Diet cures cancer



  • 1 Healthy Bob
    1 Healthy Bob Member Posts: 10 Member
    What Is Working for Me

    This course of treatment is unconventional to the medical field. It isn't the prescribed course of treatment, (Cut, Burn, Poison), by the AMA. I use a holistic care approach with a ketogenic diet. The reason we chose this coourse of action: toom many family and friends passed or nearly passed due to the radiation and / or chemotherapy. We saw treatment centers build the immune system through healthy eatting and the doctors, nutritionists, survivors say build your strength between treatments. I found that the treatment seemed worse than what I wanted to endure. Neither my wife nor I are doctors. We are college educated and have science backgrounds. Over the course of the first 3 months prior to the official diagnosis we began reading everything we could find on alternative treatments. Cancer is a condition of the body repairing itself or over repairing itself. What was the cause for me?? I had been a vegiterian for about 5 years prior to the diagnosis. Exersize for an hour every moning during the work week (30 min walk 30min swimming). Still, here we are...

    I did have robotic surgery for the removal of my tonsils and surrounding tissue. About two week recovery time. Had we known now back before surgery we may have let a healthy life style correct the issue. Yes, sugar feeds all cells in your body. Cancer cells do not convert non-carbohydrate energy or not very well. We cut out carbs from my diet. We limited carb intake from fruits and vegetables to 20g to 50g per day. Loaded up on suppliments that research showed had an impact on cancer cell growth. No this was not an easy chioce. Faith in me following the food my wife prepared from "good" ingrediants. No processed foods, bread, rice, corn, potatoes or root vegetables, beer or any other alcoholic beverage, wheat. Having been raised on bread and pasta this was a BIG change.

    This information was researched by my wife. My treatment through the course of the first 4 months. Maintenance continuing. Yesterday's CT after 1 year and 6 weeks. Ther are no signs of cancer; I still am able to taste food, saliva production is good, nerves are finding their way back (I still tap on my chest and feel it om my ear)

    Nothing on our suppliments are covered by insurance other than through flex spending account.





    Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)

    120,000 mg by IV every 7 days.

    Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)

    120,000 mg by IV every 14 days.

    Vitamin A 10,000 IU capsule take twice by mouth daily.

    Vitamin A 3000 IU capsule take twice by mouth daily.

    Vitamin E 1600 UNIT capsule Twice daily by mouth.

    Vitamin E 200 UNIT capsule Take 200 Units by mouth daily.



    Vitamin B complex 50 - 1 tablet twice daily

    Vitamin B complex 50 - 1 tablet twice daily

    Selenium Take 200 mcg by mouth once daily. (methyl selenic acid is best form)

    Selenium Take 100 mcg by mouth once daily.

    Ascorbic acid (VITAMIN C) Take up to 5,000 mg by mouth daily. Active tablet

    Ascorbic acid (VITAMIN C) Take up to 5,000 mg by mouth daily. Active tablet

    Co-enzyme Q-10 200mg capsule by mouth 2 (two) times daily.

    Co-enzyme Q-10 60mg or 100mg capsule by mouth 2 (two) times daily.

    CALM (Magnesium/Calcium brand) 1 TSP 4 times daily in water

    CALM (Magnesium/Calcium brand) 1 TSP 2 times daily in water

    Niacin (NIASPAN) 500 mg CR tablet Take 1 by mouth daily. Non-Flushing preferred.

    Niacin (NIASPAN) 500 mg CR tablet Take 1 by mouth daily. Non-Flushing preferred.



    Caratinoids – 100mg (1 twice daily)

    Biotin 1 mg tablet Take 1,000 mcg by mouth 3 (three) Active times daily.

    Frankencense oil in lotion rubbed into soles of feet, neck, chest.

    Pure Frankencense  Oil put into veg. capsules 3 times a day orally (we filled ourselves)

    tastes aweful :)

    Alpha lipoic acid 200 mg Cap Take by mouth. Active


    NAC (N-Acetyl L-cysteine 250mg




    Methyl-folate 800mcg or more

    Flaxseed oil 2 TSP take by mouth or added to foods.

    Multi-vitamin Take 1 capsule by mouth daily.

