
  • Sharon40
    Sharon40 Member Posts: 93
    TraciInLA said:

    Body wash
    (Okay, ladies, just tell me to shut up if you're getting tired of me and all my tips! :-)

    I'll emphasize again how important it is to always ask the doctor or nurse BEFORE using anything, anywhere near the treatment field while you're doing rads. But it's sometimes helpful to have some ideas:

    In my case, the nurse told me to "use something gentle" in the shower, but didn't really have any specific product recommendations. ChenHeart on this board had recommended unscented Aveeno bodywash, so I asked the nurse, how about that? I used it all through rads, and it was very gentle and soothing.

    Another Unpaid Product Endorsement Brought to You By Traci,

    :-) Traci

    I appreciate all the suggestions
    I appreciate all the suggestions! I have finished day 13 out of 30. My rad gave my a trial size deoderant - it looks like a crystal ball. It works.

    I am using radioplex - perscription lotion given by me rad, but I have started itching and want to scratch a hole in my chest!!! Lotion is NOT helping at all! I can't wait until tomorrow night (6:15 is my time) when I see the dr. and ask what to do!

    I am also seeing a PT once a week. I lost almost all of the range of motion in my left arm. I got it back enough to get my arm over my head (so uncomfortable) so that I can do radiation, but boy does it hurt! I also got measured for a compression sleeve to wear on the airplane next month. They say this will help control any swelling to avoid lymphodemia (lets hope it works)!!

    Thanks for keeping this post going! I read it everyday . . . I am so thankful to have a place to go for good info, suggestions and inspiration!
  • Flakey_Flake
    Flakey_Flake Member Posts: 130
    TraciInLA said:

    Body wash
    (Okay, ladies, just tell me to shut up if you're getting tired of me and all my tips! :-)

    I'll emphasize again how important it is to always ask the doctor or nurse BEFORE using anything, anywhere near the treatment field while you're doing rads. But it's sometimes helpful to have some ideas:

    In my case, the nurse told me to "use something gentle" in the shower, but didn't really have any specific product recommendations. ChenHeart on this board had recommended unscented Aveeno bodywash, so I asked the nurse, how about that? I used it all through rads, and it was very gentle and soothing.

    Another Unpaid Product Endorsement Brought to You By Traci,

    :-) Traci

    Thanks for all the Great Input
    Traci - I love your endorsements. I really need to know because I always over-think these things. I will pick up some Unscented Aveeno Body wash. I was using just a generic antibacterial body wash, and wasn't sure if it would be gentle enough or leave behind something to bother the radiation.

    I am thinking the lymphedema concern is because the armpit is exposed to the radiation. Maybe there is something about the radiation that interferes with circulation. I also did the "crawl up the wall with your fingers" exercise (sounds like we're all going to turn into spiderman.) and have no problem raising my arm over my head. It is a good esercise, and easy to make progress quickly.

    Here's hoping we all get through this phase of the battle with a minimum of discomfort. I think we need a battle cry.
  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877 Member
    Traci, I love you and all
    Traci, I love you and all your tips, your awesome to read!! Your subject line "I'll take question #2 for $200" cracked me up....PLEASE keep your tips coming they are awesome!! As of now, I want to use all the lotion I can, and on Tuesday, I'll see how many hours before rads they recommend for me, my biggest fear is my flap breaking open and having to do the reconstruction all over again.
    Love to All,
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member

    Traci, I love you and all
    Traci, I love you and all your tips, your awesome to read!! Your subject line "I'll take question #2 for $200" cracked me up....PLEASE keep your tips coming they are awesome!! As of now, I want to use all the lotion I can, and on Tuesday, I'll see how many hours before rads they recommend for me, my biggest fear is my flap breaking open and having to do the reconstruction all over again.
    Love to All,

    My rads oncologist told me
    My rads oncologist told me to not have any creams on my skin 4 hours prior to my treatment. I think most are that way. Be sure and ask!

