"Double-Boarder" Triple ?



  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    jimwins said:

    Hi Jeff

    Your hair will be back to near normal in no time.  My hair came back very fine at first and slightly different texture and definitely much darker but now, alas, the grey is returning :).

    It was strange not being able to "lather up" in certain places but thank goodness, I can do that again too ;).


    Cheezburger animated GIF


    Thanks !

    My cats saw this and all want doos like this now Jim !

    When I was in England in the 80s at the height of the punk craze, the guys all had stuff like this on their heads. Some had spikes standing a foot or more high.


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Jeff148 said:


    You are one positive person.I'm glad they caught it early!! Very treatable. I will continue to pray for you. My recovery continues. I have a CT scan in December. My hair is growing in a strange fashion...a natural pho-hawk. Hair on both sides of my head is growing toward the middle. At least my kids think its cool. It was stick straight before. At least you won't ose your hair again!!




    Yup, radiation to the pelvic region will not cause hair loss on the head.  But it can cause localized hair death. Years ago a friend had a serious cancer inside his nose and was being treated at Emory in Atlanta. Told me he got radiation one afternoon, and the next morning half his beard had fallen out !

    You may have read somthing I have written here a few times: My facial hair came back before the hair on my scalp, but in a bizarre fashion. Beard would grow on one side only for a few weeks, and then go away on that side of my face, and then grow only on the other side for a few weeks, back and forth for a month or two.  I asked my family doctor about it and he said that he could not explain it, but added that neither could anyone else.  It later grew normally.

    "Balance" is what we seek !


  • givingrace
    givingrace Member Posts: 161




    Always loved that pink glove pic you use here. It cheered me up just a moment ago. 

    Been fighting insurance "Wellness" requirements. I go to some sort of doc a couple times a month for this or that, all within the same health system, and they all have my medical records online, but the "Wellness Coordinator" is whining because I have not sent them my blood pressure !  They wanted me to take a PSA recently, while I am seeing a urologist for prostate cancer !  These petty clerks are more demoralizing than having a disease itself.  Without small-minded, petty people, however, brilliance and character would not stand out as the rare traits that they are.

    Bless you; I love it when you check back in with the the gang.  Study, study, study !  I worked for years in academic advising at a good college, and health-related professions are absolutly the best thing to enter today,


    Hey there Max ,
    I haven't

    Hey there Max ,

    I haven't been on forum for a while, having family crisis. Nothing God can't handle.  


    Yep you will sail threw this, I'm sure. 

    You are so strong and such a fighter this 1st stage lazy junk is no match for you. 

    I'm keeping you in prayer and positive you can and will overcome. 

    I am pulling for you.





  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member

    Hey there Max ,
    I haven't

    Hey there Max ,

    I haven't been on forum for a while, having family crisis. Nothing God can't handle.  


    Yep you will sail threw this, I'm sure. 

    You are so strong and such a fighter this 1st stage lazy junk is no match for you. 

    I'm keeping you in prayer and positive you can and will overcome. 

    I am pulling for you.






    "The Rose" was beautiful.  Thank you for that.


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member


    I'm sorry to hear that Max.  But, you are a fighter and I have no doubt this is just another blip on the screen and you will come through it just fine.   Sending you a big 'ol hug!


    Got it

    This is Life,

    Received hug (it was extra-sweet! ).    I used to be an amature rosarian, but they are a very high-maintenance flower.

    Attached is the best version of a great "rose" hit, what with Conway's twang and hint of sadness.  A bouquet of rose photos with it....


    Keep blooming ! 




  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    Hey there Max ,
    I haven't

    Hey there Max ,

    I haven't been on forum for a while, having family crisis. Nothing God can't handle.  


    Yep you will sail threw this, I'm sure. 

    You are so strong and such a fighter this 1st stage lazy junk is no match for you. 

    I'm keeping you in prayer and positive you can and will overcome. 

    I am pulling for you.





    Can relate


    Sorry you are having family "drama." 

    My father was brilliant and successful, but an alcoholic. My mom was highly creative and functional (an accomplished interior decorator), but paranoid schizophrenic. My brother is a "clean" alcoholic.  My adopted sister has had a sociopathic personality disorder since early childhood.   I know drama !  I was in a prodigy study at a state university as a child, but flunked out of high school.  I hold an M.A. today, and know several languages.

    This sort of summarizews it:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0e_HtjZS8SQ   "I'll be OK" is the key line in the song.   You be OK too.

    Bless you, and I can feel your kind sentiments and prayer,


  • Lifeisbeautiful
    Lifeisbeautiful Member Posts: 50
    Not happy :(

    Hi Max, 

    This is not what I was hoping to find out when I came to read new posts on this forum. I'm sorry and I'm sad but also very optimistic. You almost sound like my oncologist when you talk about the prostate cancer. When I first saw him he said that it's not good news to hear you've got cancer but I'm so lucky because I got the best cancer anyone can get! So I often joke about it now and say "I'm so lucky!". At least you won't have to go through chemotherapy again and hopefully it would be like a breeze for you. Whishing you best of luck (we all need it!) and just go get this monster and kill it again because you know you can and you will do it!

