I have tongue cancer. I think...


 Hey there all, so I'm not sure if I should post here or not but I've been having some problems in the last month or so and have been self diagnosing with the help of the ever helpful Dr.Google. 


I'm sure. 110% that I have tongue cancer, really really sure. I have almost all of the symptoms I can find online and am throughly convinced. My problem is that the doctors I've seen don't agree, or will not even consider it because of my age, so will not give me proper tests


I believe it's only fair to warn you, that this may be a little long winded and I may be jumping the gun a little, but seeing as I know from reading posts on here and other places, that people my age are fully capable of getting this and other forms cancer. 


Anyway. Around the beginning of April I realised my tongue was a lot rounder and firmer on the right hand side (right at the back, where the foliate papillae are). Because I had previously researched oral cancer, I remembered reading that a swelling or thinking on one side of the tongue could be a sign of cancer. I had a look in the mirror and could not (and still cannot) see anything at all. It wasn't painful at all and at the time I had no other symptoms. 


Now though I have a few more, and I'm really scared that my suspicions are correct and I do in fact have cancer. I'll list them below and try to explain exactly what they feel like.



•Swelling on right side of tongue - As mentioned above it wasn't painful at first. The swelling itself isn't painful at all , but occasionally I get this very minor prickly/burning sensation around the top part of my tongue on that side, it can also feel a little achey around the top of the tongue, just before it goes down my throat and a little bit down the back (this is on both sides). I also get this weird feeling along both sides of my tongue underneath. It can last for a few minutes - few hours then go away for either the rest of the day or a few hours. This doesn't happen everyday though. I'm not sure if all of this is because there is something wrong, or if I've done something to my tongue by prodding it about so much since I found the swelling. It's not a hard swelling as such as I can still push it in like I can I the other side, it just takes a little more effort. But I think it's gotten bigger since I found it, but seeing as I cannot see anything I can't be sure. Around 65% sure it's bigger. 


•Persistant sore throat - . I have had a mild/minor sore throat for the past 5 weeks. It's gotten a bit worse the past week or so, but it has been on and off. By this I mean that I've had it everyday (bar 3/4 days 3 weeks ago where it went away completely) but it has been on/off throughout the day and had changed in how severe it is. This morning for example it was really bad, but now I can barely feel it. Today though it been weird, it's like I can feel its sore but it's not like any sore throat I've had before, I can't distinguish where it is as it feels like its deeper in my throat, though its been on and off again today. Mostly off. It's like a burning, swollen feeling. 


•Mouth pain in general - this includes my gums (at the back of mouth on both sides), teeth (at back on both sides, mainly at bottom but sometimes at the top), corner of lips (very very mild burning), and inner cheek walls. Again this is on and off and usually last for a few minutes or so then goes away, and it's not all at this same time, it's usually one or two places at a time. Usually teeth. I've had the mild burning on the roof of my mouth too.


Tongue pain - I've had it for a few weeks in and off but it's just been an ache and very mild burning on and off on both sides of my tongue. Today though it's been hurting a lot more and is kind of burning/itching/tickling sensation. More burning though.


•feeling of something stuck in throat - I've had this on and off for a year, but it's been practically constsnt for past 6 weeks. Though it has died down the past week or so. It's in the lower part of my throat, there are no actual lumps to be felt though.


•Wobbly teeth - Not sure if this is true, or it just feels like it because my fingers are giving the wobbly sensation when I wiggle my teeth


•Blood -I can occasionally taste blood in my mouth though it's pretty subtle and I cannot see any in my saliva. Well that was until today and I realised my tongue was bleeding on the side the swelling is on.


White stuff on side of tongue - ad it says, I have something white on the side of my tongue. It's very fine and is not very visible, bit it's defiantly white. I think it may be the starting a of leaukoplakia (don't think it's spelt right).


•Neck pain - this is on and off as well. More down the right side of my neck (but does do it on left sometimes) normally under my chin but can be lower down. More of an achey sensation really. Not had it in about a week.


•Croaky voice - Mainly at night (which has been confirmed when I asked), though I swear it's been doing it all day today and yesterday, though tar could just be me as no ones else has mentioned it and said that I sounded normal when asked. Again this is usually on and off. And usually off. 


I can still talk and eat food fine. And have no problem drinking.


Yeh, sorry for the long winded post. I've just managed to scare myself from all my googling sessions, but i feel as though I have reason to worry. It's like when I can get my mind off of it, something else happens to get me thinking about it again. I'm so sure I have it that it's got to the point where it's the first thing I think about as soon as I wake up (and I mean as soon as I wake up) is how my mouth and tongue feel.


