I might have to join a new board



  • Mighty Frog
    Mighty Frog Member Posts: 152 Member
    edited June 2019 #22
    Whatever is it....

    Hi! Iceman!

    I know whatever is it, You definitely have not problem weathered it out.. as you always do...

    We are with you on this.

  • sandy23
    sandy23 Member Posts: 143 Member
    I really hate to hear that

    I really hate to hear that you have another worry but it really is most likely nothing to worry about.  I know that many guys have issues like this (my husband included) and they are just par for the course.  

    Take care!!

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member

    I've been thinking about you today Iceman.  I hope the biopsy went well and they got enough tissue to determine what is going on.  


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    stub1969 said:


    I've been thinking about you today Iceman.  I hope the biopsy went well and they got enough tissue to determine what is going on.  


    One month to go

    Its July 26. My father had Prostate Cancer atb my age and my brother when hen was 20 years younger. Already had blood work and MRI which raised suspisions.


    Thanks for the wishes from everyone here.




  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    I'm early to the party!!

    My motto is: If you're on time, you're late.  I live by this...and it drives my wife crazy.  She's more of the "right on time" type of person.  She'd laugh at me on this one though.  A month early is a little over the top; even for me:)

    Take care,


  • Angiebby75
    Angiebby75 Member Posts: 208 Member
    Sorry to hear. Prayers for

    Sorry to hear. Prayers for good news. 

  • icemantoo said:

    One month to go

    Its July 26. My father had Prostate Cancer atb my age and my brother when hen was 20 years younger. Already had blood work and MRI which raised suspisions.


    Thanks for the wishes from everyone here.




    Best wishes to you.  You are

    Best wishes to you.  You are one of my favorite posters here. 

  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member
    If they scheduled you that

    If they scheduled you that far out for the biopsy, it sounds like your doc doesn't think it's urgent or extremely problematic.  Hope that's the case!

  • Manufred
    Manufred Member Posts: 241 Member
    edited July 2019 #30
    Ice Cool

    Prostate cancer is mostly slow growing and can even stay benign for a very long time - unless it doesn't.

    So waiting is perhaps OK, hurry slowly and all that.

    But you probaby still want to know sooner rather than later, I suppose.

    Best Wishes.  Fred

  • Bellafelice
    Bellafelice Member Posts: 57 Member
    New Accurate test for Prostate cancer

    Iceman, there is a relatively new blood test that is medically proven to be much more accurate at detecting aggressive prostate cancer. It is the 4K blood test-and I encourage you to Google it. As you can see, it is much less invasive than a prostate biopsy in addition to being much more accurate. When a prostate biospsy is taken, they remove cells from 12 cores in the prostate. By so doing, areas of the prostate that may have cancer cells can be missed. Please look into this new test as many urologists are not using it (sad to say because they make alot more money on a prostate biospy than the blood test).  Hope this helps.

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    edited July 2019 #32

    I had the 4K test about 3 years ago. Since than my PSA has been climbing and my URO has soured on the 4K and a newer test has shown concern over changes in the past year. Additionally an MRI with contrast raised concerns and my father and brother had Prostate Cancer. My Biopsy will be guided by an ultrasound tech. Nineteen days to go.





  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Ok, Iceman, i am confused. It

    Ok, Iceman, i am confused. It is suspicious for prostate cancer or is it confirmed?

    What happens in 19 days?


  • Bryn1108
    Bryn1108 Member Posts: 97 Member
    Prayers sent your way


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member

    I think at this point it is highly suspicious. Just hoping it is small and cuable and I will die of something else. I will be 76 years young 4 days before the biopsy.


    Thanks for everyone's wishes.





  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    I am hoping the best for you!

    I am hoping the best for you!! You've been here for us and we are definitely here for you.

  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 516 Member
    Hi Iceman,

    Hi Iceman,

    I am sorry to hear about the news that you have to face the biopsy. I am sure you will be fine as you have been monitored closely by the medical team. I wish you the best outcome from your biopsy!

  • Lexleigh3
    Lexleigh3 Member Posts: 15
    icemantoo said:


    I think at this point it is highly suspicious. Just hoping it is small and cuable and I will die of something else. I will be 76 years young 4 days before the biopsy.


    Thanks for everyone's wishes.





    Holding you in my thoughts

    Holding you in my thoughts and prayers.


  • Cinnamongirl
    Cinnamongirl Member Posts: 199 Member
    edited July 2019 #39
    Here for you

    Iceman, I wish I had encouraging words for you the way you ALWAYS do for me. I will be praying for good results.


  • JoeyZ
    JoeyZ Member Posts: 210 Member
    Hope it's all good news

    All the best we hope for on July 26th, Iceman. I think this is one of those glitches or bumps in the road. We won't lose you to another forum, no, we do not want to share. So it's gonna be a really good outcome. You're still just a pup!!!

  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member
    Rooting for good results!

    Will be thinking of you and coming to check.