how do you deal with depression and anxiety when...

I have held it together these past 8 months of treatment and the 3 weeks I was back at work January 31 to Feb 18th. But I feel I am getting to the end of my coping skills. Here is some history so I make some sense...
I was disgnosed stage 3 or stage 4 (depending on if you talk to my surgeon or my medical oncoogist) squamos cell carcinoma of the right tonsil primary site of cancer right tonsil HPV+ with mets to right lymph nodes. Went through 3 rounds chemo (cisplatin, docetaxel, 5 FU) then 6 weeks radiation (35 rads) with concurrent chemo - cetuximab. Finished chemo Nov 29th, 2010, Radiation finished on December 3, 2010 and I dealth with the mouth sores, thrush, stomatitis and in the process lost 60 lbs due to issues with what I can eat / can't eat post treatment. I also had stress of losing a beloved pet, when one of my greyhound dogs Alice (my heart) got cancer and it was not treatable so I had to put her to sleep on August 28th after pain management was no longer working for her.
ON January 27th, my Post treatment CT scan showed lymph nodes were necrotic and at 1.3 cm or 13 mm my surgeon advised surgery - right neck dissection was only way to go to cut out any remaining cncer. I was fine with that as I really wanted the cancerous lymph nodes out to begin with. I had am EUA, with biopsy of remaining piece of right tonsil and selective neck dissection last week February 23rd and all went well. They still did not want to cut out the rest of the right tonsil but the biopsy did not show any cancer so that was good news.
The surgery did not bother me as much as the stress surrounding surgery as my family lives in New jersey and I am in Houston, Texas. My mom flew in late the night before and my fridge decided a couple days before surgery to break so on the 21st I had my fridge repaired and had to go grocery shopping the night before as well.. so in summary i was exhausted the morning of surgery...And to make things worse, the actual day of surgery was rather stressful as 2 weeks before surgery the Short term disability person at the company where I work messed up my short term disability / payroll when I went back to work and I was not paid 100% of my salary on the 11th of February. And while HR came up with a plan to pay me an off cycle check to fix it again HR AND payroll messed it up and I was not paid correctly again. They were supposed to cut an advance to fix it..which is rather complicated to explain as the advance was then going to come out of my next payroll on the 25th when they were scheduled to pay me the missing salary. But on the night before surgery I learned that the money had not arrived in my bank account and the morning of surgery I was texting with my manager who was trying to fix it so I would be paid correct on the 25th. Needless to say, being a single income person who had just been on disability from August to January 31st I was stressed trying to figure out how I was going to pay my bills on the 25th. The good news is that thanks to my manager they finally fixed it and I got paid and bills are paid. I really cannot handle paying bills late....
Then Things did not go as planned on the 24th with my discharge and while I was discharged without the drain on the 24th I had to hang around for hours after meeting with the physical therapist waiting for the occupational therapist who never showed up. I finally just told them I wanted to go home because I don't know what the OT could have told me that the Physical therapist did not tell me. Then I nearly lost it after they took me out of the system and I could not even order lunch yet there I was stuck in my hospital room waiting for discharge at 3 pm. Meanwhile my mom and friend were starving and waiting to take me homeso i sent them to the hospital caferteria to eat. And when it became clear there was confusion if I was even on the schedule to see OT I got discharged.
Then Friday woke up with face swollen and numb, and while they told me to expect this I was scared and not sure so had my mom drive me to see triage nurse at MD Anderson. Meanwhile she is not coping well with my having anxiety and being upset. I think lots of miscommunciation combined with my mom not being the best person to be there to help me as my mom is 75 and has COPD issues that affect her energy and breathing so she flew to Houston with non-contageous Bronchitis. So as a patient I need to give my mom a break as a caregiver as this just scares her I think. She actually flew back to New Jersey today which was probably for the best as when she and I are both stressed and together we just end up arguing and I end up feeling bad because it is not a fun time to be around me. And I have to admit from the beginning I was upset when she said she'd come and then I learned her flights schedule and realized she barely arranged her flights so she was not even staying a week to help me. And of course I have to explain to her over and over about the foods I cannot eat and please don't put pepper or really any seasoning on food she cooks me as I cannot handle pepper or most any spice as everything is too spicy for my mouth Anyhow I love her andshe is my mom and I know she loves me but when her daughter is diagnosed with cancer I think it is too overwhelming for her to cope with...