    Cannabinoids (Oral dosages)

    Cannabinoids are from hemp no THC.


    Medical Marijuana:

    – Indigo Variety to manage pain as needed

    - Sativa for cellular inflammation

    L - Carnitine 150mg

    (15ml twice a day)


    Ketogenic Diet for Cancer – Low/No Carbs

    20g-50g/day from veg & fruit

    Book – Fighting Cancer with anti-oxidants (protecting the body from Chemotherapy and Radiation)

  • Andy.h
    Andy.h Member Posts: 18

    What Is Working for Me

    This course of treatment is unconventional to the medical field. It isn't the prescribed course of treatment, (Cut, Burn, Poison), by the AMA. I use a holistic care approach with a ketogenic diet. The reason we chose this coourse of action: toom many family and friends passed or nearly passed due to the radiation and / or chemotherapy. We saw treatment centers build the immune system through healthy eatting and the doctors, nutritionists, survivors say build your strength between treatments. I found that the treatment seemed worse than what I wanted to endure. Neither my wife nor I are doctors. We are college educated and have science backgrounds. Over the course of the first 3 months prior to the official diagnosis we began reading everything we could find on alternative treatments. Cancer is a condition of the body repairing itself or over repairing itself. What was the cause for me?? I had been a vegiterian for about 5 years prior to the diagnosis. Exersize for an hour every moning during the work week (30 min walk 30min swimming). Still, here we are...

    I did have robotic surgery for the removal of my tonsils and surrounding tissue. About two week recovery time. Had we known now back before surgery we may have let a healthy life style correct the issue. Yes, sugar feeds all cells in your body. Cancer cells do not convert non-carbohydrate energy or not very well. We cut out carbs from my diet. We limited carb intake from fruits and vegetables to 20g to 50g per day. Loaded up on suppliments that research showed had an impact on cancer cell growth. No this was not an easy chioce. Faith in me following the food my wife prepared from "good" ingrediants. No processed foods, bread, rice, corn, potatoes or root vegetables, beer or any other alcoholic beverage, wheat. Having been raised on bread and pasta this was a BIG change.

    This information was researched by my wife. My treatment through the course of the first 4 months. Maintenance continuing. Yesterday's CT after 1 year and 6 weeks. Ther are no signs of cancer; I still am able to taste food, saliva production is good, nerves are finding their way back (I still tap on my chest and feel it om my ear)

    Nothing on our suppliments are covered by insurance other than through flex spending account.





    Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)

    120,000 mg by IV every 7 days.

    Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)

    120,000 mg by IV every 14 days.

    Vitamin A 10,000 IU capsule take twice by mouth daily.

    Vitamin A 3000 IU capsule take twice by mouth daily.

    Vitamin E 1600 UNIT capsule Twice daily by mouth.

    Vitamin E 200 UNIT capsule Take 200 Units by mouth daily.



    Vitamin B complex 50 - 1 tablet twice daily

    Vitamin B complex 50 - 1 tablet twice daily

    Selenium Take 200 mcg by mouth once daily. (methyl selenic acid is best form)

    Selenium Take 100 mcg by mouth once daily.

    Ascorbic acid (VITAMIN C) Take up to 5,000 mg by mouth daily. Active tablet

    Ascorbic acid (VITAMIN C) Take up to 5,000 mg by mouth daily. Active tablet

    Co-enzyme Q-10 200mg capsule by mouth 2 (two) times daily.

    Co-enzyme Q-10 60mg or 100mg capsule by mouth 2 (two) times daily.

    CALM (Magnesium/Calcium brand) 1 TSP 4 times daily in water

    CALM (Magnesium/Calcium brand) 1 TSP 2 times daily in water

    Niacin (NIASPAN) 500 mg CR tablet Take 1 by mouth daily. Non-Flushing preferred.

    Niacin (NIASPAN) 500 mg CR tablet Take 1 by mouth daily. Non-Flushing preferred.



    Caratinoids – 100mg (1 twice daily)

    Biotin 1 mg tablet Take 1,000 mcg by mouth 3 (three) Active times daily.

    Frankencense oil in lotion rubbed into soles of feet, neck, chest.

