"Double-Boarder" Triple ?
Today I had my annual PSA blood draw to test for prostate cancer recurrence.
All negative, it appears things are great. This marks two years clean on that front.
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I pray
Thank you Paella and everyone above.
What I mainly learned from PCa is that all cancers are so different. Being familiar with one leaves a person clueless about most others. It is crazy.
Prostate cancer is usually indolent, and stages I, II, and III are usually curable (I was Stage II). But Stage IV never is. It can be kept in check for years or even a decade or so with hormonal therapy, but that is it. Of course living a decade with stage IV cancer is much better than some other Stage IV cancers, where survival rates are measured in months (most brain cancers, most lung).
Treatments are so different: For early stage, surgery or radiation, two things seldom used against Lymphoma. And chemo is seldom used against prostate, and only as a pallative against end-stage. Chemo (almost always Taxotere) is not curative of PCa, and neither is any other chemo. This took some getting used to as well.
Live and learn.... Prostate cancer is usually curable, not a death sentence usually, although about 21,000 people a year in the US die of lymphoma, compared to around 26,000 a year from prostate. But prostate is much more common, affecting 13% of all men.
Ladies, make your men get an annual PSA check beginning at age 50. It is a lifesaver, analogus to mammography for women. PCa usually has no symptoms, and when it does, it is often dismissed as enlarged prostate. I was treated for enlarged prostate two years before the cancer diagnosis, and my family doc did not want my still relatively low PSA results to result in a biopsy. I went around him to a urologist who insisted on an immediate biopsy, which was positive.
Among coworkers and friends I have known face-to-face, very few who died of a blood cancer, but a lot who have died of prostate.
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PrednisoneI pray
Thank you Paella and everyone above.
What I mainly learned from PCa is that all cancers are so different. Being familiar with one leaves a person clueless about most others. It is crazy.
Prostate cancer is usually indolent, and stages I, II, and III are usually curable (I was Stage II). But Stage IV never is. It can be kept in check for years or even a decade or so with hormonal therapy, but that is it. Of course living a decade with stage IV cancer is much better than some other Stage IV cancers, where survival rates are measured in months (most brain cancers, most lung).
Treatments are so different: For early stage, surgery or radiation, two things seldom used against Lymphoma. And chemo is seldom used against prostate, and only as a pallative against end-stage. Chemo (almost always Taxotere) is not curative of PCa, and neither is any other chemo. This took some getting used to as well.
Live and learn.... Prostate cancer is usually curable, not a death sentence usually, although about 21,000 people a year in the US die of lymphoma, compared to around 26,000 a year from prostate. But prostate is much more common, affecting 13% of all men.
Ladies, make your men get an annual PSA check beginning at age 50. It is a lifesaver, analogus to mammography for women. PCa usually has no symptoms, and when it does, it is often dismissed as enlarged prostate. I was treated for enlarged prostate two years before the cancer diagnosis, and my family doc did not want my still relatively low PSA results to result in a biopsy. I went around him to a urologist who insisted on an immediate biopsy, which was positive.
Among coworkers and friends I have known face-to-face, very few who died of a blood cancer, but a lot who have died of prostate.
Sunday morning I could not stand up or walk, extreme pain in foot (none of this is cancer-related). Worse Monday morning, went to a local Quicky-Emergency facility, and the doc determined that it is inflammed tendons on top of the foot, between the toes and end of foot. Very swollen; I rated the pain at a strong "8". He did rule out gout or fracture. Cause of the inflammation totally unknown, no trauma, no insect bites.
The reason I mention it here is that he is treating it with Prednisone. Three 10mg pills, twice daily (=60mg/day). I asked him if this could cause insomnia or agitation, and he said very unlikely. How comperable is 60mg/daily to the dose people on R-CHOP or R-EPOCH receive ? Just curious. I am doing this 60mg/day for 5 days.
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you may remember some time back I had leg pain that seemed to go away with antibiotics then i had a weird painless lump in my foot. Well my toes swelled up and I got a rash on my legs. It was finally diagnosed as an infection caused by an insect bite, probably a tick, when I was in Mexico City back in January, even though the timelines don't exactly line up. Maybe multiple bites. So don't rule out a reaction to bug bite even if you don't recall being bitten. Good luck. I had prednisolone and multispectral antibiotics. Hopefully its gone.
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Sunday morning I could not stand up or walk, extreme pain in foot (none of this is cancer-related). Worse Monday morning, went to a local Quicky-Emergency facility, and the doc determined that it is inflammed tendons on top of the foot, between the toes and end of foot. Very swollen; I rated the pain at a strong "8". He did rule out gout or fracture. Cause of the inflammation totally unknown, no trauma, no insect bites.
The reason I mention it here is that he is treating it with Prednisone. Three 10mg pills, twice daily (=60mg/day). I asked him if this could cause insomnia or agitation, and he said very unlikely. How comperable is 60mg/daily to the dose people on R-CHOP or R-EPOCH receive ? Just curious. I am doing this 60mg/day for 5 days.
