Endometrial metastic to both lungs

joyce6611 Member Posts: 51 Member

I have just been diagnosed with endometrial metastic to both lungs.  It is inoperable and I have just started chemo treatments.  I was never given a chest xray since my first cancer in 2012.  Can anyone explain this to me?  I was the one who asked for a chest xray even though I had no symptoms.   The xray showed spots so CT scan was ordered then a PET scan followed by a thoracic biopsy that revealed the return of endometrial cancer.  I still have no symptoms.



  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member

    So sorry to hear this! I hope the tumors are small and can be destroyed quickly with the chemo.

    I can't comment on your xray question except to tell you I have never had a chest xray.  I did have a CT and PET scan after my D&C and cancer diagnosis.  Not sure if an Xray would be needed on top of the other scans.

    It is amazing how we have this 6th sense and if we learn to listen to it, can save ourselves a lot of trouble. I'm so glad you asked for that xray!

    Good luck with your treatments. I hope your body tolerates the chemo well with minimal side effects.

    Love and Hugs,


  • joyce6611
    joyce6611 Member Posts: 51 Member
    Endometrial cancer spread to both lungs

    Has anyone elsevhad this diagnosis?

  • I'm sorry you have this diagnosis

    Hi, Joyce6611, what news to receive.   I am just beginning chemo today for stage 3 grade 3 UPSC. I had a chest xray as a preliminary surgical test before my hysterectomy, but haven't had any scans.  I wondered about scans, but from what I read, unless they think there are symptoms for active cancer, scans don't necessarily pick up on small cancer cells until they grow.  They sometimes wait until you have symptoms and you didn't have any.  Cancer is sneaky, I hope it responds well to the chemo.  Wishing you the best.  Nancy

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    The first thing my

    The first thing my gyno/oncologist did when I got my diagnosis of UPSC, Stage II, Grade 3 was to do a chest x-ray and full CT Scan.  I then had another chest x-ray after I was admitted to the hospital for esphogeal erosion to make sure the pain wasn't being caused by a blood clot in my lung.  My doctor said one of the first places my cancer spreads to is the lungs.

    I'm sorry your doctor didn't check your lungs.  The more I read about misdiagnosis and inept doctors, the madder it makes me.  I'm hoping the chemo is effective on the lung tumors!



  • Hopeful162
    Hopeful162 Member Posts: 82

    The first thing my

    The first thing my gyno/oncologist did when I got my diagnosis of UPSC, Stage II, Grade 3 was to do a chest x-ray and full CT Scan.  I then had another chest x-ray after I was admitted to the hospital for esphogeal erosion to make sure the pain wasn't being caused by a blood clot in my lung.  My doctor said one of the first places my cancer spreads to is the lungs.

    I'm sorry your doctor didn't check your lungs.  The more I read about misdiagnosis and inept doctors, the madder it makes me.  I'm hoping the chemo is effective on the lung tumors!



    Diagnostic scans

    While in the ER for fever and pain following a colonoscopy in 2014, I had a CT scan which noted that my uterus did not look normal. This led to a uterine biopsy which resulted in a diagnosis of UPSC and complete hysterectomy with pelvic wash, removal of lymph nodes, omenectomy, etc. My final stage was 1-A, Grade 3, for which I am grateful. I never did have bleeding or any other symptoms!

    At that point another CT scan was done so that there could be a basis for comparison if anything shows up later. UPSC is a very sneaky cancer according to my oncologist, so he continues to monitor me (pelvic exam) every three months even though I still have had no symptoms and am presumably NED, no evidence of disease. My point is, I have not had any other follow up X-rays or other scans, and I won't unless there is a reason to, but I could request one at some point if I need to. It I is good you used your sixth sense and found the problem so it could be addressed (but better if there was nothing there, of course). We are our own best advocates, I think!


