More news from Djinnie! Good news!

Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member

Hello everyone!

I was very excited to receive a really long and lovely email from Djinnie! She is now in a hospital on the coast of France. Djinnie spoke about it so eloquently, it would be silly for me to try and paraphrase it, so here is an exerpt from her email:

"They are a unique hospital in every way, they work constantly on the fact that one med does not fit all, which has always been my constant beef. I am attached ( and don't I know it) to this machine which has a tower level of drugs, they are gradually mixed synergistically until the chemical balance is 100% to work well within my body. I have never seen that before, have you? Anyway sometimes a spanner gets thrown in the works and we have to do a remix. It's amazing! Well I think I am almost there, I still need stabilising around 3.00 am usually, but it's a close thing now. To be without that agony, I can't tell you the difference, I have never felt so much pain, not something I will ever forget, I can tell you!  I have so much news, without getting into a War & Peace sized email it will be difficult to relay it right now.  The service here is second to none, firstly French Hospitals never have a perfect time limit to send you home, you stay until everything is back on an even keel, for me that is at the pain angle, but I have met so many off shoots of little agencies that want to help, it is a big bonus. We have located a heart problem which is top of the list of priorities this week. Have to take an ambulance trip to some coastal retreat for that one. Might pick up an ice cream on the way,lol!

The food is great, the staff are the most caring, loving I have ever come across, and the services are out of this world. I get massages every day, along with those today I am having reflexology and a facial, can you believe that!!! It will boost my image."


She asked me to let everyone here know how well she is feeling. She ended her message to say that she has regained the will to fight and signed it "a revitalized Carolyn".


I know everyone here will just as elated to hear this wonderful news. To feel no more pain, to have a smile on her face again. My/our prayers have been answered.


Big hugs and sweet dreams to all!






  • sblairc
    sblairc Member Posts: 585 Member
    This made me cry

    Happy tears knowing her heart and body are feeling peace. 

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    sblairc said:

    This made me cry

    Happy tears knowing her heart and body are feeling peace. 

    So glad ! Thank you for

    So glad ! Thank you for keeping us posted!

  • angelsnls
    angelsnls Member Posts: 67
    oh thank you jo jo

    Thank you so much for this update Jojo I have been thinking about Djinnie a lot since your last post, it sounds an amazing place and so glad she is smiling and in no more pain.

    Love to you and her

    Angela xx




  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    angelsnls said:

    oh thank you jo jo

    Thank you so much for this update Jojo I have been thinking about Djinnie a lot since your last post, it sounds an amazing place and so glad she is smiling and in no more pain.

    Love to you and her

    Angela xx




    Thank you so much for the

    Thank you so much for the good news. I am so relieved and happy to hear that she's without pain and that they're doing everything they can to help her. That hospital sounds amazing. Go Djinnie!

  • jason.2835
    jason.2835 Member Posts: 337 Member
    Wow, France!

    I didn't know French hospitals were so awesome!  This is great news for sure.  I can't think of a nicer place for DJ to be; on the French coastline, eating French food... God bless her!  I love it!

    - Jay

  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member


    what a great post and turn of events; the pain she has been enduring has left and now she can deal with things better.

    the heart issue they have uncovered may improve her major problem with the node that was suffocating her.

    thank you so much, JoJo and please let her know that she is alwayes in my thoughts


  • angec
    angec Member Posts: 924 Member
    Awesome news! And to say that

    Awesome news! And to say that she is so well deserved of this fancy treatment is an understatement! So happy and pray it continues to go well and soon our lady will be back on the boards with us.  Thanks, JOJO.. Hope you are doing well!  xxoo

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    angec said:

    Awesome news! And to say that

    Awesome news! And to say that she is so well deserved of this fancy treatment is an understatement! So happy and pray it continues to go well and soon our lady will be back on the boards with us.  Thanks, JOJO.. Hope you are doing well!  xxoo

    Kind of like the fairy tale...

    The Princess and the Pea.  She had to have a lot of lousy matresses before she found one she could sleep on.  I'm so happy for her, and thank you, JoJo for conveying the good news.


  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    Glad to hear this news!

    Thanks for staying in touch with Djinnie and for keeping us in the loop.

    Please share with her our love and good wishes for her well being.


