19 years old, swollen nodes, very scared, how do i know it hasnt spread?



  • danielvarian
    danielvarian Member Posts: 40
    The last thing i want to do

    The last thing i want to do is upset people who are fighting cancer at this present moment 

    I came here in a time of need and i am eternally gratefull for all of the replies.

    I want you all to kick cancers stupid ****.

    Im just worried that they may have missed something on the ultfrasound and it frightens me.

  • The last thing i want to do

    The last thing i want to do is upset people who are fighting cancer at this present moment 

    I came here in a time of need and i am eternally gratefull for all of the replies.

    I want you all to kick cancers stupid ****.

    Im just worried that they may have missed something on the ultfrasound and it frightens me.

    How did you get on with the

    How did you get on with the colon cancer?

    Is it better now?



  • danielvarian
    danielvarian Member Posts: 40
    Estelle_H said:

    How did you get on with the

    How did you get on with the colon cancer?

    Is it better now?



    As i stated previously, i

    As i stated previously, i apologize profusely if i offended anyone.

    I realise i have a mental health problem and im currently being treated for it.

    I just cant get the thought out of my head that they may have missed these big lumps in thr ultrasound.

  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member

    As i stated previously, i

    As i stated previously, i apologize profusely if i offended anyone.

    I realise i have a mental health problem and im currently being treated for it.

    I just cant get the thought out of my head that they may have missed these big lumps in thr ultrasound.

    It seems to me

    then, that you are going about all this the wrong way.  If you realize youi have a mental health problem, and this current run through the whole "I think I have cancer thing..." is the same as what always happens to you with your mental health problem, then rather than  doing the same thing you've done before, over and over again, it seems to me you'd go back to the people who were trying to help you with your mental health problem, namely, the mental health professionals.  Others have said to you that you  seem not to answer questions, if answering those questions exposes the weakness of your "I think I have cancer..." cry for help.  This leads me to think you really don't want help with your problem, you are just here taking up valuable time.  This is a board for people with throat cancer, and their caregivers.    It takes a great deal of time and consideration for people to answer on this board, and it is disrespectful to just jerk them around. As you already know, there are other boards for people with other types of problems.

    So that you know, for the record Daniel, the ultrasound does NOT miss "big lumps", and certainly you have proven your inability to do a decent physical exam.  A physical exam that has already been done by at least five people with MD behind their name, which gives them a lot of credibility in doing that very exam.  I don't think any of us are offended by your initial posts on this topic, but you have a way of taking things way too far.


    best to you

    Pat Dunlap M. D.

  • danielvarian
    danielvarian Member Posts: 40

    It seems to me

    then, that you are going about all this the wrong way.  If you realize youi have a mental health problem, and this current run through the whole "I think I have cancer thing..." is the same as what always happens to you with your mental health problem, then rather than  doing the same thing you've done before, over and over again, it seems to me you'd go back to the people who were trying to help you with your mental health problem, namely, the mental health professionals.  Others have said to you that you  seem not to answer questions, if answering those questions exposes the weakness of your "I think I have cancer..." cry for help.  This leads me to think you really don't want help with your problem, you are just here taking up valuable time.  This is a board for people with throat cancer, and their caregivers.    It takes a great deal of time and consideration for people to answer on this board, and it is disrespectful to just jerk them around. As you already know, there are other boards for people with other types of problems.

    So that you know, for the record Daniel, the ultrasound does NOT miss "big lumps", and certainly you have proven your inability to do a decent physical exam.  A physical exam that has already been done by at least five people with MD behind their name, which gives them a lot of credibility in doing that very exam.  I don't think any of us are offended by your initial posts on this topic, but you have a way of taking things way too far.


    best to you

    Pat Dunlap M. D.

    I apologize to all of you.

    I apologize to all of you.

    I want you all to kick cancers **** and i apologize agaun.