    Pure Frankencense  Oil put into veg. capsules 3 times a day orally (we filled ourselves)

    tastes aweful :)

    Alpha lipoic acid 200 mg Cap Take by mouth. Active


    NAC (N-Acetyl L-cysteine 250mg




    Methyl-folate 800mcg or more

    Flaxseed oil 2 TSP take by mouth or added to foods.

    Multi-vitamin Take 1 capsule by mouth daily.

    Cannabinoids (Oral dosages)

    Cannabinoids are from hemp no THC.


    Medical Marijuana:

    – Indigo Variety to manage pain as needed

    - Sativa for cellular inflammation

    L - Carnitine 150mg

    (15ml twice a day)


    Ketogenic Diet for Cancer – Low/No Carbs

    20g-50g/day from veg & fruit

    Book – Fighting Cancer with anti-oxidants (protecting the body from Chemotherapy and Radiation)

    thanks for sharing Bob.  So you only had surgery, but you didn't do radiation or chemo?  You didn't have to remove any masses from your neck, lymph nodes, etc?  Are you saying if you had a do over, you would've forgone the surgery altogether? 

  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    My 2¢ Too

    It's all fine and good to try alternative therapies.  Just make sure the first one you do is the one proven to work.  Then make the diet, jelly, red beam, whiskey, bacon, etc., a second method of treatment.  

    Even vitamins don't do much good if you're not eating the right foods.  It can fill some gaps in but a decent diet w/o additives has and will always be the best diet on earth. 


  • 1 Healthy Bob
    1 Healthy Bob Member Posts: 10 Member
    Andy.h said:

    thanks for sharing Bob.  So you only had surgery, but you didn't do radiation or chemo?  You didn't have to remove any masses from your neck, lymph nodes, etc?  Are you saying if you had a do over, you would've forgone the surgery altogether? 

    second guessing surgery

    Yes, I we were discussing it at the time to forgo the surgery, monitor it while using our limited knowledge holistic treatment. We (my wife) was reading and researching everything she could get her hands on. We couldn't find any studies like me. Non smoker, non-drinker, HPV Neg., in my late 40's, and an overweight vegetarian 5+years. But the information we had was from the doctor surgeon was one sided and he even said he didn't have any infomation on nutrition for us; he couldn't recommend mega doses of Vit.C because it wasn't accepted as the prescribed course of treatment or anything else. He was the expert on surgery.

    I had a 6.1cm neck mass up from half that size prior to the biopsy (they poked the sleeping bear). 39 lymph nodes removed and biopsied during surgery until a clean margin the tonsils were the main focus of the cancer removal process was deep in the tissue and even with robotic surgery he couldn't get a clean margin due to blood vessels. All cancer in the lymph nodes was necrotized tissue according to pathology (my body was killing cancer and flushing it town the sewar - lymph system)

  • Engelsa
    Engelsa Member Posts: 50
    Well said

    Another Survivor

    Thank you for the words of reason. This needed to be stated. I can only hope that newcomers will heed your words of wisdom.

  • AnotherSurvivor
    AnotherSurvivor Member Posts: 384 Member
    I read the posts here from

    I read the posts here from the clean livers and sort of chuckle.  I have at times drank far too much, had lousey diets, went to mass only because most priests are use to people sleeping thru the service, associated with women whose morals were at least as questionable as my own (my wife of 38 years is very much an exception to all of that, was not at all my normal 'type', would insist I note that distinction), and I made it to 65 only to have my cancer detected over jugs of red wine.  I did the standard 35/7 rad/chemo, I'm NED, and cleaning up field gear so I can go back out and hit more rocks with a hammer (absolutely the best part of the earth sciences).  There is simply no justice to all this.

    My son the ER doc (and cancer sniffer dog in training) sees the holistic crowd in the ER and ICU all the time.  They do what they can, and send them out the door.  Mostly they come back for Palative care - drugs to ease the distress as they die.  Medicine has no obligation to these people.  Conform to the very deeply researched and considered Standard of Care or live (more likely die) with the consequences.