Then Today's stress. 1) I learned the wedge pillow they were supposed to ship me cannot be shipped and I have to pick it up from the medical center. Not a big deal as I have to drive in thursday for an appointment but it really irritates me they did not check this or I would have waited for it the day I was discharged or picked it up on Friday when I drove in to see the triage nurse. 2) my other greyhound dog Gus gets sick and I had to take him to the vet. And his illness involved a potty accident so had to have a friend come over and help me since I cannot lift anything heavy to use the bissel carpet cleaning machine.. So again spending money and having stressors I really cannot afford at the moment.
Anyhow sorry for the rambling stream of conscousness that is my post. I just need to vent to people who I feel understand and who deal with head and neck cancer on a daily basis....
I just need to learn how other cancer survivors deal with depression and anxiety when I don't even have my first instance of a doctor telling me I am NED or NEC I am really starting to stress out? I am only 41 and this really is just too much to handle on my own. I really need to find an in person support group but so far have not found one that fits my schedule since I work full time. And I found some breast cancer support groups but that is just not the same though they were all very welcoming and nice. Everyone tells me the stress is not good for my recovery but I cannot seem to stay de-stressed for long.
I did go to see 2 different counselors one I found through my work EAP which fits in with my work schedule but not sure she is much help other than I get to talk and talk I am not sure she is meeting my needs. We have met 3 or 4 times now and I have 8 sessions with her if needed. The other I spoke with is through MD anderson and I did relate to her so maybe I should call her again as she does understand cancer and other than figuring out something so I can meet with her once I am back on my work schedule. She did say call if I needed to talk with her some more.
Has anyone tried accupuncuture for stress? Tai Chi? I tried yoga but that was more on my own and did help with my stretching and getting my strenght back. But I really need something to help me cope better. I know I am not eating right and not sleeping right so that is probaby a big part of the issue. I still have the mucositis (my mouth either has to much mucus or not enough). I am probably wanting to much too soon but I want my life back or at least to get on with a new life? Any tips suggestions on recovery from the neck dissection?
At this point I really welcome any input advice from those that have more experience or those that are just better equiped to cope with their cncer as I feel like I am spiraling out of control....
Thanks for listening to me vent and babble.
~ Eileen Cibil
PS - someone told me of a head and neck support group in Houston but not sure if it was the one in Tomball or if there is another one? Since I am off work until the 8th of March I figure I should at least try to get to one even it involves driving to the other side of Harris County to go to the one in Tomball as I live in Clear Lake. I am a bit disappointed in MD Anderson as I was informed they cancelled the head and neck cancer support group at MD Anderson due to lack of attendance. But that was some years ago or so I was told by another social worker. And I thought there was a group the first tuesday of the month but I spoke to someone today who said no its the second tuesday. i cannot seem to get a straight answer which adds to my stress.
And I say ok I give up and I should just go watch a movie.....
I didn't mind the length of your post and I have found that sometimes just getting everything off of your chest is the best medicine! This is a great place to just vent all of your emotions!
somedays I just want to I do. somedays I am just so sad, so I let everyone know I am having a bad day and then I call my mom and ask her if she can take care of the kids for me, as it is a rough day for me. I was diagnosed with mucoepidermoid carcinoma june 30, 2010. I had surgery in august followed by 30 radiation treatments in october and november...gained 10 lbs before surgery lost 20 after surgery, lost 20-25 after /during radiation...lost 5 more in last two months. my kids are 1, 3, and 5 years old.
I listen to music I love when I am stressed...even the stuff my husband thinks is crappy. I watch happy movies and then I look out my window and watch the neighbors horses run. it helps to recenter me. I will also go for a walk or just take some me time. I love being a mom, but when you add in the stress of having had cancer, there are just some days when I need to just be alone and think. I try really hard to not have too many bad days in a row...somedays I just have to force myself to stop dwelling on what just enjoy the now. the doctors removed my tumor, I had radiation in hopes it would help it never come back...I have a constant reminder that I had a tumor removed...a prosthetic mouth piece that interferes with eating, but it is better than having to deal with food going up my nose. on my bad days I think about all of those kids out there who so bravely fight cancer...I tell myself, if they could do this without complaining, then I certainly can/must. one of my cousin's lost her oldest son at the age of 13 to brain cancer...he was laughing and smiling throughout his treatments and his recovery period...he is my inspiration. if he could be brave, then so can I...and my cancer has a significantly better prognosis than his had. i know I will be fine in the end, I can't wait to dance with NED...I have no sign of regrowth so far, so that is all I can wish for now...
wishing you the best of luck in finding something to take away your stress...even if it is just for a little while! HUGE HUGS coming your way!