  • danielvarian
    danielvarian Member Posts: 40
    I just realized you have MD

    I just realized you have MD after ypur name Pat.

    Are you a doctor?

  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member

    I just realized you have MD

    I just realized you have MD after ypur name Pat.

    Are you a doctor?


    time to celebrate what we all would love to here NED  ( No Evidence of Diasease )

    we all here are happy for your news and for your family and friends. 

    it's "Time" to say thank you  to all here who helped, prayed, supported you thru your days of pain. 

    do a happy dance like we all would and move on. 


  • danielvarian
    danielvarian Member Posts: 40
    fisrpotpe said:


    time to celebrate what we all would love to here NED  ( No Evidence of Diasease )

    we all here are happy for your news and for your family and friends. 

    it's "Time" to say thank you  to all here who helped, prayed, supported you thru your days of pain. 

    do a happy dance like we all would and move on. 


    I thank you all for your

    I thank you all for your help.

    I will now permenantly move to the anxiety forum.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    what is wrong?




    It sounds like you (may) have Carcinophobia.   If you do, you are lucky because to treat it doesn’t require radiation or chemo.


    Biopsy now!

    Lorazapam for anxiety!

    Take a walk!

    Stay off internet searches!



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716

    I just realized you have MD

    I just realized you have MD after ypur name Pat.

    Are you a doctor?

    Yes Daniel....

    Pat is a medical Dr.....one who has been through several bouts of cancer.  He goes to other Drs. to treat his cancer, and guess what?  He TRUSTS them when they talk to him!  You've had 6 Drs. tell you that you are fine................so trust it, and get back to your foundational problem......cancer phobia, and start working on that.  It'd be damn shame to live to 80, all the while spending it in Dr. offices trying to find a non-existant cancer......


  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913

    I thank you all for your

    I thank you all for your help.

    I will now permenantly move to the anxiety forum.

    Don't apologize ....


    I have two sons myself that are a little older than you, and although we've never had a concern with cancer with either of them, they have spent some time on a health problem they THOUGHT they had.  One son in particular tries to self-diagnos himself constantly and tells me he thinks he has some condition. I will admit it is wearing to others, but I know it's your ages that do this too. It's an overwhelming thought to think you have something and the symptoms are so close, but you have to remember there are a number of other conditions that resemble them too.

    Hang in there buddy. I know you will be past this in a few weeks or so when the lymph nodes have returned to their normal size. You are perfectly normal in my eyes..you just got a little excited over this.  Cancer scares the sh** out of all of us, you have every right to be scared....but, now that they have told you it is something else, rest my dear.  You'll be ok.

    Love and prayers to ease your mind. 

    God Bless,


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    The Real Illness


    You truly do have an illness. Having read the treads on the anxiety forum, it's quite clear you suffer with a severe case of health anxiety. You exhibit all the symptoms. Chasing a diagnosis that will never come, doubting hard medical evidence, jumping from one disease to another in a short period of time and delusional psychosis in feeling things that aren't there. 

    As was mentioned, there have been several people who have been on these boards with similar posts and fears. It sparked an interest for me and I looked into health anxiety quite deeply and have a pretty good understanding of it. I deal with some general anxiety, or "scanxiety" as many here call it and it's quite common among survivors. I'm doing something about it and it's under control. 

    Health anxiety is a real illness. It causes real physical symptoms. It's crippling and lends itself to other psychiatric issues like OCD and depression. I hope you seek the help you truly need and overcome this detrimental and serious illness. You can be healed but it first must start with you and an inner fortitude to accept what you know to be true and work hard to overcome it. Just like we battled cancer, so must you battle your illness. Our disease can bury us six feet under ground. Your disease can bury you above it.

    Positive thoughts and prayers




  • danielvarian
    danielvarian Member Posts: 40
    I just want to know how

    I just want to know how accurate these ultrasounds are

  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913

    I just want to know how

    I just want to know how accurate these ultrasounds are

    My thoughts....