  • Abbycat2
    Abbycat2 Member Posts: 644 Member

    The first thing my

    The first thing my gyno/oncologist did when I got my diagnosis of UPSC, Stage II, Grade 3 was to do a chest x-ray and full CT Scan.  I then had another chest x-ray after I was admitted to the hospital for esphogeal erosion to make sure the pain wasn't being caused by a blood clot in my lung.  My doctor said one of the first places my cancer spreads to is the lungs.

    I'm sorry your doctor didn't check your lungs.  The more I read about misdiagnosis and inept doctors, the madder it makes me.  I'm hoping the chemo is effective on the lung tumors!



    Joyce, I am sorry to hear of your situation

    and am hoping you have a great response to chemo. I had one chest X-ray and it was done when I had my hysterectomy. I did see a radiologist early on and he told me that I probably already had cancer in my lungs and liver. That was almost two years ago. I don't know if what the radiologist said will happen to me. If it does, I would have chemo if necessary.

    Warm Wishes,


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member
    Joyce, I am so sorry to hear

    Joyce, I am so sorry to hear what you are going through but I do want to thank you for coming and telling us about what is happening. 

    The only reason I was given a chest xray before surgery was because of my age (???) and have not received any other.  I have been told to let them know if I don't feel good or have problems breathing.  I suspect the 'problems breathing' is along the lines of what you are facing and can't help but wonder if having problems as too late since you said had to ask.  

    Can you tell us why you pushed for the xray?  With no symptoms I think you make all of us think if it is something we should be doing.

    Regardless, you are finding yourself having to deal with the here and now. I saw on the Expression page that you had brachy during your initial treatment and now having carbo/taxol.  Please let us know how you are doing - that is what really want to know.


  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member

    Joyce, I am so sorry to hear

    Joyce, I am so sorry to hear what you are going through but I do want to thank you for coming and telling us about what is happening. 

    The only reason I was given a chest xray before surgery was because of my age (???) and have not received any other.  I have been told to let them know if I don't feel good or have problems breathing.  I suspect the 'problems breathing' is along the lines of what you are facing and can't help but wonder if having problems as too late since you said had to ask.  

    Can you tell us why you pushed for the xray?  With no symptoms I think you make all of us think if it is something we should be doing.

    Regardless, you are finding yourself having to deal with the here and now. I saw on the Expression page that you had brachy during your initial treatment and now having carbo/taxol.  Please let us know how you are doing - that is what really want to know.


    One of the first things the

    One of the first things the dr.'s at M.D. Anderson did was a chest x-ray after I was diagnosed with UPSC.  They found three small nodes, but they did not light up on a scan, so they decided to "Watch".  I had the x-ray everytime I went in for a checkup after chemo and radiation.  After three years of no growth, they have decided it is body-junk and I only have x-ray once a year.  I was told that the first place UPSC usually comes back is, 1. vaginal cuff, followed by lung, pelvic area(usually with a positive pelvic wash), brain, bone, then liver.  This is from five years ago.  I hate to post what I was told since it WAS five years ago!  Things change!  Best, Debra(Jo)

  • Hybridspirits
    Hybridspirits Member Posts: 209
    debrajo said:

    One of the first things the

    One of the first things the dr.'s at M.D. Anderson did was a chest x-ray after I was diagnosed with UPSC.  They found three small nodes, but they did not light up on a scan, so they decided to "Watch".  I had the x-ray everytime I went in for a checkup after chemo and radiation.  After three years of no growth, they have decided it is body-junk and I only have x-ray once a year.  I was told that the first place UPSC usually comes back is, 1. vaginal cuff, followed by lung, pelvic area(usually with a positive pelvic wash), brain, bone, then liver.  This is from five years ago.  I hate to post what I was told since it WAS five years ago!  Things change!  Best, Debra(Jo)

    chest xray

    my oncologist has been having me get chest xrays every 6 months post treatment that ended 5/2013.  recently she said she wanted to stop all together as it is unnecessary radiation.  I discussed with my gyno/oncologist and she feels that once a year should be done and said that is typically the guidelines so i will continue once a year.  My oncologist doesn't like chest xrays as there are a alot of false positives that then force a CT Scan of the chest to prove all is good and per both the oncologist and gyn/onocologist a chest CT Scan is a lot of radition.  either way i will continue with the chest xray now yearly with my pelvic and abdoman scans every 6 months. Note we were able to convince my ins to use an MRI for the 6 month scans as it has no radiatoin and does the same thing.  I was Stage 1A grade 3 not USPC/MMT.  hope this helps

  • joyce6611
    joyce6611 Member Posts: 51 Member

    Joyce, I am so sorry to hear

    Joyce, I am so sorry to hear what you are going through but I do want to thank you for coming and telling us about what is happening. 