elizabeth0 -
Welcome Eileen
Well, I went threw fairly the same, I lost my job, went on dissability, had no support from family, i did have one support person from radiation that has hung with me and a friend,that I go fishing with, my family is out of state, my anger dealt with why me, why did this happen, blah blah..that sure didn't help. it s easy for everybody else to get a up and go on, the cancer destroys you, and your life, I totally understand, My friend has inviting me to join Gildas Club in Nashville for a last resort to talk to others in my situation. My anger has the best of me dealing with Doctors that didn't know what they where doing to the Boss that wasn't cancer friendly. To family that couldn't help. Hang in there, I stayed away from the prescription meds they wanted to try, they made me go out on a limb, i did get sleep pills , I too was getting up 8 times a night, bathroom and back to sleep. Someone commented to me, that people with my type of cancer larnxy stage four, was my fault any way do to my habit of past smoking, Sorry folks!......ANYONE CAN GET CANCER, But such is society. Take care, try a support group I am...I am going to continue lookig for part time work, just to get me out, I am not finished at 52 because of partial voice lost...Im over a year survivor. Dennis0 -
Sorry to hear it has been so difficult for you. Does take a toll on all of us. I would suggest that you think about seeing a Psychologist or Psychiatrist. Nothing negative about seeing such, Eileen. The C experience runs one thru the ringer. We're all different, as is our treatment and how the body deals with it, and the mind. Gets complicated when the mind gets overburdened, because there's a lotta periphery factors that enter the picture- like other people, and some people are faced with a heckuva lot more stress in those regards than others. A Dr. might be able to prescribe something to help you thru these trying days, and it just might make all the difference in the world. Please think about this option.
My experience with depression was limited (I tell myself) to a couple months after treatment ended, and when I was coming to grips with the side-effects that might be with me long-term. Got thru it okay. Thing is, and I have mentioned this in a number of other posts, the time between the tumors showing and learning of my treatment that brought me to the acceptance door- that was a rough time for me. Thoughts of "taking the easy way out," did cross my mind, and had convinced myself that such was the option I'd take if only presented with radically-deforming mouth surgery. That was my mindset. Went to my regular Dr., who I've seen for over 10-years, and he prescribed Xanax for me. Helped me a lot, Eileen. It kept me in the game until I was ready to fight my best fight of the C, and do whatever I needed to do to give myself a 2nd chance at life, and then I didn't need Xanax anymore, though I did continue by taking a 1/2-tab just before the skull mask sessions thru all my rads, but only then.
You gotta keep yourself in the game, Eileen, and fight the best fight possible. If that means seeing a Dr., then do it. You ain't gonna be the first, nor the last- you'll be joining the crowd, Eileen.
kcass0 -
Hi Eileenekdennie said:stress
I didn't mind the length of your post and I have found that sometimes just getting everything off of your chest is the best medicine! This is a great place to just vent all of your emotions!
somedays I just want to I do. somedays I am just so sad, so I let everyone know I am having a bad day and then I call my mom and ask her if she can take care of the kids for me, as it is a rough day for me. I was diagnosed with mucoepidermoid carcinoma june 30, 2010. I had surgery in august followed by 30 radiation treatments in october and november...gained 10 lbs before surgery lost 20 after surgery, lost 20-25 after /during radiation...lost 5 more in last two months. my kids are 1, 3, and 5 years old.
I listen to music I love when I am stressed...even the stuff my husband thinks is crappy. I watch happy movies and then I look out my window and watch the neighbors horses run. it helps to recenter me. I will also go for a walk or just take some me time. I love being a mom, but when you add in the stress of having had cancer, there are just some days when I need to just be alone and think. I try really hard to not have too many bad days in a row...somedays I just have to force myself to stop dwelling on what just enjoy the now. the doctors removed my tumor, I had radiation in hopes it would help it never come back...I have a constant reminder that I had a tumor removed...a prosthetic mouth piece that interferes with eating, but it is better than having to deal with food going up my nose. on my bad days I think about all of those kids out there who so bravely fight cancer...I tell myself, if they could do this without complaining, then I certainly can/must. one of my cousin's lost her oldest son at the age of 13 to brain cancer...he was laughing and smiling throughout his treatments and his recovery period...he is my inspiration. if he could be brave, then so can I...and my cancer has a significantly better prognosis than his had. i know I will be fine in the end, I can't wait to dance with NED...I have no sign of regrowth so far, so that is all I can wish for now...
wishing you the best of luck in finding something to take away your stress...even if it is just for a little while! HUGE HUGS coming your way!
