mastectomy. And wouldn't you know, Mother's Day feel the week after. So, here came the family. Wonderful. It was just the girls and their hubbies, but still...who wanted company. Anyway, my youngest is in my kitchen, with the "fixin's" for chicken salad. I hear her and her sister piddling around in the kitchen when Rachael (my youngest) comes out and asks why my blender has only one speed. Huh? Well, it is old, and i told her that there is a trick or two to using it, so let me see. When I walked into the kitchen, I starting grinning, and told them both, "That is not a blender....that is my SMOOTHIE MAKER!!!" We laughed for the rest of the day.

    Not to mention, that was the smoothest, tastiest chicken salad that girl has ever made!
  • MGNS
    MGNS Member Posts: 197 Member
    A few days after my last
    A few days after my last chemo treatment my husband thought it would be good for me to get out of the house and go shopping at our closest mall (which is 2 hours away). I was so tired that I decided to take a little nap while he drove. I took my wig off in the car while I napped. When we reached the mall I quickly put my wig back on and we headed into the mall for fun shopping. After about an hour at the mall I went to the ladies room in Dillards and before leaving looked in the mirror. My wig was on sideways! My husband hadn't even noticed and I had been wearing that thing sideways all through the mall. Boy did I chew him out, but we were both laughing so hard it was hard to be upset with him. I felt like I looked like a drunk old lady staggering through the mall since I was still feeling the effects of the last chemo. We still laugh about this.
    Laughter helps you get through the difficult times!
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    Great idea
    I love this humor is the only way to survive this journey. My story is from the day of surgery. I took the drug Emmend as part of a trial program the hospital was doing. Part of this process was a pregnancy test, well I am 49 and seperated from my husband for a while now. I had assured them no way was I pregnant, but they had to do the test. Well the test came back as an inconclusive negative!(had to do bloodtest) The funniest part was my daughter and daughter in law were with me and they were very pregnant at the time. The research nurse doing the program was pregnant also, she was so embarrased. The nurses in pre-op told me they were planning a baby shower for me! It made a stressful time a little more relaxed. I thought it was hillarious. The research nurse and I became close after this and she comes to see me when I have an appt with my Onc. and came to visit during chemo. God Bless
  • Marsha Mulvey
    Marsha Mulvey Member Posts: 597 Member

    Great idea
    I love this humor is the only way to survive this journey. My story is from the day of surgery. I took the drug Emmend as part of a trial program the hospital was doing. Part of this process was a pregnancy test, well I am 49 and seperated from my husband for a while now. I had assured them no way was I pregnant, but they had to do the test. Well the test came back as an inconclusive negative!(had to do bloodtest) The funniest part was my daughter and daughter in law were with me and they were very pregnant at the time. The research nurse doing the program was pregnant also, she was so embarrased. The nurses in pre-op told me they were planning a baby shower for me! It made a stressful time a little more relaxed. I thought it was hillarious. The research nurse and I became close after this and she comes to see me when I have an appt with my Onc. and came to visit during chemo. God Bless

    love to laugh
    Like in "Reader's Digest", "Laughter Is the Best Medicine"! I love to laugh and this thread caused me to do just that! Thanks! MM
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    While under the influence of
    While under the influence of Happy Drugs, before being put completely under for surgery, I remember being on the operating table with both of my arms outstretched for the IV's and that I was facing a large picture window. I could see trees and flowers out the window, and I said half-loopily to the surgeon and anesthesiologist that if I looked out the window and saw my family and reporters I would know that I was actually sentenced to death and that they were there to administer my lethal injection!

    Siobhan says that when I was being wheeled into my room after my lumpectomy, still groggy, that I announced to my RN amd the assembled multitide of friends and family that not only did I get a Great recipe for pesto, but I also had a one sided breast reduction!

    Great thread, Traci~ thanks!

  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    chenheart said:

    While under the influence of
    While under the influence of Happy Drugs, before being put completely under for surgery, I remember being on the operating table with both of my arms outstretched for the IV's and that I was facing a large picture window. I could see trees and flowers out the window, and I said half-loopily to the surgeon and anesthesiologist that if I looked out the window and saw my family and reporters I would know that I was actually sentenced to death and that they were there to administer my lethal injection!

    Siobhan says that when I was being wheeled into my room after my lumpectomy, still groggy, that I announced to my RN amd the assembled multitide of friends and family that not only did I get a Great recipe for pesto, but I also had a one sided breast reduction!

    Great thread, Traci~ thanks!


    MGNS! Your post was the
    MGNS! Your post was the funniest! Thanks for sharing that with us!

    Hugs, Diane
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    MGNS said:

    A few days after my last
    A few days after my last chemo treatment my husband thought it would be good for me to get out of the house and go shopping at our closest mall (which is 2 hours away). I was so tired that I decided to take a little nap while he drove. I took my wig off in the car while I napped. When we reached the mall I quickly put my wig back on and we headed into the mall for fun shopping. After about an hour at the mall I went to the ladies room in Dillards and before leaving looked in the mirror. My wig was on sideways! My husband hadn't even noticed and I had been wearing that thing sideways all through the mall. Boy did I chew him out, but we were both laughing so hard it was hard to be upset with him. I felt like I looked like a drunk old lady staggering through the mall since I was still feeling the effects of the last chemo. We still laugh about this.
    Laughter helps you get through the difficult times!

