If you do not feel right about something, read this

meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have been reading posts that you are unsure of what to do if you find a lump, or if you have a pain or ache, or if you are very tired, sick. The first thing you need to do is tell your doctor immediately! He needs to run tests, the right tests. I tend to google alot. I do not want to scare anyone or cause paronia, but if i had been more insisitant i may not be in the position I am in now. That is my belief. Here is my story from the time i was declared NED.
I had a pet scan on September 11, 2009 and it came back clean...Yeah me, right.
fast forward to January..I had really bad back pain and right shoulder pain, and i am so tired... I tell my doctor. He says "but you pet scan was clean in September", he does back xrays and chest xrays and a bone scan, he tells me that I have arthritis in my neck and gives me pain meds. I take them and feel a little better. But sometimes, it is bad and i have a lot of gas and pain in my left side. I see him again and he diagnoses me with IBS and prescribes Prilosec. I go back to him and tell him i have pain in my right side. He does lots of blood tests, and I go back for the results, he tells me, "i can't find anything wrong, it is not cancer". Yeah! this is what I want to hear, oh, I am so happy! Now, it is May and the pain is unbearable, it hurts to do a load of wash, or drive a car. I go back to him again, he tells me again, that it is not cancer. So, I lay down and have him feel my stomach where it hurts so bad, and I swear he said UH OH. He says "I think your liver is swollen". Ha, I think, there is something wrong. I was not prepared for what was to come. I finally had a cat scan...the results were a large tumor in my liver, and it had spread to my abdomen. So, back to chemo. I google "breast cancer mets to liver' and I find all my symptoms. Maybe, if I had been more insistant in January or February...or if i knew the symptoms.....maybe, just maybe, this would not be happening right now. Listen to your body..let him know if you are in pain, or feel something unusual and make sure he follows up. sob sob.


  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    I'm so sorry your world has
    I'm so sorry your world has been rocked again. Diligence is the word. It sucks to always have to wonder, worry, question weather the scans are picking up things or the blood work has been ran properly. It runs through my mind and you have said it loud and clear.
    If we had our gallbladder removed, after 6 weeks it's over. This cancer thing is a lifetime. Yes, we can relax, or can we. They say don't worry, but will it ever stop? I think not.
    Thank you Meena for brining it to light and out in the open. I hope with all my heart things start going better for you. I pray for your strength, energy and well being. Katz
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    Katz77 said:

    I'm so sorry your world has
    I'm so sorry your world has been rocked again. Diligence is the word. It sucks to always have to wonder, worry, question weather the scans are picking up things or the blood work has been ran properly. It runs through my mind and you have said it loud and clear.
    If we had our gallbladder removed, after 6 weeks it's over. This cancer thing is a lifetime. Yes, we can relax, or can we. They say don't worry, but will it ever stop? I think not.
    Thank you Meena for brining it to light and out in the open. I hope with all my heart things start going better for you. I pray for your strength, energy and well being. Katz

    Oh, thank you, Katz. You
    Oh, thank you, Katz. You said exactly what i wanted to say. I know that we all have that "fear", and we should not let us consume us, but we need to be aware of our body. And i like the word dilligence.
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175 Member
    Meena I think you are right
    Meena I think you are right also...I just wish i knew what to look for if the cancer spreads to another part of the body. If i did have a list of symptoms to look for would i miss them cuz my body just has pains or aches or LUMPS or just plan weird things happening that i wouldnt be able to tell if it was a reaccurrence or just something else like the chemo side effects like osteoporosis or leg cramps or side aches the list goes on and on. Most of the time the doctors explain the symptoms away like yours did or make us feel like whiners. Like my doctor explained my lumps as long as they go away after 2-4 weeks im ok. I couldnt get her to tell me why i was getting so many she just said it was a side effect of the chemo. I havent heard anyone in here mentioning that as a side effect.
    The only thing i was told about the breast cancer spreading (in reaccurrance) is that it could spread to 3 different places...the bone, brain and liver. I dont know how true that is but thats what my ex-oncologist told me. The more time i spend on this board the less faith i have in our tests to detect any cancer...you hear it alot on how this test or that test failed to pick it up or the doctor failed to listen to our sypmtoms. I guess we just have to educate ourselves on what to watch for...and i dont have a clue!
    Im sooo sorry that you are going through this again and that its bringing you down...just dont give up Meena!
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    jo jo said:

    Meena I think you are right
    Meena I think you are right also...I just wish i knew what to look for if the cancer spreads to another part of the body. If i did have a list of symptoms to look for would i miss them cuz my body just has pains or aches or LUMPS or just plan weird things happening that i wouldnt be able to tell if it was a reaccurrence or just something else like the chemo side effects like osteoporosis or leg cramps or side aches the list goes on and on. Most of the time the doctors explain the symptoms away like yours did or make us feel like whiners. Like my doctor explained my lumps as long as they go away after 2-4 weeks im ok. I couldnt get her to tell me why i was getting so many she just said it was a side effect of the chemo. I havent heard anyone in here mentioning that as a side effect.
    The only thing i was told about the breast cancer spreading (in reaccurrance) is that it could spread to 3 different places...the bone, brain and liver. I dont know how true that is but thats what my ex-oncologist told me. The more time i spend on this board the less faith i have in our tests to detect any cancer...you hear it alot on how this test or that test failed to pick it up or the doctor failed to listen to our sypmtoms. I guess we just have to educate ourselves on what to watch for...and i dont have a clue!
    Im sooo sorry that you are going through this again and that its bringing you down...just dont give up Meena!

    Thank you!
    Thanks Meena for posting this. This is something that all of us need to read and need to be aware of.

    I am so sorry for what happened to you. So very sorry

    You just keep on fighting though! We are here for you!
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    jo jo said:

    Meena I think you are right
    Meena I think you are right also...I just wish i knew what to look for if the cancer spreads to another part of the body. If i did have a list of symptoms to look for would i miss them cuz my body just has pains or aches or LUMPS or just plan weird things happening that i wouldnt be able to tell if it was a reaccurrence or just something else like the chemo side effects like osteoporosis or leg cramps or side aches the list goes on and on. Most of the time the doctors explain the symptoms away like yours did or make us feel like whiners. Like my doctor explained my lumps as long as they go away after 2-4 weeks im ok. I couldnt get her to tell me why i was getting so many she just said it was a side effect of the chemo. I havent heard anyone in here mentioning that as a side effect.
    The only thing i was told about the breast cancer spreading (in reaccurrance) is that it could spread to 3 different places...the bone, brain and liver. I dont know how true that is but thats what my ex-oncologist told me. The more time i spend on this board the less faith i have in our tests to detect any cancer...you hear it alot on how this test or that test failed to pick it up or the doctor failed to listen to our sypmtoms. I guess we just have to educate ourselves on what to watch for...and i dont have a clue!
    Im sooo sorry that you are going through this again and that its bringing you down...just dont give up Meena!

    Meena thank you for sharing your story
    yes we should listen to our bodies and follow our instincts. Unfortunately most doctors relay on test and do not think or evaluate a real patient. Nobody knows what cause cancer, often cancer treatment is reactive , I wish it would be proactive.
    I hope that your ongoing treatment has been effective and successful. I am sorry that you have been suffering and have to go through Chemo again.
    ending positive thoughts and a big hug.
    New Flower
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003

    Meena thank you for sharing your story
    yes we should listen to our bodies and follow our instincts. Unfortunately most doctors relay on test and do not think or evaluate a real patient. Nobody knows what cause cancer, often cancer treatment is reactive , I wish it would be proactive.
    I hope that your ongoing treatment has been effective and successful. I am sorry that you have been suffering and have to go through Chemo again.
    ending positive thoughts and a big hug.
    New Flower

    At least I am getting the
    At least I am getting the treatment I need now. Cat Scan on Monday, so crossing my fingers for good results.
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    meena1 said:

    At least I am getting the
    At least I am getting the treatment I need now. Cat Scan on Monday, so crossing my fingers for good results.

    Sending thoughts & prayers to you on Monday
    Saying a little prayer and crossing my fingers too for good results. Hang in there! Hugs, Jean
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    meena1 said:

    At least I am getting the
    At least I am getting the treatment I need now. Cat Scan on Monday, so crossing my fingers for good results.

    Thanks Meena for letting us
    Thanks Meena for letting us know what signs to look for in the future. This is not something doctors tell us and like Newflower said, doctors rely on test & scans. Its up to us to know our bodies and follow our Instincts. Test can only be trusted to a certain point. I had a clear and good mamo test in April of 09 and in Sept 09 I was diagnosed with BC. And its because "I" notice something different in my breast. God bless you Meena. Stay strong sister.
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    meena1 said:

    At least I am getting the
    At least I am getting the treatment I need now. Cat Scan on Monday, so crossing my fingers for good results.

    Praying for good results for
    Praying for good results for you from your Cat Scan! Let us know.
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    We'll all be with you in spirit for your CAT scan
    So, so sorry you've had to endure all this. You're all right--I don't think the fear will ever, ever go away. Some days we may be able to put it in the back of our minds--but it will always be there. It's hard for me to ever take good test results seriously ever again. Like Pinkpower, I too had a "normal" mammo in June of '09 and then, low and behold, with no symptoms at all--other than a powerful force making me ask for a repeat mammo and an ultrasound in October of '09, I'm diagnosed with IDC Stage IIIc, with 10 positive lymph nodes!!!! I will go on to live the best life I can, laugh often, love deeply, but always, always with doubts as to my health status.