Hi Max,
Sorry about your foot. Doctors just love to use Prednisone but it is great on inflammation. For me a 60 mg dose is still a large doseage. It could very well cause hunger, sleeplessness and stomach pain. Be sure to take with food. I would question him on the split dose. I was told to take in early morning as the closer to evening the more likely it will affect sleep. When I was getting RCHOP I received either 75 or 80mg for 5 days, The usual doseage is 100mg. When you stop at the end of 5 days expect to have a big energy crash.
Hope this is of help, Leslie
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Sunday morning I could not stand up or walk, extreme pain in foot (none of this is cancer-related). Worse Monday morning, went to a local Quicky-Emergency facility, and the doc determined that it is inflammed tendons on top of the foot, between the toes and end of foot. Very swollen; I rated the pain at a strong "8". He did rule out gout or fracture. Cause of the inflammation totally unknown, no trauma, no insect bites.
The reason I mention it here is that he is treating it with Prednisone. Three 10mg pills, twice daily (=60mg/day). I asked him if this could cause insomnia or agitation, and he said very unlikely. How comperable is 60mg/daily to the dose people on R-CHOP or R-EPOCH receive ? Just curious. I am doing this 60mg/day for 5 days.
Hi Max, with R-CHOP I took 100 mg of prednisone daily for 5 days. I believe that is the standard dose. My dosage was given in 2 (50 mg) tablets which were unbelievably bitter. I couldn't get them swallowed fast enough. Prednisone did not cause me insomnia, but I took it first thing in the morning. It did not cause agitation because I chased it with ativan. I liked the energy it gave me and I used to joke and call it "performance enhancing drugs". The worst thing for me was the horrible crash I had on day six.
I hope the prednisone works quickly for you and that your inflammation is resolved quickly.
Take care,
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PredShadyGuy said:Max
you may remember some time back I had leg pain that seemed to go away with antibiotics then i had a weird painless lump in my foot. Well my toes swelled up and I got a rash on my legs. It was finally diagnosed as an infection caused by an insect bite, probably a tick, when I was in Mexico City back in January, even though the timelines don't exactly line up. Maybe multiple bites. So don't rule out a reaction to bug bite even if you don't recall being bitten. Good luck. I had prednisolone and multispectral antibiotics. Hopefully its gone.
Thanks to all who commented on Prednisone dosing. My neighbor who had severe Stage IV NHL a few years ago told me earlier today that his dose was 100 mg/daily. So far I have cooked, cleaned the house, cleaned out the refrigirator, cleaned the bathroom ( including taking down the exhaust fan), done the dishes, cleaned the kitchen cabinets and floor (with paper towels !) and am about to vacuum. And I've had only 1.5 day's worth . My wife most likely will demand that I take this stuff forever.
When the swelling looks all gone, I'm flusing the remaider of this mess !
PS -- foot swelling is already much reduced. Shady -- a spider bite was my first thought, but we could find no traces of any insect involvement, so who knows. I'll go from cripple to Forrest Gump by tomorrow, at this rate.
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I "thought" I had posted...
Anyway, strange dosing inasmuch as it is usually given in a "hit" and then a taper. If you stop it suddenly at 60/daily, you may experience some minor depression. Benadryl/Diphenhydramine HCI will help you sleep, if you can tolerate it. Now, a drug that will both help to sleep and relieve depression/anxiety is Trazodone. A "clean drug", my hematologist prescribed it for sleep problems. You may start and stop it at will. I have been on the pred for two years, beginning at 95mg daily, tapering it until my immune system tries to kill me, then back up it goes. Currently, my immune system is annoying rather than homicidal.
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Fluidpo18guy said:I "thought" I had posted...
Anyway, strange dosing inasmuch as it is usually given in a "hit" and then a taper. If you stop it suddenly at 60/daily, you may experience some minor depression. Benadryl/Diphenhydramine HCI will help you sleep, if you can tolerate it. Now, a drug that will both help to sleep and relieve depression/anxiety is Trazodone. A "clean drug", my hematologist prescribed it for sleep problems. You may start and stop it at will. I have been on the pred for two years, beginning at 95mg daily, tapering it until my immune system tries to kill me, then back up it goes. Currently, my immune system is annoying rather than homicidal.
Po or anyone,
I know Prednisone often causes fluid retention. I am on Day 2 of treatment and have gained 9 pounds, while eating nearly nothing.
My feet now look like huge sausage rolls in the meat counter, and legs are visibly heavier. I have called doc, but they are "busy" and haven't got back to me yet.
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Compression hosiery
Available at the drug store. Elevated feet - probably again. The socks take a lot of work to put on, but will force the fluid out of your feet. That will help take some pressure off the nerves - while exerting pressure at the same time. No one said that medicine would make sense, right? Pred is a monster let loose in the hope that it will kill something that is bothering you before it kills the rest of you. Take a new pic, as you will soon resemble me! On pred, I went from 190-ish to 227 over two years. Back down to about 200 now.
