UPDATE a small miracle ! so aggressive hyperthermia in germany or watchful waiting at home with alte

so today great news, my leaky gut is fixed,
now onto rebuilding probiotics another 3 weeks program,
my functional test indicate i have phase 1 and phase 2 detox issues.
starting to fix these as well using glutaphoine iv with my iv c drip.
when these are fixed i will also have results of heavy metal chelation test results.
i am also waiting on detox pathway gene profile testing results in 8 more days.
until my liver is as good as i can get it, i am not touching chemo, even light chemo.
if i need that poison, its going to hit my liver , when my liver is finely tuned.
at least as good as i can get it. this will help with chemo tolerance and chelation.
so the next 4 weeks i will focus on these and do more ht research.
thanks everyone for the comments.
if and when i decide on ht i will update this post.
thanks to everyone who replied.
everyday is a new twist in my story. today I got a call giving me about $30,000 from my aunty's estate, she died from lung cancer november 2010. I am pretty keen to go, has anyone else been to the german clinics ? reply here or pm me ?
the timing is everything, this call was completely unexpected, the money completely unexpected. i got the call while i was at a friends funeral, she suicided, tragic but another post for that. its the same chapel as where my aunty was cremmated. I believe in God, in fate, but the co-incidence. the amount of money. its just to co-incidental. In my gut tells me to go. i wanted to share this.
my conventional doctors say i must just watch and wait. so 6 weekly cea's and 3 monthly scan's, thats the clinical standard here.
when / if the tumour lands either surgery or chemo ( largely palliative )
so do i keep on doing my alternatives( way to many to mention ) which maybe helping stop the cancers progress, but its really to early to tell.
or do i go and do light chemo/ hyperthermia mixture of full body and local hyperthermia.
with some herbs, minerals and vitamins that will be gentler on my system, boost my immune system.
I am so strong and healthy now, these few potentially rogue cells are really pisssing me off. Do I waste all my health and strength with 6 months of heavy duty folfuri avastin or folfox avastin if the tumour lands somewhere resectable.
Today i got the $30,000 cash to do the treatments, so all that is holding me back is organising the flights and picking a center. it only takes 3-4 weeks overseas.
Everyday I suspect these evil little cells are going to try and kill me, so now I am considering having some fun and killing them first, at least a few million. that would be alot of personal satisafaction.
Everyday I feel my actions can bring me closer to sustainable health, but its time for some serious decisions, as this window for early aggressive treatment is still just open.
I have been blessed to have had two clear pet and ct's and ultrasound in the last two months. but for how much longer ?????? who's to know.
Do I step out into a more aggressive and visit germany ?
The only downside is the money, the time, i don't think the hyperthermia will prejuidice anything i do here.
It would be lovely to catchup, time passes fast, i am fighting on with my cancer recurrance
Given seriousness and urgency of my cancer treatment, and the very real risk it will kill me at some point unless i get it beaten asap.
I propose to use the funds to cover the costs of my treatment in germany.
I have been discussing getting treatment in germany with quotes and emails for about $20 to $30 K
So far I have used our available funds and we are bouncing our rent and card card payments, i continue to spend on alternatives as conventional medicine has nothing to offer me at this point, but palliative care.
So I believe Aunty Val would not mind if i use the money for my cancer treatment, if it works i will ensure that they get the funds returned and setup as a savings bond, or the kids and ellie have literally $1,000,000 of dollars of assets.
Tragically ellie will not sell any assets, despite my constant requests and efforts to organise property sales. Her greed and desire for her and the childrens future is putting my survival at risk. I still love her and hope she sees the error of her greed and lack of understanding. getting divorced or the legal action required for me to the funds causes me huge stresses, these stresses in themselves are really negative for my defeat of my cancer.
Timing is everything with my treatment, or should i say time. so now i am going to definitely goto germany as soon as i can after the 10th when i have a colonoscopy and endoscopy performed.
I just wanted to put my situation clear for my record, i know we discussed most of this on the phone. We had the wake down at the RSL, its a reminder of different life, of val and harold, my dad and mum. Again I just wanted to write this more for me, than you, but wanted to be clear about the reason why I am not doing quiet what Val wanted.