I believe we all deal with depression at sometime or the other after treatment, just that some people do better then others. I did not have any problems till almost 5 years after my last treatment, for some reason and I don’t know why I get really sad and will start crying. I am thankful that my wife understands and just holds me until it passes. I don’t like to cry because I am a man but I find that it releases the stress or what ever was making me sad. Hay it is OK to cry and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Sorry about the family problems, I know that they don’t understand how cancer had changed everything in your life; it was the same for me. No one would come to visit me my wife and children were all I had all the other family and friends would just stay away.
I agree you need to find a support group because you need someone to help you cope with the day to day stress.
I am a Christian and I have my faith in God that helps me, it has been my strength through out all my treatments, just don’t know how I could have made it without God and my wife.
Keeping you in prayer
Hondo0 -
Holy cow woman, any one would be stressed!Kent Cass said:Eileen
Sorry to hear it has been so difficult for you. Does take a toll on all of us. I would suggest that you think about seeing a Psychologist or Psychiatrist. Nothing negative about seeing such, Eileen. The C experience runs one thru the ringer. We're all different, as is our treatment and how the body deals with it, and the mind. Gets complicated when the mind gets overburdened, because there's a lotta periphery factors that enter the picture- like other people, and some people are faced with a heckuva lot more stress in those regards than others. A Dr. might be able to prescribe something to help you thru these trying days, and it just might make all the difference in the world. Please think about this option.
My experience with depression was limited (I tell myself) to a couple months after treatment ended, and when I was coming to grips with the side-effects that might be with me long-term. Got thru it okay. Thing is, and I have mentioned this in a number of other posts, the time between the tumors showing and learning of my treatment that brought me to the acceptance door- that was a rough time for me. Thoughts of "taking the easy way out," did cross my mind, and had convinced myself that such was the option I'd take if only presented with radically-deforming mouth surgery. That was my mindset. Went to my regular Dr., who I've seen for over 10-years, and he prescribed Xanax for me. Helped me a lot, Eileen. It kept me in the game until I was ready to fight my best fight of the C, and do whatever I needed to do to give myself a 2nd chance at life, and then I didn't need Xanax anymore, though I did continue by taking a 1/2-tab just before the skull mask sessions thru all my rads, but only then.
You gotta keep yourself in the game, Eileen, and fight the best fight possible. If that means seeing a Dr., then do it. You ain't gonna be the first, nor the last- you'll be joining the crowd, Eileen.
I am not sure how I would cope with all that either.
I have dealt with severe anxiety and clinical depression for 3/4 of my life. It got very bad in late 2005. I basically had a break down. I finally was put on Lexapro when my primary care physician realized what was going on. She saved my life. Literally. My dad and step mom really didn't get it. Despite the fact that clinical depression runs on both sides and my mom is bi-polar and schizophrenic. I was always told to just put my big girl panties on a deal with it. Sometimes it just doesn't work that way.
I have had severe stress as well. I understand how overwhelming it can be. My life reads like a news paper filled with horrible headlines. Too much death of young loved ones, losing everything in a fire, too much illness and a cheating spouse that I left and divorced a year and a half before I got cancer. I lost my home and most of my things when I left him. Then about three months after I left him I lost my dog, Kiaya. I had just begun to get my life in order and I found out I had cancer.
I really wish that there were head and neck cancer support around me too. There are none. I did find a general support group and they were nice, bit it didn't cut it. I was strictly on a peg tube for food when I went and they were serving snacks, pretzels, cookies and cupcakes. It was so hard to sit there with food in front of me. I hope that you will find a group that you can attend.
I went through treatment on my own. I didn't really have any help other than a ride to radiation every day. I do sort of wish I had help and that my parents stepped up and did more, bit it is what it is and I have learned to just cope with it. Even still I cook for myself because no one understands not to but salt and pepper on everything. Even on holidays I have asked for a dish I could eat. Let's just say I have learned to bring my own food on holidays.
I have no magic for you, Eileen. I can only say that I understand a lot of what you are feeling. I do a lot of praying and a lot of meditation. I am also not working anymore, so I don't have that stress. I also cope with hanging out here way too much. Like if I can pass on something to help someone else get thru a little easier, then all I have been through won't be in vain.
