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  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    Thank you. My grand daughter drew it. I used to look at it while waiting for my biopsy results from surgery. It gave me a little happiness.

  • BluebirdOne
    BluebirdOne Member Posts: 656 Member

    Grandkid pictures are the best!

  • KAC07062021
    KAC07062021 Member Posts: 26 Member
    edited January 2022 #24

    Got a Good walk on outside to help balance athe counter effects of steroids today. I started a paleo smoothie diet yesterday, Sunday. Today is day two with 1 more smoothie to go. Unfortunately, the diet will last a third day. Oye! The things you try to help to rid your body of cancer..

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    Im glad you can get outside. Your headache must be better hopefully. Doing everything you can do to get rid of cancer is great. Someone posted a great link to a source for smoothies and healthy food for cancer. I wonder if anyone remembers. I always meant to try the popsicles that Harmony made.

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    Ok, HERE I am!! so check it out: to make popsicles, order some of those silicone popsicle molds from Amazon. Next, mix together the following: a can of coconut milk (thick, but unsweetened), with an overripe banana chopped up, some chia seeds (two tablespoons or so), and anything you love. I add unsweetened coconut chips, chopped up mango, whatever you like! And.....into the freezer it goes. DELISH! I added some honey for a little sweetness too, truth be told.

    When I felt like eating nothing, these popsicles were such a lifesaver. Might I add that you can go the lazy route and buy your own dang popsicles at the store. There are some healthier varieties! If you just get the mold(s), you can put anything in them you like!

    Sending love to my survivor sisters <3

  • KAC07062021
    KAC07062021 Member Posts: 26 Member

    So following my cousin’s recommendation for affirmations:

    I felt happy walking outside with sunshine on my face.

    I felt empowered making alternative medicine appointments today.

    Seeing snow flurries made me smile today.

  • KAC07062021
    KAC07062021 Member Posts: 26 Member

    I know having a physical, sexual relationship with my husband is important to keep a marriage. However, when you are now seven months out from cancer diagnosis, endured months of pain until pain management and pain gone, six rounds of five days each in hospital chemotherapy for months every three weeks, then suffer seizures to find multiple brain lesions in December, then complete three days brain radiation in January 2022, and experiencing hot flashes, sweating my head off. My libido is ZERO.

    Listened to Straight Talk podcast from MSKcc about women, cancer and sex. Is it okay to want to crave physical and sensual touch now? Or should I talk with doctors about starting slowly, taking more Rx for increasing libido, and lubricating and moisturizing? I'm sure that physical part of sex is important to my husband's marriage happiness; I'm just not feeling anything, libido.

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    That is a problem I think your doctor is best to advise on. I'm sure it depends on your treatment and abilities. If your doctor has a Physician assistant they should be able to advise you or refer you to someone who can help. I hope your day is going ok.

  • KAC07062021
    KAC07062021 Member Posts: 26 Member

    Thanks. I just was putting something out there.

  • KAC07062021
    KAC07062021 Member Posts: 26 Member

    Had my first acupuncture season two days ago, unfortunately my nervous bladder syndrome (trying something new) prevented me from competing the last 22 minutes. Any advise on bladder control or bladder leaks after chemo and brain radiation or is this bladder leakage go away as you get to remission/NED?

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    Let's talk sex. Giving your husband some fun doesn't need to involve your libido that much. Just look at it as an opportunity for spending some time. It is okay to tell your spouse you don't want your body very involved; there are other things you can do. I would talk to your spouse. Regarding doctor help: mine talked a lot about advice, help, support, but when it comes down to it, they aren't any help to me at all. I am doing what I can, when I can, but I'm not in it for myself!

  • KAC07062021
    KAC07062021 Member Posts: 26 Member
    edited January 2022 #34

    So competed my second acupuncture treatment and my left hand tension is lessening so I am regaining dexterity. Yay! For little wins.