I've been to the doctor about 5/6 times about it and they looked (only looked didn't feel it) at my tongue and throat and said they couldn't see anything wrong.  


I went to the dentist last Tuesday about my tongue and tooth pain and he said that my foliate papillae are swollen but he doesn't think it is anything sinister and I've got to go back in 2 weeks so he can have a look again. But I'm worried as my tongue aches in places sometimes and I've had this swelling for over a month now. As well as the other symptoms that I didn't mention at the time as I was scared. 


You hear all these horror stories of doctors and dentist missing things or disregarding symptoms based on age, so I'm really worried this is going to happen to me. 


I went to the hospital about it today and the consultant said he had no idea what it was and that I should be worried as it's been there for around 6 weeks, he said I should get a referral from a dentist to see an oral surgeon and have it biopsied (which I already know but can't seem to get). He then decided to ask a colleague about it (think he was a surgeon of some sort) and he said he didn't think it was anything to worry about and the first consultant changed his kind about the oral surgeon. 


I guess it would help to give my age and stuff as well. 20 year old (21 in July) female, do not smoke, do not drink, do not have HPV and have never chewed tobacco. I have a previous history of poor oral hygiene and as a result have a number of fillings. I try to take much better care of my teeth now though. 


I know that I am young and it's pretty rare in people my age, so I am at even lower risk. But I also know that it is no way impassible and it DOES happen, so there is every chance I have it.


I would try to go to an ENT or something but I'm from the UK and can only go through referral from the GP or dentist. There's also private care if course, but given that I'm currently unemployed and live with family, I have no way of being able to afford going private.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member


    I'm pretty sure there could be a ton of other things going on, that's not cancer.....

    I would do whatever it takes to see an ENT, that's the professional in your case that I believe could best tell you what is going on...

    But I would also presume that just a GP would go the route of anti-biotics first, which I didn't catch you mentioning... If you have seen a GP 5-6 times and had the symptoms you describe, swollen tongue, white patches, etc... and the GP doesn't see that..., you might consider a different GP.

    Most all of us started at our GP first, and more than likely through trials of meds..., then we were prescribed to an ENT... At least that's my scenario.

    Oh, concerning your comment that you don't have HPV... I imagine that you think that because of annual female exams of the cervix... Don't mean to scare you more than you are already... But that just means they didn't find in tissue (cells) in that area that were infected...

    HPV is very local..., meaning if you had it in your tonsils, tongue, etc... They would have to take a biopsy there, and be lucky enough to hit infected cells...


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    I know you!

    Hi Aimee,

    I saw your post on the OFC website. I'm the one that refers to Dr. Google ~lol~ I read through the thread and informationand advice you received is sound. Unfortunately, none of us are doctors and while we can offer our opinions, only an ENT, preferably one with experience in H&N cancers can find out for sure. As young as you are, the fact that you admit to poor oral hygiene, you don't smoke or drink and don't have HPV (to your knowledge) makes it unlikely it's cancer. True, it's not impossible but it's also true there's not every chance you have it.

    I truly understand your concern. If I were you, I would insist that you get the referral from your dentist. That seems to be the only way to put your mind at ease.

    Good luck! Positive thoughts and prayers


  • Aimee92
    Aimee92 Member Posts: 22
    Skiffin16 said:



    I'm pretty sure there could be a ton of other things going on, that's not cancer.....

    I would do whatever it takes to see an ENT, that's the professional in your case that I believe could best tell you what is going on...

    But I would also presume that just a GP would go the route of anti-biotics first, which I didn't catch you mentioning... If you have seen a GP 5-6 times and had the symptoms you describe, swollen tongue, white patches, etc... and the GP doesn't see that..., you might consider a different GP.

    Most all of us started at our GP first, and more than likely through trials of meds..., then we were prescribed to an ENT... At least that's my scenario.

    Oh, concerning your comment that you don't have HPV... I imagine that you think that because of annual female exams of the cervix... Don't mean to scare you more than you are already... But that just means they didn't find in tissue (cells) in that area that were infected...

    HPV is very local..., meaning if you had it in your tonsils, tongue, etc... They would have to take a biopsy there, and be lucky enough to hit infected cells...


    Hey John, thanks for the

    Hey John, thanks for the reply.