    There is a major debate in cancer research right now over causality.  The evidence points both to life style, and randomness, but for some cancers (especially HPV+) the smart money is on randomness.  Spontaneous random mutation appears to have been part of life at least since slime molds were the higher life form.  The good news is the holistic crowd is continuing that great experiment, and providing us with very valuable insight.  The bad news is 99.999999999999999% of the life forms on this planet have gone extinct in the natural process.

    Just by the way, and rather unpredictably, a very large proportion of earth scientists believe in some form of higher life form.  Evolution is absolutely compatible with spirituality, just not the form found in Sunday school.

  • Andy.h
    Andy.h Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2017 #48

    I have some questions you can ask your son the ER doc.   Ask him how much nitritional education he was given at medical school?  Ask him how much research was emphasized on nutritional effects on Cancer?  Ask him why oncologist rarely mention diet when they discuss treatment options?

    Ask him if he has ever read the China Study, the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted with primarly focused on the causation of cancer.   They collected data on over 800 million Chinese citizens and discovered more than 8,000 statistically significant associations between lifestyle, diet, and disease varisables.  The study produced more than 300 additional research papers.

    Also ask him to read Radical Remission, a compilation of over 1000 cases of people who experienced a complete reversal of cancer using alternative treatment methods.

    This is just the tip of the iceberg as far as cancer nutrition research.   Many ivy league graduated doctors have turned to advocating a whole foods, plant based diet. Doctors such as Dr. John McDougall, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. William Castelli, and Dr. Ornish just to name a few. Collectively they have gathered dozens of books worth of data, figures, articles, and more to back up their nutrition claims.

    For More information, check out these links:

    Get the Book: The China Study
    The China Study Website:
    The China Health and Nutrition Survey:
    Dr Ornish's webpage:
    Dr. Esselstyn's work:

  • OKCnative
    OKCnative Member Posts: 326 Member

    I read the posts here from

    I read the posts here from the clean livers and sort of chuckle.  I have at times drank far too much, had lousey diets, went to mass only because most priests are use to people sleeping thru the service, associated with women whose morals were at least as questionable as my own (my wife of 38 years is very much an exception to all of that, was not at all my normal 'type', would insist I note that distinction), and I made it to 65 only to have my cancer detected over jugs of red wine.  I did the standard 35/7 rad/chemo, I'm NED, and cleaning up field gear so I can go back out and hit more rocks with a hammer (absolutely the best part of the earth sciences).  There is simply no justice to all this.

    My son the ER doc (and cancer sniffer dog in training) sees the holistic crowd in the ER and ICU all the time.  They do what they can, and send them out the door.  Mostly they come back for Palative care - drugs to ease the distress as they die.  Medicine has no obligation to these people.  Conform to the very deeply researched and considered Standard of Care or live (more likely die) with the consequences.

    There is a major debate in cancer research right now over causality.  The evidence points both to life style, and randomness, but for some cancers (especially HPV+) the smart money is on randomness.  Spontaneous random mutation appears to have been part of life at least since slime molds were the higher life form.  The good news is the holistic crowd is continuing that great experiment, and providing us with very valuable insight.  The bad news is 99.999999999999999% of the life forms on this planet have gone extinct in the natural process.

    Just by the way, and rather unpredictably, a very large proportion of earth scientists believe in some form of higher life form.  Evolution is absolutely compatible with spirituality, just not the form found in Sunday school.

    Love your insight. I alweays

    Love your insight. I alweays thought disclosing my diagnosis would be the uncomfortable part.... but, it's not. The awkness comes from the hoards of well intentioned people I previously thought were well educated, well rounded folks - but then they come to me with; "You've stopped eating sugar, right?" "Have you heard of Dr. Johanna Budwig? Here, eat some cottage cheese with flaxseed!" "You should go to another country and try this experimental holistic approach."

    Then I have to sigh and tell them, "I appreciate the sentiment, but your anecdotal Googled articles are not going to save my life. Well researched and proven science will."

  • OKCnative
    OKCnative Member Posts: 326 Member
    Andy.h said:

    I have some questions you can ask your son the ER doc.   Ask him how much nitritional education he was given at medical school?  Ask him how much research was emphasized on nutritional effects on Cancer?  Ask him why oncologist rarely mention diet when they discuss treatment options?

