It's my Birthday

BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hey I made it to another birthday! Pretty amazing huh, had to laugh on Tuesday my son said mom you sure have aged this past year or so. :-) We were looking through pictures and oh boy the chemo and disease does show when you look back. I should post a new picture but love this one too much. It is a couple years old now.

So how are you all? You know we don't need a milestone to share ~ maybe just a hello and today is good because _______ or today really sucks because __________ Fill in the blanks.

Tuesday is my Dr appt and hopefully maybe a chemo treatment. So far I managed one dose of gemzar(4 weeks ago) and 12 1/2 days of nexavar. Remain hopeful for at least a stable ca125 and would be ecstatic if it dropped. Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day. Prayers to seeing and knowing the good in the gift of today.

Hugs N Prayers to all. Bonnie

I can only imagine by MercyMe

If you don't get everything you want, think of the things you don't get that you don't want. ~Oscar Wilde

Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats. ~Voltaire


  • softD
    softD Member Posts: 69
    Happy Birthday
    Happy Birthday Bonnie,
    Congratulations on another birthday, and hope you celebrate many more.
    You are such an inspiration...all the best with your Dr appt and hope you get good numbers!
    Lots of luv and birthday ((((hugs))))
    Take care...Carolyn x
  • newhopechurchli
    newhopechurchli Member Posts: 126
    softD said:

    Happy Birthday
    Happy Birthday Bonnie,
    Congratulations on another birthday, and hope you celebrate many more.
    You are such an inspiration...all the best with your Dr appt and hope you get good numbers!
    Lots of luv and birthday ((((hugs))))
    Take care...Carolyn x

    Happy Birthday!
    I haven't been participating in discussion boards very long - But I read your comments and can say that you seem like a wonderful woman full of encouraging words for others. May you have a wonderful birthday and be blessed with peace and health!
    God Bless, Tricia
  • groundeffect
    groundeffect Member Posts: 639 Member
    Happy Birthday, Bonnie!
    Hello, Bonnie, and Happy Belated Birthday!

    You can use any picture you want, Chick that Sticks! It's not as though you're looking to date online.

    Today is good because my CA-125 is down to 56. The downshot is that the tamoxifen seems to be causing worse hot flashes and I'm losing a toenail, but I guess that's a small price to pay for its effect-neither are painful.

    I love your quote from Voltaire; I'll have to send it to my sister, who is a great lover of sailing.

    I hope your birthday was magnificent!

    Hugs, Sue
  • green50
    green50 Member Posts: 312 Member
    Happy Birthday Bonnie
    Hi Bonnie,
    I am going to start Etopisde again. I had a two month break and got off Carbo so now its Etopiside. I celebrated my 51st last month(Jan.18th) So once again time to start the chemo. You and I have been there done that huh? It will be 7 years since they found mine. I think I had precancerous since 1998 but life goes on. My dr. at that time didn't believe it but pathologist did. I am blessed my cancer only has come back in spleen and lymphnodes and are small. So maybe if you and I fight long enough the stupid cancer will give up. And hopefully for everyone else too. So sorry about Joanne. I hope your birthday was a good one.
    Bless All and hugs,Sandy
  • marcy
    marcy Member Posts: 58
    Happy Birthday Bonnie!
    Here's praying for you to have many many more. You are a wonderful inspiration to these boards. Even though I have not been on the ovarian site for very long, I appreciate all of the advise you've given me. Thank you and have a wonderful Happy Birthday! :) God Bless. :)
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Another good milestone, your birthday. I hope that you have lots of family come and whoop it up with you.

    Today I am going to get my hearing tested. Had the CT and bone scan on Wed. That took all day at the hospital. The tech. told me the bone scan was to see if the cancer had invaded my bones and the bone density test on the 26th will show if the bones are thinning due to the Femara. The arthritis medication is helping with the joint pain, though. Test results will be given on the 11th with my gyn check up.

    I sure do hope that you get to take another chemo on Tues. which will indicate your blood counts are up and dancing around. That would be a good birthday present. LOL

    Keep on smiling and pushing through. We are praying for you. Saundra
  • JoanC
    JoanC Member Posts: 231 Member
    Oh how wonderful another birthday! I love birthdays.I am so happy for you ...."the chick that sticks" I don't post often and am fairly new but read everything helps to know all you girls are here.I am sending tons of (((hugs))) and prayers your way.

    "Life is not about waiting for the storms to's about learning how to dance in the rain" ~ Unknown
  • ladyjogger31
    ladyjogger31 Member Posts: 289
    Happy Birthday!!
    Hi Bonnie, Wishing you a beautiful day.I'm feeling good today,another day to thank the Lord.
    I like Sue's saying "the chick who sticks".Praying that your ca-125 drops.
    Sending Buckets of Teal Hugs and Prayers,
  • tdb1985
    tdb1985 Member Posts: 35
    Happy Birthday Bonnie,
    Today would of been my fathers bday also!
    I pray for you and pray that God will heal you. I feel like I am right on your heals on this battle. I finish Gezmar (no luck on it) and am on Topecan (sp), my ca125 just went down from 900 to 800. I take it 3 weeks in a row, 1 day a week, then one week off. I have had 2 rounds. He said we'll do this, the next would be another chemo then some pills and thats all he has for me. All of my friends and family want me to check into cancer centers of america. So thats crossing my mind.I started with carbo\taxol (Allergic) thendoxil, gemzar, topcan, and the next would be taxotere, and then the pills. Hasn't this been your regimine?
    take care,
    I had treatment yesterday and i'm pooped

  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    Happy Birthday, Bonnie!
    I'm more a 'reader/lurker' on the OVC board, than someone who posts often here, but I love you, Bonnie. Your spirit is inspiring and you are just wonderful. HAPPY BIRTHDAY with teal icing on top!
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645
    You say its your birthday
    Happy Birthday, Bonnie!

