Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Why do so many say "'This' is what will happen"! because that is what "I" (they) experienced? I know that my experiences are not what EVERYONE has/will experience - nor did I experience what many others have. So why assume that you are the be all/know all?

I don't understand! We are all fighting a monster called Breast Cancer but all our monsters are not the same Beast, they are all related but not the same.

Say this is what I went through, ask questions - BUT don't assume that you know everything because you are dealing with a particular type - we aren't all dealing with the same Monster.

Sorry - to a degree - for getting on this RANT - but I have seen so many posts recently saying that "THIS" is what WILL happen, based on personal experience.



  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    I've never seen this on here
    I've never seen this on here that I recall. All I ever see are our fellow bc sisters offering their experiences with chemo, rads, surgery and oral treatments. I post what I have been thru, a lumpectomy and rads. I just tell what it was like for ME and what MY reactions were. I offer names of the creams I used during rads, but, ALWAYS, tell them to ask their own rads oncologist. I don't know really what you are talking about. We are here to support, help and encourage one another. We are here to offer what our experiences were/are in the hopes that someone can learn from them or hear something to ask their own doctors about. I think we all realize that we all our different in our diagnosis, our treatments and our lives. Noone is assuming anything, just helping!

  • new2me
    new2me Member Posts: 177 Member
    Angie2U said:

    I've never seen this on here
    I've never seen this on here that I recall. All I ever see are our fellow bc sisters offering their experiences with chemo, rads, surgery and oral treatments. I post what I have been thru, a lumpectomy and rads. I just tell what it was like for ME and what MY reactions were. I offer names of the creams I used during rads, but, ALWAYS, tell them to ask their own rads oncologist. I don't know really what you are talking about. We are here to support, help and encourage one another. We are here to offer what our experiences were/are in the hopes that someone can learn from them or hear something to ask their own doctors about. I think we all realize that we all our different in our diagnosis, our treatments and our lives. Noone is assuming anything, just helping!


    From a new persons perspective
    I so appreciate every bit of advise and information that you wonderful girls offer. It doesn't matter to me how it's worded - I treasure it all. Everyone has said that all of us is different and will react differently to the Chemo treaments. I am the type of person that wants to know what could or could not happen to me. That way I an prepared. Because knowing nothing - is very scary.
    You wonderful and beautiful people keep it up. I want to know what everyone has experienced.

    Love you all

  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    well Susan
    I think we often

    well Susan
    I think we often do share very similar experiences going through chemo, going through radiation..and I for one have found the experiences of others invaluable in helping me through this journey. Of course no one is going to have exactly the same dx, same treatment, same reactions, same side effects, but some seem to be very common experiences(like when you can expect to lose your hair, or how Arimidex might make your joints ache). But I agree that we need to be careful about sounding like some kind of experts who have all the answers...we're all on an unknown journey...full of variables and strange twists and turns... that doesn't mean we can't offer insights as to what we have experienced during treatment does it? I draw such strength from hearing about the experiences of others...
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    I really appreciate the advice and support I get from this forum
    I know most people on this forum are probably not medical professionals, but there is so much valuable advice I've received from here that my doctors (whom I love and respect totally) never mentioned. I think many physicians don't tell all the side effects, or adverse things that can happen because everyone is so different and they don't want to plant a seed that might encourage people to worry unnecessarily.

    Many times, now, I have come here with a problem--simply hoping to hear from someone else who has been through it. It makes me feel so "not alone." Mentally and emotionally--that is so important to me.
  • heidijez
    heidijez Member Posts: 441
    Our Experiences
    we can share our experiences, but that is what they are, OUR experiences. we are all individuals with our own health issues, and the way we react to a drug, or pain, or anything is unique to us.

    that being said, i for one appreciate the information shared on this site. although i am curious about other's experiences with the same drugs and what their side effects are, i am aware that what i am reading is not the absolute only reaction. i think most of us on here will agree with that. we are here to share and to encourage and give hope.
  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670
    I totally agree with you on this. When i post i try to remember to let them know that everyone experiences treatments and surgeries and emotions differently. Nobody is exactly the same on anything.

