19 years old, swollen nodes, very scared, how do i know it hasnt spread?



  • danielvarian
    danielvarian Member Posts: 40
    Hondo said:



    Rule of thumb here is that; it is Not Cancer or NPC until the doctor tells you it is cancer. There are a lot of things that can cause the problems you are having, one of them can be cancer but for now don’t let this scare you. Keep a positive outlook and find something to focus on.


    Question: why do you think it is NPC, is it because of your family background. Remember there are a lot of people who had NPC and are still living long passed the treatment; it is just another door in life we have to open.

    I hope you plan to stay and become a part of our family, God Bless



    No family history of any

    No family history of any cancers and no asians in my family.

    I just dont want to find out that it has spread to my lungs and have to die before i even turn 20 :(

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804

    Im nearly finished a course

    Im nearly finished a course of antibiotics and the swelling hasnt gone down.

    Now i did read online that only 5-8% of people with NPc have distant mets.

    My question was if NPC has spread to the lungs i dont think anybody survives that.

    It spreads in alphabetical order..bones,liver,lungs.

    Question... Which antibiotics?

    Which antibiotics are you taking, and what is the quanity? This will help answer when you should see the swelling going down.

  • danielvarian
    danielvarian Member Posts: 40

    No family history of any

    No family history of any cancers and no asians in my family.

    I just dont want to find out that it has spread to my lungs and have to die before i even turn 20 :(

    Im scared :(

    Im scared :(

  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member

    Im scared :(

    Im scared :(

    If it makes you feel any better

    Every year there are two or three people just like you who post here.  They are in the wrong age group and have soft signs that aren't highly suggestive of cancer of any sort.  But they are obsessed with cancer.  No offense intended Daniel, but if you'd scan through the next, say fifty pages of this forum, you will find someone else just like you.  It is obvious they too were just driving themselves wild worrying over things that, in addition to being low probability, are not things they can exert any control over.   They eventually drift away from this site, generally when they have heard they don't have cancer from their health care providers often enough, or when they have found something else to obsess upon.  You really should seek help for this trait, expecially as it appears your parents are voting this way with their pocketbook.  I mean you no disrespect when I say this, but you've got to get ahold of yourself man.  Life is just too short.


    peace to you



  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member

    Im scared :(

    Im scared :(

    daniel, first of all it is

    daniel, first of all it is probably NOT cancer.  but if it is, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DIE!  cancer tx has come a long way and more and more people are surviving.  there are many here who have lived thru it even when the docs told them they had only 6 months to live.  some are as many as 10 yrs past that doctor's statement.  so, you need to stop worrying about dieing and find out what is going on in your neck.  you probably have some type of infection.  you can stop thinking you will die b/c you will not.  you are way toooooo scared about this and you really have no reason to.  calm down and try to find something to do to keep your mind busy and off cancer and dieing.  i hope your nerves calm down and you find some peace.  all this worrying will make you sick.  please try to calm down.

    keeping you in prayer,


  • danielvarian
    danielvarian Member Posts: 40

    daniel, first of all it is

    daniel, first of all it is probably NOT cancer.  but if it is, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DIE!  cancer tx has come a long way and more and more people are surviving.  there are many here who have lived thru it even when the docs told them they had only 6 months to live.  some are as many as 10 yrs past that doctor's statement.  so, you need to stop worrying about dieing and find out what is going on in your neck.  you probably have some type of infection.  you can stop thinking you will die b/c you will not.  you are way toooooo scared about this and you really have no reason to.  calm down and try to find something to do to keep your mind busy and off cancer and dieing.  i hope your nerves calm down and you find some peace.  all this worrying will make you sick.  please try to calm down.

    keeping you in prayer,


    I have a question.
    Will they

    I have a question.

    Will they be able to tell from the ultrasound if nodes are benign or malignant?

    I hope so guys :(

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804

    I have a question.
    Will they

    I have a question.

    Will they be able to tell from the ultrasound if nodes are benign or malignant?

    I hope so guys :(

    NO It can't tell.

    Ultrasound is also a good way to tell fluid-filled cysts from solid tumors because they make very different echo patterns.   Ultrasound cannot tell a benign (not cancer) tumor from one that is cancer. Its use is also limited in some parts of the body because the sound waves cannot go through air (such as in the lungs) or through bone.

    Is there a reason you won't answer any of our questions?   How about at lease one; What antibotics are you taking? Are you taking any other prescribed meds. These answers will help me to answer your questions better. 