    Good luck Kari!
  • LauraMc
    LauraMc Member Posts: 1
    I just finished my rads


    I just finished my rads last week and I have 2 expanders somewhat fully expanded. The expanders do make it more difficult for the rad oncs but it can be done. My PS didn't fully expand me to capacity due to fear of the expander pushing through my skin. My rad onc told me the week before I finished how much my PS did a great job compared to what other PS have done. He said they were perfectly centered and not too large. I think when they are over expanded and not centered well, it gives problems for the rad oncologists to getting the radiation beams where they need to go.
    I had my radiation very early in the morning, didn't get fatigue until the last week...hit me like a mack truck but didn't stop me from doing my normal activities.
    I will be having a DIEP procedure, hopefully at the end of the year. My PS doesn't want to take any muscle.
  • Sharon40
    Sharon40 Member Posts: 93
    Broken Computer
    NO rads for me tonight . . . computer is down! I know I shouldn't be so happy, I still have to make it up, but man it is GREAT not to have to go out tonight! My appointments aren't until 6:15pm!!
  • rrogers34
    rrogers34 Member Posts: 135
    How is it going so far.
    I cant offer any words of wisdom since I have 2 more Chemo treatments, another surgery then onto Rads. I too am glad you started this thread so I can keep up on what to expect, knowing that each of us are different. You have some really great questions and the responses are pretty awsome too. Am I understanding that you cannot wear a bra while going through rads? I had a lumpectomy and it is underneath by breast which is droopy. I'm not even sure how they are going to get it to stay up so a beam can get to it? LOL.

    Hugs and Prayers.
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    rrogers34 said:

    How is it going so far.
    I cant offer any words of wisdom since I have 2 more Chemo treatments, another surgery then onto Rads. I too am glad you started this thread so I can keep up on what to expect, knowing that each of us are different. You have some really great questions and the responses are pretty awsome too. Am I understanding that you cannot wear a bra while going through rads? I had a lumpectomy and it is underneath by breast which is droopy. I'm not even sure how they are going to get it to stay up so a beam can get to it? LOL.

    Hugs and Prayers.

    I start on MOnday with my rads
    Got tattooed today and it wasn't bad. Glad I read all the threads on here about it so I wasn't too anxious. The arms are still aching from having to be held in that awkward position for 50 min while they took pix. None of this is easy I'm beginning to realize.
    But it will be worth it if this beast never comes back.
  • Cairmaid
    Cairmaid Member Posts: 64
    rrogers34 said:

    How is it going so far.
    I cant offer any words of wisdom since I have 2 more Chemo treatments, another surgery then onto Rads. I too am glad you started this thread so I can keep up on what to expect, knowing that each of us are different. You have some really great questions and the responses are pretty awsome too. Am I understanding that you cannot wear a bra while going through rads? I had a lumpectomy and it is underneath by breast which is droopy. I'm not even sure how they are going to get it to stay up so a beam can get to it? LOL.

    Hugs and Prayers.

    Bra-less and loving it
    I can tell you from experience that you don't want to be wearing your bra while having the radiation treatments. I was wearing a really big ace bandage around my chest after surgery because I had an internal-balloon-tube sticking out and COULDN'T get a bra on. The balloon has to be "just so" for the radiation beads: good position, no air spaces inside, exactly right distance to the skin surface. The bandage was taken off for the measurements but I left it on for the first few rad treatments. After I started to burn, I told the rad tech and he told the nuclear physicist I wasn't going to wear it any longer. The NP's response was something like, 'OMG, I didn't know she was wearing it in the first place!" Seems it changed the shape of my breast and, therefore, the radiation pattern. Oops.

    As for wearing a bra in between treatments, you'll have to judge for yourself if your bra is soft enough to wear against burned skin. My doctors all recommended a soft sports-type bra. I had already been wearing Hanes Sport G400 seamless sports bra, with real cups instead of just a sheet of elastic across your chest. However, the top of it runs right across where the worst burn is. I stopped wearing it and went with camisoles and baggy sweaters. I think maybe by the end of the week, I'll be back in a bra. It's getting too warm to wear sweaters :-)
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    rrogers34 said:

    How is it going so far.
    I cant offer any words of wisdom since I have 2 more Chemo treatments, another surgery then onto Rads. I too am glad you started this thread so I can keep up on what to expect, knowing that each of us are different. You have some really great questions and the responses are pretty awsome too. Am I understanding that you cannot wear a bra while going through rads? I had a lumpectomy and it is underneath by breast which is droopy. I'm not even sure how they are going to get it to stay up so a beam can get to it? LOL.