    take care
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Angie2U said:

    I've never seen this on here
    I've never seen this on here that I recall. All I ever see are our fellow bc sisters offering their experiences with chemo, rads, surgery and oral treatments. I post what I have been thru, a lumpectomy and rads. I just tell what it was like for ME and what MY reactions were. I offer names of the creams I used during rads, but, ALWAYS, tell them to ask their own rads oncologist. I don't know really what you are talking about. We are here to support, help and encourage one another. We are here to offer what our experiences were/are in the hopes that someone can learn from them or hear something to ask their own doctors about. I think we all realize that we all our different in our diagnosis, our treatments and our lives. Noone is assuming anything, just helping!


    Thgere have been quite a few
    Thgere have been quite a few recently.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    lolad said:

    I totally agree with you on this. When i post i try to remember to let them know that everyone experiences treatments and surgeries and emotions differently. Nobody is exactly the same on anything.

    take care

    I hope I am not one of those
    I hope I am not one of those people whom you are referrring to. I feel bad because my chemo experience was not good and I know I was atypical, so I usually post what other people have told me as I dont want to scare people. I really think it is doable and we all get through.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    I've seen several posts
    I've seen several posts recently that basically said ""This will happen to you because it happened to me!" No not those words exctly but still what was said/inferred.

    YES, we are here to support each other BUT atr each unique! Give your experiences as it helps all of us but don't say that is what WILL happen with someone else because it hapopened to you. I had NO nausea - others do. I had REALLY BAD burns from Rads - there are very few who have gone through what I did. Do i 'talk' about what I went through = "ya betcha' - but I don't say THIS IS WHAT WILL HAPPEN as has been said recently about personal experiences.

  • waffle8
    waffle8 Member Posts: 234
    Rague said:

    I've seen several posts
    I've seen several posts recently that basically said ""This will happen to you because it happened to me!" No not those words exctly but still what was said/inferred.

    YES, we are here to support each other BUT atr each unique! Give your experiences as it helps all of us but don't say that is what WILL happen with someone else because it hapopened to you. I had NO nausea - others do. I had REALLY BAD burns from Rads - there are very few who have gone through what I did. Do i 'talk' about what I went through = "ya betcha' - but I don't say THIS IS WHAT WILL HAPPEN as has been said recently about personal experiences.


    Bad Burns
    Hey Susan, Sorry about subject change... just wondering if you consider yourself big busted? I am nervous about radiation The nurse said when you are larger size you tend to burn more?
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    waffle8 said:

    Bad Burns
    Hey Susan, Sorry about subject change... just wondering if you consider yourself big busted? I am nervous about radiation The nurse said when you are larger size you tend to burn more?

    I do not about size, I think it has to do with type of your skin. You can start using moisturizer prior your start of your radiation treatment to condition your skin. I followed advice of my plastic surgeon and did help. Still by the end I was like a well done steak.
    Please do not be nervous.
    Good luck
  • lizzie17
    lizzie17 Member Posts: 548
    hope it wasn't me
    Wow, I hope I have never sounded that way. This forum and the discussions are very important to me, and I think when people ask questions, they would like an answer based on the experiences we have had. Then, we can take it all in, *digest* it, talk to our doctors, and make our own decisions.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    lizzie17 said:

    hope it wasn't me
    Wow, I hope I have never sounded that way. This forum and the discussions are very important to me, and I think when people ask questions, they would like an answer based on the experiences we have had. Then, we can take it all in, *digest* it, talk to our doctors, and make our own decisions.

    No idea either
    I have no idea either or to whom Rague is speaking about or to. I have only seen comfort, someone's experience, support and encouragement on this site. For someone to simply say what happened to them is not saying that it will happen to anyone else. We all tell our own stories, our own experiences. I never burned from rads, you did. Ok, we are all different. But, noone that I have seen has ever acted like whatever they said is what will happen to anyone on here. I think most always state to talk to your doctors first or they just say, this happened to me. I am confused by this post to. But, I hope everyone continues to keep posting and to keep writing the same way they always have. This site is so helpful to all of us, and, I hope it doesn't change!