    Ask him if he has ever read the China Study, the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted with primarly focused on the causation of cancer.   They collected data on over 800 million Chinese citizens and discovered more than 8,000 statistically significant associations between lifestyle, diet, and disease varisables.  The study produced more than 300 additional research papers.

    Also ask him to read Radical Remission, a compilation of over 1000 cases of people who experienced a complete reversal of cancer using alternative treatment methods.

    This is just the tip of the iceberg as far as cancer nutrition research.   Many ivy league graduated doctors have turned to advocating a whole foods, plant based diet. Doctors such as Dr. John McDougall, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. William Castelli, and Dr. Ornish just to name a few. Collectively they have gathered dozens of books worth of data, figures, articles, and more to back up their nutrition claims.

    For More information, check out these links:

    Get the Book: The China Study
    The China Study Website:
    The China Health and Nutrition Survey:
    Dr Ornish's webpage:
    Dr. Esselstyn's work:

    I had this discussion with

    I had this discussion with more than one ENT and cancer doc. I've even contracted with my own dietician (with decades of real hospital experience) to assit me through treatment. It was a pretty simple concept to grasp, and all agreed... I don't have cancer because of my diet - I have cancer in spite of it. I have cancer because I (like millions of other sexually active adults) came into contact with HPV. Despite my healthy lifestyle, my immune system didn't take care of the infection and it sat in my body, for most likely many years, before it reared it's ugly head in the form of cancer.

    With my positive biopsy and stage 3 status, immediate treatment was imperative - as the devastating consequences of living in denial, seeking alternative medicines, etc. are well documented in thousands of real cases.

    With treatment beginning in days, the thought that a new diet was going to magically transform my cancer status was contrary to proven science and even common sense.

    Today I can go online or pick up the phone and talk to literally dozens of people I've personally interacted with since my diagnosis who went through the exact same thing I am going through and SURVIVED IT. Not because they changed their diet, took massive doses of vitamins, endured coffee enemas, or read some anecdotal article or study. They survived because of science. The same science that has erradicted thousands of diseases that once plagued mankind.

    People are welcome to do whatever they want with their bodies and diagnosis. But, I personally owe it to myself, my loved one's and my dear friends to take the course of action that is most likley to produce the most positive outcome. 

  • OKCnative
    OKCnative Member Posts: 326 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Hate to disagree with you on Sugar Feeding Cancer....but I do, at least in the thought that it feeds cancer cells anymore than it does all of our cells.

    Actually there is a lot of information out there to debunk that statement, "Sugar Feeds Cancer".

    Caring4Cancer - Sugar

    The concept that sugar feeds cancer is not useful. Sugar feeds every cell in our bodies. Our bodies need glucose, or simple sugar, for energy. Even if you cut every bit of sugar out of your diet, your body will make sugar from other sources, such as protein and fat.

    So cancer cells need sugar to grow, just like healthy cells. It helps to remember that there is nothing particular about sugar that “feeds” cancer cells any more than sugar feeds all cells in our body.</>

    Health MSN - Does Sugar Feed Cancer

    Cancer Myth Busting - Does Sugar Feed Cancer

    Cancer Myth #1: "“I heard cancer feeds on sugar. Should I avoid eating all sugar?”"

    "No. Almost every new patient will ask me about this. A theory prevalent on the Internet holds that sugar will influence blood sugar levels, feed cancer and cause it to spread. The truth is you can't really control blood sugar by what you eat. The body's complex system processes what we eat and manages to keep blood sugar levels stable. You could starve yourself for weeks and yet your blood sugar will remain stable. The exception to this, of course, is people with diabetes who don't have proper insulin-regulating systems. But if you apply the theory that sugar can affect your insulin levels and feed cancer, diabetics with cancer would all be dying of their cancer."


    I second your assertions

    I second your assertions Skiffin16. My cancer doc said basically the exact same thing and it makes total sense. Cutting out or adding anything to your diet at this point is only beneficial to your treatment if it makes you feel physcially and mentally better. My docs reminded us that every cell requires glucose so you can't 'starve' cancer cells without negatively impacting your entire body. Reducing refined and processed sugars is certainly a good idea for overall health. But, to think it's going to cure your already diagnosed cancer is nonsense. Virtually everything you eat is broken down to 'sugar' for all of your cells to consume.

