Cheese Update

Seeing oncologist tomorrow but just read my CT scan online: 


free fluid: Increase in now moderate volumeascites. There has been

progression of peritoneal nodularity. The findings are consistent with


Progression of peritoneal carcinomatosis.

Let the games begin!







  • rosebudlisa62
    rosebudlisa62 Member Posts: 16

    I am keeping you in my prayers, CheeseQueen.

  • StaciLynn
    StaciLynn Member Posts: 41 Member
    Cheesequeen, I am pretty new

    Cheesequeen, I am pretty new to all of this and am not sure what a lot of what you wrote exactly means since I decided to stop looking things up since I was just making myself more anxious.  I am seeing a GYN/oncologist for the first time Friday and thought I would be better off not looking up anything anymore and letting him tell me the facts.  Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I am thinking about you and praying you will be okay.


  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member
    Dear Cheese-

    we will be with you in thought tomorrow!  Prayers for courage and wisdom- much love and (((HUGS))) 

  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,176 Member
    I hate hearing this! I really

    I hate hearing this! I really do! Yell I want to say the right thing right now, but can't think what that would be. I'm so sorry CQ, but you know we'll be here for you as best we can. The thought of you having to go through more treatment is such a punch to the gut and I'm just heartbroken that you're having to face this. 

  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    So very sorry

    I am sad that you have to go through this again.  You are a strong women and you can do this again. Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Darn it Cheese! So sorry to

    Darn it Cheese! So sorry to hear this. Please feel all of our arms around you.  Please let us know what you find out today.

    Love and Hugs,


  • derMaus
    derMaus Member Posts: 558 Member
    edited August 2017 #8
    S**T !!


    I've been out of town (and in the hospital - 'nother story) and was so sorry to see this when I got home yesterday evening. Is this what showed up right before your vacation? If so will they be able to use interperitoneal chemo ? A friend had that for recurrent ovarian cancer and it was quite successful. Please let us know as soon as you have more information, okay? You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.  Best wishes, B

  • CheeseQueen57
    CheeseQueen57 Member Posts: 933 Member

    My oncologist is not ready to call this a reoccurrence yet. She said the "nodules" don't look like the typical presentation. I'm scheduled for paracentesis on 9/6. I went down the rabbit hole with her about HIPEC (the peritoneal chemo). She's against it. Says too little evidence in uterine cancer. But my research is saying different. Apparently centers of excellence at UPMC in Pittsburgh and MedStar in DC both doable. Anybody know of these programs?  My PCP is researching for me. BTW, I'm still going to Spain on the 15th no matter what! Lots of crying and afraid I'll never dance at my son's wedding (he's not even engaged yet!) but trying to take one day at a time. Thanks for all of your support and encouragement 

  • StaciLynn
    StaciLynn Member Posts: 41 Member


    My oncologist is not ready to call this a reoccurrence yet. She said the "nodules" don't look like the typical presentation. I'm scheduled for paracentesis on 9/6. I went down the rabbit hole with her about HIPEC (the peritoneal chemo). She's against it. Says too little evidence in uterine cancer. But my research is saying different. Apparently centers of excellence at UPMC in Pittsburgh and MedStar in DC both doable. Anybody know of these programs?  My PCP is researching for me. BTW, I'm still going to Spain on the 15th no matter what! Lots of crying and afraid I'll never dance at my son's wedding (he's not even engaged yet!) but trying to take one day at a time. Thanks for all of your support and encouragement 



    After reading all the follow up posts and then deciding to read some more information, which I swore I wouldn't do, I have a better understanding of you report now.  I am sorry you didn't get better news, but you seem like a fighter with a lot of spirit, so I am sending very positive thoughts your way.  By the way, I do have a daughter that is due to get married next July on a destination cruise ship and of course I worry about what is going to be with me at that time, but am just hoping for the best.  I hope you do enjoy your trip to Spain and will keep you in my prayers.

  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member
    Thanks for the update...

    It is hard to know what to think about all that isn't it?!  I'm so glad you are going on your trip and that you are exploring all the options and have a lot of help doing so.  Holding you close in prayer  (((HUGS)))

  • derMaus
    derMaus Member Posts: 558 Member


    My oncologist is not ready to call this a reoccurrence yet. She said the "nodules" don't look like the typical presentation. I'm scheduled for paracentesis on 9/6. I went down the rabbit hole with her about HIPEC (the peritoneal chemo). She's against it. Says too little evidence in uterine cancer. But my research is saying different. Apparently centers of excellence at UPMC in Pittsburgh and MedStar in DC both doable. Anybody know of these programs?  My PCP is researching for me. BTW, I'm still going to Spain on the 15th no matter what! Lots of crying and afraid I'll never dance at my son's wedding (he's not even engaged yet!) but trying to take one day at a time. Thanks for all of your support and encouragement 

    Tapas Calling

    Thank god she's not calling it a recurrence. That's the best news I've had all day. One thing that the recent FDA approval of Keytruda has show us is that cancers have different 'types' than we've historically considered. I think the old categories of breast-ovarian-uterine-etc are fast becoming a thing of the past; it woud be good if your onc would get on board with that notion. Please keep us posted and, H**LL yes, tapas for all! Enjoy Spain, the rest will keep. Best, B

  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    edited August 2017 #13
    I agree - go on your trip!