  • I am alive
    I am alive Member Posts: 315
    Oh my!!!!!

    This is such good news!!! Thank you Jojo!! It's so funny because I was JUST thinking about Djinnie.......just wondering how she is doing, etc., and 10 minutes later logged on and your post was at the top of the heap!!! I love thinking of Djinnie getting a massage and much love in a lovely French hospital on the coast of France. Hey! Let's all go!!! Facials too? and that machine she describes, mixing up doses, scanning, etc...,that sounds like something I want to know more about! Dear Djinnie, you go, girl!!

  • hydrangea
    hydrangea Member Posts: 32
    Djinnie Good News!

    What a great way to start the day! Thanks so much Jojo for sharing such wonderful news about Djinnie.  I feel as though all of our prayers for Djinnie have been answered.  She is an amazing woman and it is a relief to know that she is receiving the best care and treatment possible.  Best news ever!




  • rae_rae
    rae_rae Member Posts: 300 Member
    hydrangea said:

    Djinnie Good News!

    What a great way to start the day! Thanks so much Jojo for sharing such wonderful news about Djinnie.  I feel as though all of our prayers for Djinnie have been answered.  She is an amazing woman and it is a relief to know that she is receiving the best care and treatment possible.  Best news ever!




    Tears of Joy

    and a big smile on my face. I am elated at the wonderful news. God Bless You Djinnie! Thank you for sharing the news Jo Jo!Laughing

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    rae_rae said:

    Tears of Joy

    and a big smile on my face. I am elated at the wonderful news. God Bless You Djinnie! Thank you for sharing the news Jo Jo!Laughing

    You Go Girl!!

    Thanks Jojo.

    You go DJ!!! 99% of all people have no idea of how to fight like you are doing. I am sooo.. proud of you! I'm so happy that you are in a more effective facility.

  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    Great post Jojo

    Thanks for keeping us informed. Sounds like Djinnie has found a great place to be. I think of her often

  • Thank you for posting this. 

    Thank you for posting this.  If anyone personifies the words of Jimmy Valvano--"Don't give up. Don't ever give up.", it is Djinnie and FoxHD.  Keep fighting. 

  • brea588
    brea588 Member Posts: 240
    jo jo

    this has totally made my day!!!  Been so concerned about her and could hear nothing from her.  So glad she email you.  What a change of events!!!  I have been praying for her everyday as I am sure a lot of you have also.  Lets continue to lift her up and that she will be back on here with  us soon.  Tears of joy!!!

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    brea588 said:

    jo jo

    this has totally made my day!!!  Been so concerned about her and could hear nothing from her.  So glad she email you.  What a change of events!!!  I have been praying for her everyday as I am sure a lot of you have also.  Lets continue to lift her up and that she will be back on here with  us soon.  Tears of joy!!!

    WOWEEE!!!!! You deserve such

    WOWEEE!!!!! You deserve such an excellent facility after you had to lay on the floor of that other hospital (which made Me so mad for you!).

    This brings tears of JOY!!!

    Thanks JoJo.. for staying in touch and letting us know. Whew..

    Words cannot express how wonderful.. BE a BELIEVER!!!

    Hugs to you JoJo and to you Djinnie!!


  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member

    It's the best news I recieved from this board. Thanks  Jojo for sharing it

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    foroughsh said:


    It's the best news I recieved from this board. Thanks  Jojo for sharing it

    I have heard a little more

    I have heard a little more from Djinnie. A complication is that her lymph is leaking fluid into her heart. Yesterday they were taking her and drawing the fluid from her heart. I guess it has been causing her blood pressure to spike, and occasionally she would faint. Who knew that a lymph could complicate your health so much? I haven't heard from her since. But her internet access is very sporadic. I will post as soon as I hear.



  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    I have heard a little more

    I have heard a little more from Djinnie. A complication is that her lymph is leaking fluid into her heart. Yesterday they were taking her and drawing the fluid from her heart. I guess it has been causing her blood pressure to spike, and occasionally she would faint. Who knew that a lymph could complicate your health so much? I haven't heard from her since. But her internet access is very sporadic. I will post as soon as I hear.



    Aww, how miserable that must

    Aww, how miserable that must be. Who knew?

    Thanks again for that update.

    Now make sure YOU take of yourself, k?


    Hugs, Jan