I hope you are all well and healthy. Maybe Vals spirit is still looking after me. the timing is amazing.
I will let you know when I am flying off to germany, i would love to catchup before i go.
Point - Counterpoint
This is another "6 One Way - 1/2 Dozen the Other" situation.
Let's examine this from a different angle that you brought up in your post - Time and Money
First, what a windfall receiving an inheritance that you never expected turned out to be. As we say in the States, that's alot of moolah. $30,000 is not going to come your way too many times in your life - how I wish I had a 'helping hand' like that sometimes.
Second, there is the time factor. I've watched your story since you came and I know you are doing what you feel you should do - and that's what you should be doing - just whatever feels right for you to try and do.
But, one can spend alot of money and time chasing a rabbit down a hole only to end up in the same place you were before you started. If all we are doing is spending nearly every second of the day "Trying to Live" - then where is the life?
Life is not in the existence or the extra seconds...while we search so feverishly, we can lose sight of that fact sometimes.
And while it's good to be pro-active, one can become too excessive. The mixture of things you are combining, I'm not sure if all of the doctors 'really know' what all the interactions would be - and if one things ended up stomping another by trying either this or that.
As you say, this probably would not hurt anything - but will lighten your wallet and take away some valuable alive time for you - it might net you or might not - that's the $64,000 questions.
I know you have spent an exorbirant amount of time in your pursuits and have spent countless thousands on medications and supplements - you are fortunate to have the means and the time to do so.
I don't have the resources that you have available to you...I'm still trying to hold onto my career....I'm working and commuting 12-13 hours of the day...exhausted when I get in...on Saturdays, I try and tend to chores and errands....and on Sundays, I've got to care for an elderly father in a nursing home...in between I'm pursuing my book project.
As for this..."when / if the tumour lands either surgery or chemo ( largely palliative) "
Pete, I'm becoming more convinced that for the vast majority of us "we're largely palliative" right out of the gate - it just takes a while in the journey to understand that definition.
And here..."I have been blessed to have had two clear pet and ct's and ultrasound in the last two months. but for how much longer ?????? who's to know."
For all intensive purposes, Pete...you are in pretty good shape...you're showing clear...after my last scan result, I'd take this one every day of the week - and twice on Sundays.
It's hard to hit a moving target, Pete...and cancer is constantly moving....trying to attack systemically for the sake of attacking is like putting a blindfold on you, spinning you around, handing you a pistol and you take aim and blindly shoot towards where you think the target is.
You can definitely see the logistics problem there, right Pete?
I know you like to have different opinions and I've grown comfortable enough around you to be able to speak to you and offer my take on a subject. So, I just offered another angle on your post. $30,000 right now would buy me a new life with the one I've got left.
It's a dice roll, so do what you feel is best...that's all that any of us can do - we play with what we've got and make the best decision we know to do - at the time we have to do it.
I figure you will be Germany bound - and I wish you the best on your treatment. Condolences on the passing of your aunt...it was nice that she remembered you in this way.
-Craig0 -
PeteSundanceh said:Point - Counterpoint
This is another "6 One Way - 1/2 Dozen the Other" situation.
Let's examine this from a different angle that you brought up in your post - Time and Money
First, what a windfall receiving an inheritance that you never expected turned out to be. As we say in the States, that's alot of moolah. $30,000 is not going to come your way too many times in your life - how I wish I had a 'helping hand' like that sometimes.
Second, there is the time factor. I've watched your story since you came and I know you are doing what you feel you should do - and that's what you should be doing - just whatever feels right for you to try and do.
But, one can spend alot of money and time chasing a rabbit down a hole only to end up in the same place you were before you started. If all we are doing is spending nearly every second of the day "Trying to Live" - then where is the life?
Life is not in the existence or the extra seconds...while we search so feverishly, we can lose sight of that fact sometimes.
And while it's good to be pro-active, one can become too excessive. The mixture of things you are combining, I'm not sure if all of the doctors 'really know' what all the interactions would be - and if one things ended up stomping another by trying either this or that.