It is very common to get depression after treatment. It happens to a lot of us. I dont know if you are clinicaly depressed or if it is just severe stress. I would talk to your doctor about it though. I actually had to go from 10mg to 20 after I was done with rads. I was pretty bad again. It was the not being able to eat and having that peg tube for 18 months that was killing me. I am actually off all medication now and I am feeling good. I have been off since September. I have had a couple of moments of anxiety, but they were when i have to go to the dentist, which always freaks me out. Your family and friends can tell you not to stress all they want and it's not going to help the situation. I HATED it when people and my parents would tell me that. They have obviously never had a panic attack or crippling anxiety or depression.
We are always here to listen whenever you need to vent and a lot of us will completely understand how you feel. I would find out if it might be depression. I would also keep up the yoga and meditation and breathing. Maybe try and find something that you love to do once a week and do it for your self. Without fail, something fun once a week. For me it's a belly dance class. Hoping to start again this week.
I am glad you said you are getting PT for the neck dissection. I didn't and I should have. My neck is so tight and I have no strength in that left arm.
Treat yourself well. Be good to yourself. You are the only you you've got. It's ok to take time out for your self.
Sending you a big hug,
Sweet.0 -
Hi, some days are better than others.
Hi, some days are better than others. I'm a roller coaster of emotion. I don't go to counseling because sometimes they annoy me. I've been to counseling, I know what I need to do. My first step in the right direction was to get off pain meds. They are a known depressant. That improved about 75% of my mood. So 75% of the time I'm good, it's the 25 that's the ****. PMS doesn't help. I try to stay in gratitude that I'm alive today. I've had a couple of cancer scares before, I could be dead already from cancer but I'm not. I'm alive and every breath is a gift. I am 43 years old and having cancer sucks and believe me I have my moments where I have a fit. Then I get back on track and get back to living. One of my favorite sayings is Yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery, today is a gift that's why it's called the PRESENT!!! Good luck to you. Shelly0 -
Hi Eileen
Aren't these people great on here? I think they are angels. I can read the frustration in your post. It is like a snowball affect. Hang in there and remember God only gives you what you can endure. I think he has a sense of humor actually. We have had two out of our three cars totaled this month and a radical neck dissection with no cancer found so they want to radiate everything. But God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Hang in there and remember that you are not alone.0 -
Hang in there
Eileen, My wife is a patient at MD Anderson. We found out she had cancer ( BOT with lymph nodes involved) in Oct 2010 and our lives changed and I pray when this is over we can go back to normal. I do understand your frustration after all you have gone through. I don't know how we will cope if Connie's treatment doesn't erradicate her cancer. Sometimes I am sitting near the pharmacy waiting for a prescription and I notice all kinds of people. Young, old, black, white, poor, rich, patients, care givers, they are ALL alike in that their lives have totally changed and they are all living the same nightmare. I was sitting in the radiation waiting area today and I was talking to some friends I have met there and none of us know what lies ahead. Cancer is such a mentally debilitating disease. Connie does have a chance that she can be cured, lots of patients at MD Anderson have no chance for a cure, some will be told today, tomorrow and everyday that their are no treatment options left available and they will have to deal with this on their own terms. So I try to feel like we are lucky and sometimes Connie and I still manage to laugh at our situation. So hang in there and try to take everything that comes your way one day at a time. I love all the people I have met there (MD ANDERSON) and I so much wish that someday cancer could be cured and so many beautiful people could be spared the agony and dispair this disease causes. I will say a prayer for you Eileen and I will ask God to give you relief as I know you are tired and hopefully tomorrow will be better. With Love, from Homer & Connie Price0 -
Eileenconnieprice1 said:Hang in there
Eileen, My wife is a patient at MD Anderson. We found out she had cancer ( BOT with lymph nodes involved) in Oct 2010 and our lives changed and I pray when this is over we can go back to normal. I do understand your frustration after all you have gone through. I don't know how we will cope if Connie's treatment doesn't erradicate her cancer. Sometimes I am sitting near the pharmacy waiting for a prescription and I notice all kinds of people. Young, old, black, white, poor, rich, patients, care givers, they are ALL alike in that their lives have totally changed and they are all living the same nightmare. I was sitting in the radiation waiting area today and I was talking to some friends I have met there and none of us know what lies ahead. Cancer is such a mentally debilitating disease. Connie does have a chance that she can be cured, lots of patients at MD Anderson have no chance for a cure, some will be told today, tomorrow and everyday that their are no treatment options left available and they will have to deal with this on their own terms. So I try to feel like we are lucky and sometimes Connie and I still manage to laugh at our situation. So hang in there and try to take everything that comes your way one day at a time. I love all the people I have met there (MD ANDERSON) and I so much wish that someday cancer could be cured and so many beautiful people could be spared the agony and dispair this disease causes. I will say a prayer for you Eileen and I will ask God to give you relief as I know you are tired and hopefully tomorrow will be better. With Love, from Homer & Connie Price