    Today is good because we are all alive! Just went and had my hair colored, highlighted and "cut". I enjoyed watching my hairstylist cut my 2-3 inches of curly hair!

    I wish you many more birthdays, Bonnie, and a good month it is. Mine is in 18 more days!

    Love you,
  • JanQ
    JanQ Member Posts: 236
    Happy Happy Happy Birthday Bonnie! You are beautiful!
    One thing my mother did say after my starting this new regimen was that she hoped my eyes stayed clear and how good my complextion had been since being off of chemo. It definately does a number on the skin.
    Well forget that we are strong and God is good! I love you and hope you have a fabulous year to come!
  • rasunshine
    rasunshine Member Posts: 28 Member
    Happy Birthday to one of God's Children
    Bonnie,I am new to this site and have found it quite fascinating,if I may say so. We are all created in the image and likeness of God and YOU wear it well...'May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sushine warm upon your face and May the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand'. Sit back, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths and invision the white healing light of our Creator, surrounding every cell of your body, and repeat over and over,"I GIVE MY BODY PERMISSION TO HEAL,NOW'. Happy Birthday to a BEAUTIFUL lady with a Beautiful Soul..

  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member

    Happy Birthday to one of God's Children
    Bonnie,I am new to this site and have found it quite fascinating,if I may say so. We are all created in the image and likeness of God and YOU wear it well...'May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sushine warm upon your face and May the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand'. Sit back, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths and invision the white healing light of our Creator, surrounding every cell of your body, and repeat over and over,"I GIVE MY BODY PERMISSION TO HEAL,NOW'. Happy Birthday to a BEAUTIFUL lady with a Beautiful Soul..


    Welcome and ask all you want
    Start your own thread or topic so we can get to know you. Got any questions? Anyway, glad you found our group of OVCA... (((Hugs))) Saundra
  • Dreamdove
    Dreamdove Member Posts: 175 Member
    My birthday wish for you
    Bonnie, you have helped so many people are here. I wish you JOY and PEACE. I hope you have a good year.
  • Lauracec
    Lauracec Member Posts: 101
    Dreamdove said:

    My birthday wish for you
    Bonnie, you have helped so many people are here. I wish you JOY and PEACE. I hope you have a good year.

    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy birthday too you! Happy birthday too you! Happy Birthday dear Bonnie, Happy birtday too you! I havn't been joining in much lately but looking and reading theese post everyday. you are a total inspiration too me and praying you have many more Birtdays. Love Laura
  • ColleenN
    ColleenN Member Posts: 73
    Happy Birthday
    Happy Birthday Bonnie! May you have many, many more! We all appreciate your humor, strength, and vitality. You've always been an inspiration on this board!

  • Cindy54
    Cindy54 Member Posts: 452
    ColleenN said:

    Happy Birthday
    Happy Birthday Bonnie! May you have many, many more! We all appreciate your humor, strength, and vitality. You've always been an inspiration on this board!


    Happy Birthday
    Happy Birthday Bonnie, I'm a little late, but I still wanted to send my best wishes to such a beautiful soul. I like birthdays because they are the only day we get to be a little selfish and just celebrate ourselves. I hope you had a good day. And I wish you so many more. Love and hugs and prayers for you...Cindy
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Cindy54 said:

    Happy Birthday
    Happy Birthday Bonnie, I'm a little late, but I still wanted to send my best wishes to such a beautiful soul. I like birthdays because they are the only day we get to be a little selfish and just celebrate ourselves. I hope you had a good day. And I wish you so many more. Love and hugs and prayers for you...Cindy

    :-) Warm Fuzzies to all!
    God's morning to all and thanks so much for sharing all your hopefilled wishes and what is happening for you.

    It is fun to hear from so many and see all the pictures. I just the love that the new csn posts pictures with the posts. Whether is be flowers or smiling faces I love them all.

    Cindy to me our birthdays are really the beginning of our individual new year. May you all be blessed this year with a Spirit Filled Love Filled Amazing New Year!

    Hugs ♥ Prayers Bonnie aka "the chick who sticks" :-)

    PS Did you any of you happen to see Oprah last week when she had on the Mother Warrior stuff, made me think of all you Teal Warriors.
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member

    Happy Birthday, Bonnie!
    Hello, Bonnie, and Happy Belated Birthday!

    You can use any picture you want, Chick that Sticks! It's not as though you're looking to date online.

    Today is good because my CA-125 is down to 56. The downshot is that the tamoxifen seems to be causing worse hot flashes and I'm losing a toenail, but I guess that's a small price to pay for its effect-neither are painful.

    I love your quote from Voltaire; I'll have to send it to my sister, who is a great lover of sailing.

    I hope your birthday was magnificent!

    Hugs, Sue

    Thanks so ... you are so funny and always make me smile. :-)