♥ Our honor-roll walk ♥



  • Clementine_P
    Clementine_P Member Posts: 518 Member
    chenheart said:

    Traci, Lorrie, and ALL of
    Traci, Lorrie, and ALL of the Kindred Spirits walking for and with someone~ I love you! I am never ever gving up~ this is not the end of my walking, just a detour on the road. And...though I didn't calculate my steps, my sister and I WALKED for close to an hour (!!!) at a classic car show held in town on Saturday~ and did window shopping, too! Please tell me that counted! I amazed myself! Perhaps I really just need someone to walk with who doesn't care how slow I am, and doesn't mind that I stop to catch my breath...I felt EMPOWERED!
    Which is what I needed...this afternoon I go in for my 2nd Zometa infusion and the OWIE Faslodex injections. My oncologist has ordered the drip to take an hour rather than half and hour~ we are both hopeful ( I more than he, I am sure!) that slowing the infusion rate will lessen the SE's I experienced last time! I'm all for that!

    Keep walking, sisters...you give us encouragement and strength!

    Okay, last week was a whopper
    I walked/ran 29 miles last week so that brings the total up to 167.09.

    Chen, I wasn't going to post after seeing your last message because I didn't want to make you feel sad in any way. Based on your follow up posts, however, I think you are finding inspiration in this thread. I am certainly finding inspiration in you. I am amazed that you went ahead and walked for an hour. You are incredible. Don't stop!

    Best to all,
  • rainbow4
    rainbow4 Member Posts: 137
    chenheart said:

    Traci, Lorrie, and ALL of
    Traci, Lorrie, and ALL of the Kindred Spirits walking for and with someone~ I love you! I am never ever gving up~ this is not the end of my walking, just a detour on the road. And...though I didn't calculate my steps, my sister and I WALKED for close to an hour (!!!) at a classic car show held in town on Saturday~ and did window shopping, too! Please tell me that counted! I amazed myself! Perhaps I really just need someone to walk with who doesn't care how slow I am, and doesn't mind that I stop to catch my breath...I felt EMPOWERED!
    Which is what I needed...this afternoon I go in for my 2nd Zometa infusion and the OWIE Faslodex injections. My oncologist has ordered the drip to take an hour rather than half and hour~ we are both hopeful ( I more than he, I am sure!) that slowing the infusion rate will lessen the SE's I experienced last time! I'm all for that!

    Keep walking, sisters...you give us encouragement and strength!

    Walking for you who can't right now
    We all have times when we can't keep up with the rest, and that's when the others take over, knowing their time will come (or has already come and gone), and that someone would step up then!
    Slow and steady wins the race (but who's racing?).
  • BunnyJane
    BunnyJane Member Posts: 213
    rainbow4 said:

    Walking for you who can't right now
    We all have times when we can't keep up with the rest, and that's when the others take over, knowing their time will come (or has already come and gone), and that someone would step up then!
    Slow and steady wins the race (but who's racing?).

    13 miles this past week

    I had 13 miles and walked in support of those that are dealing with the difficult news of a recurrence.

    Our team total is 180.09 miles.

  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    rainbow4 said:

    Walking for you who can't right now
    We all have times when we can't keep up with the rest, and that's when the others take over, knowing their time will come (or has already come and gone), and that someone would step up then!
    Slow and steady wins the race (but who's racing?).

    Walking and riding our bikes for Marsha Mulvey!
    My hubby and I walk or ride our bikes several times a week together. We really love it when the weather is nice and there isn't a strong wind blowing us around. lol

    Marsha Mulvey is one of the sweetest pink sisters I have ever seen on this site. She is in the fight for her life, but, you seldom have seen her post until lately, and, that is because there were so many shout outs to her, and, I hope she keeps updating us.

    She always encourages everyone without asking for any sympathy or drawing attention to herself or her chemo or health issues. You are one amazing, courageous sister!

    So, Marsha, my miles are dedicated to you, my friend.

    ♠♣ Love, Susie ♠♣
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    BunnyJane said:

    13 miles this past week

    I had 13 miles and walked in support of those that are dealing with the difficult news of a recurrence.

    Our team total is 180.09 miles.


    12 miles last week
    at the gym on the eliptical and treadmill. Will post again at the end of this week. I dedicate last week to you, Chen. Hoping you get stronger and can walk again soon.

    Team total = 192.09 miles.

  • renee616
    renee616 Member Posts: 181

    12 miles last week
    at the gym on the eliptical and treadmill. Will post again at the end of this week. I dedicate last week to you, Chen. Hoping you get stronger and can walk again soon.

    Team total = 192.09 miles.


    I will try!!!!
    I'm gonna be honest with you girls.....I hate walking!!!!! Never liked it! Oh I like shopping, site seeing, etc....But walking....just to walk???? Butttt, I'm gonna try! I have did the relay for Life 5K a few times...Great Ideal Lorrie!
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413

    12 miles last week
    at the gym on the eliptical and treadmill. Will post again at the end of this week. I dedicate last week to you, Chen. Hoping you get stronger and can walk again soon.

    Team total = 192.09 miles.


    I can only add 2 miles this
    I can only add 2 miles this week.

    Team total: 194.09
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159

    Okay, last week was a whopper
    I walked/ran 29 miles last week so that brings the total up to 167.09.

    Chen, I wasn't going to post after seeing your last message because I didn't want to make you feel sad in any way. Based on your follow up posts, however, I think you are finding inspiration in this thread. I am certainly finding inspiration in you. I am amazed that you went ahead and walked for an hour. You are incredible. Don't stop!