As you say, this probably would not hurt anything - but will lighten your wallet and take away some valuable alive time for you - it might net you or might not - that's the $64,000 questions.
I know you have spent an exorbirant amount of time in your pursuits and have spent countless thousands on medications and supplements - you are fortunate to have the means and the time to do so.
I don't have the resources that you have available to you...I'm still trying to hold onto my career....I'm working and commuting 12-13 hours of the day...exhausted when I get in...on Saturdays, I try and tend to chores and errands....and on Sundays, I've got to care for an elderly father in a nursing home...in between I'm pursuing my book project.
As for this..."when / if the tumour lands either surgery or chemo ( largely palliative) "
Pete, I'm becoming more convinced that for the vast majority of us "we're largely palliative" right out of the gate - it just takes a while in the journey to understand that definition.
And here..."I have been blessed to have had two clear pet and ct's and ultrasound in the last two months. but for how much longer ?????? who's to know."
For all intensive purposes, Pete...you are in pretty good shape...you're showing clear...after my last scan result, I'd take this one every day of the week - and twice on Sundays.
It's hard to hit a moving target, Pete...and cancer is constantly moving....trying to attack systemically for the sake of attacking is like putting a blindfold on you, spinning you around, handing you a pistol and you take aim and blindly shoot towards where you think the target is.
You can definitely see the logistics problem there, right Pete?
I know you like to have different opinions and I've grown comfortable enough around you to be able to speak to you and offer my take on a subject. So, I just offered another angle on your post. $30,000 right now would buy me a new life with the one I've got left.
It's a dice roll, so do what you feel is best...that's all that any of us can do - we play with what we've got and make the best decision we know to do - at the time we have to do it.
I figure you will be Germany bound - and I wish you the best on your treatment. Condolences on the passing of your aunt...it was nice that she remembered you in this way.
You are my friend, so I will offer my opinion here also. As Craig said, "It is hard to hit a moving target". My question is, doesn't the heat treatment involved have to be aimed at a specific tumor? At this time, you have no specific tumor.
I am basing this on the local news article of the Chandler man traveling to the IOZK clinic in Cologne, Germany where his brain tumor is being treated by immunotherapy and heat therapy. He appears to be responding, but he has a specific tumor. You, of course, have done much research on this so I may be wrong.
It is good to be proactive, and I'm glad these funds have been provided for you, but sorry for the circumstances. And, possibly the funds could be used for your various supplements and other things.
Even though I am only the mother of a cancer survivor, I have watched so many here get "rid" of the monster, only to have it return with a vengeance no matter what protocol is followed. A few have been much more fortunate. I know it is a hard decision, and yours alone to make. You could certainly become one of the more fortunate.
Whatever choice you make, I wish you the best for your whole being, mind and body.
Wolfen0 -
At what point
At what point would I take the money from the roof over my children's heads (I have two grandchildren living with me now)and food from their bellies? At what point would I ask my husband to be reduced to pennies? At what point would I put my life ahead of theirs, decide I am more important? Not to the point to where I'm using unscientific alternatives and "therapies" unproven. At what point does someone understand what is a scam or what is reality?
I say "Hurrah!!!" to your wife for thinking of the future of her and her children. If one was to pass away, at least another is there to watch the children grow without struggling, begging to be put on the dole to have a roof over their heads.
I like you Pete, but... I've got to go with your wife on this one, our children are our future, women and children into the lifeboat first, etc.
Winter Marie0 -
Dear Pete
I am a bit confused...so help me understand. I thought that your latest scans were clear. I thought that your other tests were good. Have you actually been diagnosed with a recurrance, or are you seeking treatment to keep a recurrance at bay?
I hate that you and your wife are so at odds. However, just based on what you have shared here I don't think I would call her desire for financial solvency greed when there are children to raise.
I have read your posts about trying all sorts of alternatives, suppliments and multiple doctors. While the direct content is interesting, the underlying tone is concerning. I get the impression that fear is driving you.
All of us have been forced to face our own mortality because of a cancer diagnosis. It is scarey, but we can't let it take over the time we have left...be it days, weeks, months or years. Your survival became at risk the day cancer first started up in your body. I think you do your wife a disservice to say that it is she who is putting you at risk.
