DIET Post removed !!



  • Nana b said:

    Ok. Lol
    Who gives a Bat's poop!

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    unknown said:

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator

    You're welcome Graci,
    Kris Carr is so uplifting and full of positive energy. She has a website as well:

    I don't know if you saw the post up above, but the place she went to (I think it's in Florida) is:

    She also has this place listed:

    Yes, the wonderful folks on the boards sent me a plaque in 2005 that I have hanging on my wall. It was quite humbling and touching.

    Anyway, enjoy the book. You'll laugh out loud, which is balm to the cancer soul when we can actually laugh in spite of this disease.

    Hope it helps.

    peace, emily
  • coloCan
    coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
    Nana b said:

    Ok. Lol
    Who gives a Bat's poop!

    Translation from ratspeak:"Thank you"........(sorry chiroptera lovers)
  • coloCan
    coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
    Nana b said:

    Ok. Lol
    Who gives a Bat's poop!

    ..... ..... ...... ....... ....... ........ ....... ...
    (that was the pitter-patter from my feet across the keyboard)..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... .. .. . . ...... ...... ...
  • here4lfe
    here4lfe Member Posts: 306 Member

    Just an observation
    I'm not taking sides or anything... I'm new here and don't really feel I've earned the right, much less understand the histories or nuances of this community. But I DO know something about enforcing rules, and if someone breaks the rules of this community, then it shouldn't be surprising to see their post removed and membership revoked. It's simple... you break rules, you suffer the consequences. That's the way of the world.

    As for the infighting... we ALL lead stressful lives. Many of us are fighting cancer today, many of us have FOUGHT cancer in the past, and we ALL have normal day-to-day stresses to deal with. When we're in stressful situations, emotions can run hot, and as a result sometimes we can lash out with strong words.

    Please everyone... keep this in mind when dealing with each other. EACH of us has our personal opinions. And unless we violate the rules in expressing them, we EACH have a right to voice those opinions. Let's let cool heads and mutual respect rule the day, not hurtful feelings that do nothing but... hurt.

    Haven't we ALL dealt with enough hurt in our lives without adding to it here?

    Just some thoughts to ponder ;)

    Good Observation
    I am new here also, mostly a lurker. Cancer is hard, the hardest thing I've dealt with in my life, and I'm the caregiver !

    My wife is starting to think about what she can do, in addition to chemo, to fight this thing. She has always had a balanced diet, so this thing took us by surprise. So the more information the better. What works for you MIGHT work for me TOO (the corollary to the usual argument).

  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    coloCan said:

    ..... ..... ...... ....... ....... ........ ....... ...
    (that was the pitter-patter from my feet across the keyboard)..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... .. .. . . ...... ...... ...

    I went to the 7-11 about a year ago (been there about 4 times in 12 years)and was standing behind this man, who had a very big and long tail coming down his back, I peered around to the front of him and discovered the tail belonged to a large white rat. I couldn't believe how big the rat was or his "packages" Good Grief Charlie Brown. He said he takes his rat everywhere with him. It was very well behaved and let me pet him (the rat). I did own mice once before my ex made me give them away, he didn't like rodents, I sure enjoyed the little fellows. Enjoy your rat.
    Winter Marie
  • Erinb
    Erinb Member Posts: 293
    lisa42 said:

    Janine/SisterSledge, WinterMarie, & Phil

    I do agree with you that some people here are just so quick to jump on anyone who has ideas that differ from their own. Now, I do also agree that Joe should not have claimed he had a cure. I think it would have been fine to just share what he did and let anyone know that he'd give out more info in a pm if they were interested in hearing more. I felt kind of sorry for him afterwards, as I believe he was genuinely trying to be helpful in sharing what he did, but his way of stating that was a bit too strong/over the top. I personally am interested in what he had to say. As soon as I read his post I knew a couple of people would jump on him immediately & I was right.
    I wish people would realize that, although rules need to be adhered to and I think CSN/Greta would probably have said something, but when people jump on someone's post so harshly it creates a very compative and negative feeling on CSN. I think that scares people away far more than a post like Joe's would.
    Come on people- let's be kind to others, PLEASE!!


    I agree Lisa. I enjoy
    I agree Lisa. I enjoy reading other people's opinions and life experiences, but I hesitate sharing because of the negativity others have experienced.
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    lisa42 said:

    Janine/SisterSledge, WinterMarie, & Phil

    I do agree with you that some people here are just so quick to jump on anyone who has ideas that differ from their own. Now, I do also agree that Joe should not have claimed he had a cure. I think it would have been fine to just share what he did and let anyone know that he'd give out more info in a pm if they were interested in hearing more. I felt kind of sorry for him afterwards, as I believe he was genuinely trying to be helpful in sharing what he did, but his way of stating that was a bit too strong/over the top. I personally am interested in what he had to say. As soon as I read his post I knew a couple of people would jump on him immediately & I was right.
    I wish people would realize that, although rules need to be adhered to and I think CSN/Greta would probably have said something, but when people jump on someone's post so harshly it creates a very compative and negative feeling on CSN. I think that scares people away far more than a post like Joe's would.
    Come on people- let's be kind to others, PLEASE!!


    I agree Lisa
    I also believe that reviving a post that caused a lot of controversy and was pulled is possibly worse than the post that was pulled. All it does is to start it all over again. It's obvious the DIET post was removed. So now we have to discuss and dissect why it was removed? Much of the commentary is by people who didn't even see the original post!

    What if this post gets removed? Should we start this up again by asking "What happened to the DIET post that commented on the DIET post being removed???"

    Joe had some good points that were unfortunately presented as the truth.
    Right there it's a potential time-bomb. I think we all know that there is no guaranteed 100% cure for cancer (unless of course you die from something else). I, for one, jumped at the opportunity to point that out. Was it a good move? Looking back I'd say "no". My response could have been better, maybe suggesting to him in a PM that he take out the "I know how to do _____ to cancer" since there is no one who knows how to do the impossible and its only going to start THIS.
    We are beating a dead horse people...