    I agree - go on your trip! Life is for living. Why do we go through these treatments if not to travel, spend time with loved ones or make a difference in someone's life. Good luck to you on the 6th. Keep us updated on how you're doing. Wishing you strength and peace. Kim 

  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    CQ thanks for sharing you

    CQ thanks for sharing you update.  I hope you can enjoy your trip and all other thing in your life.  I dont know how I would respond to knews like that.  Keep moving though

  • henhill
    henhill Member Posts: 123
    Go to Spain!

    You will be on your own steam and unless you are suffering, are probably feeling better than you will of you are in treatment.  I hope you will enjoy every moment.

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    If she's not calling it a

    If she's not calling it a recurrence then you shouldn't either!!  Go on your trip and have a wonderful, wonderful time.  So much in life is a crap shoot.  My oncologist's PA was young (41), healthy (marathon runner) - I saw her December 28th, 2016, she died on February 3, 2017 of brain cancer diagnosed in mid January.  There I was, eating a bowl of ice cream, sitting in my chair with my feet up when I read her obituary.  At that moment I decided to live my life like I don't have cancer and do all the things we had planned.  We sold our business, retired, bought a house in Florida, danced with our son at his wedding and moved to our lake house for the summer.  And to think I almost put my life on hold for this DAMN disease!!

    Cheesy, go for it!!  I can't wait to hear about your trip to Spain!!  



  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    Cheese, have you ever checked

    Cheese, have you ever checked out the ovarian site. Loretta who is on there has had both ovarian and peritoneal cancer and has done much research. You might want to check her out. Hopefully you don't have it and yes go enjoy your trip! You deserve it!

  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member

    If she's not calling it a

    If she's not calling it a recurrence then you shouldn't either!!  Go on your trip and have a wonderful, wonderful time.  So much in life is a crap shoot.  My oncologist's PA was young (41), healthy (marathon runner) - I saw her December 28th, 2016, she died on February 3, 2017 of brain cancer diagnosed in mid January.  There I was, eating a bowl of ice cream, sitting in my chair with my feet up when I read her obituary.  At that moment I decided to live my life like I don't have cancer and do all the things we had planned.  We sold our business, retired, bought a house in Florida, danced with our son at his wedding and moved to our lake house for the summer.  And to think I almost put my life on hold for this DAMN disease!!

    Cheesy, go for it!!  I can't wait to hear about your trip to Spain!!  



    Love you Eldri!!!

    Such a wonderful reminder that we need to LIVE OUR LIVES NOW- no one knows how much time they have!  I so admire you and all that you have done to LIVE today Cool  May we all find the courage to do that for ourselves.  (((HUGS)))

  • CheeseQueen57
    CheeseQueen57 Member Posts: 933 Member
    Soup52 said:

    Cheese, have you ever checked

    Cheese, have you ever checked out the ovarian site. Loretta who is on there has had both ovarian and peritoneal cancer and has done much research. You might want to check her out. Hopefully you don't have it and yes go enjoy your trip! You deserve it!


    ill do that. I've done some preliminary research and apparently the HIPEC procedure is FDA approved for ovarian but not uterine cancer so that makes it investigational. No matter, if I think it's the right thing to do, I'll pay cash. Hopefully it won't come to that. 

  • CheeseQueen57
    CheeseQueen57 Member Posts: 933 Member

    If she's not calling it a

    If she's not calling it a recurrence then you shouldn't either!!  Go on your trip and have a wonderful, wonderful time.  So much in life is a crap shoot.  My oncologist's PA was young (41), healthy (marathon runner) - I saw her December 28th, 2016, she died on February 3, 2017 of brain cancer diagnosed in mid January.  There I was, eating a bowl of ice cream, sitting in my chair with my feet up when I read her obituary.  At that moment I decided to live my life like I don't have cancer and do all the things we had planned.  We sold our business, retired, bought a house in Florida, danced with our son at his wedding and moved to our lake house for the summer.  And to think I almost put my life on hold for this DAMN disease!!

    Cheesy, go for it!!  I can't wait to hear about your trip to Spain!!  



    I've missed you Eldri

    Im so happy to hear what you've been doing. You go girl!  Where in Florida?

  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,176 Member
    Sloan Kettering

    Did you see this article?

    Maybe one of these doctors at Sloan Kettering may know of a clinical trial that would be appropriate for someone with uterine rather than ovarian cancer. The article is 4 years old, but it's something they have/had an interest in.