If you can spare a prayer....



  • ohilly
    ohilly Member Posts: 441
    I'm so sorry
    Kathi, I'm so sorry about your beau. I will definitely be praying for him. If it's any comfort to you (and I obviously know nothing about your beau's medical condition) my husband a rapid heartbeat and arrythymia many years ago and he's doing fine.


  • NYGMom
    NYGMom Member Posts: 34
    I am praying for you

    I am praying for you both. May our almighty physician give you peace, strength and healing.
  • Jan_M
    Jan_M Member Posts: 116
    Prayers going out to both of
    Prayers going out to both of you. Please let us know how everything is going. Sorry you are dealing with a double wammy.
  • Mikes Sunshine
    Mikes Sunshine Member Posts: 129
    Jan_M said:

    Prayers going out to both of
    Prayers going out to both of you. Please let us know how everything is going. Sorry you are dealing with a double wammy.

    I will be keeping both of you in my prayers as well. Please know I will be thinking of you.
  • Mikes Sunshine
    Mikes Sunshine Member Posts: 129
    Jan_M said:

    Prayers going out to both of
    Prayers going out to both of you. Please let us know how everything is going. Sorry you are dealing with a double wammy.

    I will be keeping both of you in my prayers as well. Please know I will be thinking of you.
  • dbs1673
    dbs1673 Member Posts: 203

    I will be keeping both of you in my prayers as well. Please know I will be thinking of you.

    May God heal your bodies and minds, may God guide the physicians and medical staff is giving sound, compassionate care.
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Healing prayer
    A Prayer
    Mi sheberakh avoteinu mekor habrakha l'imoteinu
    May the Source of strength
    Who blessed the ones before us
    Help us find the courage
    To make our lives a blessing,
    And let us say: Amen.
    Mi sheberakh imoteinu mekor habrakha l'avoteinu
    Bless those in need of healing With refuah shleima:
    The renewal of body,
    The renewal of spirit,
    And let us say: Amen
  • Joycelouise
    Joycelouise Member Posts: 482
    lynn1950 said:

    Healing prayer
    A Prayer
    Mi sheberakh avoteinu mekor habrakha l'imoteinu
    May the Source of strength
    Who blessed the ones before us
    Help us find the courage
    To make our lives a blessing,
    And let us say: Amen.
    Mi sheberakh imoteinu mekor habrakha l'avoteinu
    Bless those in need of healing With refuah shleima:
    The renewal of body,
    The renewal of spirit,
    And let us say: Amen

    Beautiful prayer, Lynn. I
    Beautiful prayer, Lynn. I am Jewish too. I kinda thought that looked like a tallis on you. love Joyce
  • Joycelouise
    Joycelouise Member Posts: 482
    Joining you and everyone in
    Joining you and everyone in prayer. All my love and best attempts at bringing healing and good, Joyce
  • tami90650
    tami90650 Member Posts: 82
    hi kathi How are you holding up? Is there an update? Improvements? Theres lots of prayer coming from here. Hang on honey
  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077
    tami90650 said:

    hi kathi How are you holding up? Is there an update? Improvements? Theres lots of prayer coming from here. Hang on honey

    keeping you lifted up
    Yes, Kathi it is hard to be a caregiver-we will keep you lifted up and hoping for the very best in this situation.
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Fast-forward 7 days.....
    Well, Hans came home today. He still has moments of memory loss, and is sleeping for the first time in 2 days. Seems hospitals are not condusive to sleep...tooo much noise!

    He is home to recover for a few days, and then another procedure, that will take his AV node and insert a pacemaker will be done. He ended up with pneumonia.

    I cannot tell you all how much I appreciate all of your kind words!!!! The hospital did not have wireless (heck, I couldn't even use my cell phone inside), and I ended up sleeping 2 nights on a chair, and 3 nights (finally!) on a cot. It was not pretty...he would call out my name every 15 minutes or so, just to make sure I was there. He was very uncooperative.