    Hugs and prayers coming your way,
  • weazer
    weazer Member Posts: 440
    missrenee said:

    We'll all be with you in spirit for your CAT scan
    So, so sorry you've had to endure all this. You're all right--I don't think the fear will ever, ever go away. Some days we may be able to put it in the back of our minds--but it will always be there. It's hard for me to ever take good test results seriously ever again. Like Pinkpower, I too had a "normal" mammo in June of '09 and then, low and behold, with no symptoms at all--other than a powerful force making me ask for a repeat mammo and an ultrasound in October of '09, I'm diagnosed with IDC Stage IIIc, with 10 positive lymph nodes!!!! I will go on to live the best life I can, laugh often, love deeply, but always, always with doubts as to my health status.

    Hugs and prayers coming your way,

    Lots Of Prayers Coming Your Way!
    Good Luck with your cat scan, I will be saying some prayes, and sending some good vibes your way.
    Take care sweetie and let us know.
    God Bless Karie
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    weazer said:

    Lots Of Prayers Coming Your Way!
    Good Luck with your cat scan, I will be saying some prayes, and sending some good vibes your way.
    Take care sweetie and let us know.
    God Bless Karie

    Very Important!
    This is such an important post! I hope everyone on this site reads it. We do have to be our own advocates with this dreadful disease. Medicine and doctors are wonderful, but, sometimes they miss or overlook what could be life threatening to us.

    You know Meena that I have every finger and all of my toes crossed for you on Monday.

    Praying for you as always!

    Sue :)
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    meena1 said:

    At least I am getting the
    At least I am getting the treatment I need now. Cat Scan on Monday, so crossing my fingers for good results.

    Fingers are crossed for you for Monday
    I just wish those of us on Femara or Tamixofen or whatever had a way to feel sure the aches and pains we have are side effects of the drug and which should send us running back to the doctor insisting on whatever tests should be run.
    I know life isn't fair, but once it's so not fair that you beat cancer, life really could get a little fairer after that, don't ya think.

  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Meena, I agree 100% with
    Meena, I agree 100% with what you said. I am the one that found both of my "lumps". We MUST all remain very diligent on self examination. We know our bodies better than anyone else and when something doesn't seem right, get it checked out!! It may just save your life. Sending a BIG ((((HUG)))) your way. Take care of yourself and I'm right there with you taking on the beast for another round!!
  • tgf
    tgf Member Posts: 950 Member
    MyTurnNow said:

    Meena, I agree 100% with
    Meena, I agree 100% with what you said. I am the one that found both of my "lumps". We MUST all remain very diligent on self examination. We know our bodies better than anyone else and when something doesn't seem right, get it checked out!! It may just save your life. Sending a BIG ((((HUG)))) your way. Take care of yourself and I'm right there with you taking on the beast for another round!!

    Thinking of you
    Meena... so sorry you have to get back on the roller-coaster... but at least you know what to expect now ... and you'll do just fine.

  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    tgf said:

    Thinking of you
    Meena... so sorry you have to get back on the roller-coaster... but at least you know what to expect now ... and you'll do just fine.


    Thank you, I am hanging in
    Thank you, I am hanging in there, and this is a non chemo week
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    meena1 said:

    Thank you, I am hanging in
    Thank you, I am hanging in there, and this is a non chemo week

    YEH for non chemo week! How
    YEH for non chemo week! How was your trip to the beach Meena?

    Sue :)
  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    Ritzy said:

    YEH for non chemo week! How
    YEH for non chemo week! How was your trip to the beach Meena?

    Sue :)

    My trip to the beach was
    My trip to the beach was wonderful! Nice cool breeze by the ocean, I swear that salt air and water have a healing effect, Many years ago. sick people were sent to the shore to heal. Plus you can close your eyes and just listen to the ocean.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    meena1 said:

    My trip to the beach was
    My trip to the beach was wonderful! Nice cool breeze by the ocean, I swear that salt air and water have a healing effect, Many years ago. sick people were sent to the shore to heal. Plus you can close your eyes and just listen to the ocean.

    Meena .. Thank you for sharing your story ... and what
    a story! We need to be our own 'best' advocate when it comes to our health. Doctors see some many patients - it's difficult for me to realize that we are not their only priority.

    I honestly hope and prayer that you have all the courage and strength to fight this battle, as well.

    Vicki Sam
  • ppurdin
    ppurdin Member Posts: 1,181 Member
    Hi Meena
    As I am reading this my back is hurting,Thinking I probly pulled something playing in the pool with my grandson.I am sorry you are going through this.But thank you for reminding us not to over look something if it bothers us for awhile.My thoughts and Prayers are with you. PPutdin.