
  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Zinniemay update

    Zinniemay, Michigan, posted February 3, 2013 that hubby back to Chemo. Head/neck cancer went to lungs and undergoing Chemo treatment.

    02-22-2014 Update by Pam M: Zinniemay's husband (Greg) is being celebrated today at his funeral.  He fought valiantly and  was not only a warrior inspiration, but also a regular good  guy.  

  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196

    I know he no longer participates in this forum, but rest assured, he's still sharing his literary musings with the world - regularly posting on  Facebook.

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Pam M said:

    Zinniemay update

    Zinniemay, Michigan, posted February 3, 2013 that hubby back to Chemo. Head/neck cancer went to lungs and undergoing Chemo treatment.

    02-22-2014 Update by Pam M: Zinniemay's husband (Greg) is being celebrated today at his funeral.  He fought valiantly and  was not only a warrior inspiration, but also a regular good  guy.  

    pam, so sorry to hear about

    pam, so sorry to hear about greg, please offer my condolances.  saying prayers for greg and family.


  • Christmas
    Christmas Member Posts: 101 Member
    Still here

    Sorry I missed the roll call.  I have been very busy with work.  Lots of demands and deadlines requiring 12 hour days.  Can't complain except that I don't have much time for anything else.  Good news to share - I have a new grandson who is now four month old.  Unfortunately, he lives a six hour drive away.  It's been nearly eleven years since my diagnosis.  I feel very fortunate.  Very minor complaint - dry mouth an issue because people have difficulty understanding my speech.  Still no other meds aside from a low dosage of synthroid.  Lots of infections - eye, bladder.  Lots of dental problems.  Other than that life is GOOD!  Just getting older.


    HAWVET Member Posts: 318
    Christmas said:

    Still here

    Sorry I missed the roll call.  I have been very busy with work.  Lots of demands and deadlines requiring 12 hour days.  Can't complain except that I don't have much time for anything else.  Good news to share - I have a new grandson who is now four month old.  Unfortunately, he lives a six hour drive away.  It's been nearly eleven years since my diagnosis.  I feel very fortunate.  Very minor complaint - dry mouth an issue because people have difficulty understanding my speech.  Still no other meds aside from a low dosage of synthroid.  Lots of infections - eye, bladder.  Lots of dental problems.  Other than that life is GOOD!  Just getting older.


    Welcome back Christmas and

    Welcome back Christmas and also to all the others who have checked back in.  A welcome to those enrolling for the first time.   Since we started in 2008, I have decided only to update yearly in January instead of twice a year.  Thus, you are not really late since you can check back in anytime, but prior to January.  Thanks for the update.  Like you, I do have grandchildren but they are 5 hours air Frown  Aloha!

  • KB56
    KB56 Member Posts: 318 Member
    Checking in

    Hawvet, i live outside of Dallas, TX and my one year finishing treatment is June 11, 2014.  Doing well so far and feeling great.   A few little side effects but nothing that slows me done (much) and compromised saliva is the biggest issue but not a show stopper.

    I have my next scan in August and I know it will be good:)

    All the best,

  • Mikemetz
    Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member
    staceya said:

    checking in...doing great.


    I am doing great, will be 4 years this March. Can eat most things, had my first post treatment hamburger last July, and it was delicious!

    I started a local head and neck cancer support group over a year ago, and it has been a blessing to me, and hopefully others.

    I read the board regularly, but don't often post, post more with the csn folks on Facebook, where I still tend to over post goats.

    Recommend this site to all people I meet with either a cancer diagnosis, or their caregivers. 

    Cannot fully say how appreciative I am of all the support here.

    Here is an update for my roll call blurb:

    Mikemetz (Mike), Decatur, Georgia, 30033. joined forum November 2011, enrolled January 11, 2012. DX’d with BOT Mucoepidermoid in February 2009. NED for 5 years.  Currenly at home recovering from left mandible resection on 5/1.  Progosis is good, but a very long way to go.

  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member

    roll call

    Diagnosed July 2012. Tongue cancer stage 3. Radical neck dissection. 1/3 of tongue removed. Skin graft from thigh for side of tongue. Chemo (Cisplatin) and 33 rads started October 1, 2012 finished November 15, 2012.

    Doing well. Eating good, have most of taste back. Read forum often. Best wishes to all.




    Passed away

    Vicki (Catluver) passed away in March.  Mets to bone in pelvis and leg.  Also in brain.

  • Bunnymom
    Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member
    KB56 said:

    Checking in

    Hawvet, i live outside of Dallas, TX and my one year finishing treatment is June 11, 2014.  Doing well so far and feeling great.   A few little side effects but nothing that slows me done (much) and compromised saliva is the biggest issue but not a show stopper.

    I have my next scan in August and I know it will be good:)

    All the best,

    Checking in

    bunnymom. Chicago area. Tongue cancer. Starting chemo & rads June 8th. 12 week treatment plan. 

    Thanks to everyone for their support!