    Hugs and Prayers.

    Another Public Service Announcement Brought to You By Your Favorite (?) Rads Veteran!

    My rads oncologist said no underwires and no lace (both too irritating to the skin), but said it was fine to wear any soft-cup or sports bra during rads.

    I, however, only made it about 2 or 3 weeks -- by that time, everything was just getting too sensitive to have something that close-fitting. I'm a well-endowed woman, and, thankfully, I did rads in the winter, so I just wore cardigan sweaters over my work clothes during the week and Polartec vests over my t-shirts on the weekends. To be honest, I don't know how I would have handled trying to go bra-less during the summer....

  • Cairmaid
    Cairmaid Member Posts: 64
    TraciInLA said:

    Another Public Service Announcement Brought to You By Your Favorite (?) Rads Veteran!

    My rads oncologist said no underwires and no lace (both too irritating to the skin), but said it was fine to wear any soft-cup or sports bra during rads.

    I, however, only made it about 2 or 3 weeks -- by that time, everything was just getting too sensitive to have something that close-fitting. I'm a well-endowed woman, and, thankfully, I did rads in the winter, so I just wore cardigan sweaters over my work clothes during the week and Polartec vests over my t-shirts on the weekends. To be honest, I don't know how I would have handled trying to go bra-less during the summer....


    "Summertiiiiiiiiiime, goin' braless ain't easy...."
    Traci, I had to laugh because I was thinking the same thing. I guess we would have coped somehow. Maybe a fishing vest or something :-) Although, I still could have worn a sweater at work, they keep the AC set so cold. You would think the facilities management offices could have better temperature control.
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    Cairmaid said:

    "Summertiiiiiiiiiime, goin' braless ain't easy...."
    Traci, I had to laugh because I was thinking the same thing. I guess we would have coped somehow. Maybe a fishing vest or something :-) Although, I still could have worn a sweater at work, they keep the AC set so cold. You would think the facilities management offices could have better temperature control.

    being a unaboober makes it a little difficult to go braless
    Especially teaching 5th graders with hormones just setting in. I don't think they've realized that I have only one yet. I heard a funny story about a teacher back in the 50s who had a wooden one made for her and the class accidentally threw something her way and when it hit a made a loud sound and didn't hurt her at all. So she had to tell them the story. hmmmmm how can I make this a lesson?
    Anyhoo, I figure I'll go with the bra for as long as I can and maybe Florida will eventually warm up again and I can wear camisoles under everything.
  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    Mama G said:

    being a unaboober makes it a little difficult to go braless
    Especially teaching 5th graders with hormones just setting in. I don't think they've realized that I have only one yet. I heard a funny story about a teacher back in the 50s who had a wooden one made for her and the class accidentally threw something her way and when it hit a made a loud sound and didn't hurt her at all. So she had to tell them the story. hmmmmm how can I make this a lesson?
    Anyhoo, I figure I'll go with the bra for as long as I can and maybe Florida will eventually warm up again and I can wear camisoles under everything.

    Tank tops
    I found tank tops at Marshalls in the intimate section that are made with spandex and cotton and very soft. Best part they kept me from bouncing around and didn't hurt the sore spots.
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    laurissa said:

    Hi Kari
    I'm following you with rads. Probably in a few weeks. We've been through chemo and surgery, we'll get through this too. Good luck Monday.

    Bumping up for rads newbies!

    Bumping up for rads newbies!
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    Sher43009 said:

    Tank tops
    I found tank tops at Marshalls in the intimate section that are made with spandex and cotton and very soft. Best part they kept me from bouncing around and didn't hurt the sore spots.

    Thanks for all the tips! I more question...
    What is the MILDEST soap to use? The rad said use mild soap, but didn't mention any name brands. Think I'll head to Marshalls today!
    CairMaid, how were you able to do 2 rad a day? I wanna do that during my spring break if I can.
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Mama G said:

    Thanks for all the tips! I more question...
    What is the MILDEST soap to use? The rad said use mild soap, but didn't mention any name brands. Think I'll head to Marshalls today!
    CairMaid, how were you able to do 2 rad a day? I wanna do that during my spring break if I can.

    Mama G,
    My rads nurse told me to "use something gentle" in the shower, but also didn't really have any specific product recommendations.

