I have tongue cancer. I think...



  • Aimee92
    Aimee92 Member Posts: 22
    Skiffin16 said:


    I've used that for AR, it works..., along with Protonix and it's equivalents.

    If they don't willing set you up with an ENT, I'm sure you can push the point.


    Hopefully it shouldnt take

    Hopefully it shouldnt take much. I'll try to get in to see her the same day or the day after my dentist appoinment And get her to give me a referral regardless of that the dentist says.

  • amy_h414
    amy_h414 Member Posts: 98
    Aimee92 said:

    Hello Cureitall, thank you

    Hello Cureitall, thank you for the reply 

    I'm sorry you and your loved one has had to go through the repercussions of this nasty disease. 


    Actually I have had fleeting thoughts of an acid reflux and burning mouth syndrome, but as an acid reflux usually has heartburn as its main symptom and the doctor said I was probably too young to have a reflux, I kind of forgot about it. someone on a dental forum mentioned that they had an acid reflux and had a swelling in the tongue because of it, along with other things of course.

    I think my mind is so stuck on cancer because it's the worst case senario, and my worst fear is developing something like cancer and being told that my prognosis is very poor and my chances of beating it are very very slim, or that it's already too late to even try any treatments and I'll be given a timeline on how long I leave left to live. That along with the fact that the prognosis statistics for oralcancers  are pretty bad for patients being able to live 5+ years. 


    Thank you very much for the links you provided me, I'll have a look at them try to calm my mind a little, as all this worrying isn't going to achieve anything; whether or not I do have it.  


    By the way, I'm sorry if there is something in my post that dosen't make sense, my phone is for some reason, changing and joining up words into a bunch of random letters which don't maje sense. I dropped my phone in a puddle recently and didn't think any water got in it, but obviously it must have. At least I think it's my phone anyway lol. 

    You said: the doctor said I was probably too young to have a reflux

    Say what?? I know people whose infants or small children have reflux.

  • Aimee92
    Aimee92 Member Posts: 22
    amy_h414 said:

    You said: the doctor said I was probably too young to have a reflux

    Say what?? I know people whose infants or small children have reflux.

    I know lol

    I know, I thought that was a little off. I've met plenty of people my age and younger that have some kind of acid reflux, hopefully that's all this is and the tablets I've been given by the doctor I saw today will help. 

  • Aimee92
    Aimee92 Member Posts: 22
    Quick question.
    if someone

    Quick question.

    if someone has a lump or growth cut off any part of their body, whether the doctors thought it was something dangerous or just removed it as it was irritating, do they still have to check it for anything malignant anyway?.

    I ask this because when I went to the hospital on Wednesday, the doctor who looked at my tongue and said he thought it was nothing to worry about, said that if it was irritating me he would make an appoinment to get it cut off. This is a small lump/spot on the swelling. So I'm wondering if I do get the small spot/lump thing cut off, if they have to check it just incase it does turn out to be anything dangerous, or if they just would normally just dispose of it straight away?.

    This site does not like my phone, I swear. It keeps changing words as I'm typing for some strange reason. 


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Aimee92 said:

    Quick question.
    if someone

    Quick question.

    if someone has a lump or growth cut off any part of their body, whether the doctors thought it was something dangerous or just removed it as it was irritating, do they still have to check it for anything malignant anyway?.

    I ask this because when I went to the hospital on Wednesday, the doctor who looked at my tongue and said he thought it was nothing to worry about, said that if it was irritating me he would make an appoinment to get it cut off. This is a small lump/spot on the swelling. So I'm wondering if I do get the small spot/lump thing cut off, if they have to check it just incase it does turn out to be anything dangerous, or if they just would normally just dispose of it straight away?.

    This site does not like my phone, I swear. It keeps changing words as I'm typing for some strange reason. 


    Not Positive...

    But I think they do a biopsy of anything suspicious...

  • Aimee92
    Aimee92 Member Posts: 22
    Skiffin16 said:

    Not Positive...

    But I think they do a biopsy of anything suspicious...

    Hmm..since they aren't

    Hmm..since they aren't worried about it I'm not sure if they will. If I do have the sma llump/spot thing cut off I think I'll ask them if they'll do biopsy of it anyway.

