I know it's only a mammogram...but wondering if the bus might be free on Wednesday?

TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
I'm over a year out of treatment, and have had 2 clean mammograms since then, but the "scanxiety" is still almost unbearable. Wondering if you all can come with me on Wednesday at 11:30 to calm my nerves and give me some moral support? I know some of you hate to get up early, so I made sure to make it later for you!

(Actually, my appointment was originally scheduled for first thing tomorrow morning, but they called back to say that none of the radiologists would be in that day because of Passover. I had to chuckle, because they have 5 radiologists, and apparently all of them are Jewish? Who knew that being Jewish was a prerequisite for being a radiologist?)

:-) Traci


  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hey Traci,
    I think the bus is available on Wednesday. I'll be on it for you, and I know we will have a bus full. Sending positive thoughts for a clean mammogram on Wednesday.

    ♥ Jean
  • The wheels on the bus go round and round...
    I'm there. And now you have me wondering if my hematology appointment for tomorrow postponed from last Monday is still a go.
  • mollyz
    mollyz Member Posts: 756 Member
    I'm on the bus with you,wishing you all the best i know it will be alright can't wait to see your post and letting us know how well it went.Hugs MollyZ
  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    Jean 0609 said:

    Hey Traci,
    I think the bus is available on Wednesday. I'll be on it for you, and I know we will have a bus full. Sending positive thoughts for a clean mammogram on Wednesday.

    ♥ Jean

    Okay, but
    are you gonna be doing all that "she's breathing on me," "move your fat head" stuff you do EVERY time I get on a bus with you? Are you going to smile and promise not to and then once I'm on and it's too late, you'll start doing it???

    All right. But only because you're my pink sister. I'm watching you though.

    Have a brownie.....

  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    aisling8 said:

    Okay, but
    are you gonna be doing all that "she's breathing on me," "move your fat head" stuff you do EVERY time I get on a bus with you? Are you going to smile and promise not to and then once I'm on and it's too late, you'll start doing it???

    All right. But only because you're my pink sister. I'm watching you though.

    Have a brownie.....


    Option 2, Victoria
    You and your fat head know me so well....
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    mollyz said:

    I'm on the bus with you,wishing you all the best i know it will be alright can't wait to see your post and letting us know how well it went.Hugs MollyZ

    I'll be in the corner quietly
    drinking a bottle of wine causing no trouble :P

    Sending prayers and positive thoughts for a CLEAN scan!!

    Sending comforting hugs,

  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    sea60 said:

    I'll be in the corner quietly
    drinking a bottle of wine causing no trouble :P

    Sending prayers and positive thoughts for a CLEAN scan!!

    Sending comforting hugs,


    Okay Traci were there for
    Okay Traci were there for you. I am 2 years out and still scared every 6 months when I go. Kinda wonder if it ever will go away. So holding you hand and keeping positive thoughts and will get through the morning together. Hugs
    Kathy ~

    PS Do they give you your results right away ?
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Kat11 said:

    Okay Traci were there for
    Okay Traci were there for you. I am 2 years out and still scared every 6 months when I go. Kinda wonder if it ever will go away. So holding you hand and keeping positive thoughts and will get through the morning together. Hugs
    Kathy ~

    PS Do they give you your results right away ?

    Thanks, Kathy
    Yes, my surgeon still orders it as a "diagnostic" mammogram, which means after the mammo I go sit in the dressing area for a few minutes (which seem like hours, while my girlfriend chatters at me nonstop, because that what she does when she's nervous), until the tech comes back and gives me "2 thumbs up," and tells me to get dressed and get out of their way. :-)

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    Thanks, Kathy
    Yes, my surgeon still orders it as a "diagnostic" mammogram, which means after the mammo I go sit in the dressing area for a few minutes (which seem like hours, while my girlfriend chatters at me nonstop, because that what she does when she's nervous), until the tech comes back and gives me "2 thumbs up," and tells me to get dressed and get out of their way. :-)


    I'm available
    and will be at the bus stop. I'll even wear my eyelashes.

  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    Thanks, Kathy
    Yes, my surgeon still orders it as a "diagnostic" mammogram, which means after the mammo I go sit in the dressing area for a few minutes (which seem like hours, while my girlfriend chatters at me nonstop, because that what she does when she's nervous), until the tech comes back and gives me "2 thumbs up," and tells me to get dressed and get out of their way. :-)


    I will be on that bus. If there's no room I'll drive my car behind. If I know the sisters in pink, that is gonna be one crowded bus! If the air conditioning isn't working, well.....I'll take the car! :)

    I just had my mammo and I'm also 2 years out, it is very scary but with us there cheering you on, you'll be just fine.