  • Bill_NC
    Bill_NC Member Posts: 133 Member
    Get Well Soon MAX

    MAX you are in my thoughts and prayer. Wish you all the best. Take care Buddy.

    Please don't mind me calling you Buddy, because you and Jim were the first persons to respond to my first post.


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Bill_NC said:

    Get Well Soon MAX

    MAX you are in my thoughts and prayer. Wish you all the best. Take care Buddy.

    Please don't mind me calling you Buddy, because you and Jim were the first persons to respond to my first post.


    BBF !

    Bill ! You and me, BBF ! ("Best Buddies Forever !")

    Thanks for your kind wishes,


  • Lifeisbeautiful
    Lifeisbeautiful Member Posts: 50
    How are you doing Max?

    Hello Max,

    I rarerly come to this forum lately but always curious to find out the news about people like you Max or Jeff, Rocquie, Carie, GG, Amanda and there might be others I can't remember their names right now. Unfortunately when the news aren't good, it affects me more than I would like and I prefer not to get sad these days. It is getting harder and harder (just had my chemo # 10 today and for the first time I cried when the nurse inserted the needle into the port because it was very painful and I think I can't tolerate pain as well as I used to anymore, felt very embarrassed ) but the worse thing is that I find I feel a little depressed these days and I hate it since I'm such a positive and optimistic person by nature and this is not me!!! :( So you see, I still had the need to come here and find out about you guys and complain about me. I wanted to know how are things with you Max and what's the progress? It can't be easy to go through another cancer but you seem to be be a very well informed smart person and very strong ( at least that's how I think about you) who will go through this with lots of optimism . Keep fighting and please let us know about your journey .

    Best of luck Max! :)))


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    How are you doing Max?

    Hello Max,

    I rarerly come to this forum lately but always curious to find out the news about people like you Max or Jeff, Rocquie, Carie, GG, Amanda and there might be others I can't remember their names right now. Unfortunately when the news aren't good, it affects me more than I would like and I prefer not to get sad these days. It is getting harder and harder (just had my chemo # 10 today and for the first time I cried when the nurse inserted the needle into the port because it was very painful and I think I can't tolerate pain as well as I used to anymore, felt very embarrassed ) but the worse thing is that I find I feel a little depressed these days and I hate it since I'm such a positive and optimistic person by nature and this is not me!!! :( So you see, I still had the need to come here and find out about you guys and complain about me. I wanted to know how are things with you Max and what's the progress? It can't be easy to go through another cancer but you seem to be be a very well informed smart person and very strong ( at least that's how I think about you) who will go through this with lots of optimism . Keep fighting and please let us know about your journey .

    Best of luck Max! :)))


    Hang in there !

    Hang in there, Natasha.  I'm glad you have checked back in, since your friends here might be emotionally supportive of you in your trials, even when you are not really aware of it.  If you want to complain "about you" here at any time, DO IT !

    I remember when I was near the end of my 12 infusions of r-abvd.  My reaction may have been a little different from what most seem to feel, which is relief. Finishing somewhat frightened me, and I was actually asking if the doctor might not think that adding a few more treatments might me a good idea.  I do know that the first PET following the last scheduled round of chemo is worrisome for most people, at least if what I read here is indicative.

    Since you asked, I did quite a bit of research on how to best approach first-line treatment for early-stage prostate cancer, and the choices are (for most guys):  (1) "watchful waiting," or monitoring the disease frequently while doing nothing in terms of treating; (2) radiation; and (3) surgical removal.   Choices 2 and 3 are very close to identical in curative outcomes, and the decision comes down to a variety of differing side-effects.  

    You will note that I did not mention chemo. As I have written before, chemo is non-curative for prostate cancer, and is usually used only in stage 4, after numerous other therapies have failed. Thus, this organ cancer is a whole different world from lymphoma and leukemia, where chemo is usually the only game in town.

    I decided on surgical removal ("radical prostectectomy"). I get laproscopic in late January.

    As noted, I am quite ok with this. The likelihood of curative effect is very high, and it is unlikely I will ever have this particular worry again.

    Since not everyone reads all of a thread, I will also repeat that prostate cancer is wholly unrelated to lymphoma, and this is a secondary cancer, not a relapse of any kind.

    I am not going to post a link, but the Pretenders had a great hit in the 80s entitled I'll Stand by You.  It is about someone being there for another in a dark time. I hope you might get inspiration from listening to it.

    Standing by you,




  • Lifeisbeautiful
    Lifeisbeautiful Member Posts: 50

    Hang in there !