  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    I'm here

    Checking in from NC!  Treatments done almost one year ago :)  I'm going in June for my one year check ups and xrays.  Doing well, learning the new normal, but enjoying life :)

  • meaganb
    meaganb Member Posts: 244 Member
    Checking in
    Two years out

    Checking in


    Two years out from treatment of ACC. Surgery to remove tumor & lymph nodes followed by radiation. All scans remain clear. 

  • nick770
    nick770 Member Posts: 195
    Nick Ohio - checkd in may

    Nick Ohio - checkd in may 2012 orig in tonsil, mets to lungs,skin,bone,ribs, liver. still fighting 

  • Bunnymom
    Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member
    Checking in


    tongue cancer 8/13. Lesion removed 9/13 Clear margins. Lymph nodes removed 10/13 clear. 01/14 one lymph node active removed with submandibular gland. 04/14 one lymph node active removed. 06/8/14 start chemo & rad treatment. 

    Send prayers please. 

    Thank you 


  • dunedintech
    dunedintech Member Posts: 90
    14 months post treatment

    Ticking along ok. Stage 3 SCC, left side of tongue. Partial plossectomy / radical neck dissection followed by 3 x Cisplatins and 30 rads. 

    Back playing cricket, golf, running and getting on with my life. Can eat more or less anything now. Still getting  some dryness in mouth at night but not so bad really. 

    Happy Friday. 


  • Nikgogol
    Nikgogol Member Posts: 2
    Checking In

    Nikgogol - had 3 and 6 month post-operation checkups.  NED.  Life basically back to normal.

  • wrhbounds
    wrhbounds Member Posts: 39
    Still around

    This is year 15. 

    Doing good 

  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    Kent Cass said:

    Still kickin'

      Will be 5-years out in early April, and have no more visits with any C Drs on the schedule. Dentist is another matter. Started with 5 Crowns and a Bridge- now have 10 Crowns and the Bridge, along with 3 root canals since C tx. And, Dentist has plans on two more Crowns! $14K, out of pocket since I came back Positive. Be advised. Neck spasms are a continuing issue, which I got meds for, but now they're talking Botox treatment at the U of Iowa to help with that. 59, now, and still working 9-hour shifts at a metal working factory as an Inspector, so I got no grounds for complaint. Hey- never thought I'd ever be looking forward to turning 60, but come this November...



    Still Here

    Was diagnosed with Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma, base of tongue tumor, in Sept. 2011.  Had my first surgery in Oct to see what it was.  DX'd, and a partial tongue removal was done the 1st week of Nov. '11.  I begged my surgeon to let me have December off to heal enough to eat something and he agreed.  Next came the right neck dissection Jan 9th, 2012.  Radiation started 6-7 weeks later and ended the first week of April.  No chemo for my kind of cancer.


    So it's been a little over 2 years w/o any recurrance.  2 PET scans showed up clear.  Dr. said now I can see him every 7-8 months instead of the usual 3-4.  I'm not really worried about it coming back although I know there's a chance.


    The new normal now is adding flouride to my flossing and brushing routine.  He wrecked my arthritic ridden neck that now I have nerve pain down my right shoulder blade, but only in certain circumstances so it's not that bad.  I know sleep with my mouth open even though my nose is clear.  That means a very dry mouth waking me up several times per night.  I lose my voice once in awhile.  Can't whistle anymore, and can't sing like I used to.  My tongue is shorter so it won't stretch enough to clean my teeth with.  And my head looks crooked from the dissection.  No one really notices though.


    I try not to complain because if not for modern medicine my life would have ended already.


    My blessings far out weigh my complaints.  A good marriage going on 25 years.  A sister in law who came into a large sum of money and wants to spend a bit of it on us by travelling with her.  We're becoming world travelers.  One healthy son who is getting married this weekend at the same Chapel we did, and the same one my in-laws did in '47.


    Grateful as can be!



  • Christmas
    Christmas Member Posts: 101 Member
    wrhbounds said:

    Still around

    This is year 15. 

    Doing good 

    checking in late

    So sorry to missed the roll call.  I will miss Hawvet.  I completed my radiation treatments for NPC eleven years ago around Thanksgiving.  I'm definitely dealing with some health problems like all the survivors.  I am able to eat, sleep and work!  So what more can I ask for?  I have spent lots of time at the dentist this year.  What little saliva activity I had is now pretty much all gone.  So, I'm having major dental work done.  I now have glaucoma in my right eye (side of NPC site).  Eye pressure is normal, but I have lost vision in the center part of my eye.  I'm starting eye drop treatment to see how that works.

    Otherwise, I am still holding down a full time job and I am now a first time grandma.  So life is good! 



  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member

    As an up date on my husband Jim: Jim lost his battle with canccer on good Friday, April 18, 2014. I still continue to check in periodically and to pray for those fighting the battle.  Debbie

  • Crazymom
    Crazymom Member Posts: 339 Member
    Checking In

    Felt bump in  Nov 11..,.left tonsil and two left lymp nodes...6 weeks chemo and 6 weeks radiation....3  yr NED a few weeks is good!   Ann