  • traceyd1
    traceyd1 Member Posts: 79 Member
    I hate getting into this

    I hate getting into this discussion with well meaning individuals.  My brother in law actually told my husband that he shouldn't do radiation because it will eventually kill him.  News Flash:  The cancer would've killed him.  Radiation saved his life.  There have been sacrifices, such as dry mouth and taste changes, but bottom line is he's here because radiation killed the cancer.  We are told all the time to stock up on this supplement or that or to give up sugar (which our specialist at MD Anderson who also is a researcher debunked).  Sugar elimination is pretty hard to stick to when the only thing that tastes anywhere near the same to my husband is SWEETS.  He doesn't go crazy, but I'm not about to tell him that the one thing he can taste and derive pleasure from eating is off limits. There is an assumption of blame that is very detrimental to the spirit.  My husband did not smoke, never dipped, didn't drink, was active, and STILL got cancer.  This horrible disease does not discriminate.  We have learned to smile, nod our heads, and move on.  

  • Mickg01
    Mickg01 Member Posts: 28
    The Alternative

    I'm of the school that hears 'Alternative' as an "Alternative" for Baloney.
    I'm a fortunate who after 34 radiation sessions and 6 years + of follow up checks am still declared Cancer Free.
    I hear in all areas of life the various 'Snake Oil' achievement claims and simply don' buy any of them if not backed up by Solid Science from a reputable source. In which case they too would be mainstream science. However I do see how and why people who, rightly or wrongly, feel like they are fighting a losing battle whould give off the wall claims credibility.
    As is often shown with Climate Science (a field full of pseudo experts denying the real science) often a person will claim expertise because they are a 'scientist'. Their arguments are often made from an area of expertise completely unrelated to the field they are commenting on something like a Geologist expressing views on diseases of the liver. Which would mean yes he's a scientist, No his expertise means his views on Liver disorders have no more basis than those of your local bartender. 

    If you're a victim of Cancer check out your specialist and verify His/Her credentials and experience and then trust them and it won't offend if you request second opinions on the critical decisions.

    Ignor the quack alternate therapy advice that everyone and his brother wants to give to produce <u>'Miracle' cures</u>.

  • AnotherSurvivor
    AnotherSurvivor Member Posts: 384 Member
    There is no secret effort to

    There is no secret effort to surpress medical progress on cancer.  The process is very simple, it's called double-blind with published results in refereed medical journals that include the comparison between placebos, and existing treatments.  Medicine does NOT HAVE AN OBLIGATION to consider your evidence.  You have an obligation to conduct clinical trials in an empirically rigorous fashion that medical scientists can independently evaluate.  And yes, my son had extensive education on diet.   And the US, not China, is the world leader in funding and conducting research on cancer.  China's medical system is very much resource contrained, and diet is a cheap mechanism for distributing care.  That is rapidly changing.  Here is a link to a study on the sales of 'western' medical devices in the Chinese market.  Looks like they're buying a whole lot of linear accelorators to augment that cancer-free diet.

  • AnotherSurvivor
    AnotherSurvivor Member Posts: 384 Member
    Here's a link to the growth

    Here's a link to the growth in employment of Radiation Oncology staffers in China.  The growth in oncologist doctors is constrained by the number of residency positions.  The  Chinese seem to be hedging their bets on the diet solution - oh Yee of little faith.

  • Andy.h
    Andy.h Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2017 #56
    Pot calling the kettle black

    Interesting comments...  I post research, scientific evidence, scientific studies and we hear comments such as snake oil, quackery, my brother-in-law said, my cousin did this or that, etc.  Funny, you are acusing me of enuendo?  Where is your science that says it isn't related?  Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black.    