  • I can't look at this thread

    I can't look at this thread any more. It's been hard enough with this cancer battle trying to convnice myself I wouldn't die. Some of the comments are just so distressing. To be told "nobody survives". I send everyone my love, but this thread has 'spooked' me so badly. I'm taking a little break until things blow over. I send people my love and care and hugs x x

  • danielvarian
    danielvarian Member Posts: 40
    Estelle_H said:

    I can't look at this thread

    I can't look at this thread any more. It's been hard enough with this cancer battle trying to convnice myself I wouldn't die. Some of the comments are just so distressing. To be told "nobody survives". I send everyone my love, but this thread has 'spooked' me so badly. I'm taking a little break until things blow over. I send people my love and care and hugs x x

    The last thing i want to do

    The last thing i want to do is upset anyone.

    I just wanted some support at the moment and people to tell me that more than likely it hasnt spread to my lungs.

  • The last thing i want to do

    The last thing i want to do is upset anyone.

    I just wanted some support at the moment and people to tell me that more than likely it hasnt spread to my lungs.

    I didn't mean you any harm. I

    I didn't mean you any harm. I tried to help too earlier on. Just REALLY you probably haven't got cancer. Your doctor said that didn't they? You did say that and you said several doctors have inspected the lumps in your swollen glands, and they said it was nothing to worry about. 

    That is what you have said?

  • danielvarian
    danielvarian Member Posts: 40
    Estelle_H said:

    I didn't mean you any harm. I

    I didn't mean you any harm. I tried to help too earlier on. Just REALLY you probably haven't got cancer. Your doctor said that didn't they? You did say that and you said several doctors have inspected the lumps in your swollen glands, and they said it was nothing to worry about. 

    That is what you have said?

    Yes,like 5 doxs have felt the

    Yes,like 5 docs have felt the lump and said it feels benign.

  • Yes,like 5 doxs have felt the

    Yes,like 5 docs have felt the lump and said it feels benign.

    FIVE doctors have told you

    FIVE doctors have told you that you don't have cancer?

  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    young males and swollen lymph nodes

    Daniel, it is more than common for young males to have swollen lymph nodes.  It would be a challenge to find a healthy young male who did not.  Cancer is not a surprising thing to have cross your mind but you must relax about these lymph nodes and the stuffy nose.  If you've had the tests done as you have said, I feel sure you are getting good care.  You must do what the rest of us do: trust your parents and your doctors.

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member

    Yes,like 5 doxs have felt the

    Yes,like 5 docs have felt the lump and said it feels benign.

    There is an explanation

    "Yes,like 5 docs have felt the lump and said it feels benign."

    As mentioned in a previous response, addressing what is painfully obvious would be the best course of action. Five medical professionals have given you the all clear. I think I can speak for a majority of members that getting one all clear would have us jumping for joy! Have you spoken to any of these doctors about your fears and anxiety and perhaps a way to treat it? 

    Positive thoughts and prayers



  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member

    I dont think smoking for two

    I dont think smoking for two years is long enough for head and neck cancers.

    I just hope the ultrasound can diagnose this as a cyst or something more benign.


    Smoking, in any shape or form is detrimental to your health. Your post implies you do. Quit! No ifs, ands or buts. If you want health iissues later in life keep on smoking. This is coming from a former smoker that has has had two heart attacks, bypass surgery, stents and head and neck cancer. 

    Positive thoughts and prayers. 


  • danielvarian
    danielvarian Member Posts: 40
    But the lymph node is giant

    But the lymph node is giant and hard, thats why i cannot trust theese doctors.

  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    lymph nodes

    Daniel, you seem an intelligent young man looking for an answer.  Please consider this: your lymph nodes have been palpated quite a bit recently.  Give them two weeks rest from examination.  See how they are at that point.  Record any other symptoms but let the nodes rest.  Let us know.

  • danielvarian
    danielvarian Member Posts: 40

    lymph nodes

    Daniel, you seem an intelligent young man looking for an answer.  Please consider this: your lymph nodes have been palpated quite a bit recently.  Give them two weeks rest from examination.  See how they are at that point.  Record any other symptoms but let the nodes rest.  Let us know.

    I have already given the

    I have already given the lymoh nodes 6 weeks.

  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member

    I have already given the

    I have already given the lymoh nodes 6 weeks.

    not without examination

    Let them rest.  I know it is difficult but sometimes even the best doctors recommend a careful 'watch and wait' course before proceeding with any treatment.

  • danielvarian
    danielvarian Member Posts: 40

    not without examination

    Let them rest.  I know it is difficult but sometimes even the best doctors recommend a careful 'watch and wait' course before proceeding with any treatment.

    Hooefully the ultrasound on

    Hooefully the ultrasound on tuesday will be normal.

    I know because of my age its more than likely not squamous cell carcinoma but i cant help thinking i would be the unlucky teen who dies before he turns 20.