Do not let cancer take your family from you. To loose them before your last breath would be tragic.
Unless a 'magic bullet' is found, you will always be looking over your shoulder for the 'next time' cancer comes to call.
Do what you must, but remember you also have a responsibility to your wife and children to insure their future if you aren't there for them.
Marie who loves kitties0 -
I have to pretty much agree with the others, Pete
I really think you might want to take a moment to reconsider. Your proactivity may be driving you to an unhealthy place in terms of your mind and spirit. You have to make the decision, but the consensus thus far from people that care about you is that the money might be better spent elsewhere.
Carl0 -
G'day Pete
There is more than one way to lose your life to cancer. I don't know why your cea is up but don't forget it wasn't that long ago you were evac'ed out of New Guinea because of malaria. Malaria is a very serious illness and it is treated with some serious drugs plus it does not always leave your system, patients commonly have relapses. I would be waiting and seeing if there is a problem .I have had the experience of losing a wife through cancer it is not a good scene,Ron.0 -
Dear Pete,ron50 said:G'day Pete
There is more than one way to lose your life to cancer. I don't know why your cea is up but don't forget it wasn't that long ago you were evac'ed out of New Guinea because of malaria. Malaria is a very serious illness and it is treated with some serious drugs plus it does not always leave your system, patients commonly have relapses. I would be waiting and seeing if there is a problem .I have had the experience of losing a wife through cancer it is not a good scene,Ron.
My friend, I have
Dear Pete,
My friend, I have followed your posts, everyone of them. But what are you doing now
when you go hunting, you wait to shoot until you have a target in your viewer. When you go fishing you wait until you have something pulling on your fishing rod. When you take a picture you wait until you have a clear picture before taking the picture.
Do you have a clear picture now
Right now, as I understand you have no exact target to aim at. You are doing what you cab to stay healthy with all the regiems you are following.
My CEA went up alarmingly within a few weeks until we found out I had an infection.
Ones we cured that it was down again.
If you have a target aim for that target, but if their is none, then wait until you have one.
I do remember you wtote ones that ellie was a angel to you. Remember that. She is also the mother of your children, and as an y mother she looks out for their welbeing.
I am possitive IF it came down to your survival she would sell some real estate if it would safe your life.
I prefer quality over quantaty. I refuse to be a burden on any body. Therefor I am not fighting something that is not proven that it is there.
I can not believe that Ellie is greedy, she just wants to look out for the children and also for you.
I hope that you find peace and make a decission together with Ellie, what is best for you , her and the children.
hugs, Marjan0 -
precious funds...
This cancer business is often going 15 rounds, even extra, unless one knocks the other out first. We absolutely avoid placing all our money on any one treatment or round and it has served my wife well. Too toxic or too expensive, and one has shot their bolt - then what? Running out of money can be very dangerous in its own right. When we shop and work in our own efforts, we often get our costs 50%-80%-90%-98% lower, with a BETTER treatment.
We ask ourselves, can we do a home or local version? Usually the answer is yes. Now for Germany, they do have specialized high precision machines and experience, but in the same situation I would still try to stay closer to home or low cost areas. I would worry that a $30,000 quote, could have complications or added trip costs (remember Papa New Guinea) that the trip would become $55,000 or $75,000 door-to-door (return). You know, my wife has a thermal bed from years ago and she's hardly used it, but it's there and her doctor is ready to use it, obviously without the degree of precision control the German treatment has.
We avoid high cost providers, often some of the best are lower cost. Saving money in one area means easy funds for other treatment trials, more chances.0 -
thanks dear sundanceSundanceh said:Point - Counterpoint
This is another "6 One Way - 1/2 Dozen the Other" situation.
Let's examine this from a different angle that you brought up in your post - Time and Money
First, what a windfall receiving an inheritance that you never expected turned out to be. As we say in the States, that's alot of moolah. $30,000 is not going to come your way too many times in your life - how I wish I had a 'helping hand' like that sometimes.