    The fact of matter is hundreds upon hundreds of studies have shown that eating vegetables and fruits and cutting out animal protein not only helps prevent cancer, but even in many cases is able to reverse cancer, even at advanced stages.  Is it a cure all?  Should you replace it with surgery, chemo, and radiation?  Maybe the options should be sugery, chemo, radiation, and diet and different combinations instead of only the first 3.  For example, maybe surgery and diet is sufficient for many?  These seem to be good questions to ask.  The point is the vast majority of oncologists aren't aware of this information any more than you are.  They just lack the training.    For me I want to be best informed and be the CEO in my cancer treatment.  I'm just sharing the information for others and to get your perspectives.

    I'll leave you with another good reference...  

    "Fruit, Vegetables, and Cancer Prevention:  A Review of the Epidemiological Evidence", G. Block, B. Patterson, and A. Subar

  • caregiver wife
    caregiver wife Member Posts: 234
    Andy.h said:

    I have some questions you can ask your son the ER doc.   Ask him how much nitritional education he was given at medical school?  Ask him how much research was emphasized on nutritional effects on Cancer?  Ask him why oncologist rarely mention diet when they discuss treatment options?

    Ask him if he has ever read the China Study, the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted with primarly focused on the causation of cancer.   They collected data on over 800 million Chinese citizens and discovered more than 8,000 statistically significant associations between lifestyle, diet, and disease varisables.  The study produced more than 300 additional research papers.

    Also ask him to read Radical Remission, a compilation of over 1000 cases of people who experienced a complete reversal of cancer using alternative treatment methods.

    This is just the tip of the iceberg as far as cancer nutrition research.   Many ivy league graduated doctors have turned to advocating a whole foods, plant based diet. Doctors such as Dr. John McDougall, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. William Castelli, and Dr. Ornish just to name a few. Collectively they have gathered dozens of books worth of data, figures, articles, and more to back up their nutrition claims.

    For More information, check out these links:

    Get the Book: The China Study
    The China Study Website:
    The China Health and Nutrition Survey:
    Dr Ornish's webpage:
    Dr. Esselstyn's work:

    Diet Cures Cancer - or not

    I am not a doctor, or a cancer researcher.  I am however, a two time cancer survivor, the spouse of a two time cancer survivor, and have done endless hours of researching cancer studies these past twenty years.

    After about 15 minutes of researching your sources, I have found this:


    In addition:

    The China Study examines the relationship between the consumption of ANIMAL PRODUCTS (including dairy) and CHRONIC ILLNESSES such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and bowel cancer.

     In a written debate with Campbell in 2008, nutritionist Loren Cordain argued that "the fundamental logic underlying Campbell's hypothesis (that low [animal] protein diets improve human health) is UNTENABLE AND INCONSISTENT with the evolution of our own species." Campbell argued that "diet–disease associations observed in contemporary times are far more meaningful than what might have occurred during evolutionary times—at least since the last 2.5 million years or so.".[14] The book was reviewed by Harriet Hall, a physician and skeptic who writes about alternative medicine, in a blog entry posted on the Science-Based Medicine website in 2009. Hall argued that THE BOOK HAD REFERENCES WHICH DO NOT SUPPORT DIRECTLY THE CLAIMS MADE BY THE AURHORS. She also stated that THE BOOK DOES NOT EXPLAIN THE EXCEPTIONS TO HIS DATA-FOR EXAMPLE THAT "STOMACH CANCER RATES ARE HIGHER IN CHINA THAN ELSEWHERE IN THE WORLD" OR THAT THERE ARE CULTURES WHOSE DIET INCLUDES HIGH INTAKE OF ANIMAL PROTEIN, SUCH AS THE MAASAI PEOPLE AND THE ESKIMOS, BUT THAT DO NOT HAVE THE HEALTHE ISSUES DESCRIBED BY THE AUTHORS. While not within the scope of the study, Inuit, Yupik and Inupiat peoples in North America have demonstrated genetic adaptations for an arctic diet; specifically a variant of the CPT1A enzyme which regulates the break down of stored fat.

    The Italian Association for Cancer Research states on its web-site: THE CHINA STUDY MIXES CORRECT SUGGESTIONS AND DATA (like those on the relationship between the consumption of red meat and the development of some tumours) WITH OTHERS OF A MORE IMAGINATIVE NATURE: FOR THIS REASON THE TEXT IS INSIDIOUS, AS WELL AS UNRELIABLE.   