    I've not been given any antibiotics at all, I don't know why exactly but the doctors say it's unlikely to be an infection as its been going on too long. In which case, why won't they refer me to an ENT for tests?. I have an appoinment with my doctor Friday and the dentist Tuesday, as he asked me to come back in 2 weeks so he can look at my tongue again. Hopefully I can get through to one or the other and get some sort of referal.

    As for HPV, I'm sure I don't have it as it's sexually transmitted right? And given the fact in still a virgin and haven't had any other sexual contact with anyone (unless it can be passed mouth to mouth), I don't know how I could have gotten it. Unless I was born with it if course (is that possible?), or if you can possibly get it some other way.



  • Aimee92
    Aimee92 Member Posts: 22
    fishmanpa said:

    I know you!

    Hi Aimee,

    I saw your post on the OFC website. I'm the one that refers to Dr. Google ~lol~ I read through the thread and informationand advice you received is sound. Unfortunately, none of us are doctors and while we can offer our opinions, only an ENT, preferably one with experience in H&N cancers can find out for sure. As young as you are, the fact that you admit to poor oral hygiene, you don't smoke or drink and don't have HPV (to your knowledge) makes it unlikely it's cancer. True, it's not impossible but it's also true there's not every chance you have it.

    I truly understand your concern. If I were you, I would insist that you get the referral from your dentist. That seems to be the only way to put your mind at ease.

    Good luck! Positive thoughts and prayers


    Hi there, thanks for the

    Hi there, thanks for the reply.

    hahaha, I don't know why but for some reason posting in different places makes me feel a bit bettr about it all, makes no sense to me why though.

    Dr.Google isn't the best consultant I've had the pleasure of knowing, but he's giving me more answers as to what could be going on than the human doctors are; even if his diagnosis may be a bit unlikely. The urge to consult him is hard to resist, especially as it's so damned easy to do so with my phone. 

    hopefully my doctor will finally listen to me when I see her on Friday, or my dentist (who seems to be the only one doing anything) will give me a referal. Fingers crossed it's nothing serious.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Aimee92 said:

    Hey John, thanks for the

    Hey John, thanks for the reply.

    I've not been given any antibiotics at all, I don't know why exactly but the doctors say it's unlikely to be an infection as its been going on too long. In which case, why won't they refer me to an ENT for tests?. I have an appoinment with my doctor Friday and the dentist Tuesday, as he asked me to come back in 2 weeks so he can look at my tongue again. Hopefully I can get through to one or the other and get some sort of referal.

    As for HPV, I'm sure I don't have it as it's sexually transmitted right? And given the fact in still a virgin and haven't had any other sexual contact with anyone (unless it can be passed mouth to mouth), I don't know how I could have gotten it. Unless I was born with it if course (is that possible?), or if you can possibly get it some other way.



    A Few More Thoughts...

    Maybe it isn't getting better, because nobody is treating it... (not getting on you, I mean the MD's)...

    From my understanding, Dentists have the ability (and always are willing to charge me for it)..., oral cancer screening....from swabs I believe.

    HPV while the thought and majority believe it's"sexually" transmitted..., to what degree, that hasn't been proven.. And yes, I also believe that it is thought to be transmitted from just deep kissing.... But again, I don't think there is any definitive proof on modes of transmission.


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Aimee, first let me say what

    Aimee, first let me say what John usually says, "It's not cancer until they say it's cancer." My husband had stage four base of tongue cancer. He had none of the symptoms you described. His only symptom was severe shooting ear pain. So maybe that will alleviate some fears. I agree with the others, go to an ENT. I pray your fears are alliviated soon.


  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913

    Hi Aimee,

    First, I'm sorry that you are having these anxious thoughts of possibly having cancer. I think that's the first thing most think of when they find something abnormal on their bodies.

    Next, I will tell you that I am a caregiver to a loved one who was diagnosed with tongue cancer in Aug 2012. This cancer was very silent. The only way he knew something was wrong was a lymph node in his neck was swollen. He never had any pain with this...not even with his tongue. It was the base of his tongue(way down where you can not see it) that was the culprit. Most of the folks here that have had tongue cancer will more than likely tell you they never had any pain either. In fact they didn't "see" anything unusual either. 

    Now, I'm not promising you that you don't have cancer, but I think it may be unlikely. I'm not a doctor. But, I would like to share a little bit about myself while dealing with my loved one's cancer as your symptoms sound similiar to what I had going on....