    I just learned today that on the night following the proceedure he coded for 3 minutes. The doctors were very concerned, with the confusion that started after he was revived, that he had neurological damage. Still not out of the woods on that completely, although now he seems to be tracking better.

    As I said earlier, I have no idea how you caregivers do it! I had a pissing contest (appropriately) with the urologist that inserted the Foley catheter. I had a nurse removed that was totally incompetant, and allowed Hans to remove his own NG tube (before it should have been removed). I am still getting 3 different versions of what exactly happened on Monday night that caused him to code. A fellow (read grown-up intern) in cardiology shocked him 3 times without orders or release to do so (right in front of me, I might add). I guess it shows that incompetence can happen in other illnesses besides cancer treatment...

    Again, BIG hugs to you all....

    Hugs and kisses, Kathi
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    KathiM said:

    Fast-forward 7 days.....
    Well, Hans came home today. He still has moments of memory loss, and is sleeping for the first time in 2 days. Seems hospitals are not condusive to sleep...tooo much noise!

    He is home to recover for a few days, and then another procedure, that will take his AV node and insert a pacemaker will be done. He ended up with pneumonia.

    I cannot tell you all how much I appreciate all of your kind words!!!! The hospital did not have wireless (heck, I couldn't even use my cell phone inside), and I ended up sleeping 2 nights on a chair, and 3 nights (finally!) on a cot. It was not pretty...he would call out my name every 15 minutes or so, just to make sure I was there. He was very uncooperative.

    I just learned today that on the night following the proceedure he coded for 3 minutes. The doctors were very concerned, with the confusion that started after he was revived, that he had neurological damage. Still not out of the woods on that completely, although now he seems to be tracking better.

    As I said earlier, I have no idea how you caregivers do it! I had a pissing contest (appropriately) with the urologist that inserted the Foley catheter. I had a nurse removed that was totally incompetant, and allowed Hans to remove his own NG tube (before it should have been removed). I am still getting 3 different versions of what exactly happened on Monday night that caused him to code. A fellow (read grown-up intern) in cardiology shocked him 3 times without orders or release to do so (right in front of me, I might add). I guess it shows that incompetence can happen in other illnesses besides cancer treatment...

    Again, BIG hugs to you all....

    Hugs and kisses, Kathi

    Kathi, I am so glad to hear that Hans is home now. I will keep him and you in my prayers as he has the pacemaker inserted. How blessed Hans is to have you there to look out for him. I hope that he will continue to show improvement and no long-lasting neurological damage.

    Wishing you and Hans both plenty of rest and sleep. You must be exhausted yourself. Take care, and keep in touch as you can.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    KathiM said:

    Fast-forward 7 days.....
    Well, Hans came home today. He still has moments of memory loss, and is sleeping for the first time in 2 days. Seems hospitals are not condusive to sleep...tooo much noise!

    He is home to recover for a few days, and then another procedure, that will take his AV node and insert a pacemaker will be done. He ended up with pneumonia.

    I cannot tell you all how much I appreciate all of your kind words!!!! The hospital did not have wireless (heck, I couldn't even use my cell phone inside), and I ended up sleeping 2 nights on a chair, and 3 nights (finally!) on a cot. It was not pretty...he would call out my name every 15 minutes or so, just to make sure I was there. He was very uncooperative.

    I just learned today that on the night following the proceedure he coded for 3 minutes. The doctors were very concerned, with the confusion that started after he was revived, that he had neurological damage. Still not out of the woods on that completely, although now he seems to be tracking better.

    As I said earlier, I have no idea how you caregivers do it! I had a pissing contest (appropriately) with the urologist that inserted the Foley catheter. I had a nurse removed that was totally incompetant, and allowed Hans to remove his own NG tube (before it should have been removed). I am still getting 3 different versions of what exactly happened on Monday night that caused him to code. A fellow (read grown-up intern) in cardiology shocked him 3 times without orders or release to do so (right in front of me, I might add). I guess it shows that incompetence can happen in other illnesses besides cancer treatment...