    The only reason I was given a chest xray before surgery was because of my age (???) and have not received any other.  I have been told to let them know if I don't feel good or have problems breathing.  I suspect the 'problems breathing' is along the lines of what you are facing and can't help but wonder if having problems as too late since you said had to ask.  

    Can you tell us why you pushed for the xray?  With no symptoms I think you make all of us think if it is something we should be doing.

    Regardless, you are finding yourself having to deal with the here and now. I saw on the Expression page that you had brachy during your initial treatment and now having carbo/taxol.  Please let us know how you are doing - that is what really want to know.


    I asked for a chest xray only because I read somewhere that endometrial can spread to the lungs.  I had no symptoms--just thought it might be a good idea since I had not had one in 3 years.  It was done at the time of the initial diagnosis.  I have been told that this is not done unless a patient has symptoms.   I still do not present with symptoms.  Lungs are clear on clinical exams.  I feel great except   after chemo.

  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    so sorry that this has

    so sorry that this has happened to you.  I have had several chest exrays, but they were before and after surgeries. All diagnosis was with D&C CT scan and one PET scan.  I now get a Ct scan almost every three months to check on how my tumors are progressing.  They do a chest and abdominal scan.  I have not had any matastisis to my lungs, but lots of other places.  I had no symptoms before diagnoses and the only "problem" that I have had since was 3 months ago when one of those nasty tumors intwined itself in my small instines and caused a blockage.  Back now to no symptoms.

    Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann

  • labilodeau4_
    labilodeau4_ Member Posts: 6 Member

    I also have metastatic endometrial cancer that has gone to my lung. I was told that all my cancer was gone but I wasn’t six month cancer free. I am trying hard to adjust to this but like you I didn’t have any symptoms at first but then I had sob.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    labilodeau4, I'm sorry to hear about the spread of your disease. Have you had any genetic testing done? There are certain markers that respond to some of the immuenotherapy, so perhaps you can ask your doctor about that.

    I can't imagine how you are feeling and trying to adjust to this. This is an older post that popped up since you posted, so some of the warriors will not respond. Please let us know your plan and if you have any questions. Hugs dear one.

  • joyce6611
    joyce6611 Member Posts: 51 Member

    I am currently on Letrozole and Metformin for my cancer. I have had two recurrences since 2012. My last recurrence was in October of 2022. I had SBRT treatment to remove the nodule in June of 2023.

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    So nice to see you post again after this post began! I pray that you continue to have good results from your treatment. It is encouraging for others facing this. Thank you.

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member

    Oh, Joyce, it’s wonderful to hear from you. What hope you have provided.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    I agree with Connie, Joyce THANK YOU for letting us know how you are doing. Hugs dear one.

  • joyce6611
    joyce6611 Member Posts: 51 Member

    I have had endometrial cancer metastatic to both lungs. I have been on this journey since 2011. Do we have any long term stage 4 cancer survivors out there?

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member

    Hi Joyce:

    Sorry you are going through this. I too, like OldBeauty, have been dealing with this since 2005. I had two recurrences and last February I had Lysis of Adhesion surgery. My treatment for the two recurrences was just surgery. I did have it in a few lymph nodes but really on a wait and see approach. I do have regular scans. It was every 6 months. My last scan was in December. I am due for one this coming October. I was 45 when this started and am now 63. Originally diagnosed Stage 3a, Grade 2, but it changed with the recurrences.

    My best to you.