    Within a few weeks of his diagnosis I started to get a burning sensation in my mouth. It would come and go. It would be in one place and then another and then disappear and next day be somewhere else. I also had a "feeling of something stuck at the back of my throat". Of course the first thing that came to mind was I have cancer.....the same as my loved one. I actually convinced myself it was really possible. The pain and everything intensified. I went to my GP who saw nothing and thought it was allergies and put me on Claritan. It did nothing for me. She then prescribed an antibiotic and still nothing helped. I was so frustrated and scared all the while worrying about my loved one. The GP even tried Diflucon and Nystatin thinking I may have thrush...several weeks and scripts with that and still nothing. She did not see ANYTHING. She was very patient with me as she knows I'm not much of a complainer. She then referred me to an ENT. I had a scope done and he saw nothing. He thought it was allergies or from stress. Prescribed nothing. Told me to do some salt water rinses and $450(his charge) later I still had no answers. So, I just dealt with it for another month or so and finally decided I needed another opinion and called another ENT. This time, I was able to tell him what was happening in my life, how my mouth felt, everything I tried that didn't work and he was very attentive to me. He scoped me and saw nothing, but said I had the classic signs of LPR (laryngopharyngeal reflex disease) and BURNING MOUTH SYNDROME! Both were caused by stress and acid reflex that I've had most of my life. What was happening was my sphincter that is at the entrance or top of the stomach that keep stomach acids and other stomach contents from pushing up and into the esophagus was not working properly. I had acid backing up and setting at the back of my throat causing all of these symptoms. Adding to that the burning mouth sydrome( from stress typically) it started to make sense. The sphincter was not relaxed and was causing most of the problems (also could be due to stress). As soon as he said this....I was overwhelmed with joy! Finally someone knows I'm not making this up and believes something is going on. He then prescribed Zantac (300 mg 2 X daily--high dosage)for the reflex and Pamelor (also known as Nortriptyline-generic name 25 mg once daily) for the burning mouth syndrome. I was really worried it wouldn't work for me....but it did! Within 30 days I noticed a significant difference! I am still on the drugs until things heal. 

    Now, I'm not trying to say that this is what you have. I am merely using my example because your symptoms sound a little like mine. I had googled myself to death trying to self diagnosis myself and did come across LPR and burning mouth and thought it was possible.

    So, I hope this helps so that you know there can be answers....don't give up. It's not in your head. You know your body and you know somethings not right. Don't be afraid to look for another doctor. Be sure to take notes with you and tell him what you've tried. A good ENT would be my advice. Also, I have a link below that talks about what LPR & Burning Mouth Syndrom is and the classic symptoms. 


     Good luck and keep us posted!





     Burning Mouth Syndrome



  • Aimee92
    Aimee92 Member Posts: 22
    jim and i said:

    Aimee, first let me say what

    Aimee, first let me say what John usually says, "It's not cancer until they say it's cancer." My husband had stage four base of tongue cancer. He had none of the symptoms you described. His only symptom was severe shooting ear pain. So maybe that will alleviate some fears. I agree with the others, go to an ENT. I pray your fears are alliviated soon.


    Hi Debbie,
    Thanks for the

    Hi Debbie,

    Thanks for the reply, I'm hoping that I'm completely off base with my self-diagnosis, but have a gut feeling I'm right. But that could just be anxiety playing into it as I've not stopped worrying for weeks. And I'm no doctor so I can't just decided I have something from merely Googling my symptoms. Hopefully I can gets tests adobe sooner rather than later, and  find out either way.


  • Aimee92
    Aimee92 Member Posts: 22


    Hi Aimee,

    First, I'm sorry that you are having these anxious thoughts of possibly having cancer. I think that's the first thing most think of when they find something abnormal on their bodies.

    Next, I will tell you that I am a caregiver to a loved one who was diagnosed with tongue cancer in Aug 2012. This cancer was very silent. The only way he knew something was wrong was a lymph node in his neck was swollen. He never had any pain with this...not even with his tongue. It was the base of his tongue(way down where you can not see it) that was the culprit. Most of the folks here that have had tongue cancer will more than likely tell you they never had any pain either. In fact they didn't "see" anything unusual either. 

    Now, I'm not promising you that you don't have cancer, but I think it may be unlikely. I'm not a doctor. But, I would like to share a little bit about myself while dealing with my loved one's cancer as your symptoms sound similiar to what I had going on....