    Again, BIG hugs to you all....

    Hugs and kisses, Kathi

    Welcome Home

    OMG....I know your narrative didn't do justice to what you and Hans went through, both physically and emotionally. I am soooo happy you 2 are back home again; it should go without saying that of course Reggie and I wish, hope and send healing vibes out to Hans for his R&R and a successful follow up procedure.

    Hugs to you both!

  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    KathiM said:

    Fast-forward 7 days.....
    Well, Hans came home today. He still has moments of memory loss, and is sleeping for the first time in 2 days. Seems hospitals are not condusive to sleep...tooo much noise!

    He is home to recover for a few days, and then another procedure, that will take his AV node and insert a pacemaker will be done. He ended up with pneumonia.

    I cannot tell you all how much I appreciate all of your kind words!!!! The hospital did not have wireless (heck, I couldn't even use my cell phone inside), and I ended up sleeping 2 nights on a chair, and 3 nights (finally!) on a cot. It was not pretty...he would call out my name every 15 minutes or so, just to make sure I was there. He was very uncooperative.

    I just learned today that on the night following the proceedure he coded for 3 minutes. The doctors were very concerned, with the confusion that started after he was revived, that he had neurological damage. Still not out of the woods on that completely, although now he seems to be tracking better.

    As I said earlier, I have no idea how you caregivers do it! I had a pissing contest (appropriately) with the urologist that inserted the Foley catheter. I had a nurse removed that was totally incompetant, and allowed Hans to remove his own NG tube (before it should have been removed). I am still getting 3 different versions of what exactly happened on Monday night that caused him to code. A fellow (read grown-up intern) in cardiology shocked him 3 times without orders or release to do so (right in front of me, I might add). I guess it shows that incompetence can happen in other illnesses besides cancer treatment...

    Again, BIG hugs to you all....

    Hugs and kisses, Kathi

    Glad to hear you got through
    Glad to hear you got through ok. Even though it was an ordeal. I'll continue the good vibes going your way.
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    KathiM said:

    Fast-forward 7 days.....
    Well, Hans came home today. He still has moments of memory loss, and is sleeping for the first time in 2 days. Seems hospitals are not condusive to sleep...tooo much noise!

    He is home to recover for a few days, and then another procedure, that will take his AV node and insert a pacemaker will be done. He ended up with pneumonia.

    I cannot tell you all how much I appreciate all of your kind words!!!! The hospital did not have wireless (heck, I couldn't even use my cell phone inside), and I ended up sleeping 2 nights on a chair, and 3 nights (finally!) on a cot. It was not pretty...he would call out my name every 15 minutes or so, just to make sure I was there. He was very uncooperative.

    I just learned today that on the night following the proceedure he coded for 3 minutes. The doctors were very concerned, with the confusion that started after he was revived, that he had neurological damage. Still not out of the woods on that completely, although now he seems to be tracking better.

    As I said earlier, I have no idea how you caregivers do it! I had a pissing contest (appropriately) with the urologist that inserted the Foley catheter. I had a nurse removed that was totally incompetant, and allowed Hans to remove his own NG tube (before it should have been removed). I am still getting 3 different versions of what exactly happened on Monday night that caused him to code. A fellow (read grown-up intern) in cardiology shocked him 3 times without orders or release to do so (right in front of me, I might add). I guess it shows that incompetence can happen in other illnesses besides cancer treatment...

    Again, BIG hugs to you all....

    Hugs and kisses, Kathi

    So glad you both are home.
    So glad you both are home. Sorry that you both had to go through that ordeal. Sending you positive thoughts and prayers your way and hoping the second procedure goes through with flying colors. Hugs, Lili
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    So Sorry Kathi
    I will certainly say prayers for your beau and you! Hugs!
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    KathiM said:

    Fast-forward 7 days.....
    Well, Hans came home today. He still has moments of memory loss, and is sleeping for the first time in 2 days. Seems hospitals are not condusive to sleep...tooo much noise!