Second, there is the time factor. I've watched your story since you came and I know you are doing what you feel you should do - and that's what you should be doing - just whatever feels right for you to try and do.
But, one can spend alot of money and time chasing a rabbit down a hole only to end up in the same place you were before you started. If all we are doing is spending nearly every second of the day "Trying to Live" - then where is the life?
Life is not in the existence or the extra seconds...while we search so feverishly, we can lose sight of that fact sometimes.
And while it's good to be pro-active, one can become too excessive. The mixture of things you are combining, I'm not sure if all of the doctors 'really know' what all the interactions would be - and if one things ended up stomping another by trying either this or that.
As you say, this probably would not hurt anything - but will lighten your wallet and take away some valuable alive time for you - it might net you or might not - that's the $64,000 questions.
I know you have spent an exorbirant amount of time in your pursuits and have spent countless thousands on medications and supplements - you are fortunate to have the means and the time to do so.
I don't have the resources that you have available to you...I'm still trying to hold onto my career....I'm working and commuting 12-13 hours of the day...exhausted when I get in...on Saturdays, I try and tend to chores and errands....and on Sundays, I've got to care for an elderly father in a nursing home...in between I'm pursuing my book project.
As for this..."when / if the tumour lands either surgery or chemo ( largely palliative) "
Pete, I'm becoming more convinced that for the vast majority of us "we're largely palliative" right out of the gate - it just takes a while in the journey to understand that definition.
And here..."I have been blessed to have had two clear pet and ct's and ultrasound in the last two months. but for how much longer ?????? who's to know."
For all intensive purposes, Pete...you are in pretty good shape...you're showing clear...after my last scan result, I'd take this one every day of the week - and twice on Sundays.
It's hard to hit a moving target, Pete...and cancer is constantly moving....trying to attack systemically for the sake of attacking is like putting a blindfold on you, spinning you around, handing you a pistol and you take aim and blindly shoot towards where you think the target is.
You can definitely see the logistics problem there, right Pete?
I know you like to have different opinions and I've grown comfortable enough around you to be able to speak to you and offer my take on a subject. So, I just offered another angle on your post. $30,000 right now would buy me a new life with the one I've got left.
It's a dice roll, so do what you feel is best...that's all that any of us can do - we play with what we've got and make the best decision we know to do - at the time we have to do it.
I figure you will be Germany bound - and I wish you the best on your treatment. Condolences on the passing of your aunt...it was nice that she remembered you in this way.
did i ever tell a part of my life story.
just briefly, at 24 i bought my first investment property just after mum died and she left me $34,000.
through luck, hard work, taking very big risks, i turned her $34,000 legacy to me into about $8 million in property protfolio.
so i retired at 34 from high pressure computing job to travel and make kids and i found scuba diving and photography.
so now i have built all these assets, and we are cash flow poor, but asset rich.
no banks will lend us, i have tried and tried.
for many reasons my dear wife will not sell anything yet!!!
if i cou;d get her the sell even just one property i could have about $1,000,000 in the bank, i could do whatever treatments and supplements i wanted over the next few years. we could engage a property manager to run the rest of the business and my wife and kids could come to germany with me potentially.
i would turn my treatment exploration over their into a holiday adventure that would take in the german castles, war stuff and take keith to lego land and mel to disney land.
i just don't have those options for me now.
so using some or all the money i made towards my treatments i would like. i might even engage a fulltime housekeeper to make juices, do teas, buy organic food. alas this is a dream.
so the use of the money my dear aunty val's is more short term in my books. where i
could go overseas on my own, try a treatment and continue learning.
you see its the closing window of short term aggressive therapy thats where my thinking is at.
i know its the concept of literally finding and killing the needle in the haystack. that haystack is me and the needle the tumour/s.
its the $64,000 question. i could for example have the hyperthermia on the liver, the abdo , the lungs using the stats on the likliest places for the met to arrive. again its the lower dosed, more effective treatment i am considering.
your story, the stories here on our forum, those of my friends here in support groups and from conferences and retreats have formulated my treatment choices.
i am guided by science, fate and the dice. my capacity to take risks with my fate, maybe a strong point or a failing, but as you have said its my way.