    Within a few weeks of his diagnosis I started to get a burning sensation in my mouth. It would come and go. It would be in one place and then another and then disappear and next day be somewhere else. I also had a "feeling of something stuck at the back of my throat". Of course the first thing that came to mind was I have cancer.....the same as my loved one. I actually convinced myself it was really possible. The pain and everything intensified. I went to my GP who saw nothing and thought it was allergies and put me on Claritan. It did nothing for me. She then prescribed an antibiotic and still nothing helped. I was so frustrated and scared all the while worrying about my loved one. The GP even tried Diflucon and Nystatin thinking I may have thrush...several weeks and scripts with that and still nothing. She did not see ANYTHING. She was very patient with me as she knows I'm not much of a complainer. She then referred me to an ENT. I had a scope done and he saw nothing. He thought it was allergies or from stress. Prescribed nothing. Told me to do some salt water rinses and $450(his charge) later I still had no answers. So, I just dealt with it for another month or so and finally decided I needed another opinion and called another ENT. This time, I was able to tell him what was happening in my life, how my mouth felt, everything I tried that didn't work and he was very attentive to me. He scoped me and saw nothing, but said I had the classic signs of LPR (laryngopharyngeal reflex disease) and BURNING MOUTH SYNDROME! Both were caused by stress and acid reflex that I've had most of my life. What was happening was my sphincter that is at the entrance or top of the stomach that keep stomach acids and other stomach contents from pushing up and into the esophagus was not working properly. I had acid backing up and setting at the back of my throat causing all of these symptoms. Adding to that the burning mouth sydrome( from stress typically) it started to make sense. The sphincter was not relaxed and was causing most of the problems (also could be due to stress). As soon as he said this....I was overwhelmed with joy! Finally someone knows I'm not making this up and believes something is going on. He then prescribed Zantac (300 mg 2 X daily--high dosage)for the reflex and Pamelor (also known as Nortriptyline-generic name 25 mg once daily) for the burning mouth syndrome. I was really worried it wouldn't work for me....but it did! Within 30 days I noticed a significant difference! I am still on the drugs until things heal. 

    Now, I'm not trying to say that this is what you have. I am merely using my example because your symptoms sound a little like mine. I had googled myself to death trying to self diagnosis myself and did come across LPR and burning mouth and thought it was possible.

    So, I hope this helps so that you know there can be answers....don't give up. It's not in your head. You know your body and you know somethings not right. Don't be afraid to look for another doctor. Be sure to take notes with you and tell him what you've tried. A good ENT would be my advice. Also, I have a link below that talks about what LPR & Burning Mouth Syndrom is and the classic symptoms. 


     Good luck and keep us posted!





     Burning Mouth Syndrome



    Hello Cureitall, thank you

    Hello Cureitall, thank you for the reply 

    I'm sorry you and your loved one has had to go through the repercussions of this nasty disease. 


    Actually I have had fleeting thoughts of an acid reflux and burning mouth syndrome, but as an acid reflux usually has heartburn as its main symptom and the doctor said I was probably too young to have a reflux, I kind of forgot about it. someone on a dental forum mentioned that they had an acid reflux and had a swelling in the tongue because of it, along with other things of course.

    I think my mind is so stuck on cancer because it's the worst case senario, and my worst fear is developing something like cancer and being told that my prognosis is very poor and my chances of beating it are very very slim, or that it's already too late to even try any treatments and I'll be given a timeline on how long I leave left to live. That along with the fact that the prognosis statistics for oralcancers  are pretty bad for patients being able to live 5+ years. 


    Thank you very much for the links you provided me, I'll have a look at them try to calm my mind a little, as all this worrying isn't going to achieve anything; whether or not I do have it.  


    By the way, I'm sorry if there is something in my post that dosen't make sense, my phone is for some reason, changing and joining up words into a bunch of random letters which don't maje sense. I dropped my phone in a puddle recently and didn't think any water got in it, but obviously it must have. At least I think it's my phone anyway lol. 

  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Aimee92 said:

    Hello Cureitall, thank you

    Hello Cureitall, thank you for the reply 

    I'm sorry you and your loved one has had to go through the repercussions of this nasty disease. 


    Actually I have had fleeting thoughts of an acid reflux and burning mouth syndrome, but as an acid reflux usually has heartburn as its main symptom and the doctor said I was probably too young to have a reflux, I kind of forgot about it. someone on a dental forum mentioned that they had an acid reflux and had a swelling in the tongue because of it, along with other things of course.