    ChenHeart had recommended unscented Aveeno bodywash, so I suggested that to the nurse, and she thought it was a good idea. I used it all through rads, and it was very gentle and soothing. Even when I was burned really badly toward the end, it never hurt me to use the Aveeno. It also lathers up well, which I like -- I just don't feel like I'm clean unless I'm sudsy!

    :-) Traci
  • EveningStar2
    EveningStar2 Member Posts: 491 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    Mama G,
    My rads nurse told me to "use something gentle" in the shower, but also didn't really have any specific product recommendations.

    ChenHeart had recommended unscented Aveeno bodywash, so I suggested that to the nurse, and she thought it was a good idea. I used it all through rads, and it was very gentle and soothing. Even when I was burned really badly toward the end, it never hurt me to use the Aveeno. It also lathers up well, which I like -- I just don't feel like I'm clean unless I'm sudsy!

    :-) Traci

    couple thoughts
    I used Dove body was during rads and that seemed to work well.

    I also wear bras from Walmart: all cotton, no underwire, and cheap-like $7 each. You have to look a bit for them and they don't have a lot but I like them. I finished rads last April and *still* wear them.

  • Whoknowz
    Whoknowz Member Posts: 82
    Mama G said:

    Thanks for all the tips! I more question...
    What is the MILDEST soap to use? The rad said use mild soap, but didn't mention any name brands. Think I'll head to Marshalls today!
    CairMaid, how were you able to do 2 rad a day? I wanna do that during my spring break if I can.

    Ivory, Dove, or Cameo were
    Ivory, Dove, or Cameo were the brands my Doc suggested so I've used Dove body wash and it's been great.

    Also, when I needed aloe, the only place I could find aloe without any alcohol was CVS.

    I found some cotton camis at Target and have occasionally worn the bra over the cami so it wasn't directly touching. I've been very lucky and have had only a problem under my breast and that for the last week, so this might not work for others.

    Just 4 more to go -- woohooooooo!!!

  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    Thanks for the tips!
    3 treatments down, and only 27 to go - so far so good!!

    For soap, my doc had recommended Dove, and since that's all I use anyway, I was all set for that. They did say to just lather up a sponge and let the bubbles run down - NO rubbing. Also to pat dry instead of brushing the towel over that area.

    I did hie me to Target and found a Fruit of the Loom package of 5 "A" shirts for $10. Can't beat that price! They do keep the lotion off of my clothes/bras. I've been using Miaderm cream, which was available at the cancer center I'm going to. They said I could use Aloe and Aquaphor instead if I wanted, but after hearing all of the stories about how greasy Aquaphor is, I thought I'd try this route instead, since the Miaderm is much less greasy. It has Aloe and Calendula in it, and was developed by a Radiaton Oncologist, so even though it's pricey, it sounded like a good option. It's very early yet, but so far no problems.

    Good luck to the rest of the Rads Sisters!
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    Thanks for the tips!
    3 treatments down, and only 27 to go - so far so good!!

    For soap, my doc had recommended Dove, and since that's all I use anyway, I was all set for that. They did say to just lather up a sponge and let the bubbles run down - NO rubbing. Also to pat dry instead of brushing the towel over that area.

    I did hie me to Target and found a Fruit of the Loom package of 5 "A" shirts for $10. Can't beat that price! They do keep the lotion off of my clothes/bras. I've been using Miaderm cream, which was available at the cancer center I'm going to. They said I could use Aloe and Aquaphor instead if I wanted, but after hearing all of the stories about how greasy Aquaphor is, I thought I'd try this route instead, since the Miaderm is much less greasy. It has Aloe and Calendula in it, and was developed by a Radiaton Oncologist, so even though it's pricey, it sounded like a good option. It's very early yet, but so far no problems.

    Good luck to the rest of the Rads Sisters!

    I start next week. I had
    I start next week. I had surgery to remove my expander my radiation oncologist doesnt like to radiate with it. I could do reconstruction later but I prob wont. I had my tattoos on the 18th. they put one smack in the middle of my chest where it shows. I was bummed although it just looks like a freckle. so I will be moving along with you. I finished chemo a week before mamaG I think and will finish the rads a week after her. My pt said to start using cream on my skin now so i bought the tee shirts and am using aquaphor.