  • caregiver wife
    caregiver wife Member Posts: 234
    edited July 2017 #58
    Pot calling the kettle black...

    The point is the vast majority of oncologists aren't aware of this information any more than you are.  They just lack the training. 

    Your own reference takes you to Medline abstracts of countless DOCTORS researching nutrition and cancer...

  • SuzJ
    SuzJ Member Posts: 446 Member

    I have tried to stay out of this but.. I call BS.

    I lived healthy, lived on salad, no bad habits, and still the big bad cancer got me!

    Its random, when your number is called thats it, you are up to bat.

  • caregiver wife
    caregiver wife Member Posts: 234

    Diet Cures Cancer - or not

    I am not a doctor, or a cancer researcher.  I am however, a two time cancer survivor, the spouse of a two time cancer survivor, and have done endless hours of researching cancer studies these past twenty years.

    After about 15 minutes of researching your sources, I have found this:


    In addition:

    The China Study examines the relationship between the consumption of ANIMAL PRODUCTS (including dairy) and CHRONIC ILLNESSES such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and bowel cancer.

     In a written debate with Campbell in 2008, nutritionist Loren Cordain argued that "the fundamental logic underlying Campbell's hypothesis (that low [animal] protein diets improve human health) is UNTENABLE AND INCONSISTENT with the evolution of our own species." Campbell argued that "diet–disease associations observed in contemporary times are far more meaningful than what might have occurred during evolutionary times—at least since the last 2.5 million years or so.".[14] The book was reviewed by Harriet Hall, a physician and skeptic who writes about alternative medicine, in a blog entry posted on the Science-Based Medicine website in 2009. Hall argued that THE BOOK HAD REFERENCES WHICH DO NOT SUPPORT DIRECTLY THE CLAIMS MADE BY THE AURHORS. She also stated that THE BOOK DOES NOT EXPLAIN THE EXCEPTIONS TO HIS DATA-FOR EXAMPLE THAT "STOMACH CANCER RATES ARE HIGHER IN CHINA THAN ELSEWHERE IN THE WORLD" OR THAT THERE ARE CULTURES WHOSE DIET INCLUDES HIGH INTAKE OF ANIMAL PROTEIN, SUCH AS THE MAASAI PEOPLE AND THE ESKIMOS, BUT THAT DO NOT HAVE THE HEALTHE ISSUES DESCRIBED BY THE AUTHORS. While not within the scope of the study, Inuit, Yupik and Inupiat peoples in North America have demonstrated genetic adaptations for an arctic diet; specifically a variant of the CPT1A enzyme which regulates the break down of stored fat.

    The Italian Association for Cancer Research states on its web-site: THE CHINA STUDY MIXES CORRECT SUGGESTIONS AND DATA (like those on the relationship between the consumption of red meat and the development of some tumours) WITH OTHERS OF A MORE IMAGINATIVE NATURE: FOR THIS REASON THE TEXT IS INSIDIOUS, AS WELL AS UNRELIABLE.   

    Further Diet Cures Cancer - or not

    The China Study and other links redirect to

    cancertutor dot com  "About The Founder  Our founder, Webster Kehr"

    Another website of Webster Kehr 

    teslaphysics dot com  "Webster is an ex-Marine (i.e. U.S Marine Corps) and Viet Nam veteran.  After the military he served for two years as a missionary for the Churchor of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Their website: www. mormon dot org).  After his mission he graduated twice from Brigham Young University, first in mathematics, then in accounting.

    On this website, Mr. Kehr explains how his research disproves Einstein and that photons do not exist.  "I wrote a paper and our experiments and five physics journals told me not to even submit it!!  Nobody gives a damn about the truth!!  Plus, other great (?) reading.

    I would encourage all to do their own research.

  • Andy.h
    Andy.h Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2017 #61

    Pot calling the kettle black...

    The point is the vast majority of oncologists aren't aware of this information any more than you are.  They just lack the training. 

    Your own reference takes you to Medline abstracts of countless DOCTORS researching nutrition and cancer...

    the good news is the tide is turning.  Ask your oncologist how much nutrition he took in school.  Ask him/her if he has heard any of these scientific studies


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