    I think my mind is so stuck on cancer because it's the worst case senario, and my worst fear is developing something like cancer and being told that my prognosis is very poor and my chances of beating it are very very slim, or that it's already too late to even try any treatments and I'll be given a timeline on how long I leave left to live. That along with the fact that the prognosis statistics for oralcancers  are pretty bad for patients being able to live 5+ years. 


    Thank you very much for the links you provided me, I'll have a look at them try to calm my mind a little, as all this worrying isn't going to achieve anything; whether or not I do have it.  


    By the way, I'm sorry if there is something in my post that dosen't make sense, my phone is for some reason, changing and joining up words into a bunch of random letters which don't maje sense. I dropped my phone in a puddle recently and didn't think any water got in it, but obviously it must have. At least I think it's my phone anyway lol. 

    Oral Cancers.....


    Actually most Oral cancers have a good prognosis. When you see 5+ years on a site it just means it's a medical term used to calculate a survival rate that is commonly cited in (any type) cancer statistics. So, don't be concerned that you would only live 5 years if diagnosed with oral cancer. Just wanted to make some clarification.

    So, hang in there and get yourself to a qualifed ENT that will do a thorough exam and rest you mind.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Aimee92 said:

    Hello Cureitall, thank you

    Hello Cureitall, thank you for the reply 

    I'm sorry you and your loved one has had to go through the repercussions of this nasty disease. 


    Actually I have had fleeting thoughts of an acid reflux and burning mouth syndrome, but as an acid reflux usually has heartburn as its main symptom and the doctor said I was probably too young to have a reflux, I kind of forgot about it. someone on a dental forum mentioned that they had an acid reflux and had a swelling in the tongue because of it, along with other things of course.

    I think my mind is so stuck on cancer because it's the worst case senario, and my worst fear is developing something like cancer and being told that my prognosis is very poor and my chances of beating it are very very slim, or that it's already too late to even try any treatments and I'll be given a timeline on how long I leave left to live. That along with the fact that the prognosis statistics for oralcancers  are pretty bad for patients being able to live 5+ years. 


    Thank you very much for the links you provided me, I'll have a look at them try to calm my mind a little, as all this worrying isn't going to achieve anything; whether or not I do have it.  


    By the way, I'm sorry if there is something in my post that dosen't make sense, my phone is for some reason, changing and joining up words into a bunch of random letters which don't maje sense. I dropped my phone in a puddle recently and didn't think any water got in it, but obviously it must have. At least I think it's my phone anyway lol. 

    Five Years..., LOL.

    Dang, I better start partying hard...., I'm going into year five...

    Aimee, my absolute best advice for you at the moment..... turn off your computer, get off of the internet...

    I'm also just throwing this out there..., totally no disrespect at all so please don't take me wrong.

    Have you considered that all of the MD's that you have seen and can't find anything, and tell you you are OK, might be because you are...? I know that you believe that you truely are having all of these problems and symptoms that you say....but the mind is very suseptible yo the powerful of persuasion...

    I can only tell you to seek a MD that you trust, and go from there...

    BTW, I have had occasional and sometimes frequent acid reflux since treatment.... Around 95% of the time, I never have heartburn...




  • HobbsDoggy
    HobbsDoggy Member Posts: 276
    Danger of Self Diagnosis

    I know if I get too far along in diagnosising my own problems its often a very bad idea.  I often have a hard time understanding my own symptoms.  Dr. Google gets me started, but does not let me really find out exactly what is going on.  I had neck cancer with an unknown primary, so can't say about tounge cancer.  I did not have any of the symptons you list, but that does not mean much as I think cancer and other issues are often hae different effects on different people.  I hope the doctors soon find out what is going on.  Hopefully its just something simple that is easy to fix. 

  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member


    The power of suggestion goes a long way. Tooth pain, ear pain, all COULD be casued by cancer, but they can also be the symptoms of an infection, allergies, or quite a few more reasons. I believe you fell victim to, I have this and I am going to check Dr. Google and one of your fears was found to be the POSSIBLE cause. (key word being possible) Our bodies hurt or feel out of the ordinary for many reasons and cancer is only one of them. I have a job were many times I have to convince people they are wrong and I am right. There are times when I am wrong but I still have that person snoockered into thinking I am right. I sometimes use the senario give me five more minutes and I can convince them the sky is green. I truly believe (and hope) that you fell victum to your own brain scam. You fed your brain the information which allowed it to point you down one of your worst feared roads.

    I agree with John. Go see an ENT to set your mind at ease. I suspect you returning to us telling us it was a false alarm and then we will celebrate.