I alway's had anxiety & panic issues even before being diagnosed with cancer. I managed to cope with it quite well up untill my treatment started. I had to take Ativan to help me through my radiation treatment's. However, I really used the pill's sparingly as they made me sleepy. Then my nutrisonist suggested therapy which was readily available at our local cancer centre. It helped me immensly! There is a great lack of support for head & neck cancer patient's in our area so I researched everything online & joined a few sites & that made me feel less alone. CSN is in my opinion at the top of my list. I could never have made it through without all of the fantastic member's on this board. I only had my husband & my daughter who lived four hours away to help. My other family members were not very supportive. You quickly learn who will be there for you. In my case it was my husband who took great care of me even with his demanding work schedule. Home nursing care was so limited so basically we were on our own. I truly feel for you as you have quite a bit more to deal with than most of us & you are much younger than I. Religion was never a large part of my life but I now say prayer's whenever I am stressed & that seem's to help a fair bit now. Taking each day as it comes seem's to work much better for me lately. Keeping my distance from negative people is a must. They do tend to find me but I am now cutting them off. Getting a tougher skin as I was quite a softy. This illness can consume you & only you can control that. Try to find the positives in your life & dwell on that. Remember we are all here for you Eleen! You are in my thought's & prayer's!
Many Hugg's
Roz0 -
Feeling your pain
I hear your story and feel like I am walking in the same shoes. There are may similarities, I finsihed rads on Nov 10,2010 with tonsils removed and partial neck discession in August of 2010. I am a little older that you, but I am in a depression I cant seem to get out of. I faired OK during and after treatment, but this last several weeks seem to be sending me to a dark place. I cant seem to find the right person to talk with either. Someone that can truly understand. I have tried to stay up beat through most of this ordeal, but cant seem to shake it right now. Like you, everybody says everything will be alright. What else would I want them to say or think. I have seen my ENT 2 times since completion of treatment, with a pat on the back and see you in 2 months. I go back at the end of March, and maybe then we will be able to see if I am NED. Every pain makes you think something. If anyone has the answers to get out of this, please share with us. I am normally a upbeat person, taking life with all its stides, able to accept most things that come my way. I really want my life back, even if it is the new normal as many talk about here. I dont want this cancer to control my life, which it is doing now. HELP!!0 -
There was a certain point during my treatment that I seemed to be extremely emotional. Believe me, I am not one to show tears, but I was crying all over the place for a couple weeks. Remember that day that the miners were being rescued and every hour or so another one would emerge from being trapped underground? Then their family would embrace them ? I cried all day that day,, sitting in an infusion pod chair getting fluids and drugs pumped into me,, sick as hell from chemo,,, crying like a baby. The situation is kind of over for me now,, and whether it was caused by my extremely poor health at the time(not eating), or the chemo, or the cancer,,, I don't know. So maybe your high level of anxiety will pass as you work your way through treatment.
Good luck
George0 -
I neededspeleorelic said:Emotional
There was a certain point during my treatment that I seemed to be extremely emotional. Believe me, I am not one to show tears, but I was crying all over the place for a couple weeks. Remember that day that the miners were being rescued and every hour or so another one would emerge from being trapped underground? Then their family would embrace them ? I cried all day that day,, sitting in an infusion pod chair getting fluids and drugs pumped into me,, sick as hell from chemo,,, crying like a baby. The situation is kind of over for me now,, and whether it was caused by my extremely poor health at the time(not eating), or the chemo, or the cancer,,, I don't know. So maybe your high level of anxiety will pass as you work your way through treatment.
Good luck
two psychologists and anti-anxiety meds. Still have bad days at around 18 months post but currently off meds. I also attend once a month head and neck group.0 -
stress and anxiety
Hi Eileen,
Sounds like it's been a long haul for you. Good thing you're on this board as most of us understand what you're going through and have gone through our own long hauls. I'm 2 months out of treatment and learning to handle the stress and anxiety of not being the same guy I was prior to cancer. And every time I get an ache or itch or something feels not quite right my mind goes where it shouldn't. Mornings are still the worst but are getting better. I have a few tricks that work for me and I'm happy to share them. 1. Prayer 2. Music 3. Reading: Psalms is full of prayers from David stressing out 4. Walking 5. Yoga 6. This board 7. Funny movies 8. Bath 9. Cuddle with the cat 10. Call my Mom
I do have a therapist that I see weekly and I also do accupuncture 2 times a week. I attend a support group with my girlfriend twice monthly that is helpful too. It seems to be getting better as I get further away from treatment but I still have some days that just suck. I hope you find some things that work for you. It will get better. It helps to believe that. Feel free to keep venting. That's what this board is for and we're all here for you.