    He is home to recover for a few days, and then another procedure, that will take his AV node and insert a pacemaker will be done. He ended up with pneumonia.

    I cannot tell you all how much I appreciate all of your kind words!!!! The hospital did not have wireless (heck, I couldn't even use my cell phone inside), and I ended up sleeping 2 nights on a chair, and 3 nights (finally!) on a cot. It was not pretty...he would call out my name every 15 minutes or so, just to make sure I was there. He was very uncooperative.

    I just learned today that on the night following the proceedure he coded for 3 minutes. The doctors were very concerned, with the confusion that started after he was revived, that he had neurological damage. Still not out of the woods on that completely, although now he seems to be tracking better.

    As I said earlier, I have no idea how you caregivers do it! I had a pissing contest (appropriately) with the urologist that inserted the Foley catheter. I had a nurse removed that was totally incompetant, and allowed Hans to remove his own NG tube (before it should have been removed). I am still getting 3 different versions of what exactly happened on Monday night that caused him to code. A fellow (read grown-up intern) in cardiology shocked him 3 times without orders or release to do so (right in front of me, I might add). I guess it shows that incompetence can happen in other illnesses besides cancer treatment...

    Again, BIG hugs to you all....

    Hugs and kisses, Kathi

    bless your heart
    you are a wonderful caregiver and Hans must love you more than anything, or why would he call out for you every 15 min. I know leaving care of a love one is so frustrating when you know they may not be competent. but at least you are both at home, and healing prayers are on the way. I am still praying for you both and complete healing for Hans.
    God Bless
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    KathiM said:

    Fast-forward 7 days.....
    Well, Hans came home today. He still has moments of memory loss, and is sleeping for the first time in 2 days. Seems hospitals are not condusive to sleep...tooo much noise!

    He is home to recover for a few days, and then another procedure, that will take his AV node and insert a pacemaker will be done. He ended up with pneumonia.

    I cannot tell you all how much I appreciate all of your kind words!!!! The hospital did not have wireless (heck, I couldn't even use my cell phone inside), and I ended up sleeping 2 nights on a chair, and 3 nights (finally!) on a cot. It was not pretty...he would call out my name every 15 minutes or so, just to make sure I was there. He was very uncooperative.

    I just learned today that on the night following the proceedure he coded for 3 minutes. The doctors were very concerned, with the confusion that started after he was revived, that he had neurological damage. Still not out of the woods on that completely, although now he seems to be tracking better.

    As I said earlier, I have no idea how you caregivers do it! I had a pissing contest (appropriately) with the urologist that inserted the Foley catheter. I had a nurse removed that was totally incompetant, and allowed Hans to remove his own NG tube (before it should have been removed). I am still getting 3 different versions of what exactly happened on Monday night that caused him to code. A fellow (read grown-up intern) in cardiology shocked him 3 times without orders or release to do so (right in front of me, I might add). I guess it shows that incompetence can happen in other illnesses besides cancer treatment...

    Again, BIG hugs to you all....

    Hugs and kisses, Kathi

    So glad he is home
    I hope Hans is resting comfortably now and on his way to recovery. He is so lucky to have you advocate for him at the hospital and taking care of him at home. That is so important for ultimate recovery. I wish the both of you much peace and health.

  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    Kristin N said:

    So Sorry Kathi
    I will certainly say prayers for your beau and you! Hugs!

    Kathi, I have searched the
    Kathi, I have searched the board several times a day to get an update on you and Hans, so it was good to hear from you regarding his recovery. I know that the board has brought me close to several people here, and you were one of the first who was kind enough to help me with problems with beginning chemo. Please know that you have been in my thoughts, day and night, and I am so relieved that your beau is on the way to recovery. Prayers are still coming your way, until we know they are no longer needed....which is never. Hugs to you both