teaching the kids german, and checking out the snow could be fun. school has just come back for the kids. my wife and i like to play golf, they must have a few good courses in germany and europe.
i went for a scuba dive this morning, it was great, i higher oxygen mix than normal, i meditated at 10 meters depth for 10 minutes while my mate went exploring. i might be the only scuba diver diving while having active colorectal cancer, doing oxygen therapy and meditating.
to spend alot on the alternatives at this point, before i need the heavy duty treatments. if the alternatives work, well great, if not i can say i tried a few fun treatments.
hugs always sundance, i sincerely appreciate the reply, its a big decision and i will try and get more detailed info on prices and treatments from europe.
Pete0 -
thanks winterherdizziness said:At what point
At what point would I take the money from the roof over my children's heads (I have two grandchildren living with me now)and food from their bellies? At what point would I ask my husband to be reduced to pennies? At what point would I put my life ahead of theirs, decide I am more important? Not to the point to where I'm using unscientific alternatives and "therapies" unproven. At what point does someone understand what is a scam or what is reality?
I say "Hurrah!!!" to your wife for thinking of the future of her and her children. If one was to pass away, at least another is there to watch the children grow without struggling, begging to be put on the dole to have a roof over their heads.
I like you Pete, but... I've got to go with your wife on this one, our children are our future, women and children into the lifeboat first, etc.
Winter Marie
dear winter,
i appreciate your comments and perspective.
how we go through this challenge as a family, remains.
I asked my daughter mel,do you want the $15,000 when your 21, or can i use it now for germany. she said use it for treatment.
My 6 year old said he just wants lego now, i said now lego now either way.
most of the therapies i am trying have science behind them, long before they become clinically accepted here or even mainstream in the us. hopefully my reply to craig, gives a little more context.
below is one of the replies.
are these guys selling snake oil or is it the best, will what they offer help me more than staying home and doing nothing, which is all the conventional doctors say here.
i have life insurance, and heaps of assets, so the kids and wife will be well cared for in the worst case. seriously trying to avoid that.
EMAIL reply from a clinic in today.
Thank you very much for sending your medical reports. You are suffering from colorectal recurrence and are looking for treatment.
Thank you very much for sending your medical reports. You are suffering from colorectal recurrence and are looking for treatment.
We have developed a special integrative cancer therapy concept as part of our holistic approach which gives the best guarantee for life quality.
In treating colorectal cancer we have very good experience by performing low dose, insulin potentiated chemotherapy in combination with local hyperthermia to the tumor manifestation, whole body hyperthermia, extensive detoxification and an immune biological support program.
For this treatment program you need to stay 3 weeks as inpatient.
In case that you decide to come to our hospital let us know so that we can make reservation0 -
when is a recurrance a recurrance` ???Lovekitties said:Dear Pete
I am a bit confused...so help me understand. I thought that your latest scans were clear. I thought that your other tests were good. Have you actually been diagnosed with a recurrance, or are you seeking treatment to keep a recurrance at bay?
I hate that you and your wife are so at odds. However, just based on what you have shared here I don't think I would call her desire for financial solvency greed when there are children to raise.
I have read your posts about trying all sorts of alternatives, suppliments and multiple doctors. While the direct content is interesting, the underlying tone is concerning. I get the impression that fear is driving you.
All of us have been forced to face our own mortality because of a cancer diagnosis. It is scarey, but we can't let it take over the time we have left...be it days, weeks, months or years. Your survival became at risk the day cancer first started up in your body. I think you do your wife a disservice to say that it is she who is putting you at risk.
Do not let cancer take your family from you. To loose them before your last breath would be tragic.
Unless a 'magic bullet' is found, you will always be looking over your shoulder for the 'next time' cancer comes to call.
Do what you must, but remember you also have a responsibility to your wife and children to insure their future if you aren't there for them.