    Trust in the doctor that ordered the ultrasound. I think you need to stick with an ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat doctor).  He will monitor your lymph nodes and justify it. He certainly won't leave you with swollen lymph nodes. Let him do his job and go through the proper procedures. 

    Hang in there. It will be ok and soon you will get to the bottom of this. If it helps, keep a journal and write down the dates and symptoms, how many lymph nodes, where they are, and what has been done so far. This will help you if you seek another opinion as well as taking your current records.



  • I just want to know how

    I just want to know how accurate these ultrasounds are

    How is dihana, daniel?

    How is dihana, daniel?

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804

    I just want to know how

    I just want to know how accurate these ultrasounds are

    Still want to know...Do research

    Ultrasound is concidered to be extreamily accurate.


    Ultrasound scans can be used to help doctors to make a diagnosis or assess the effects of treatment. Your doctor will recommend an ultrasound scan based on the type of cancer you have and the information needed. Ultrasound can also be used to detect blood flow and whether there is any narrowing or blockage of blood vessels.

    Malignant lymph nodes are commonly round, while benign nodes tend to have an elliptical shape.5-7 Axis ratios (either short/long or long/short) can be measured, though a visual qualitative assessment is usually sufficient. - See more at: http://www.diagnosticimaging.com/ultrasound/ultrasound-checks-out-suspicious-neck-lumps#sthash.xkZdgi0b.dpuf


    Ultrasound is the second most common method of imaging carried out in hospitals worldwide after plain-film radiography. Modern high-resolution ultrasound has excellent spatial and contrast resolution for the near field, and the development of 3D technology, extended field-of-view or panoramic imaging, and color flow and power Doppler applications has led to great improvements in its diagnostic utility and accuracy. - See more at: http://www.diagnosticimaging.com/ultrasound/ultrasound-checks-out-suspicious-neck-lumps#sthash.xkZdgi0b.dpuf


    It is time to accept the answers, you have six Medical Doctors and an Ultrasound all say the same thing: YOU DO NOT HAVE A TUMOR OR CANCER!!!

    I would have given anything to have had just one doctor tell me I did not have cancer. Instead I got to hear, "You can't survive Radaition or surgery due to your lungs"," But we can remove your voice box and you can breath through your neck the rest of your life." That was my options, or die.

    Yes I do know how scarry the word cancer can be to hear. You have NOT heard it, you are ok, you just can't accept it and I don't know why.

    I do wish you the best of luck.

  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member

    I just want to know how

    I just want to know how accurate these ultrasounds are

    At least I

    am going to flag your posts for removal from this board.  You are not a cancer patient.  You are an acknowledged psychiatric patient, who has already agreed to stop posting on this board.  Despite your agreement, you continue to post, and in a fashion that several regular users find upsetting.  While I wish you good health, it is not in your best interest, nor in the interest of other board users for you to continue to  do this.  I will, of course, leave it to the administrator to decide the issue of removal of this entire thread.  Regardless of this, I personally am done responding to you, and I would suggest others follow suit.



  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    At least I

    am going to flag your posts for removal from this board.  You are not a cancer patient.  You are an acknowledged psychiatric patient, who has already agreed to stop posting on this board.  Despite your agreement, you continue to post, and in a fashion that several regular users find upsetting.  While I wish you good health, it is not in your best interest, nor in the interest of other board users for you to continue to  do this.  I will, of course, leave it to the administrator to decide the issue of removal of this entire thread.  Regardless of this, I personally am done responding to you, and I would suggest others follow suit.




    I think T's response about seals the deal for me too. Please go elsewhere where you can find comfort amongst those with your condition which is NOT oral cancer. FLAGGED.


    good idea Pat.

  • CSN_Simone
    CSN_Simone moderator Posts: 61
    Hi everyone,
    At this point

    Hi everyone,


    At this point we have decided to close this thread to new comments. The member who started this thread has been contacted.



    CSN Support Team