    Hang in there, Natasha.  I'm glad you have checked back in, since your friends here might be emotionally supportive of you in your trials, even when you are not really aware of it.  If you want to complain "about you" here at any time, DO IT !

    I remember when I was near the end of my 12 infusions of r-abvd.  My reaction may have been a little different from what most seem to feel, which is relief. Finishing somewhat frightened me, and I was actually asking if the doctor might not think that adding a few more treatments might me a good idea.  I do know that the first PET following the last scheduled round of chemo is worrisome for most people, at least if what I read here is indicative.

    Since you asked, I did quite a bit of research on how to best approach first-line treatment for early-stage prostate cancer, and the choices are (for most guys):  (1) "watchful waiting," or monitoring the disease frequently while doing nothing in terms of treating; (2) radiation; and (3) surgical removal.   Choices 2 and 3 are very close to identical in curative outcomes, and the decision comes down to a variety of differing side-effects.  

    You will note that I did not mention chemo. As I have written before, chemo is non-curative for prostate cancer, and is usually used only in stage 4, after numerous other therapies have failed. Thus, this organ cancer is a whole different world from lymphoma and leukemia, where chemo is usually the only game in town.

    I decided on surgical removal ("radical prostectectomy"). I get laproscopic in late January.

    As noted, I am quite ok with this. The likelihood of curative effect is very high, and it is unlikely I will ever have this particular worry again.

    Since not everyone reads all of a thread, I will also repeat that prostate cancer is wholly unrelated to lymphoma, and this is a secondary cancer, not a relapse of any kind.

    I am not going to post a link, but the Pretenders had a great hit in the 80s entitled I'll Stand by You.  It is about someone being there for another in a dark time. I hope you might get inspiration from listening to it.

    Standing by you,




    Many thanks!

    Thank you Max!

    Your encouragement is greatly appreciated and I promise to "hang in there" even when I don't feel like it. Yesterday I slept most of the day and missed out "our Saturday Movie Night" with my husband (we rent a DVD on Saturdays and have a light dinner together) because I fell asleep at around 8 pm and only woke up this morning at 5 because my baby boy was babbling away (he is almost 6 month old now). The fatigue is so bad and I just feel exhausted. This weather and the sun going down so early is not helping either but the end is near, only 3 more weeks!!! :) I must remember to stay strong and not give up now. Unlike you Max, the last infusion felt wrong in the sense that I'm so convinced that my cancer is cured and I'm poisoning my body for nothing and I feel awful about it. I might be in denial or over optimistic but this is how I feel....I AM CANCER FREE!

    I'm glad you don't have to go through another chemotherapy again and I hope your surgery is not too painful and very successful. When are you planning the surgery?

    Have a happy and sunny Sunday!



  • amanda_christy
    amanda_christy Member Posts: 60

    How are you doing Max?

    Hello Max,

    I rarerly come to this forum lately but always curious to find out the news about people like you Max or Jeff, Rocquie, Carie, GG, Amanda and there might be others I can't remember their names right now. Unfortunately when the news aren't good, it affects me more than I would like and I prefer not to get sad these days. It is getting harder and harder (just had my chemo # 10 today and for the first time I cried when the nurse inserted the needle into the port because it was very painful and I think I can't tolerate pain as well as I used to anymore, felt very embarrassed ) but the worse thing is that I find I feel a little depressed these days and I hate it since I'm such a positive and optimistic person by nature and this is not me!!! :( So you see, I still had the need to come here and find out about you guys and complain about me. I wanted to know how are things with you Max and what's the progress? It can't be easy to go through another cancer but you seem to be be a very well informed smart person and very strong ( at least that's how I think about you) who will go through this with lots of optimism . Keep fighting and please let us know about your journey .

    Best of luck Max! :)))


    Complain away :) we're here for u

    Its nice to know we are all thinking of each other, even when we dont say.... :-) we aren't alone in this.

    Im so sorry ur experiencing pain.... It not easy to go thought 12 infusions!!! I had 6 infusions and cried at the last one. Don't know y really! lolz.

    Know that u are amazing and very very brave. U'll b back to ur old self again as soon as u get through the last 2 infusions hon, hang in there :-))

    Wat ur experiencing i call 'meltdowns'. We're all having them! :-D


  • Jeff148
    Jeff148 Member Posts: 184

    How are you doing Max?