  • denistd
    denistd Member Posts: 597
    Aimee92 said:

    Hmm..since they aren't

    Hmm..since they aren't worried about it I'm not sure if they will. If I do have the sma llump/spot thing cut off I think I'll ask them if they'll do biopsy of it anyway.


    Aimee, it's standard procedure and protocol to send any removed tissue to pathology if it is removed from somewhere in your body. This includes mouth.


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Aimee92 said:

    Quick question.
    if someone

    Quick question.

    if someone has a lump or growth cut off any part of their body, whether the doctors thought it was something dangerous or just removed it as it was irritating, do they still have to check it for anything malignant anyway?.

    I ask this because when I went to the hospital on Wednesday, the doctor who looked at my tongue and said he thought it was nothing to worry about, said that if it was irritating me he would make an appoinment to get it cut off. This is a small lump/spot on the swelling. So I'm wondering if I do get the small spot/lump thing cut off, if they have to check it just incase it does turn out to be anything dangerous, or if they just would normally just dispose of it straight away?.

    This site does not like my phone, I swear. It keeps changing words as I'm typing for some strange reason. 


    This site does not like my phone, I swear. It keeps changing words as I'm typing for some strange reason.

    This is the second comment on this. I wonder when they did the software updates, a setting related to spell check was set to do some auto replacement. Just a thought, may be it should be reported to the forum support group.

  • Aimee92
    Aimee92 Member Posts: 22
    denistd said:


    Aimee, it's standard procedure and protocol to send any removed tissue to pathology if it is removed from somewhere in your body. This includes mouth.


    I thought it was, I


    I thought it was, I just wasn't 100% certain of it; thanks for telling me. Now all I have to do is wait until they send me a letter with my regarding when my appointment will be then, it's the NHS so I assume it will take a little while unfortunately.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    donfoo said:

    This site does not like my phone, I swear. It keeps changing words as I'm typing for some strange reason.

    This is the second comment on this. I wonder when they did the software updates, a setting related to spell check was set to do some auto replacement. Just a thought, may be it should be reported to the forum support group.


    Nothing being done for spell check, auto-complete... that's a cell phone function doing it I'm sure...

    I've asked about having a spell checker, haven't heard back in awhile on that... I do know that if you use FireFox, it'll spell check your reply while typing it, IE doesn't.


  • Aimee92
    Aimee92 Member Posts: 22
    Hospital appointment

    Well that was much sooner than expected. 

    I got a letter through today from the hospital with an appointment to see the oral surgeon who is going to have a look and possibly cut a small lump/spot thing off my tongue depending on his evaluation, hopefully I he'll biopsy it and then hopefully I'll have a better understanding of what's going on in my mouth. It's still a little later than I would have liked, but a lot sooner than I expected it to be. 24th June. 

  • Aimee92
    Aimee92 Member Posts: 22
    Dentist appointment

    So I saw my dentist today. He said he doesn't think it's anything to be worried about still, but said as he is not a specialist he can't say 100%. He said if I wanted I could have a referal to a specialist, so of course I agreed and he said that he'll right a letter and send it off, but is not sure how long it will take to get an appoinment; between 2 weeks to a month, it's not straight away but it's something. That along with the other appoinment I have, hopefully I can get a diagnosis one way or the other soon. 

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Aimee92 said:

    Dentist appointment

    So I saw my dentist today. He said he doesn't think it's anything to be worried about still, but said as he is not a specialist he can't say 100%. He said if I wanted I could have a referal to a specialist, so of course I agreed and he said that he'll right a letter and send it off, but is not sure how long it will take to get an appoinment; between 2 weeks to a month, it's not straight away but it's something. That along with the other appoinment I have, hopefully I can get a diagnosis one way or the other soon. 

    Peace of Mind

    Hi Aimee,

    Glad to hear that great news from the dentist. With all due respect, I'm not doubting you are experiencing symptoms that concern you, but several doctors and now a dentist found nothing that concerned them. Could it possibly be that you're suffering from a little bit of health anxiety? In the mean time, while you're waiting for the system to authorize appointments, perhaps a conversation with a counselor concerning your fears would be beneficial. 