Marie who loves kitties
dear marie,
that is a great question, i cannot say, i am acting assuming it is.
the 3 three onc's and 2 surgeons and 2 integrative gp's say given my clinical history and their experience yes. I have the words metastatic colorectal recurrance on doctors referal letter.
assuming it is, and if i am wrong well , just how fantastic would that be. they have elimenated most of the other causes of rising cea's not related to mcrc. so its kind of what they call a differential diagnosis at this point.
noone wants to issue full chemo based on a maybe, the tumour if it exists may develop resistance earlier than necessary. so on one hand i run the risk of these early interventions actually reducing my length of survival, or do they give me the best chance of a cure, the only chance of a cure.
i appreciate your point about us being happy as a family as long as possible, and i have not had any fights over this point about assets, but i have expressed what i would like to do that would give me my best shot a cure.
so the question becomes, how much money is enough for the kids and wife. one, two or three million.
i am blessed to have these choices, but they are difficult choices to make.
we all go through them to different extents.
i know of kids left millions, without parents that now are in lots of trouble.
does giving that kid of money inheritance to kids help them or hinder them. that's a whole other post.
is not my greatest responsibility to my kids and wife, to love them. i thought staying alive as well and as long as possible my best way of achieving that.
Pete0 -
thanks carlneons356 said:I have to pretty much agree with the others, Pete
I really think you might want to take a moment to reconsider. Your proactivity may be driving you to an unhealthy place in terms of your mind and spirit. You have to make the decision, but the consensus thus far from people that care about you is that the money might be better spent elsewhere.
keeping my mind and spirit focused is a challenge.
doing whats right for the family and for me a difficult juggle.
on the brightside, being alive is great, i am glad i like juggling.
I will go to germany with the families blessings or not at all.
Pete0 -
hey ron thanksron50 said:G'day Pete
There is more than one way to lose your life to cancer. I don't know why your cea is up but don't forget it wasn't that long ago you were evac'ed out of New Guinea because of malaria. Malaria is a very serious illness and it is treated with some serious drugs plus it does not always leave your system, patients commonly have relapses. I would be waiting and seeing if there is a problem .I have had the experience of losing a wife through cancer it is not a good scene,Ron.
i always keep on getting into trouble, thats my life.
so man, i hope its the maleria coming back, i will do another blood test to check this.
if it is, i will drive up to brisbane and give you a real hug.
mrcr or maleria relapse, none of the doctors so far have suggested getting this checked.
its a long shot, but certainly worth elimenating by a simple blood test, that all the doctors, and my clever helpful advisors have not suggested so far.
ps i won't loose my dear wife to cancer money issues, not while i have breathe, its just having all our assets tied up together thats frustrating, i cannot use say 20% of them for my treatments.
i would swap all the assets i have got for good health right now, i can always go back to work and make a good living.0 -
dear gail, its sunday, i will pray for this at mass this morningtootsie1 said:Tough decision
Pete, I'm praying that you make the right choice for you and your family.
god bless you and everyone for your care and suggestions.
ps why did i get the phone call and the money to do this while at the same chapel my dear aunty val was cremated in, its more the co-incidence of the the availability of the funds and the timing. i am a fatalist in some ways, so maybe that is actually god answering my prayers in his way. i will pray and research and decide. it will be a joint decision. i know it must be.0 -
its that risk of cost blowouts is why i have not gonetanstaafl said:precious funds...
This cancer business is often going 15 rounds, even extra, unless one knocks the other out first. We absolutely avoid placing all our money on any one treatment or round and it has served my wife well. Too toxic or too expensive, and one has shot their bolt - then what? Running out of money can be very dangerous in its own right. When we shop and work in our own efforts, we often get our costs 50%-80%-90%-98% lower, with a BETTER treatment.
We ask ourselves, can we do a home or local version? Usually the answer is yes. Now for Germany, they do have specialized high precision machines and experience, but in the same situation I would still try to stay closer to home or low cost areas. I would worry that a $30,000 quote, could have complications or added trip costs (remember Papa New Guinea) that the trip would become $55,000 or $75,000 door-to-door (return). You know, my wife has a thermal bed from years ago and she's hardly used it, but it's there and her doctor is ready to use it, obviously without the degree of precision control the German treatment has.
