Let the games begin....



  • Red Corvette
    Red Corvette Member Posts: 114 Member
    A Terrific Warrior


    You and Mrs. Red were diagnosed and had surgeries at the same time and while we haven't posted in eons we still follow everyone. You are truely a great warrior and a beacon of strength and courage for everyone having to deal with this insidious beast. Please know that you have many many friends here who love you and are very proud of you.


  • dgrdalton
    dgrdalton Member Posts: 161 Member
    So sorry to hear this news

    Cheese, you are a fighter and a strong one! Sending prayers and hugs your way!

    Donna D

  • Wannabeatit
    Wannabeatit Member Posts: 100 Member
    Your strength

    I do not comment much lately but I wanted to tell you that your strength means alot. There are few ladies that lead the way like you do giving us hope and determination. Wishing for you to have the best outcome. 

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    edited August 2020 #65
    This d*mn disease! I so

    This d*mn disease! I so admire your courage to keep fighting. I am hoping and praying this new treatment is the answer. 



  • MoeKay
    MoeKay Member Posts: 499 Member
    Sorry to hear about your nightmare experience

    Geez, Cheese, what a nightmare you've been through!  I'm glad you were proactive and have your next treatment step in place.  I'm hoping and praying that the immunotherapy works like a charm for you.  I guess if there's anything positive in this picture, other than your consistently great attitude, it's that you won't be facing that $800+ monthly Afinitor copay any longer!!  Be well. 


  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    edited August 2020 #67
    Cheese, not what any of us

    Cheese, not what any of us wanted for you! I hate this dam* cancer!!!!

    Thank you for letting us know what is happening. I know we will all be waiting to hear great news once you start the treatments. I love MABound's discussion with God and I think I'll join in that discussion!

    Please feel better sweet lady. You are an inspiration to all.

    Love and Hugs,


  • Armywife
    Armywife Member Posts: 451 Member
    edited August 2020 #68
    Proud of you, Cheese

    Girl, you have inspired me since the day I arrived on this board three years ago.  You are so tough and brave!  I know you'll do great with the new regime, but I am so sorry you've been through these ordeals.  Praying for you right now.  We are here for you.

  • Tamlen
    Tamlen Member Posts: 343 Member
    edited August 2020 #69
    Belated good wishes

    CQ, sorry to be so late in seeing and responding to this. Gosh you've been through so much and I hope you've been able to get some good rest since you posted last. I'm sending my warmest hug and good wishes. We're all rooting for you.

  • pato58
    pato58 Member Posts: 120 Member
    edited August 2020 #70

    You were there with your support when I needed advice at the beginning of my journey. I really hope the immunoteraphy regimen will be effective for you to kick the freaking cancer out!
    You are in my thoughts!!!

  • CheeseQueen57
    CheeseQueen57 Member Posts: 933 Member
    Mr Toad’s Wild Ride

    When last we chatted I was recovering from my hospitalization.
    My hemoglobin never really got up to par, and forgive me if I forget some details, but after multiple transfusions and ascites big enough to mimic a full termed baby, I found myself in the intensive care unit of Hospital of University of PA. 


    To make a long story short, I stayed there for 5 days. My cancer has progressed even on treatment and my first drainage of ascites yielded 6.4 Liters (over 3-2 liters of Pepsi!). Unfortunately I also suffered a hematoma so it took awhile fo them to stabilize my blood count. Meanwhile horrible, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. I’ll spare you more details. 

    Friday, they drained another almost 4 liters. The plan is, I will begin immunotherapy with Keytruda and Lenvima on August 31. Fortunately we found a remedy for the horrible nausea (Zyprexa, who knew?). My oncologist is very hopeful about this treatment. 

    So it’s been hellish for the past few weeks but I’m over the worst of it for now. Now if I could only muster the energy for a shower. It’s been a while. 

    So that's the updates girls!  Stay strong. 

  • Donna Faye
    Donna Faye Member Posts: 427 Member
    edited August 2020 #72
    You put Wonder Woman to shame

    Oh Cheese, how I admire your strength. I know you have moments when you want to say to hell with this, but you soldier on. So glad you have good care even though painful and exhausting. But you have a will to fight and I so admire that. Wishing the best for you and the L/K treatment! You deserve a break and I know I join all the ladies saying may the next few months bring much good results! I say a little prayer for you every morning.

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member

    So glad to hear from you. I so wish the news was better though. What a wild ride for sure. Glad that you are finally getting some relief and are hopeful with the immunotherapy. 

    Thanks for finding the energy to update us. I know, you know; how much we are all supporting you.

    Love and Hugs,


  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member
    New treatment hopes

    I've discussed this in other posts, but now may also be a good time to mention again that my mother struggled with her cervical cancer for about eight years, enduring multiple types of chemo and different surgeries, including a colostomy. Nothing kept the cancer at bay for very long. But then her new oncologist wanted her to try a newly approved chemotherapy drug. This one actually worked and she remained in remission until she died several years later (not of cancer). So new or different therapies do work for some of us. I hope Keytruda is the answer for you, as it has been for others.

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    edited August 2020 #75
    Holy smokes, Susan, you have

    Holy smokes, Susan, you have been through hell and back!! I honestly don't know how you keep such a positive attitude. Hopefully, this new treatment will work and put you back in remission!!



  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,176 Member
    Oh, Cheese, I wish your

    Oh, Cheese, I wish your metaphor wasn't so apt! I had that abdomen when I had ileus after my hysterectomy, so your description brings flashbacks to that particular misery. Let's hope you are done with that! I have to say that I'm disappointed that your treatment has gotten pushed back again because I'm really hoping that this finally brings you some relief and want it to get going. I'm still scared for you and wishing I had more pull with God to apply on your behalf, but believe that I am asking for all that I'm worth these days. In the meantime....have the best shower ever....I bet it will help to perk you up a bit!

  • SF73
    SF73 Member Posts: 317 Member
    So glad to hear that you are

    So glad to hear that you are out of the intensive care unit and starting the Keytruda treatment. Wishing you all the best, Cheese! Thank you for giving us an update. 

  • MoeKay
    MoeKay Member Posts: 499 Member
    Best wishes for great results with Keytruda

    Cheese, after all you've recently been through, you are long overdue for some good medical news!  Here's wishing you the best results anyone has ever seen with Keytruda!!  My childhood friend who also has endometrial cancer went for her Keytruda infusion on Thursday.  She said it only took 30 minutes, which made her very happy.  The less time spent in and around hospitals the better!!  Hope you're just relaxing this week and that you feel better day by day. 

  • Armywife
    Armywife Member Posts: 451 Member
    edited August 2020 #79
    Hugs, Cheese!

    Cheering you on from South Carolina.  I wanted to let you know that when I was first diagnosed, a friend who is a geneticist told me that their scientific community is so incredibly jazzed about Keytruda - they'd never seen anything like it for results.  Praying for you with thankfulness for your courage and knowledge and kindness and friendship to us all.  Much love!

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    Thinking of you so much

    I can't begin to imagine how uncomfortable you were with all the fluid. How are you doing with eating?  Are you maintaining your nutrition and weight?

  • BluebirdOne
    BluebirdOne Member Posts: 656 Member
    edited August 2020 #81

    I think about you almost everyday and hope you are coping with this latest setback. We are here for you. 