    Sadly I have occasional headaches possibly from healing of brain lesions after brain radiation so doctor has me taking pain meds as preventative every 4-6 hours and upped my steroids to twice a day while symptoms persist. I really want these tough days to go away soon, OFF these steroids, and back on my healing journey. Tough days are now and not fun. πŸ˜₯

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    Yay for little wins. I bet that tension doesn't feel good so I'm glad to hear it is improving. Is it nerve damage? I hope you can get out for a little respite in nature? Or do you live somewhere with snow? Hugs to you and hope the headaches improve greatly. Headaches are hard to ignore.

  • KAC07062021
    KAC07062021 Member Posts: 26 Member
    edited January 2022 #36

    I'm not sure if nerve damage due to chemo toxicity, side effect of seizures, side effects of steroids, developing carpel tunnel syndrome, or what. To many variables to pin down with a dart ATM. I live in DE so I got out today in cold, sun, blue sky, snow for an hour. I was happy feeding my soul and forgetting about the cancer. Enjoying the dogwood out front. My mother for me these snow shapers last year for my birthday (Jan) and I played in the snow making penguins, hearts, snowmen. It was fun. I even got to talk with an old family friend who had breast cancer and lives in CA now. She helped me laugh. πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜† β„οΈβ˜ƒοΈπŸ˜ŽπŸŒž 🐧

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    That sounds heart warming. So your hand problem is a recent thing. I have developed hand pain too. I am waiting to see if it get better on its own before pursuing a cause too. Laughter is such a joy. Hugs to you! Snow can be fun when it stays where it doesn't make life difficult. Beautiful.

  • KAC07062021
    KAC07062021 Member Posts: 26 Member

    So today started off successful, but I had a bad acupuncture session πŸ˜₯

    It was my third session. It had me chasing pain across my body from the needles. One needle in my left ankle hit a nerve that lightning hit under my arch down to the big toe ball of the nuckle bone! I sat with the pain (several spots) calling for the doctor three times before I said 'i can't sit with pain Any Longer!' So I started taking the needles out myself (illegal apparently). It made me connect with my mom who has Fibromyalgia and her search for a massage therapist to treat her. I was snot crying and wanting my mommy! I was frustrated because I started this Open Minded and Willing to try to treat my left hand tension and it had been increasing my dexterity for two sessions. This was my third session and my Healer, Shaman trained mom helped me to conclusively decide: No More. The energy was getting stuck and was not releasing using this method. πŸ˜₯

    *Anyone else try Acupuncture and then had to stop because it was not with pursuing despite being open minded to Eastern medicine?*

    I felt frustrated, upset, defeated, crying, willing to try something new, open minded, working through the pain, then deciding it was too much to keep 'dealing with/working through', happy with progress, my dexterity was improving, my tendon was releasing. Ugh!

    The good thing I'm holding on to for today was my chiropractor was fantastic. πŸ‘Ό 😊

  • Ribbons
    Ribbons Member Posts: 154 Member

    I went to acupuncture every week for several months for my hip arthritis, knee arthritis and tight sore shoulder muscle. I found it really relaxing, my acupuncturist was very good, and the soothing music was nice. I finally quit going because honestly I wasn’t noticing a lot of difference, just felt kind of happy for a couple of days. He also did cupping on my back and some massage. I never had any needle pain, maybe felt a tiny prick a couple of times. All in all pretty nice. Chiropractor was the opposite for me! No help at all and I hated that little machine they use now that feels like a hammer pounding on you! I love a good massage but it’s very expensive, πŸ˜”

  • KAC07062021
    KAC07062021 Member Posts: 26 Member

    Thisthank you for sharing. Trying to move on from the frustration of leaving acupuncture behind in my recovery journey. πŸ˜₯ / 😊

  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member


    Belated Happy Birthday from me.

    My cat, Chihuly is instructing Lima, Peru and Chief Lion via feline vibes to snuggle up really close to you to or better yet lay on top of you to love you, to comfort you and bring you calming peace.

    May your husband be well and you have a great report from your neurologist.