    Hugs, Leeza
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    waffle8 said:

    Bad Burns
    Hey Susan, Sorry about subject change... just wondering if you consider yourself big busted? I am nervous about radiation The nurse said when you are larger size you tend to burn more?

    Waffle, there are a lot of
    Waffle, there are a lot of variables that affect you when you have rads. And, this is just my opinion, ok? It depends on your skin type, it depends on the machine, it depends on the number of treatments and if you have boosters and how you take care of your skin. Bust size doesn't factor in as far as I know. I'm not small busted and I never burned, I got really dark pink, but, no burn. But, I used my creams from day one and continued for weeks afterwords. I was very gentle with my skin and took good care of it. Also, my cancer center had a brand new rads machine and my rads oncologist told me from the start that I wouldn't burn with the newer machine, and, he was right. ( as always lol ) But, as always, do what your own rads oncologist says. Use only the creams he tells you to use. Get lots of rest and be gentle with your skin. I used white Dove soap as ok'd by my rads oncologist. Others use something else. There is a Radiation questions and answers post on here that has a lot of good info. Good luck to you!

    Hugs, Leeza
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member
    jnl said:

    No idea either
    I have no idea either or to whom Rague is speaking about or to. I have only seen comfort, someone's experience, support and encouragement on this site. For someone to simply say what happened to them is not saying that it will happen to anyone else. We all tell our own stories, our own experiences. I never burned from rads, you did. Ok, we are all different. But, noone that I have seen has ever acted like whatever they said is what will happen to anyone on here. I think most always state to talk to your doctors first or they just say, this happened to me. I am confused by this post to. But, I hope everyone continues to keep posting and to keep writing the same way they always have. This site is so helpful to all of us, and, I hope it doesn't change!

    Hugs, Leeza

    Agreeing with Leeza I've
    Agreeing with Leeza I've never read anything like that either. Every person is different. Also the doctors who are the pros. can't tell you exactly what you will experience, no one can.
    I do enjoy reading all posts.
    hugs 2 all
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    waffle8 said:

    Bad Burns
    Hey Susan, Sorry about subject change... just wondering if you consider yourself big busted? I am nervous about radiation The nurse said when you are larger size you tend to burn more?

    I had been fairly 'big'
    I had been fairly 'big' (36D) but I had a mod. rad. mast. before rads so doubt that still mattered as there was 'nothing left'.
  • camsgram
    camsgram Member Posts: 106
    really not sure what

    really not sure what you are talking about, I've never felt that way when reading or sharing things. I sure hope this doesn't change the freedom of this board because it is very helpful. Sorry you feel this way.
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    waffle8 said:

    Bad Burns
    Hey Susan, Sorry about subject change... just wondering if you consider yourself big busted? I am nervous about radiation The nurse said when you are larger size you tend to burn more?

    Hi waffle8, regarding your question on Bad rad burn, I am not big busted, and I got really burned with rad even though I was faithful with the creams they provided at the center from day one, so bad I had to stop for a wk b4 I continued for my last week and they had to give me pain pills. Did not blistered, but it was like the worst sun burn you have ever had and it peeled. The area of my breast and underarm is much better today, last rad was end of May, but the area is still very dark compare to the rest of my body. If it starts to get burned where you just cant take it, you can take a break. Hope this helps.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    waffle8 said:

    Bad Burns
    Hey Susan, Sorry about subject change... just wondering if you consider yourself big busted? I am nervous about radiation The nurse said when you are larger size you tend to burn more?

    I burned also and had a
    I burned also and had a radical modified mastectomy so I was flat. They had to give me two weeks off to heal before finishing the last week. Just make sure the doctor looks at the site every week to keep up with what is going on. Mine didn't look, just asked how I was doing and I always said "OK". I didn't have a clue what it should look like or what it looked like when getting bad. So he/she should be checking it.
  • GrandmaJ
    GrandmaJ Member Posts: 209
    I find all the information on this site invaluable and only wish I had found it before my chemo, instead of after.....because I knew nothing and was so scared not knowing what to expect.

    I have never gotten the impression anyone was stating that what they experienced was the way it would occur for everyone. Sorry you feel that way.
