After Cancer.... Now What?



  • tommycat
    tommycat Member Posts: 790 Member
    karen40 said:

    After Cancer.... Now What?
    I'm just now trying to figure this one out. Finished chemo in October,had CT in November,had colonoscopy two days ago and everything looks good. I can't say I'm happy but I do feel relieved. I mostly feel guilty. I feel guilty that I've been able to make it this far and that my prognosis looks good. I just feel so bad. I wish I could take everyone's pain away.I too suffer from many of the side effects from chemo and surgery but I can never go on about it because I know that my experience has been a walk in the park compared to most. I'm just not sure on what it was all about or what to do next. I do think I suffer from some sort of survivors guilt. I'm glad to know that I am not alone on this one.

    ....I do know this is an old thread and some that have posted are no longer with us. I mean no disrespect. I pray for them and their families. The topic was so close to home, I just had to post.

    Excellent post
    That's how I feel too Karen---the thread may be 2 yrs old, but so much of these posts are incredibly relevant.
  • christinecarl
    christinecarl Member Posts: 544 Member
    tommycat said:

    Excellent post
    That's how I feel too Karen---the thread may be 2 yrs old, but so much of these posts are incredibly relevant.

    I am glad people have posted
    I am glad people have posted on this tread and bumped it up, it is very universal in it thoughts, posts, and fears.

    {{group hug}}
  • jenben59
    jenben59 Member Posts: 136 Member
    I find myself thinking the same thing...Now what?
    When I was on chemo, this is the only site I felt comfortable with and would post and ask questions. When I became NED,I tried to "cut the strings" and move on, but it did not work out. Between the side effect from the colon cancer and the brain tumor, everyday life is hard. I live in a small rural area and the closest support groups are far away. Personal friends/family most do not understand...they think since I am off chemo, everything is just fine now and will be like it was, well it is not. A lot of "friendships" have fallen by the wayside. I am not trying to be negative, but I changed and my life has changed a lot. I wish I had a local group of people to be around and talk with that understand. Just to have people that understand and do not get rude/hurtful and say, "get over it" would be a blessing. When I hear other people talk about their situation/side effects/worries I do not think about mine and I surely do not feel alone.