    Just my thoughts.................enjoy the day.


  • Aimee92
    Aimee92 Member Posts: 22
    Hello everyone

    Hello everyone, thanks for the replies.

    I will indeed ask my doctor to refer me to an ENT tomorrow morning when I see her, I'll update after my appoinment to tell you how it all goes, hopefully she shouldn't object. 

    Today my main problem has been with my throat, it's very strange sensation I get. It feels kind of inflammed and the seanation of sometiobg being in my throat is wirse, like it's gotten bigger; and it's all in the lower part of my throat, where a doctor cannot see equity just their eyes and a light. I have a spray the doctor last week suggested I use (Difflam), and it helpa a little but not much, it kinda stings when I spray it down my throat. 

    My tongue is also very strange and it's done this once before, I'm not sure whether it is doing this it not; or if it's just my imagination. whilst the swelling has never been hard as such and I've always been able to push it in like I can on the other side, it's been fairly firm. Today though it feels softer than it has in the past few weeks, I don't know why or even if it is softer or if its just my mind playing tricks on me (probably). I have also got third sensation of something being sticon on my tongue, but I'm pretty sure it's the tastebuds right on the edge of my tongue rubbing slightly, where the swelling is; it has done this before in both sides of my mouth though. 

    Anyway, I really do need to stop with the Googling, as I've been told as it really really doesn't help at all. 

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Aimee92 said:

    Hello everyone

    Hello everyone, thanks for the replies.

    I will indeed ask my doctor to refer me to an ENT tomorrow morning when I see her, I'll update after my appoinment to tell you how it all goes, hopefully she shouldn't object. 

    Today my main problem has been with my throat, it's very strange sensation I get. It feels kind of inflammed and the seanation of sometiobg being in my throat is wirse, like it's gotten bigger; and it's all in the lower part of my throat, where a doctor cannot see equity just their eyes and a light. I have a spray the doctor last week suggested I use (Difflam), and it helpa a little but not much, it kinda stings when I spray it down my throat. 

    My tongue is also very strange and it's done this once before, I'm not sure whether it is doing this it not; or if it's just my imagination. whilst the swelling has never been hard as such and I've always been able to push it in like I can on the other side, it's been fairly firm. Today though it feels softer than it has in the past few weeks, I don't know why or even if it is softer or if its just my mind playing tricks on me (probably). I have also got third sensation of something being sticon on my tongue, but I'm pretty sure it's the tastebuds right on the edge of my tongue rubbing slightly, where the swelling is; it has done this before in both sides of my mouth though. 

    Anyway, I really do need to stop with the Googling, as I've been told as it really really doesn't help at all. 


    Hi Aimee,

    On any given day, we all awaken with an ache or a pain that we didn't have the day before. It's part of the human experience and growing old. Now granted, at your age you really shouldn't be experiencing a lot of aches and pains.
    I believe, at any given time, we all can have symptoms of a serious disease or condition and not be sick at all.

    3 Symptoms of diabetes: thirst, hunger, frequent urination
    I'm thirsty all the time and I'm constantly drinking water because my mouth is so dry. I'm hungry all the time as a can of supplement pales in comparison to pigging out at the Chinese buffet and I pee constantly day and night because I'm drinking so much freaking water ~lol~ but I don't have diabetes.

    3 Symptoms of mono: fatigue, malaise, sore throat
    I suffer from extreme fatigue, especially after treatment. I've been feeling like crap since last Fall and my throat has been sore/irritated for several months but I don't have mono.

    3 Symptoms of pregnancy: nausea, frequent urination, fatigue
    I suffer from nausea, especially in the mornings after a PEG tube feeding. As mentioned previously, I suffer from a rather high level of fatigue and pee constantly day and night but I can assure you I'm not pregnant ;)~

    I truly mean no disrespect. I just have a gut feeling you're going to be fine and it's not cancer. 

    Good luck, positive thoughts and prayers.



  • Aimee92
    Aimee92 Member Posts: 22
    fishmanpa said:


    Hi Aimee,

    On any given day, we all awaken with an ache or a pain that we didn't have the day before. It's part of the human experience and growing old. Now granted, at your age you really shouldn't be experiencing a lot of aches and pains.
    I believe, at any given time, we all can have symptoms of a serious disease or condition and not be sick at all.