    Best to all,

    Oh Clememtine~ bless your
    Oh Clememtine~ bless your heart! I have been a member of this awesome online family since 2003~ and have seen so many friends in so many circumstances~ good, bad, depths of despair, giddly with joy and everything in between! I perhaps shouldn't have used the word sad...disappointed ( ok and a bit whiney! ) about my situation right now is a better word, to be sure. I certainly rejoice and am so proud of all of your achievements~ be it doing a triathalon or walking to the mailbox! They can all be personal bests, can't they?? And they are! Please, never hold back from posting accomplishments and letting us all know they are possible before, during, and after cancer!!!! I am so honored to be a part of this amazing family of strong women~ and right now ( even though I am a bit hindered physically) I am pleased I walked and I am also living vicariously through you! Walk/Run on!

  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    I can only add 2 miles this
    I can only add 2 miles this week.

    Team total: 194.09

    For Laurissa
    I don't walk regularly, but, on my walk today, I dedicated it to Laurissa.

    I know how hard you have been struggling with chemo, your husband's surgery, your financial problems and even more.

    You deserve every mile I can walk for you!

    Hugs, Angie
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member

    I can only add 2 miles this
    I can only add 2 miles this week.

    Team total: 194.09

    10.5 miles this week for me
    Walked 10.5 miles this week, with ChenHeart in spirit all the way.

    TEAM TOTAL: 204.59
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    TraciInLA said:

    10.5 miles this week for me
    Walked 10.5 miles this week, with ChenHeart in spirit all the way.

    TEAM TOTAL: 204.59

    Love you, Traci thank you
    Love you, Traci thank you very much!!! I am sorry to report that I ended up in the ER ( again) this week~severe abdominal pain, so there I was with CT scans, Xrays,blood-draws, and hooked up to an IV full of painkillers. Of course I instantly went to the dark place, but nothing definitive showed up. That is the good news~ the bad news is why the pain is not diagnosed and without meds was at a level 9 out of 10.

    So thank all of you who are walking and running and moving!!! Awesome and keep on!!!!! You give me courage and strength!

  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    After reading your posts, I
    After reading your posts, I think it's OK to say that I walked 15 miles for you and Susan, Chen. Both of you are near and dear to my heart and if steps could kill those dam cancer cells, I would walk thousands and millions more. xoxoxoxo Lynn
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    lynn1950 said:

    After reading your posts, I
    After reading your posts, I think it's OK to say that I walked 15 miles for you and Susan, Chen. Both of you are near and dear to my heart and if steps could kill those dam cancer cells, I would walk thousands and millions more. xoxoxoxo Lynn

    I am so humbled and honored
    I am so humbled and honored to have my name attached to any of the steps taken and energy given~ and I know that all of the Kindred Spirits feel the same way. I am part of a large family of empathetic, connected women who show strength and courage beyond the scope of imagination. It is so wonderful to be part of "paying it forward"~ many of you know that it has always been part of my Relay and 5K experience to chant your names as I do the laps. And lest I forget anyone's name, or new ones join, I also do a few laps simply saying CSN, CSN. It has always kept me focused and reminded me of why I walk. I can see that you all feel the same way....and I love you for that. xoxoxox
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    I added another 4 miles this
    I added another 4 miles this week. As I walked I borrowed from Chen and simply thought 'kindred spirits' over and over. I wanted to be sure to include the newbies, those who are NED for years, and especially those fighting mets. You all inspire me...

    Team total:313.59 (if I add right)
  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944

    I added another 4 miles this
    I added another 4 miles this week. As I walked I borrowed from Chen and simply thought 'kindred spirits' over and over. I wanted to be sure to include the newbies, those who are NED for years, and especially those fighting mets. You all inspire me...

    Team total:313.59 (if I add right)

    Sorry... darn double post, but I'll take this opportunity to announce this weeks walk will be for Nancy ( MAJW).
  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944

    I added another 4 miles this
    I added another 4 miles this week. As I walked I borrowed from Chen and simply thought 'kindred spirits' over and over. I wanted to be sure to include the newbies, those who are NED for years, and especially those fighting mets. You all inspire me...

    Team total:313.59 (if I add right)

    Walking for Chen
    I busted my butt for you girl this week 12 miles. Woohoo.... felt good too.

    Correcting Linda's team post totals (please somebody else correct me if I am wrong)

    Team total - 231.59
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    Sorry... darn double post, but I'll take this opportunity to announce this weeks walk will be for Nancy ( MAJW).

    Walking for Laurissa and Kari
    My hubby and my walks are for Kari and Laurissa! 2 of the strongest pink sisters I know!

    Sue :)
  • Clementine_P
    Clementine_P Member Posts: 518 Member
    Ritzy said:

    Walking for Laurissa and Kari
    My hubby and my walks are for Kari and Laurissa! 2 of the strongest pink sisters I know!

    Sue :)

    This week's tally
    for me is 26.59 miles. I prefer to keep it private for whom I am walking. Keep keeping up girls!

    Total: 257.18
  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    Just over 9 this week! are
    Just over 9 this week! are we still counting? In honor of my friend Dottie. She was diagnosed in 1982! Just went up to Jackson to visit her in July.

  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    mamolady said:

    Just over 9 this week! are
    Just over 9 this week! are we still counting? In honor of my friend Dottie. She was diagnosed in 1982! Just went up to Jackson to visit her in July.


    Rode our bikes for Marsha!
    My hubby and I rode our bikes last night for over 2 miles! And, it was all for you for Marsha Mulvey!