    Humor Humor Humor
    MGNS I roared when I read your post. Traci you have the best ideas.

    My radiation team was primarily female for the exception of one male therapist and one male student who worked with the staff on Monday and Tuesdays. Rami the male student perhaps 25 or 26 was very quiet, a gentle sort of guy. The gals were mostly slender with large personalities. It seemed that Rami was on another planet and couldnt get his act together. He would either forget something for my setup, place the machine incorrectly, or put my head or arm in an uncomfortable position. My team of ladies would get terribly frustrated with Rami each time I was there. They would roll their eyes and constantly correct him. On one visit my slender, larger than life rads therapist told Rami to pull me to the right as they were setting me up. Rami made a small tug to move me. The therapist said, " Rami I said to pull. You pull with your arms not your stomach. You need to use the muscles in your arms". Her comments struck my funny bone and I broke out in very loud laughter. She looked at me and she started to roar. Poor Rami had goofed again. I did apologize to him and told him I was not laughing at him but at the scenario. Each time I saw Harriet we would laugh.
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    DianeBC said:

    MGNS! Your post was the
    MGNS! Your post was the funniest! Thanks for sharing that with us!

    Hugs, Diane

    I am still
    LMAO at MGNS wig tale. I really needed that laugh, so, thanks!

    Ok, here goes mine. It is still funny to me, but, my hubby doesn't think so.

    When my plastic surgeon came out to tell my hubby that my lumpectomy surgery was over and that everything went fine, he told my hubby that I was in the recovery room now, and, that when I woke up and they felt that I was ok, I would be wheeled back to the room that my hubby was in, which was the first room I was in where they prepped me for surgery. Well, my hubby wouldn't hear of that and is soooooooooo convincing that he got my surgeon to let him come into the recovery room to be with me. So, when I did finally wake up, my hubby was rubbing my forehead and holding my hand, and, started talking to me when he realized I was awake. Well, the lil devil in me came out, and, I started saying Who are you? Why are you touching me? Nurseeeeeeeeeeee lol When the nurse came over, she was totally confused as she "thought" this man was my husband. So, she frantically starting looking at my chart to make sure that I was married and then came to my other side and said..Isn't this your husband? I said No..I don't know who he is. She turned around and said something, which was to apparently call one of the big male nurse's over to probably remove my hubby. At which time, I realized I needed to stop playing around and set this straight. So, I finally smiled and said Hi honey and looked directly at my hubby. The nurse, being baffled and getting a bit upset, said..So, this IS your husband? I said Yes..he is..the one and only forever! The nurse feeling ok about the whole sage then walked away and my hubby..well, let's just say after he found out that I was just foolin around...was a wee bit upset at me. lol But, as everyone knows..he can never stay mad at me long. Soooooooooooo, that is my funny story and I am sticking with it! lol

    Thanks Traci for a very humerous and fun post! We all need these!

    Sue :)
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I wrote a book....
    'It's Hard to say No to a Bald Lady'....

    It's the Irma Bombeck side of cancer...lol!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    KathiM said:

    I wrote a book....
    'It's Hard to say No to a Bald Lady'....

    It's the Irma Bombeck side of cancer...lol!

    Hugs, Kathi

    Of hair and no hare:
    A session late into my breast cancer treatment comes to mind. By this point, to set the stage, I was decidedly without hair. I had a stuffed rabbit that had been given to me by a dear friend during my first battle that I carried everywhere. (Yes, returning a bit to childhood). I decided that the place needed some life, so I said to my nurse, in a clear voice, “My bunny has decided to take the chemotherapy for me today”. The effect on the room was immediate. Everyone laughed, except the nurse. She obviously thought the treatment so far had taken its toll on my brain. So I repeated. Still, no smile. One of my fellow warriors offered a piece of advice. “You know, that really wouldn’t be such a good idea”, she said. “Why not?”, I said. “Because then you would have a hairless hare”. I about fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard.

    Hugs, Kathi
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Traci, great topic. I have
    Traci, great topic. I have a few short stories. Here they go:

    I told family and friends that I was sporting a wig that looked like Steve Perry's( Journey) hair, minus the sideburns. It was super straight and fell in place. It was so unlike my coarse and wavy hair. My natural locks have a tendency of being contrary and unruly. I am so glad my hair is growing back!

    After my mapping session at the Radiation Oncology office, I went for my Oncology appointment and met with my doctor. I told him that I had a mini constellation going on my right breast. That got a chuckle out of him.

    Those are the two that come to mind. Take care, God bless.
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    Traci--great subject
    I remember way back in Dec. my husband and I had an appointment with my surgeon. We were trying to schedule my lumpectomy, but I had developed a hematoma at the biopsy site and we were waiting for it to go down a bit. The surgeon said, in a very straight face, "well, I'd like to wait till it goes down a little more--I really don't want to take any more tissue than I have to and leave you with an FLB." Mentally, I quickly went through my medical terminology and could not come up with anything that was abbreviated FLB. When I finally said, "well, what's an FLB?"

    He looked at me, again with a serious expression, and said, "Funny Looking BOOB!" My husband and I laughed our heads off.
  • Hubby
    Hubby Member Posts: 325
    Curlers for Chemo Patients
    Breast Cancer Awareness Instant Heat Rollers

    Available at Target.com a set of curlers in a nice pink case... Just made me laugh.



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