Miracles do happen

HootieGirl Member Posts: 85
Hi girls!

So sorry it has taken me so long to post an update. Life has been crazy busy and as much as my mother nags me to slow down, I am always go go go! Not long after my last post, my oncologists attended the world conference and talked with the experts at the cancer institute at Harvard (who I saw last October) about my case. They decided that there wasn't enough evidence to show that the intensive chemotherapy regimen would work given all of the wacko variables God has thrown my way. I was so emotional and girls I'm talkin lots of tears. I mean snotty ugly uncontrollable tears of joy. Prayer is so powerful and I can't thank y'all enough for always thinking of me. Even though I don't post too often, I am constantly loging in to read your beautiful stories and words of encouragement. I am so overwhelmed with the sweet words you girls write to me/about me even when I'm not posting. It really blows my mind that a group of incredible mature women care so much about a 20 year old college girl.

I started radiation about 2 weeks ago, and I have 4 more weeks left. While I would take radiation over chemo in a heartbeat, it hasn't been easy. I have radiation treatments every morning in the city, but my university where I have class is an hour and a half away. So I wake up at 6:30 every morning, drive an hour and a half to my treatments, get treated, then drive back, go to physical therapy, go to class, do things with my sorority and then study. And then wake up and do it all again. I'm in the car for about 3 hours every day, but aside from that, I feel like I finally have a life again. My physical therapy is going a little slower than I would like, but I am regaining my strength and maintaining a fairly active lifestyle. It truly is Gods way of teaching me patience. I am obsessed with all of the pink I see everywhere for breast cancer awareness month. It reminds me of you girls and makes me smile. My hair is actually starting to grow a lot. It will take a very long time to have my long locks back, but that's okay because at this point I will take what I can get.

I will have another pet scan in a couple months to see if the cancer spreads anywhere else, and if it does i guess its back to the drawing boards to think of new treatments. I am trying not to think or stress about that and really just live in the day. Who knows, maybe this will all be over with after this round of radiation and i can finally focus on getting those perky boobs I truly believe I deserve! Love and prayers to all of you!



  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    Love and prayers
    to you, too!

    So happy to hear your good news. Yes, your mother's instincts are to make sure you get your rest, but I'm glad you're go go going!! Just wish it wasn't such a grueling drive to radiation, but I'm glad you're on the move.

    You're never far from my thoughts. We all want the best for you, Kat.

  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Kat, You are a very wise
    Kat, You are a very wise young women. I love reading your post. Your always upbeat and positive. You just keep go go going!!! I wish the drive wasn't so long for you though. Post when ever you can. Your always in my prayers and thoughts. The next 4 weeks will go by fast. Take care Sweetheart Kay
  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    Think of you often
    Glad you are starting to feel like you are getting your life back. Hang in there, try to be patient, it is soooo hard dealing with the ups and downs.

    Wishing you a future of clear pet scans and perky boobs,

  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    grams2jc said:

    Think of you often
    Glad you are starting to feel like you are getting your life back. Hang in there, try to be patient, it is soooo hard dealing with the ups and downs.

    Wishing you a future of clear pet scans and perky boobs,


    Glad you're hanging in there!
    You are mature beyond your 20 years. Keep the positie attitude and enjoy life! Just keep fighting like a girl!
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    oh my gosh Kat - YOU are
    oh my gosh Kat - YOU are amazing. I have tremendous respect and admiration for you, young lady, for you don't seem to be letting this cancer b.s. slow you down a bit. Sending you lots of love & hugs & positive vibes :) SUCH an inspiration!!
    Are you on facebook? Im way more active on there than I am on here but if you'd like to add me, I'm under Heather Kaylor Grontkowski. Id love to get to know you better!
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    good to see you
    good to see you posted...sounds like your days are crazy and busy...take care of yourself..

  • epark
    epark Member Posts: 339

    good to see you
    good to see you posted...sounds like your days are crazy and busy...take care of yourself..


    Wow Kat you are an

    Wow Kat you are an inspiration to all over us ….so glad you are feeling better… stay strong I know it hard to do so at times. ..

    Take Care & God Bless
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    Kat you are frequently on my
    Kat you are frequently on my mind, your determination and strength are inspiring. You do have a full schedule, but in a few weeks when you're done with rads you'll be able to sleep in a little!!

    Thanks for the update. All my best to you.


  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member

    Kat, You are a very wise
    Kat, You are a very wise young women. I love reading your post. Your always upbeat and positive. You just keep go go going!!! I wish the drive wasn't so long for you though. Post when ever you can. Your always in my prayers and thoughts. The next 4 weeks will go by fast. Take care Sweetheart Kay

    Kat, it is so good to see
    Kat, it is so good to see you post. You have an amazing attitude and I am so glad that we have all helped you in some way.

    We love you and are supporting you.


  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    Dear Kat - -So happy to see
    Dear Kat - -So happy to see your post!! And so very happy to know you're doing all you can do, and staying so positive. Love your attitude! That's the best approach...many of us should learn from you. Sometimes it's difficult, but taking one day at time is a good start to recovery.

    I think of you and pray that this is over for you very soon. Keep on smiling sister!
  • Annette 11
    Annette 11 Member Posts: 380
    Dear Kat,
    You are truly amazing. No way is this cancer going to Ever get you! I don't post too much but I do check in now and then to see how my pink sisters are doing. I just had to say I know you are going to be a winner and a survivor! Keep praying and stay strong.
    We all love you and want to hear how you are doing.
    Hugs to you.
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member

    Dear Kat,
    You are truly amazing. No way is this cancer going to Ever get you! I don't post too much but I do check in now and then to see how my pink sisters are doing. I just had to say I know you are going to be a winner and a survivor! Keep praying and stay strong.
    We all love you and want to hear how you are doing.
    Hugs to you.