BOb0 -
Georgespeleorelic said:Emotional
There was a certain point during my treatment that I seemed to be extremely emotional. Believe me, I am not one to show tears, but I was crying all over the place for a couple weeks. Remember that day that the miners were being rescued and every hour or so another one would emerge from being trapped underground? Then their family would embrace them ? I cried all day that day,, sitting in an infusion pod chair getting fluids and drugs pumped into me,, sick as hell from chemo,,, crying like a baby. The situation is kind of over for me now,, and whether it was caused by my extremely poor health at the time(not eating), or the chemo, or the cancer,,, I don't know. So maybe your high level of anxiety will pass as you work your way through treatment.
Good luck
That eyeball is hysterical! LMBO. it scared the bejeezes out of me at first. I don't know how you did that, but thank you for the laugh.0 -
Thanks all..the posts and what worked for you helps...
I really appreciate all the posts, as one of you said it is an emotional roller coaster.
I did see two counselors one I think is a waste of time and a second one from MD Anderson that was helpful so I will follow up with the second one that I found through MD Anderson as she really seemed to understand what I am going through. I am not into anti-depressant meds for me not that they are not great help for some but for me it is the support on here and finding a live support group that I think will help. I do have an RX for Xanax and sleeping pills. have not tried the sleeping pills as they scare me since I live alone...
Sharing my feelings with people who understand helps. So you are all angels and really help me keep going. I did find a local support group that meets tonight at 7 pm so I plan to go check it out. It is for all cancer not just head and neck but its a support group so I'm going. I to plan to check other hospitals in the Houston area for support groups as that was another suggestion I got.
I can relate to a lot of what everyone posted. I am not by nature a depressed person though I have had issues with anxiety in my life. Some caused by poor decisions I made but the cancer issues just make me angry as none of us brought this on ourselves. Excuse the language but you all know the expression sh*t happens well right not I say Cancer happens and I mean it as a swear word....
I am a spiritual person so been going to church and going to go to daily mass today if I get my act together and make it on time. Prayer helps, reading the bible... I need to get back into that so thanks for the suggestion on the Psalms. I also need to try listening to relaxing / uplifting music. I did watch a movie last night but it was not that funny so I may try another one today.
I do need to remember it is ok to cry. Sometimes crying does help make it better and I cannot just bottle my emotions up inside. I did make a list on my carepages site listing all the positives of the day and got 12 things I can focus on that are a blessing in my life.
Thanks again. And any other suggestions are appreciated.0 -
Support Group.Dragons7-7-2010 said:Thanks all..the posts and what worked for you helps...
I really appreciate all the posts, as one of you said it is an emotional roller coaster.
I did see two counselors one I think is a waste of time and a second one from MD Anderson that was helpful so I will follow up with the second one that I found through MD Anderson as she really seemed to understand what I am going through. I am not into anti-depressant meds for me not that they are not great help for some but for me it is the support on here and finding a live support group that I think will help. I do have an RX for Xanax and sleeping pills. have not tried the sleeping pills as they scare me since I live alone...
Sharing my feelings with people who understand helps. So you are all angels and really help me keep going. I did find a local support group that meets tonight at 7 pm so I plan to go check it out. It is for all cancer not just head and neck but its a support group so I'm going. I to plan to check other hospitals in the Houston area for support groups as that was another suggestion I got.
I can relate to a lot of what everyone posted. I am not by nature a depressed person though I have had issues with anxiety in my life. Some caused by poor decisions I made but the cancer issues just make me angry as none of us brought this on ourselves. Excuse the language but you all know the expression sh*t happens well right not I say Cancer happens and I mean it as a swear word....
I am a spiritual person so been going to church and going to go to daily mass today if I get my act together and make it on time. Prayer helps, reading the bible... I need to get back into that so thanks for the suggestion on the Psalms. I also need to try listening to relaxing / uplifting music. I did watch a movie last night but it was not that funny so I may try another one today.
I do need to remember it is ok to cry. Sometimes crying does help make it better and I cannot just bottle my emotions up inside. I did make a list on my carepages site listing all the positives of the day and got 12 things I can focus on that are a blessing in my life.