    Positive thoughts and prayers


  • simplyshaik
    simplyshaik Member Posts: 3
    Aimee92 said:

    Dentist appointment

    So I saw my dentist today. He said he doesn't think it's anything to be worried about still, but said as he is not a specialist he can't say 100%. He said if I wanted I could have a referal to a specialist, so of course I agreed and he said that he'll right a letter and send it off, but is not sure how long it will take to get an appoinment; between 2 weeks to a month, it's not straight away but it's something. That along with the other appoinment I have, hopefully I can get a diagnosis one way or the other soon. 

    Please help me by responding

    Hi Aimee,


    I was having more or less similar symptoms you have and  went to dentist and had 2 tooth extracted and  later developed throat infection and enlarged foliate papillae and buring sensation in mouth.  I went to ENT doctor and  Currently I am under medication . Can you please tell me how it is going on with you ?  Are you stlll having the issue  ?




  • Robyn64
    Robyn64 Member Posts: 124
    hi there

    I was reading all your symptoms that you have said that you have. All those syptoms of sore throat and tongue etc I recieved after my cancer treatment. You really need to stop reading everybodys symptoms on here, this can also play havoc with your mind as well. You should never self diagnose.

    As for the hpv virus, my cancer is hpv and you are not correct that its only sexually transmitted,  incorrect. Drs have said I most likely carried the virus as a child, Im now 50.  You said you have been googling. You should google then hpv virus, you will find somewhere where it states its not all sexually transmited. If thats the case, why doesnt my husband have it ??

    Other than googling hpv, think you need to stay away from google , stop self diagnosong, it can be so wrong for you and find a new dr and demsnd tests to confirm what is wrong. I have feeling its not cancer at all, maybe just some sort of infection. Get  new dr to check on this.


  • I think this person may have

    I think this person may have been someone suffering from 'cancer phobia', as they have posted this question on several health anxiety forums. Their post was posted nearly 18 months ago, so it's likely they did receive the reassurance they needed. It looks as though they were lucky enough not to have to suffer REAL cancer.

    Here is another of Aimee's posts. It's sad that people are living like this and I do feel sorry for them - but I've been looking at this since an episode on here several months ago. They come here and "collect" our symptoms to use in posts on other forums. And I know it's part of their mental illness, but this does make me feel a little uncomfortable. Perhaps I should learn to be more tolerant.



  • simplyshaik
    simplyshaik Member Posts: 3
    Estelle_H said:

    I think this person may have

    I think this person may have been someone suffering from 'cancer phobia', as they have posted this question on several health anxiety forums. Their post was posted nearly 18 months ago, so it's likely they did receive the reassurance they needed. It looks as though they were lucky enough not to have to suffer REAL cancer.

    Here is another of Aimee's posts. It's sad that people are living like this and I do feel sorry for them - but I've been looking at this since an episode on here several months ago. They come here and "collect" our symptoms to use in posts on other forums. And I know it's part of their mental illness, but this does make me feel a little uncomfortable. Perhaps I should learn to be more tolerant.



    Atleast Aimee could


    Atleast Aimee could have given some  information (Closure) what happend to her later.....It would have  been helpful for others having the more or less same sympton




  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839

    Atleast Aimee could


    Atleast Aimee could have given some  information (Closure) what happend to her later.....It would have  been helpful for others having the more or less same sympton





    With this thread being so old, please start a new one and you will get more replies :)  I'm sure someone here can give you good advice or their opinions.

  • simplyshaik
    simplyshaik Member Posts: 3


    With this thread being so old, please start a new one and you will get more replies :)  I'm sure someone here can give you good advice or their opinions.

    Thanks for ur


    Thanks for ur suggestion . Actually  I was more curious what happend to Aimee. She was very active in this thread and disappeared suddenly after few days. Her Input could have given different perception.



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member

    Thanks for ur


    Thanks for ur suggestion . Actually  I was more curious what happend to Aimee. She was very active in this thread and disappeared suddenly after few days. Her Input could have given different perception.



    active or not


    Sometimes it is helpful to simply click on their name and check how active they are on the H&N forum.   If they have not logged on (lately), you most likely will not get a response.

    Keep moving forward.