    3 Symptoms of diabetes: thirst, hunger, frequent urination
    I'm thirsty all the time and I'm constantly drinking water because my mouth is so dry. I'm hungry all the time as a can of supplement pales in comparison to pigging out at the Chinese buffet and I pee constantly day and night because I'm drinking so much freaking water ~lol~ but I don't have diabetes.

    3 Symptoms of mono: fatigue, malaise, sore throat
    I suffer from extreme fatigue, especially after treatment. I've been feeling like crap since last Fall and my throat has been sore/irritated for several months but I don't have mono.

    3 Symptoms of pregnancy: nausea, frequent urination, fatigue
    I suffer from nausea, especially in the mornings after a PEG tube feeding. As mentioned previously, I suffer from a rather high level of fatigue and pee constantly day and night but I can assure you I'm not pregnant ;)~

    I truly mean no disrespect. I just have a gut feeling you're going to be fine and it's not cancer. 

    Good luck, positive thoughts and prayers.



    Hey,hahaha, yes I'm pretty


    hahaha, yes I'm pretty sure that I could have every ailment possible if I Googled enough. 

    I think it's because I had a few symptoms of Oral C, which I found out by accident. I had a tingling sensation on my face for a few days after a root canal a bottom molar on the left hand side. I didn't know that the anaesthetics they use to numb your mouth could cause this, as I've had many fillings before and never had this tingling sensation before. I Googled this and somewhere along the lines I found a site or two that said some oral cancer patients had reported this as being a symptom, out of pure curiosity I looked up other symptoms and because I had (and still do have) a slight swelling in my left cheek and it feels different to my right one, as well as having a bump on my gum (which is still there). I panicked and got it into my head that this must be what I had, I wen't to my dentist told him what I was thinking and he had a look at my cheek and gum and said he would expect it to be like that as I had a big infection (I left it a while after my tooth started hurting to get it seen to and it resulted in my gum swelling quite significantly and my lower jaw and cheek swelled up a bit on the left side too) and that it wasn't not cancer. I was relieved and dropped it and stopped worrying about it then. 

    That evening I ran my finger under my tongue as it felt like I had some food stuck under it and felt that the right side of my tongue at the back was larger than the left, seeing as when I researched cancer I read that it is most commonly on the side of the tongue where the foliate papillae are and could present itself as a swelling, I went back to panicking and have been like that ever since as it's not gone down, and I've had other symptoms come on since. 

    I'm scared to get my mind out of this cancer thing and try to find other options, incase I get my hopes up and it turns out is in infact cancer. 

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    jumping the gun


    “You have cancer”, that is what it is like when your ENT says it.

    The same day I felt a lump I contacted my doctor,  I am not trained in cancer diagnosis so I went to those who are.  I never felt any of the numerous symptoms you are listing.

    Save yourself some sanity (while you can) and go see an ENT.

    Good luck, hope it is nothing


  • Aimee92
    Aimee92 Member Posts: 22
    CivilMatt said:

    jumping the gun


    “You have cancer”, that is what it is like when your ENT says it.

    The same day I felt a lump I contacted my doctor,  I am not trained in cancer diagnosis so I went to those who are.  I never felt any of the numerous symptoms you are listing.

    Save yourself some sanity (while you can) and go see an ENT.

    Good luck, hope it is nothing


    Hey Matt,
    It certainly sent a

    Hey Matt,

    It certainly sent a jolt of fear through me and made my heart feel like it skipped a beat for a second there, and that's reading it online; not being told it by a medical professional after actually having the correct tests. 

    hoping to get a referal to one tomorrow from my GP, as that is unforunatly the only way I can see an ENT on the NHS system. Hopefully she should refer me with no trouble. Fingers crossed. 

  • Aimee92
    Aimee92 Member Posts: 22
    Been to doctors

    So I've been to the doctors and she said she wants to hold off on the referral for now and wait until I've seen my dentist (Tuesday), I have to go back to her after I've seen him and then she said that depending in what he says and how I feel about it, she'll decided what to do about the referral then. 

    For now she's given me a prescription of omeprazole for an acid reflux, to see if that helps at all.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Aimee92 said:

    Been to doctors

    So I've been to the doctors and she said she wants to hold off on the referral for now and wait until I've seen my dentist (Tuesday), I have to go back to her after I've seen him and then she said that depending in what he says and how I feel about it, she'll decided what to do about the referral then. 

    For now she's given me a prescription of omeprazole for an acid reflux, to see if that helps at all.


    I've used that for AR, it works..., along with Protonix and it's equivalents.

    If they don't willing set you up with an ENT, I'm sure you can push the point.