Thanks again. And any other suggestions are appreciated.
I really hope that the support group goes well for you tonight.
You are right, sometimes a good cry can make you feel better. I tend to keep everything bottled up. Not good.0 -
I just called to set an appt. with a Psychologist who specializes in Oncology. I currently take a depression medicine, but it is not working. I have been to some dark places and have had some very reaalistic dreams about dying. I am back to work, cancer free and one would think that is all you need to just "jump right back into life where you left off." Well I am sorry to report, that has not been thecase with me. At the same time I was diagnosed in July, I was also getting ready to send my youngest son off out of state to college, and also trying to deal with my oldest son's drug problems. I also worried about my wifes ability to be my caregiver in the middle of all of these other issues.
My wife is out of answers regarding my depression, and also can no longer deal with me when I sometimes do not want to get out of bed, or start crying uncontrollably.
In short, seek some help, it is OK and not a sign of weakness. Believe me, I have debated / attacked several people whose opinion of depression / weakness is to "just do not be depressed." (I won those debates)
tricks and angeradventurebob said:stress and anxiety
Hi Eileen,
Sounds like it's been a long haul for you. Good thing you're on this board as most of us understand what you're going through and have gone through our own long hauls. I'm 2 months out of treatment and learning to handle the stress and anxiety of not being the same guy I was prior to cancer. And every time I get an ache or itch or something feels not quite right my mind goes where it shouldn't. Mornings are still the worst but are getting better. I have a few tricks that work for me and I'm happy to share them. 1. Prayer 2. Music 3. Reading: Psalms is full of prayers from David stressing out 4. Walking 5. Yoga 6. This board 7. Funny movies 8. Bath 9. Cuddle with the cat 10. Call my Mom
I do have a therapist that I see weekly and I also do accupuncture 2 times a week. I attend a support group with my girlfriend twice monthly that is helpful too. It seems to be getting better as I get further away from treatment but I still have some days that just suck. I hope you find some things that work for you. It will get better. It helps to believe that. Feel free to keep venting. That's what this board is for and we're all here for you.
Bob, and all,
Thanks Bob for sharing your tricks. Speaking of tricks,, I feel like I've been jumping threw hoops for months now,, and I am so dXXn angry. You mentioned about not being the same guy that you were prior to cancer,,, that is exactly how I feel,, and I am so angry about that. I am seeing one of my dr's today,, and am going to see about seeing a psychologist,, not just in coping with the whole cancer thing,, but me being so angry. Angry at myself, the dr's, the hospital, the cancer, the world. I just feel like I want to beat on something,,, I told my wife that after I get a little better,, I'm going to get an ax and chop down a tree,, I think the act of swinging it,, beating on the wood,, might help me let go of the anger,,,, jeez I need help before I return to work in April. It seems like all the little things that I use to define myslf with has changed,, so who and what am I now??? a patient?? a survivor?? a victim? a lunatic?? maybe all???
Am I the only one that feels out of control??0 -
The eyesweetblood22 said:George
That eyeball is hysterical! LMBO. it scared the bejeezes out of me at first. I don't know how you did that, but thank you for the laugh.
I'm glad I could bring a smile to your face :-).
I'm smiling too,, after my previous rant,, so now I feel better
George0 -
PTSDluv4lacrosse said:HOW TO COPE
I just called to set an appt. with a Psychologist who specializes in Oncology. I currently take a depression medicine, but it is not working. I have been to some dark places and have had some very reaalistic dreams about dying. I am back to work, cancer free and one would think that is all you need to just "jump right back into life where you left off." Well I am sorry to report, that has not been thecase with me. At the same time I was diagnosed in July, I was also getting ready to send my youngest son off out of state to college, and also trying to deal with my oldest son's drug problems. I also worried about my wifes ability to be my caregiver in the middle of all of these other issues.
My wife is out of answers regarding my depression, and also can no longer deal with me when I sometimes do not want to get out of bed, or start crying uncontrollably.
In short, seek some help, it is OK and not a sign of weakness. Believe me, I have debated / attacked several people whose opinion of depression / weakness is to "just do not be depressed." (I won those debates)
We have had discussions about PTSD before a few times on this board. I think that there is a lot to this. It's so tough sometimes. You guys who were able to go back to work amaze me. I don't have it in me. There is a lot I just don't have in me any more.
Mike I hope that you are able to get some relief and that your appointment and hopefully the following appointments go well.0
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