    Like Victoria said, no complaining and I am a loud (Italian) so I hope the nurses don't mind.

    Party on the bus for Traci!!!
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    sea60 said:

    I'll be in the corner quietly
    drinking a bottle of wine causing no trouble :P

    Sending prayers and positive thoughts for a CLEAN scan!!

    Sending comforting hugs,


    I'll be drinking Sylvia's wine :)
    You know I will be there with you. I think this time, I will sit next to Sylvia. And you know why? She has the wine! lol Sometimes you pink sisters can be a bit too rowdy for me on the bus, so, the wine relaxes me enough that I just don't care. lol Hey, maybe if Sylvia falls asleep after drinking too much wine, we can draw pics on her face. Now that could be fun and very interesting. Sorry Sylvia....:)

    I will be praying Traci for a clean mammogram! That is all that I will accept!

    Sue :)
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Ritzy said:

    I'll be drinking Sylvia's wine :)
    You know I will be there with you. I think this time, I will sit next to Sylvia. And you know why? She has the wine! lol Sometimes you pink sisters can be a bit too rowdy for me on the bus, so, the wine relaxes me enough that I just don't care. lol Hey, maybe if Sylvia falls asleep after drinking too much wine, we can draw pics on her face. Now that could be fun and very interesting. Sorry Sylvia....:)

    I will be praying Traci for a clean mammogram! That is all that I will accept!

    Sue :)

    I'll be there and I'm going
    I'll be there and I'm going to bring treats and share them with everyone. And boy, is it going to be crowded in that dressing room. I love a good bus ride and it's not complete without the she's touching me, breathing my air, etc. So much a part of the trip. Maybe Joe will bring bacon treats. Oh yes, please.
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Shove a bun cuz I'll be
    Shove a bun cuz I'll be boarding the bus too.
  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    You bet I'll be there. I can't wait to hear you say it all came out clear. Hey, did someone mention brownies?

  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    fauxma said:

    I'll be there and I'm going
    I'll be there and I'm going to bring treats and share them with everyone. And boy, is it going to be crowded in that dressing room. I love a good bus ride and it's not complete without the she's touching me, breathing my air, etc. So much a part of the trip. Maybe Joe will bring bacon treats. Oh yes, please.

    Definitely bringing bacon treats
    But I'm only going to share with the girls who are nice to me and don't say mean things about my driving. And once we get Traci back from her appointment, I'm taking the whole gang on another road trip...
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    For once...
    ... I'm not running behind, trying to catch up! Will certainly be with you on Wednesday morning, Traci. With my imaginary magic wand in hand. Wishing for another "clean" mammo and Mr. NED's steadfast companionship for you.

    Totally understand your stress. Was DX'd in 2003; yes, mammos have gotten easier to face, over time. Yet, still they cause a great deal of anxiety.

    Am HOPING for you.

    Kind regards, Susan

    P.S.: "Only a mammogram"?!? Hardly. :-)
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    They had a special on bus
    They had a special on bus passes~ Kindred Spirits ride for Free!!! I would bring a bottle of wine, but Traci would gve me grief about it, so nevermind!! :-) See you on the bus!!!
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    chenheart said:

    They had a special on bus
    They had a special on bus passes~ Kindred Spirits ride for Free!!! I would bring a bottle of wine, but Traci would gve me grief about it, so nevermind!! :-) See you on the bus!!!

    will be on this bus no matter what! I wouldn't miss the road trip for one, and, I want to be there to support you Traci and to hear the good news when the tech comes in to tell you.

    You will breathe such a sigh of relief when they say NED. Wait, don't they tell you something else? NERT or something? NED's twin brother, right?

    It doesn't matter, I will still have my dancing shoes out and ready to celebrate your Dancing with NED!

    ♥ Noel
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Wouldn't miss the bus ride
    Wouldn't miss the bus ride for the world. But I get to sit up front, cause I get carsick. Call shotgun! xoxoxox Lynn
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    Here's to another clear Mammo
    I am coming and am bringing you a large mocha Prozac vodka latte with whipped cream & Valium sprinkles !

    That oughta do the trick!