We avoid high cost providers, often some of the best are lower cost. Saving money in one area means easy funds for other treatment trials, more chances.
dear tanstaalf,
I want to meditate, drink my juices, take my supplements, eat my organic foods and get the best treatment appropriate for my needs.
i have thought of doing this myself, i have tried. its my realisation of my own short comings in understanding the treatment options and how to execute them that is pushing me towards these types of treatments.
i am shopping around and getting quotes and treatment suggestions. as i sit here i have a view of the airport, i see a plane landing every minute over the bay. its a lovelly day here. i could hope on a plane in under three hours, my passport is ready, my files organised.
so many of the interesting wholist papers i read are out of germany. I will make the best choice i can.
ps i have tried my own hyperthermia, the risks are to high and the benefits need some chemo. tht rules out do it yourself.0 -
Sorry Pete, but i can't really offer advise on this:tootsie1 said:Tough decision
Pete, I'm praying that you make the right choice for you and your family.
We've often heard the phrase "wait and see" because whats appearing on a scan is too micro to determine if its cancer. Unfortunately, sometimes by the time a definite determination is made, the cancer has advanced too much to stop or destroy......On the other hand, to attempt to attack something that may or may not be where its thought to be, if its there at all,may cause more harm than good.........
Does where you intend to go in Germany have a documented, verifiable history of success? Once you get there, you don't want to discover otherwise. Would like to continue reading your posts for the next couple of decades......steve0 -
but marjan, thats marriagethingy45 said:Dear Pete,
My friend, I have
Dear Pete,
My friend, I have followed your posts, everyone of them. But what are you doing now
when you go hunting, you wait to shoot until you have a target in your viewer. When you go fishing you wait until you have something pulling on your fishing rod. When you take a picture you wait until you have a clear picture before taking the picture.
Do you have a clear picture now
Right now, as I understand you have no exact target to aim at. You are doing what you cab to stay healthy with all the regiems you are following.
My CEA went up alarmingly within a few weeks until we found out I had an infection.
Ones we cured that it was down again.
If you have a target aim for that target, but if their is none, then wait until you have one.
I do remember you wtote ones that ellie was a angel to you. Remember that. She is also the mother of your children, and as an y mother she looks out for their welbeing.
I am possitive IF it came down to your survival she would sell some real estate if it would safe your life.
I prefer quality over quantaty. I refuse to be a burden on any body. Therefor I am not fighting something that is not proven that it is there.
I can not believe that Ellie is greedy, she just wants to look out for the children and also for you.
I hope that you find peace and make a decission together with Ellie, what is best for you , her and the children.
hugs, Marjan
an angle one moment, a devil the next.
a devilish angel, is a contradiction, but i think it suits my wife.
its our wedding anniversary on the 12th of feb, so if we agree i will leave on the 13th.
the pressure she is under is tremendous, the same goes for the kids.
i prefer the fishing analogy,
we chuck the line in without knowing where the fish are!
alas i don't catch fish to wffectively using a line, now give me a spear gun and i can bring home a nice coral trout and blackfish.
I know the the idea about having a target, its just the window for really early aggressive treatment that i sense is right for me.
Pete0 -
i have 6 centers recommended by a trusted sourcecoloCan said:Sorry Pete, but i can't really offer advise on this:
We've often heard the phrase "wait and see" because whats appearing on a scan is too micro to determine if its cancer. Unfortunately, sometimes by the time a definite determination is made, the cancer has advanced too much to stop or destroy......On the other hand, to attempt to attack something that may or may not be where its thought to be, if its there at all,may cause more harm than good.........
Does where you intend to go in Germany have a documented, verifiable history of success? Once you get there, you don't want to discover otherwise. Would like to continue reading your posts for the next couple of decades......steve
that said, my favourite clinic at present has this real life story, well i told a friend at the kids school. her sister in law died their, after arriving in only 2 days. so was really far gone. is it good that a few people i know here have gone.
i will try and obtain verifiable histories of success.
ps i look forward to reading your research peices for the next few decades as well.
i wonder if they ipad's in heaven. not that thats where i will be any time soon.
you nailed it!!!!!!!!!! watch and wait, but it maybe be to late.
alas it could be to late already, its an incideous disease.0
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