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"D.C."po18guy said:Compression hosiery
Available at the drug store. Elevated feet - probably again. The socks take a lot of work to put on, but will force the fluid out of your feet. That will help take some pressure off the nerves - while exerting pressure at the same time. No one said that medicine would make sense, right? Pred is a monster let loose in the hope that it will kill something that is bothering you before it kills the rest of you. Take a new pic, as you will soon resemble me! On pred, I went from 190-ish to 227 over two years. Back down to about 200 now.
Po and all,
After 2.5 days of Prednisone misery, I "discontinued" the remainder of the 5-day treatment.
I would not have done this if the drug were part of a chemo regimen, as Prednisone is a critical, and complex, part of R-CHOP, R-EPOCH, and many other combinations. As stated, I was taking it for tendonitis and a swollen foot -- no cancer involvement. The GP thought it the best or only way to treat the symptoms. But instead of reducing swelling, the feet got massively larger, the opposite of the intended effect. So odd, how so many drugs often have the exact opposite effect of the intended one: Many anti-depressants cause depression to intensify, for instance. My inhaler says it can in rare cases INCREASE the need for an emergency inhaler (a different drug).
Two full days after cessation, I still feel rattled, numb, cloudy in the head. And the fluid weight is still here, despite the fact that I have been on a diuretic for years for blood pressure. I have written before that I feel many chemo drugs would be effective in getting confessions from terror suspects. I am now of the opinion that Prednisone would be BEST, by itself, toward this purpose.
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Po and all,
After 2.5 days of Prednisone misery, I "discontinued" the remainder of the 5-day treatment.
I would not have done this if the drug were part of a chemo regimen, as Prednisone is a critical, and complex, part of R-CHOP, R-EPOCH, and many other combinations. As stated, I was taking it for tendonitis and a swollen foot -- no cancer involvement. The GP thought it the best or only way to treat the symptoms. But instead of reducing swelling, the feet got massively larger, the opposite of the intended effect. So odd, how so many drugs often have the exact opposite effect of the intended one: Many anti-depressants cause depression to intensify, for instance. My inhaler says it can in rare cases INCREASE the need for an emergency inhaler (a different drug).
Two full days after cessation, I still feel rattled, numb, cloudy in the head. And the fluid weight is still here, despite the fact that I have been on a diuretic for years for blood pressure. I have written before that I feel many chemo drugs would be effective in getting confessions from terror suspects. I am now of the opinion that Prednisone would be BEST, by itself, toward this purpose.
Prednisone can make any infection worse. It decreases your ability to fight infection. You should talk to your dr about testing for lyme and rocky mountain spotted fever from insect bites. Hope you get some relief soon. Also shortening a Predisone taper therapy can adversely affect joints, especially hips.
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Po and all,
After 2.5 days of Prednisone misery, I "discontinued" the remainder of the 5-day treatment.
I would not have done this if the drug were part of a chemo regimen, as Prednisone is a critical, and complex, part of R-CHOP, R-EPOCH, and many other combinations. As stated, I was taking it for tendonitis and a swollen foot -- no cancer involvement. The GP thought it the best or only way to treat the symptoms. But instead of reducing swelling, the feet got massively larger, the opposite of the intended effect. So odd, how so many drugs often have the exact opposite effect of the intended one: Many anti-depressants cause depression to intensify, for instance. My inhaler says it can in rare cases INCREASE the need for an emergency inhaler (a different drug).
Two full days after cessation, I still feel rattled, numb, cloudy in the head. And the fluid weight is still here, despite the fact that I have been on a diuretic for years for blood pressure. I have written before that I feel many chemo drugs would be effective in getting confessions from terror suspects. I am now of the opinion that Prednisone would be BEST, by itself, toward this purpose.
So far the prednisone has been the drugged that has affected me the most. Unfortunatley for me no big energy boost.
I become diabetic for about 8 days and if I do not want to take other meds I eat meat and low carbs. Also dropping off 100 mg cold turkey causes me to ache and run a low grade fever and sleep a lot on day 7. I also get the fluid retention but after discontinuing use it leaves quickly.
Of course took my last Prednisone today for round 5 of R CHOP and one more round to go in about 2 weeks.
Hope you get some other way to relieve the issues you are having. I feel a little schizophrenic I love that these meds are making me well. I hate taking meds! Oh well off we go.
Got a new Tenpoint Turbo GT crossbow with all the gadgets. Really would rather use my compound but the RCHOP has me a little weak to pull it back. I have not bought anything since being diagnosed in March. Well toys I mean.
My wife got me this for Fathers Day! So ready to get on with some fun stuff.
Wishing you the best Max!
Sandy Ray
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My fav Prednisone
Love that prednisone. When I was getting R-CHOP I looked forward to the energy surges from the prednisone. Day 6 wasn't bad but Day 7 & 8 knocked me out. What I ended up doing was on day 6 I took a nap, even if I didn't really feel like it. I still took naps day 7 & 8 but I wasn't out cold for 4 hours or more those days.
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