    Dear Kat
    You are amazing! You're an old soul, as they say. :) I wish you all the best and I have no doubt about your strength or courage to fight this.
    Thanks for keeping us posted and keep up the good work!
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Kat, what an inspiration you
    Kat, what an inspiration you are!! If miracles do happen, you are one very deserving recepient. Keep up the positive attitude and I'll keep you in my most positive thoughts for a very successful outcome from the radiation. Getting on with your young life is what I'm hoping for. Take care. Love and (((hugs))).
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806

    Dear Kat
    You are amazing! You're an old soul, as they say. :) I wish you all the best and I have no doubt about your strength or courage to fight this.
    Thanks for keeping us posted and keep up the good work!

    Kat, so glad to hear from you and even happier that you have good news. Thought and prayers are always there for you. So very pleased that you've gotten your life back again and only have a few more weeks of the extra running around.

    love and hugs,

  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    MyTurnNow said:

    Kat, what an inspiration you
    Kat, what an inspiration you are!! If miracles do happen, you are one very deserving recepient. Keep up the positive attitude and I'll keep you in my most positive thoughts for a very successful outcome from the radiation. Getting on with your young life is what I'm hoping for. Take care. Love and (((hugs))).

    As I say in most
    As I say in most of my posts BELIEVE in MIRACLES. I do and wish them for all of my pink sisters. Kat,You will be over all this in a fww months and back to getting plenty of rest.Hang in there.It won't be long.

    My case was discussed at a convention.I felt comfortable at the time and somewhat still do but the one thing I believe I would've asked for a second opinion for at least radiation.But with a non invasive Stage 0 I chose to believe this was the right treamtent.Take tamoxifin for 5 years.

    I know of a young lady who was dx with hip cancer last year.She's just over her treatment and told me and my husband she is cancer free.Her hair was down to her waist and straight.Now she has the prettiest dark hair with curls.Very cute.I envy just that part.CURLS.My hair is straight.

    Take care Kat and Thank You for posting what is going on with you.Yes we all think about you when we haven't heard for awhile but we understand you are busy.

    Wishing you more MIRACLES!!!!!

    Lynn Smith
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    Dear Kat - -So happy to see
    Dear Kat - -So happy to see your post!! And so very happy to know you're doing all you can do, and staying so positive. Love your attitude! That's the best approach...many of us should learn from you. Sometimes it's difficult, but taking one day at time is a good start to recovery.

    I think of you and pray that this is over for you very soon. Keep on smiling sister!

    Miracles do happen Kat and if anyone deserves one, you certainly do! At your young age, you inspire me and amaze me with your courage, determination and your wonderful attitude.

    I am truly in awe of you young lady!

    Wishing you good luck with rads!

    Keep posting so we know how you are. We pinkies tend to worry about you!

    Sue :)
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member

    As I say in most
    As I say in most of my posts BELIEVE in MIRACLES. I do and wish them for all of my pink sisters. Kat,You will be over all this in a fww months and back to getting plenty of rest.Hang in there.It won't be long.

    My case was discussed at a convention.I felt comfortable at the time and somewhat still do but the one thing I believe I would've asked for a second opinion for at least radiation.But with a non invasive Stage 0 I chose to believe this was the right treamtent.Take tamoxifin for 5 years.

    I know of a young lady who was dx with hip cancer last year.She's just over her treatment and told me and my husband she is cancer free.Her hair was down to her waist and straight.Now she has the prettiest dark hair with curls.Very cute.I envy just that part.CURLS.My hair is straight.

    Take care Kat and Thank You for posting what is going on with you.Yes we all think about you when we haven't heard for awhile but we understand you are busy.

    Wishing you more MIRACLES!!!!!

    Lynn Smith

    Kat--I love your attitude
    Hope and faith do breed miracles--and attitude is everything. You've got all three going for you and the many, many prayers of all of us along with a ton of positive thoughts being sent to you daily. Sure, it's okay to shed some tears along the way, feel down and take a good rest. We're only human afterall. But it's those of us who pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and carry on who thrive--and you're one of them!

    So thankful you keep us posted from time to time with all that's on your plate. We truly care about you and we're all rooting for you---Yeah, Kat!

    Hugs, Renee
  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    missrenee said:

    Kat--I love your attitude
    Hope and faith do breed miracles--and attitude is everything. You've got all three going for you and the many, many prayers of all of us along with a ton of positive thoughts being sent to you daily. Sure, it's okay to shed some tears along the way, feel down and take a good rest. We're only human afterall. But it's those of us who pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and carry on who thrive--and you're one of them!

    So thankful you keep us posted from time to time with all that's on your plate. We truly care about you and we're all rooting for you---Yeah, Kat!

    Hugs, Renee

    Your energy poops me out. Don't slow down girl, enjoy each and every day surrounded by those you love and adore. You are one amazing young lady... Take care sweetie.

  • Kat,
    Your energy poops me out. Don't slow down girl, enjoy each and every day surrounded by those you love and adore. You are one amazing young lady... Take care sweetie.


    Your body will tell you when to rest so just respect it and you will be ok. I am glad things are working out! You are in my prayers.
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    so glad you are being spared the chemo, that in itself may be a miracle. Love your attitude, continue to live your life, and expect it to be a long one. I would probably be more like your mom trying to slow you down, even just a little, but I know that my boys would have said okay mom, and continued at breakneck speed also!

    Keep up the attitude, your posts are always so uplifting.