    Hello Max,

    I rarerly come to this forum lately but always curious to find out the news about people like you Max or Jeff, Rocquie, Carie, GG, Amanda and there might be others I can't remember their names right now. Unfortunately when the news aren't good, it affects me more than I would like and I prefer not to get sad these days. It is getting harder and harder (just had my chemo # 10 today and for the first time I cried when the nurse inserted the needle into the port because it was very painful and I think I can't tolerate pain as well as I used to anymore, felt very embarrassed ) but the worse thing is that I find I feel a little depressed these days and I hate it since I'm such a positive and optimistic person by nature and this is not me!!! :( So you see, I still had the need to come here and find out about you guys and complain about me. I wanted to know how are things with you Max and what's the progress? It can't be easy to go through another cancer but you seem to be be a very well informed smart person and very strong ( at least that's how I think about you) who will go through this with lots of optimism . Keep fighting and please let us know about your journey .

    Best of luck Max! :)))


    Getting Close!!


    I remember what you are going through. There is a little excitement to be nearing the end, but the soreness, nausea, fatigue, etc, make it tough to enjoy the moment. For me, it was one day at a time. Sometimes, one hour at a time. I loved sleep, because it made time go by fast. However, I forced myself to get out of my nest to get the blood circulating. My nest was my corner of the bedroom. One of the best things I did was completely clean and change that area of my room. You are going to get through this!!! These experiences make us stronger and more empathetic. Everyday is a gift!!

  • Lifeisbeautiful
    Lifeisbeautiful Member Posts: 50

    Complain away :) we're here for u

    Its nice to know we are all thinking of each other, even when we dont say.... :-) we aren't alone in this.

    Im so sorry ur experiencing pain.... It not easy to go thought 12 infusions!!! I had 6 infusions and cried at the last one. Don't know y really! lolz.

    Know that u are amazing and very very brave. U'll b back to ur old self again as soon as u get through the last 2 infusions hon, hang in there :-))

    Wat ur experiencing i call 'meltdowns'. We're all having them! :-D


    You are so sweet!

    Thanks Amanda!

    Your words are so sweet and I'm just amazed by how much support and understanding I get on this forum. Unless you go through what we go through, I don't think you'll be able to understand. People might feel sympathy or emphaty but will never be able to understand completely but I don't blame them. 

    I'm glad this is already over for you and I wish all the best but mostly stay healthy and be happy!


  • Lifeisbeautiful
    Lifeisbeautiful Member Posts: 50
    Jeff148 said:

    Getting Close!!


    I remember what you are going through. There is a little excitement to be nearing the end, but the soreness, nausea, fatigue, etc, make it tough to enjoy the moment. For me, it was one day at a time. Sometimes, one hour at a time. I loved sleep, because it made time go by fast. However, I forced myself to get out of my nest to get the blood circulating. My nest was my corner of the bedroom. One of the best things I did was completely clean and change that area of my room. You are going to get through this!!! These experiences make us stronger and more empathetic. Everyday is a gift!!

    Yes, I'm getting there!

    Hi Jeff!

    Nise to hear from you. I was actually wondering how you're doing and how is life without chemo and cancer? How long does it take to start feeling better and closer to normal?

    Thank you for your encouragement, it helps to know there are other people who went through all of this (fatigue ,pain, muscle weakness, numbnes, weird taste, depression and maybe much worse) and there is an end to it! Soon, so soon!!!

    Take care and enjoy your new life!



  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    Yes, I'm getting there!

    Hi Jeff!

    Nise to hear from you. I was actually wondering how you're doing and how is life without chemo and cancer? How long does it take to start feeling better and closer to normal?

    Thank you for your encouragement, it helps to know there are other people who went through all of this (fatigue ,pain, muscle weakness, numbnes, weird taste, depression and maybe much worse) and there is an end to it! Soon, so soon!!!

    Take care and enjoy your new life!



    Current info

    I've had the flu three days. Last week the CDC announced that this year's shot is not very effective due to a transformation of one of the most common strains. And I had the vaccine about a month ago.  It is still recommended that most people get it nonetheless.

    I just noticed that Natasha had asked me a while back when my prostatectomy (prostate removal) is, but I did not answer her. January 28, then back home the next day.  How easy is that ?

  • Lifeisbeautiful
    Lifeisbeautiful Member Posts: 50

    Current info

    I've had the flu three days. Last week the CDC announced that this year's shot is not very effective due to a transformation of one of the most common strains. And I had the vaccine about a month ago.  It is still recommended that most people get it nonetheless.

    I just noticed that Natasha had asked me a while back when my prostatectomy (prostate removal) is, but I did not answer her. January 28, then back home the next day.  How easy is that ?


    Funny you posted the day I was wondering about you. ;) And yes, it's so fast compare to almost 6 months of chemotherapy!!! I hope all goes well for you. 

    Best wishes,


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    unknown said:
    tea link

    Thanks for the tea link, GKH. I couldn't  tap it open but will type the link in manually this afternoon.

    The fact that it is from Scotland reminded me of my trips there to Sub Base Dunoon, referred to by all of the Americans as "Holy Loch."  I bought some  fine coffee cups there once, and so loved them that I ordered more online. The company is Dunoon Ceramics, still in business.  All of the cups have British themes. 



